protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Use EF to connect to SQL Server
            using (comp2007Entities db = new comp2007Entities())
                // Use the Department Model to save the new record
                Department d = new Department();
                Int32 DepartmentID = 0;

                // Check the QueryString for an ID so we can determine add / update
                if (Request.QueryString["DepartmentID"] != null)
                    // Get the ID from the URL
                    DepartmentID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["DepartmentID"]);

                    // Get the current student from the Enity Framework
                    d = (from objS in db.Departments
                         where objS.DepartmentID == DepartmentID
                         select objS).FirstOrDefault();

                d.Name = txtName.Text;
                d.Budget = Convert.ToDecimal(txtBudget.Text);

                // Call add only if we have no department ID
                if (DepartmentID == 0)

                // Redirect to the updated departments page
Example #2
        protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Use EF to connect to SQL Server
            using (comp2007Entities db = new comp2007Entities())
                // Use the Course Model to save the new record
                Course c = new Course();
                Int32 CourseID = 0;
                Int32 DepartmentID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlDepartment.SelectedValue);

                // Check the QueryString for an ID so we can determine add / update
                if (Request.QueryString["CourseID"] != null)
                    // Get the ID from the URL
                    CourseID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["CourseID"]);

                    // Get the current Course from the Enity Framework
                    c = (from objS in db.Courses
                         where objS.CourseID == CourseID
                         select objS).FirstOrDefault();

                c.Title = txtTitle.Text;
                c.Credits = Convert.ToInt32(txtCredits.Text);
                c.DepartmentID = DepartmentID;

                // Call add only if we have no Course ID
                if (CourseID == 0)

                // Redirect to the updated courses page
Example #3
        protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Int32 StudentID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlAddStudent.SelectedValue);
            Int32 CourseID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["CourseID"]);
            Boolean alreadyExists = false;
            Enrollment en = new Enrollment();

            using (comp2007Entities db = new comp2007Entities())
                // Loop through the enrollment table, and check to see if the student is already signed up for this course
                foreach (Enrollment enroll in db.Enrollments)
                    if (enroll.StudentID == StudentID && enroll.CourseID == CourseID)
                        alreadyExists = true;
                // If the enrollment doesn't exist, add the student to the course.
                if (!alreadyExists)
                    en.StudentID = StudentID;
                    en.CourseID = CourseID;


                    warningLabel.Visible = false;
                    warningLabel.Visible = true;

Example #4
        protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Use EF to connect to SQL Server
            using (comp2007Entities db = new comp2007Entities())
                // Use the Student Model to save the new record
                Student s = new Student();
                Int32 StudentID = 0;

                // Check the QueryString for an ID so we can determine add / update
                if (Request.QueryString["StudentID"] != null)
                    // Get the ID from the URL
                    StudentID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["StudentID"]);

                    // Get the current student from the Enity Framework
                    s = (from objS in db.Students
                         where objS.StudentID == StudentID
                         select objS).FirstOrDefault();

                s.LastName = txtLastName.Text;
                s.FirstMidName = txtFirstName.Text;
                s.EnrollmentDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtEnrollmentDate.Text);

                // Call add only if we have no student ID
                if (StudentID == 0)

                // Redirect to the updated students page
        protected void grdCourses_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e)
            Int32 CourseID = Convert.ToInt32(grdCourses.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Values["CourseID"]);

            using (comp2007Entities db = new comp2007Entities())
                // Check for any enrollments in the course to be deleted, and remove them. Otherwise, it'll
                // throw a foreign key exception
                foreach (Enrollment en in db.Enrollments)
                    if (en.CourseID == CourseID)

                // Find the selected course
                Course c = (from objS in db.Courses
                            where objS.CourseID == CourseID
                            select objS).FirstOrDefault(); // Using First would get an error if no data comes back, FirstOrDefault won't throw an error

                // Do the delete

                //Refresh the data on the page
        protected void grdDepartments_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e)
            // Store which row was clicked
            Int32 selectedRow = e.RowIndex;

            // Get the selected DepartmentID using the grid's Data Key collection
            Int32 DepartmentID = Convert.ToInt32(grdDepartments.DataKeys[selectedRow].Values["DepartmentID"]);

            // Use Enity Framework to remove the selected student from the DB
            using (comp2007Entities db = new comp2007Entities())
                // Need to clear out any courses inside of Department, and need to clear out any enrollments inside of each course. Otherwise,
                // i'll get a foreign key restraint error.
                foreach (Course c in db.Courses)
                    if (c.DepartmentID == DepartmentID)
                        foreach (Enrollment en in db.Enrollments)
                            if (en.CourseID == c.CourseID)

                Department d = (from objS in db.Departments
                                where objS.DepartmentID == DepartmentID
                                select objS).FirstOrDefault(); // Using First would get an error if no data comes back, FirstOrDefault won't throw an error

                // Do the delete

            // Refresh the grid
Example #7
        protected void grdStudents_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e)
            // Store which row was clicked
            Int32 selectedRow = e.RowIndex;

            // Get the selected StudentID using the grid's Data Key collection
            Int32 StudentID = Convert.ToInt32(grdStudents.DataKeys[selectedRow].Values["StudentID"]);

            // Use Enity Framework to remove the selected student from the DB
            using (comp2007Entities db = new comp2007Entities())
                Student s = (from objS in db.Students
                             where objS.StudentID == StudentID
                             select objS).FirstOrDefault(); // Using First would get an error if no data comes back, FirstOrDefault won't throw an error

                // Do the delete

            // Refresh the grid
Example #8
        protected void grdStudents_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e)
            // Get the student's enrollment ID
            Int32 EnrollmentID = Convert.ToInt32(grdStudents.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Values["EnrollmentID"]);

            using (comp2007Entities db = new comp2007Entities())
                Enrollment objE = (from en in db.Enrollments
                                   where en.EnrollmentID == EnrollmentID
                                   select en).FirstOrDefault();


                //Refresh the data on the page
Example #9
        protected void grdCourses_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e)
            // Store which row was clicked
            Int32 selectedRow = e.RowIndex;

            // Get the selected CourseID using the grid's Data Key collection
            Int32 CourseID = Convert.ToInt32(grdCourses.DataKeys[selectedRow].Values["CourseID"]);

            // Use Enity Framework to remove the selected student from the DB
            using (comp2007Entities db = new comp2007Entities())
                // Check for enrollments in the course, and remove them. Otherwise, it'll throw a foreign key exception
                foreach (Enrollment en in db.Enrollments)
                    if (en.CourseID == CourseID)

                Course c = (from objS in db.Courses
                                where objS.CourseID == CourseID
                                select objS).FirstOrDefault(); // Using First would get an error if no data comes back, FirstOrDefault won't throw an error

                // Do the delete

            // Refresh the grid