Example #1
        private IEnumerable<ItemTransactionAnswer> PopulateItemTransactionAnswer(QuestionAnswerParameter[] transactionAnswers, QuestionAnswerParameter[] quantityAnswers)
            var answers = new List<ItemTransactionAnswer>();

            foreach (var qap in transactionAnswers)
                var question = Repository.OfType<Question>().GetNullableById(qap.QuestionId);
                var answer = qap.Answer;

                if (question != null)
                    if (question.QuestionType.Name == QuestionTypeText.STR_CheckboxList && qap.CblAnswer != null)
                        answer = string.Join(",", qap.CblAnswer);

                var a = new ItemTransactionAnswer()
                                Answer = answer,
                                QuestionId = qap.QuestionId,
                                QuestionSetId = qap.QuestionSetId,
                                Transaction = true


            foreach (var qap in quantityAnswers)
                var question = Repository.OfType<Question>().GetNullableById(qap.QuestionId);
                var answer = qap.Answer;

                if (question != null)
                    if (question.QuestionType.Name == QuestionTypeText.STR_CheckboxList && qap.CblAnswer != null)
                        answer = string.Join(",", qap.CblAnswer);

                var a = new ItemTransactionAnswer()
                                Answer = answer,
                                QuestionId = qap.QuestionId,
                                QuestionSetId = qap.QuestionSetId,
                                QuantityIndex = qap.QuantityIndex,
                                Transaction = false


            return answers;
Example #2
        public ActionResult Checkout(int id, string referenceIdHidden, int quantity, decimal? donation, decimal? displayAmount, string paymentType, string restrictedKey, string coupon, QuestionAnswerParameter[] transactionAnswers, QuestionAnswerParameter[] quantityAnswers, bool captchaValid)
            // if the arrays are null create new blank ones
            if (transactionAnswers==null) transactionAnswers = new QuestionAnswerParameter[0];
            if (quantityAnswers==null) quantityAnswers = new QuestionAnswerParameter[0];

            #region DB Queries
            // get the item
            var item = Repository.OfType<Item>().GetNullableById(id);

            // get all the questions in 1 queries
            var questionIds = transactionAnswers.Select(b => b.QuestionId).ToList().Union(quantityAnswers.Select(c => c.QuestionId).ToList()).ToArray();
            var allQuestions = Repository.OfType<Question>().Queryable.Where(a => questionIds.Contains(a.Id)).ToList();

                var refId = allQuestions.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name == "Reference Id");
                if(refId != null)
                    if(transactionAnswers.Any(a => a.QuestionId == refId.Id && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(a.Answer)))
                        transactionAnswers.First(a => a.QuestionId == refId.Id && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(a.Answer)).Answer = referenceIdHidden;

            // get the coupon
            var coup = Repository.OfType<Coupon>().Queryable.Where(a => a.Code == coupon && a.Item == item && a.IsActive).FirstOrDefault();

            // invalid item, or not available for registration
            if (item == null)
                Message = NotificationMessages.STR_ObjectNotFound.Replace(NotificationMessages.ObjectType, "Item");
                return this.RedirectToAction<HomeController>(a => a.Index());
            if (!Access.HasItemAccess(CurrentUser, item)) //Allow editors to over ride and register for things
                if (!item.IsAvailableForReg)
                    Message = NotificationMessages.STR_NotAvailable.Replace(NotificationMessages.ObjectType, "Item");
                    return this.RedirectToAction<HomeController>(a => a.Index());

            if (!captchaValid)
                ModelState.AddModelError("Captcha", "Captcha values are not valid.");

            if(quantity < 1 )
                ModelState.AddModelError("Quantity", "Quantity must be at least 1");

            var transaction = new Transaction(item);

            var questionCount = 0;
            foreach (var itemQuestionSet in item.QuestionSets.Where(a => a.QuantityLevel))
                questionCount += itemQuestionSet.QuestionSet.Questions.Count;
            if (questionCount * quantity != quantityAnswers.Count())
                ModelState.AddModelError("Quantity Level", "The number of answers does not match the number of Quantity Level questions.");

