Example #1
        private void ProcessMethod(MethodDefinition method)
            if (method.HasBody)
                ILProcessor ilProcessor = method.Body.GetILProcessor();

                //process every instruction of the methods body
                for (int n = 0; n < ilProcessor.Body.Instructions.Count; n++) //foreach won't work because iterator length is bigger than count??
                    var instruction = ilProcessor.Body.Instructions[n];

                    //check whether the instruction is a call to a method
                    if (instruction.OpCode.Code == Code.Call && instruction.Operand is MethodReference)
                        //get the called method
                        MethodReference methodDescription = (MethodReference)instruction.Operand;
                        //get the attributes of the called method
                        var attributes = GetAttributes(methodDescription.Resolve());

                        //check whether the called method is marked with the given calli attribute
                        if (attributes.Contains(_calliAttributeName))
                            MessageIntegration.Info("Patching [{0}] @ [{1}].", method.ToString(), instruction.ToString());
                            if (!method.Name.EndsWith("Native"))
                                MessageIntegration.Info(String.Format("CallI-Comimport Methodnames should end with a \"Native\". Method: \"{0}\".", method.FullName));

                            //create a callsite for the calli instruction using stdcall calling convention
                            var callSite = new CallSite(methodDescription.ReturnType)
                                CallingConvention = MethodCallingConvention.StdCall

                            //iterate through every parameter of the original method-call
                            for (int j = 0; j < methodDescription.Parameters.Count - 1; j++) //foreach won't work because iterator length is bigger than count??
                                var p = methodDescription.Parameters[j];
                                if (p.ParameterType.FullName == "System.Boolean")
                                    MessageIntegration.WriteWarning("Native bool has a size of 4 bytes. Make sure to use a 16bit Integer for \"VARIANT_BOOL\" and a 32bit Integer for \"BOOL\".", "CI0001");

                                //append every parameter of the method-call to the callsite of the calli instruction

                            //create a calli-instruction including the just built callSite
                            var calliInstruction = ilProcessor.Create(OpCodes.Calli, callSite);
                            //replace the method-call by the calli-instruction
                            ilProcessor.Replace(instruction, calliInstruction);

Example #2
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            string calliAttributeName      = "CalliAttribute";
            string removeTypeAttributeName = "RemoveTypeAttribute";
            string filename = null;
            string pdbfile  = null;

            MessageIntegration.Info("CSCli started.");
            MessageIntegration.Info("CSCli was copied from http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/644130/NET-COM-Interop-using-Postbuild.");
            MessageIntegration.Info(String.Empty); //new line

            MessageIntegration.Info(String.Format("CSCli-Argments: [{0}].", String.Concat(args.Select(x => x + " ")).Trim()));

             * Parse parameters
            foreach (var a in args)
                if (a.StartsWith("-file:"))
                    filename = a.Substring("-file:".Length);
                    MessageIntegration.Info("Filename: " + filename);
                else if (a.StartsWith("-c:"))
                    calliAttributeName = a.Substring("-c:".Length);
                else if (a.StartsWith("-r:"))
                    removeTypeAttributeName = a.Substring("-r:".Length);
                else if (a.StartsWith("-pdb:"))
                    pdbfile = a.Substring("-pdb:".Length);
                    MessageIntegration.WriteWarning(String.Format("Unknown parameter: \"{0}\".", a));

             * Load and process assembly
            if (!File.Exists(filename))
                MessageIntegration.WriteError(String.Format("Could not find file \"{0}\".", filename));

            WriterParameters wp = new WriterParameters();
            ReaderParameters rp = new ReaderParameters();

            var strongNameKey = Path.ChangeExtension(filename, "snk");

            if (File.Exists(strongNameKey))
                MessageIntegration.Info("Signing with Key : " + strongNameKey);
                wp.StrongNameKeyPair = new StrongNameKeyPair(File.OpenRead(strongNameKey));

            //check whether the pdbfile has been passed through application parameters
            if (pdbfile == null)
                //if not use the default pdbfilepath by changing the extension of the assembly to .pdb
                pdbfile = Path.ChangeExtension(filename, "pdb");

            //check whether the original pdb-file exists
            bool generatePdb = File.Exists(pdbfile);

            //if the original pdb-file exists -> prepare for rewriting the symbols file
            wp.WriteSymbols = generatePdb;
            rp.ReadSymbols  = generatePdb;

            if (rp.ReadSymbols)
                rp.SymbolReaderProvider = new PdbReaderProvider();

            MessageIntegration.Info("Generating pdb: " + generatePdb.ToString());

            //open assembly
            var assembly = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(filename, rp);

            //add the directory assembly directory as search directory to resolve referenced assemblies

            //path the assembly
            AssemblyPatcher patcher = new AssemblyPatcher(assembly, calliAttributeName, removeTypeAttributeName);

            if (patcher.PatchAssembly())
                    //if the assembly was patched successfully -> replace the old assembly file with the new, patched assembly file
                    //the symbols file will be created automatically
                    assembly.Write(filename, wp);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageIntegration.WriteError("Creating new assembly failed: " + ex.ToString());

                MessageIntegration.Info(String.Format("CSCli patched assembly \"{0}\" successfully.", Path.GetFileName(filename)));
                MessageIntegration.WriteError(String.Format("\"{0}\" could not be patched.", filename));