Example #1
        private void finalHeapHistogramByAgeButton_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            string title        = "Histogram by Age for Live Objects for " + scenario;
            var    ageHistogram = new AgeHistogram(logResult.liveObjectTable, title);

        private void showAgeHistogramMenuItem_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            int endTickIndex = lastTickIndex;
            if (selectedEndTickIndex != 0)
                endTickIndex = selectedEndTickIndex;

            // Get the live object table for the selected point in time
            LiveObjectTable liveObjectTable = GetLiveObjectTable();

            // And post it to a new Histogram by Age form - hardest part is to compute an appropriate title...
            string title = string.Format("Histogram by Age for Live Objects at {0:f3} seconds", lastLog.TickIndexToTime(endTickIndex));
            AgeHistogram ageHistogram = new AgeHistogram(liveObjectTable, title);
Example #3
 private void finalHeapHistogramByAgeButton_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
     string title = "Histogram by Age for Live Objects for " + scenario;
     AgeHistogram ageHistogram = new AgeHistogram(logResult.liveObjectTable, title);
 private void viewAgeHistogram_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
     if (clrProfiler.lastLogResult != null)
         string title = "Histogram by Age for Live Objects";
         AgeHistogram ageHistogram = new AgeHistogram(clrProfiler.lastLogResult.liveObjectTable, title);