public static bool AddToObjectDictionary(GameObject gameobj, CfgGroup cfg)
            if (gameobj != null && !ObjectDictionary.ContainsKey(gameobj))
                ObjectDictionary.Add(gameobj, cfg);

Example #2
        public static IEnumerator ChangeShadows(Renderer renderer, CfgGroup cfg)
            if (cfg.EditShadowCasting.Value && (int)renderer.shadowCastingMode != cfg.ShadowCast.Value)
                renderer.shadowCastingMode = (ShadowCastingMode)cfg.ShadowCast.Value;

            if (cfg.EditShadowRecieving.Value && renderer.receiveShadows != cfg.ShadowRecieving.Value)
                renderer.receiveShadows = cfg.ShadowRecieving.Value;

            yield return(null);
        public static IEnumerator ModifyAllOfGroup(CfgGroup cfg)
            ObjectDictionary = ObjectDictionary
                               .Select(k => k)
                               .Where(k => k.Key != null)
                               .ToDictionary(k => k.Key, k => k.Value);

            .Select(kp => kp)
            .Where(kp => kp.Value == cfg)
            .ForEach(k => [email protected](ModifySingle(k.Key)));

            yield return(null);
        //concerned with setting the playing field for DeRim to operate.
        private void Awake()

            @this = this;

            Body     = new CfgGroup("0: Body");
            Head     = new CfgGroup("1: Head");
            Hair     = new CfgGroup("2: Hair");
            Clothes  = new CfgGroup("3: Clothes");
            Acc      = new CfgGroup("4: Acc");
            Bg       = new CfgGroup("5: Backgrounds");
            Props    = new CfgGroup("6: Props");
            MpsProps = new CfgGroup("7: MPS Loaded Props");


            Body.SettingChanged    += (s, e) => { StartCoroutine(SorterSenderSaver.ModifyAllOfGroup(Body)); };
            Head.SettingChanged    += (s, e) => { StartCoroutine(SorterSenderSaver.ModifyAllOfGroup(Head)); };
            Hair.SettingChanged    += (s, e) => { StartCoroutine(SorterSenderSaver.ModifyAllOfGroup(Hair)); };
            Clothes.SettingChanged += (s, e) => { StartCoroutine(SorterSenderSaver.ModifyAllOfGroup(Clothes)); };
            Acc.SettingChanged     += (s, e) => { StartCoroutine(SorterSenderSaver.ModifyAllOfGroup(Acc)); };
            Props.SettingChanged   += (s, e) => { StartCoroutine(SorterSenderSaver.ModifyAllOfGroup(Props)); };
            Bg.SettingChanged      += (s, e) => { StartCoroutine(SorterSenderSaver.ModifyAllOfGroup(Bg)); };
#if (DEBUG)
            Debug.Log("Starting MPS patching support!");
                MpsProps.SettingChanged += (s, e) => { StartCoroutine(SorterSenderSaver.ModifyAllOfGroup(MpsProps)); };
                Debug.LogWarning("MPS could not be patched! Likely not loaded.");
            Console.WriteLine("Declaring war on Rim Lighting!!");
        public static IEnumerator ModifySingle(GameObject @object)
#if (DEBUG)
            Debug.Log($"Running single task!");

            CfgGroup activecfg = null;

            if (@object == null || !ObjectDictionary.TryGetValue(@object, out activecfg) || activecfg.Enable.Value != true)
                yield break;

#if (DEBUG)
            Debug.Log($"Going through renderers to send to shadow changing");

            List <Renderer> renderers = GetAllRenderers(@object).ToList();

            .ForEach(r => [email protected](PropertyChanger.ChangeShadows(r, activecfg)));

            List <Material> materials = renderers
                                        .Select(r => GetAllMaterials(r))
                                        .SelectMany(m => m)
                                        .Where(m => m != null).ToList();

#if (DEBUG)
            Debug.Log($"Working... Collected this many materials: { materials.Count }");

            .ForEach(m => [email protected](PropertyChanger.Run(m, activecfg)));

            yield return(null);
Example #6
        public static IEnumerator Run(Material material, CfgGroup cfg)
#if (DEBUG)
            Debug.Log($"Editing material with name of: {} with configuration for {cfg.GroupName}");

            yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

            if (material == null)
                yield break;
            if (cfg.SetOutlineShader.Value)
                if (!"Outline") && material.GetTag("Queue", true, null) != "Transparent" && material.GetTag("Queue", true, null) != "AlphaTest")
                     *      List<string> keywords = new List<string>(material.shaderKeywords);
                     #if (DEBUG)
                     *      foreach (string s in keywords){
                     *              Debug.Log($"{} has the shader keyword of {s}");
                     *      }