            // fill the openid user if they are openid validated
            if (HttpContext.Request.IsOpenId())
                // doesn't matter if it's null, just assign what we have
                transaction.OpenIDUser = _openIdUserRepository.GetNullableById(CurrentUser.Identity.Name);

            // deal with selected payment type
            if (paymentType == StaticValues.CreditCard)
                transaction.Credit = true;
                transaction.Check = false;
            else if (paymentType == StaticValues.Check)
                transaction.Check = true;
                transaction.Credit = false;

            // deal with the amount
            var amount = item.CostPerItem*quantity; // get the initial amount
            decimal discount = 0.0m;                // used to calculate total discount
            decimal couponAmount = 0.0m;            // used to display individual discount of one coupon
            // get the email
            if (coup != null)
                // calculate the coupon discount
                var emailQ = allQuestions.Where(a => a.Name == StaticValues.Question_Email && a.QuestionSet.Name == StaticValues.QuestionSet_ContactInformation).FirstOrDefault();
                if (emailQ != null)
                    // get the answer
                    var answer = transactionAnswers.Where(a => a.QuestionId == emailQ.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                    discount = coup.UseCoupon(answer != null ? answer.Answer : null, quantity);
                    discount = coup.UseCoupon(null, quantity);

                // if coupon is used set display value
                if(discount == 0)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("Coupon", NotificationMessages.STR_Coupon_could_not_be_used);
                    transaction.Coupon = null;
                    couponAmount = coup.DiscountAmount;
                    // record the coupon usage to this transaction
                    transaction.Coupon = coup;

            transaction.Amount = amount - discount;
            transaction.Quantity = quantity;

            // deal with the transaction answers
            foreach (var qa in transactionAnswers)
                var question = allQuestions.Where(a => a.Id == qa.QuestionId).FirstOrDefault();

                // if question is null just drop it
                if (question != null)
                    //var answer = question.QuestionType.Name != QuestionTypeText.STR_CheckboxList
                    //                 ? qa.Answer
                    //                 : (qa.CblAnswer != null ? string.Join(", ", qa.CblAnswer) : string.Empty);
                    var answer = CleanUpAnswer(question.QuestionType.Name, qa, question.ValidationClasses);

                    // validate each of the validators
                    foreach (var validator in question.Validators)
                        string message;
                        if (!Validate(validator, answer, question.Name, out message))
                            ModelState.AddModelError("Transaction Question", message);

                    var qanswer = new TransactionAnswer(transaction, question.QuestionSet, question, answer);
                //TODO: consider writing this to a log or something

            // deal with quantity level answers
            for (var i = 0; i < quantity; i++)
                // generate the unique id for each quantity
                var quantityId = Guid.NewGuid();

                foreach (var qa in quantityAnswers.Where(a => a.QuantityIndex == i))
                    var question = allQuestions.Where(a => a.Id == qa.QuestionId).FirstOrDefault();
                    // if question is null just drop it
                    if (question != null)
                        //var answer = question.QuestionType.Name != QuestionTypeText.STR_CheckboxList
                        //                 ? qa.Answer
                        //                 : (qa.CblAnswer != null ? string.Join(", ", qa.CblAnswer) : string.Empty);

                        var answer = CleanUpAnswer(question.QuestionType.Name, qa, question.ValidationClasses);

                        var fieldName = string.Format("The answer for question \"{0}\" for {1} {2}", question.Name, item.QuantityName, (i + 1));

                        // validate each of the validators
                        foreach (var validator in question.Validators)
                            string message;
                            if (!Validate(validator, answer, fieldName, out message))
                                ModelState.AddModelError("Quantity Question", message);

                        var qanswer = new QuantityAnswer(transaction, question.QuestionSet, question, answer,

            // deal with donation
            if (donation.HasValue && donation.Value > 0.0m)
                var donationTransaction = new Transaction(item);
                donationTransaction.Donation = true;
                donationTransaction.Amount = donation.Value;


