public override void Execute(Guid targetInstanceId)
            //Get the webapplication on which it is activated
            //Get all the site collections in web application
            foreach (SPSite site in base.WebApplication.Sites)
                //Get all the root level sites in the site collections
                if (site != null)
                    //check do we have Alert pro active for that site collection by checking hidden list if possible feature
                    if (Utilities.IsAdvancedAlertFeatureEnabledForsite(site))
                        //Sync the alerts for the site collection
                        AlertsCache.SynchroniseAlerts(site.Url, this.Title);

                        //Get all the alerts for the site collection from buffer if not exist add to buffer
                        Dictionary<int, Alert> siteAlerts = AlertsCache.GetAlertsForSiteCollection(site.Url);

                        //Group alerts by web so that no need to create web object again and again
                        Dictionary<string, List<Alert>> siteAlertByWeb = TimerJobHelper.GroupAlertsByWeb(siteAlerts);

                        // get the current time
                        DateTime dtNow = DateTime.Now;
                        AlertManager alertManager = null;

                            // if we get any alerts then validate and prepare for sending email.
                            foreach (string webId in siteAlertByWeb.Keys)
                                    //create web object 
                                    using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb(new Guid(webId)))
                                        //iterate all the alerts for this web
                                        foreach (Alert alert in siteAlertByWeb[webId])
                                            DateTime dtWebTime = web.RegionalSettings.TimeZone.UTCToLocalTime(dtNow.ToUniversalTime());
                                            //1. Handling Timer based alerts
                                            if (alert.AlertType.Contains(AlertEventType.DateColumn))
                                                // Calling ExecuteTimerAlert
                                                SPList list = null;
                                                    list = web.Lists[new Guid(alert.ListId)];
                                                { continue; }

                                                if (isValidTimerAlert(alert, web,dtWebTime))
                                                    this.ExecuteTimerAlert(web, list, alert);
                                            if (alert.SendType == SendType.Daily)
                                                if (alert.DailyBusinessDays.Contains((WeekDays)DateTime.UtcNow.DayOfWeek))
                                                    if (alert.SendHour.Equals(DateTime.UtcNow.Hour))
                                                        if (alertManager == null)
                                                            alertManager = new AlertManager(site.Url);
                                            else if (alert.SendType == SendType.Weekly)
                                                if (alert.SendDay.Equals((WeekDays)DateTime.UtcNow.Day))
                                                    if (alert.SendHour.Equals(DateTime.UtcNow.Hour))
                                                        if (alertManager == null)
                                                            alertManager = new AlertManager(site.Url);
                                            //2. Handling Delayed alerts for daily bu specific time and send as single message
                                            //if (alert.AlertType != SendType.Immediate)
                                            //if (alert.SendType != SendType.ImmediateAlways)
                                            //    //if (((info2.SendHour == time2.Hour) && (time2.Minute < 30)) && (((info2.Timing == SendTiming.Daily) && info2.DailyBusinessDays.Contains(time2.DayOfWeek)) || (info2.SendWeekday == time2.DayOfWeek)))
                                            //    //  {

                                            //    //if ((alert.SendHour == dtWebTime.Hour) && (((alert.SendType == SendType.Daily) && alert.DailyBusinessDays.Contains(dtWebTime.DayOfWeek)) || (alert.SendDay == dtWebTime.DayOfWeek)))
                                            //    if ((alert.SendHour == dtWebTime.Hour) && (((alert.SendType == SendType.Daily) && Utilities.ContainsDay(alert.DailyBusinessDays, Convert.ToInt32(dtWebTime.DayOfWeek))) || (alert.SendDay == Convert.ToInt32(dtWebTime.DayOfWeek))))
                                            //    {
                                            //        if (alertManager == null)
                                            //        {
                                            //            alertManager = new AlertManager(site.Url);
                                            //        }
                                            //        alertManager.ExecuteDelayedMessages(alert);
                                            //    }