                    //if (!keywords.Contains("_ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON"))

                    Shader shader = new Shader();

#if (DEBUG)
                    Debug.Log($"Trying to fetch shader of name Shaders/" + + "_Outline");

                    //shader = Resources.Load<Shader>("Shaders/" + + "_Outline");

                    shader = Shader.Find( + "_Outline");

                    if (shader == null)
#if (DEBUG)
                        Debug.Log($"No shader found, resorting to fallback!");
                        //shader = Resources.Load<Shader>("Shaders/" + "CM3D2/Lighted_Outline");

                        shader = Shader.Find("CM3D2/Toony_Lighted_Outline");

                    if (shader != null)
#if (DEBUG)
                        Debug.Log($"Setting {} as new material over {}");

                        material.shader = shader;
                else if ("Outline_Tex"))
                    Shader shader = new Shader();

#if (DEBUG)
                    Debug.Log($"Shaders/" +"_Tex", ""));

                    //shader = Resources.Load<Shader>("Shaders/" +"_Tex", ""));

                    shader = Shader.Find("_Tex", ""));

                    if (shader == null)
#if (DEBUG)
                        Debug.Log($"No shader found, resorting to fallback!");

                        shader = Shader.Find("CM3D2/Toony_Lighted_Outline");

                    if (shader != null)
#if (DEBUG)
                        Debug.Log($"Setting {} as new material over {}");

                        material.shader = shader;

            if (cfg.EditRimPower.Value && material.GetFloat(RimPow) != cfg.RimPower.Value)
#if (DEBUG)
                Debug.Log($"Editing RimPow");
                material.SetFloat(RimPow, cfg.RimPower.Value);
            if (cfg.EditRimPower.Value && material.GetFloat(NPRRimPow) != cfg.RimPower.Value)
                material.SetFloat(NPRRimPow, cfg.RimPower.Value);
            if (cfg.EditRimShift.Value && material.GetFloat(RimShift) != cfg.RimShift.Value)
#if (DEBUG)
                Debug.Log($"Editing RimShift");
                material.SetFloat(RimShift, cfg.RimShift.Value);
            if (cfg.EditRimShift.Value && material.GetFloat(NPRRimShift) != cfg.RimShift.Value)
#if (DEBUG)
                Debug.Log($"Editing RimShift");
                material.SetFloat(NPRRimShift, cfg.RimShift.Value);
            if (cfg.EditRimColor.Value)
#if (DEBUG)
                Debug.Log($"Editing RimCol");
                Color c = new Color(cfg.RimRed.Value, cfg.RimGreen.Value, cfg.RimBlue.Value, cfg.RimAlpha.Value);

                if (material.GetColor(RimCol) != c)
                    material.SetColor(RimCol, c);

                if (material.GetColor(NPRRimCol) != c)
                    material.SetColor(NPRRimCol, c);
            if (cfg.EditOutlineWidth.Value && material.GetFloat(OutlineWid) != cfg.OutlineWidth.Value)
#if (DEBUG)
                Debug.Log($"Editing Outline Width");
                material.SetFloat(OutlineWid, cfg.OutlineWidth.Value);
            if (cfg.EditOutlineColor.Value)
#if (DEBUG)
                Debug.Log($"Editing OutlineColor");
                Color c = new Color(cfg.OutlineRed.Value, cfg.OutlineGreen.Value, cfg.OutlineBlue.Value, cfg.OutlineAlpha.Value);

                if (material.GetColor(OutlineCol) != c)
                    material.SetColor(OutlineCol, c);
            if (cfg.ChangeToonTex.Value)
                    Texture2D tex = ImportCM.CreateTexture(cfg.ToonTex.Value);

                    if (material.GetTexture(Toon) != tex)
                        material.SetTexture(Toon, tex);
                catch { };
            if (cfg.ChangeShadowRateTex.Value)
                    Texture2D tex = ImportCM.CreateTexture(cfg.ShadowRateTex.Value);

                    if (material.GetTexture(ShadowRate) != tex)
                        material.SetTexture(ShadowRate, tex);
                catch { };
            if (cfg.EditShadowColor.Value)
                Color c = new Color(cfg.ShadowRed.Value, cfg.ShadowGreen.Value, cfg.ShadowBlue.Value, cfg.ShadowAlpha.Value);

                if (material.GetColor(ShadowCol) != c)
                    material.SetColor(ShadowCol, c);