void Start() { Debug.Log("Parent: " + gameObject.name); //Get references; disableShadows = GetComponent <DisableShadows>(); fpsCounter = GetComponent <FPSCounter>(); //Hide menu; SetMenuEnabled(false); //Enable/Disable shadows based on last player selection; disableShadows.SetShadows(PlayerData.enableShadows); shadowToggle.isOn = PlayerData.enableShadows; //Deactivate all controller presets in the scene; for (int i = 0; i < controllers.Count; i++) { controllers[i].SetActive(false); } //Activate the correct controller preset based on the preset index; controllers[PlayerData.controllerIndex].SetActive(true); //Activate the correct level area based on preset index; if (PlayerData.controllerIndex >= 4) { regularArea.SetActive(false); } else { topDownArea.SetActive(false); } //Colorize the correct button based on controller index; ColorBlock c = buttons[PlayerData.controllerIndex].colors; c.normalColor = activeButtonColor; c.highlightedColor = activeButtonColor; c.pressedColor = activeButtonColor; buttons[PlayerData.controllerIndex].colors = c; Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.None; }