            // check to see if it's a restricted item
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.RestrictedKey) && item.RestrictedKey != restrictedKey)
                ModelState.AddModelError("Restricted Key", "The item is restricted please enter the passphrase.");

            if (!Access.HasItemAccess(CurrentUser, item)) //Allow editors to over ride and register for things
                // do a final check to make sure the inventory is there
                if (item.Sold + quantity > item.Quantity)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("Quantity", "There is not enough inventory to complete your order.");
            //if (transaction.Total == 0 && transaction.Credit)
            //    ModelState.AddModelError("Payment Method", "Please select check payment type when amount is zero.");
            if(transaction.Total == 0)
                transaction.Credit = false;
                transaction.Check = true;
            if (transaction.Total != displayAmount)
                ModelState.AddModelError("Total", "We are sorry, the total amount displayed on the form did not match the total we calculated.");

            MvcValidationAdapter.TransferValidationMessagesTo(ModelState, transaction.ValidationResults());

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                // create the new transaction

                if(transaction.Paid && transaction.Check)
                    if(transaction.Item.CostPerItem == 0.0m || couponAmount > 0.0m)
                        //Ok, it is paid because the amount is zero, and it is because a coupon was used or the cost was zero
                            //If the tranascation is not evicted, it doesn't refresh from the database and the transaction number is null.
                            var saveId = transaction.Id;
                            transaction = Repository.OfType<Transaction>().GetNullableById(saveId);
                            // attempt to get the contact information question set and retrieve email address
                            var question = transaction.TransactionAnswers.Where(a => a.QuestionSet.Name == StaticValues.QuestionSet_ContactInformation && a.Question.Name == StaticValues.Question_Email).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (question != null)
                                // send an email to the user
                                _notificationProvider.SendConfirmation(Repository, transaction, question.Answer);
                        catch (Exception)


                var updatedItem = Repository.OfType<Item>().GetNullableById(transaction.Item.Id);
                if (updatedItem != null)
                    //For whatever reason, if you are logged in with your CAES user, the item is updated,
                    //if you are logged in with open id (google), item is not updated.
                    var transactionQuantity = transaction.Quantity;
                    if (updatedItem.Transactions.Contains(transaction))
                        transactionQuantity = 0;
                    if (updatedItem.Quantity - (updatedItem.Sold + transactionQuantity) <= 10)
                        _notificationProvider.SendLowQuantityWarning(Repository, updatedItem, transactionQuantity);

                // redirect to confirmation and let the user decide payment or not
                return this.RedirectToAction(a => a.Confirmation(transaction.Id));

            var viewModel = ItemDetailViewModel.Create(Repository, _openIdUserRepository, item, CurrentUser.Identity.Name, referenceIdHidden, null, null);
            viewModel.Quantity = quantity;
            viewModel.Answers = PopulateItemTransactionAnswer(transactionAnswers, quantityAnswers);
            viewModel.CreditPayment = (paymentType == StaticValues.CreditCard);
            viewModel.CheckPayment = (paymentType == StaticValues.Check);
            viewModel.TotalAmountToRedisplay = transaction.Total;
            viewModel.CouponAmountToDisplay = couponAmount;
            viewModel.CouponTotalDiscountToDisplay = discount;
            return View(viewModel);
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Cleans up answer.
 /// Null bools get changed to false
 /// Null radio get set to an empty string (because it may not have the required attribute)
 /// Null CheckboxList get set to an empty string
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">The name.</param>
 /// <param name="qa">The qa.</param>
 /// <param name="validationClasses"></param>
 /// <returns>The answer</returns>
 private static string CleanUpAnswer(string name, QuestionAnswerParameter qa, string validationClasses)
     string answer;
     if (name != QuestionTypeText.STR_CheckboxList)
         if (name == QuestionTypeText.STR_Boolean)
             //Convert unchecked bool of null to false
             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(qa.Answer) || qa.Answer.ToLower() == "false")
                 answer = "false";
                 answer = "true";
         else if(name == QuestionTypeText.STR_TextArea)
             answer = qa.Answer;
             answer = qa.Answer ?? string.Empty;
             if (validationClasses != null && validationClasses.Contains("email"))
                 answer = answer.ToLower();
         if (qa.CblAnswer != null)
             answer = string.Join(", ", qa.CblAnswer);
             answer = string.Empty;
     return answer ?? (string.Empty);  //Something seems to have changed in the view where an empty text area now has null instead of an empty string