                                            ////3. Handling Delayed alerts based on weekdays and all the stuff
                                            //else if (!alert.ImmidiateAlways)
                                            //    //Based on week days
                                            //    //if ((alert.ImmediateBusinessDays.Contains(web.RegionalSettings.TimeZone.UTCToLocalTime(DateTime.UtcNow.DayOfWeek)) && (alert.BusinessStartHour <= web.RegionalSettings.TimeZone.UTCToLocalTime(DateTime.UtcNow).Hour)) && (alert.BusinessendtHour > web.RegionalSettings.TimeZone.UTCToLocalTime(DateTime.UtcNow).Hour))
                                            //    if ((Utilities.ContainsDay(alert.ImmediateBusinessDays, Convert.ToInt32(web.RegionalSettings.TimeZone.UTCToLocalTime(DateTime.UtcNow).DayOfWeek))) && (alert.BusinessStartHour <= web.RegionalSettings.TimeZone.UTCToLocalTime(DateTime.UtcNow).Hour) && (alert.BusinessendtHour > web.RegionalSettings.TimeZone.UTCToLocalTime(DateTime.UtcNow).Hour))
                                            //    {
                                            //        if (alertManager == null)
                                            //        {
                                            //            alertManager = new AlertManager(site.Url);
                                            //        }
                                            //        alertManager.ExecuteDelayedMessages(alert);

                                            //    }

                                    //Error occured while creating web application etc
                            //Error occured while processing 
                        //Feature is not activated for the site collection
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// update the buffered alerts to latest if any modifications are done
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="siteUrl"></param>
 internal static void SynchroniseAlerts(string siteUrl,string jobName)
        //Create alert manager object
         AlertManager aManager = new AlertManager(siteUrl);
         if (!bufferedAlerts.ContainsKey(siteUrl))
             //Directly add all Alerts
             bufferedAlerts.Add(siteUrl, aManager.GetAllAlerts());
             //update old alerts
             DateTime lastExecutionDate = GetLastExecutionTimeForTimerJob(jobName);
             Dictionary<int, Alert> modifiedAlerts = aManager.GetAlertsChangesSince(lastExecutionDate);
             Dictionary<int, Alert> AllAlerts = bufferedAlerts[siteUrl];
             foreach (int id in modifiedAlerts.Keys)
                 if (AllAlerts.ContainsKey(id))
                     if (modifiedAlerts[id] != null)
                         //Alert is updated
                         AllAlerts[id] = modifiedAlerts[id];
                         //Remove alert it has been deleted from the alert settings
                 if (modifiedAlerts[id] != null)
                     // New alert is added
                     AllAlerts.Add(id, modifiedAlerts[id]);
     catch { }
 private void CreateDelayedAlert(Alert alert, AlertEventType eventType, SPItemEventProperties properties, AlertManager alertManager)
     //, SPWeb web
         if (!alert.SendAsSingleMessage)
             Notifications notificationSender = new Notifications();
             //Need to get the Alert instances
             MailTemplateUsageObject mtObject = alert.GetMailTemplateUsageObjectForEventType(eventType);
             //string subject = mtObject.Template.Subject;
             //string body = mtObject.Template.Body + "<br>" + "<br>" + FinalBody;
             string subject = notificationSender.ReplacePlaceHolders(mtObject.Template.Subject, properties.ListItem);
             string body = notificationSender.ReplacePlaceHolders(mtObject.Template.Body, properties.ListItem) + "<br>" + "<br>" + FinalBody;
             string parentItemId = Convert.ToString(properties.ListItem.ID);
             DelayedAlert dAlert = new DelayedAlert(subject, body, alert.Id, parentItemId, eventType);
             Notifications notificationSender = new Notifications();
             MailTemplateUsageObject mtObject = alert.GetMailTemplateUsageObjectForEventType(eventType);
             string subject = properties.ListTitle;
             string body = notificationSender.ReplacePlaceHolders(mtObject.Template.Subject, properties.ListItem) + "<br>" + "<br>" +notificationSender.ReplacePlaceHolders(mtObject.Template.Body,properties.ListItem) + "<br>" + "<br>" + FinalBody;
             string parentItemId = Convert.ToString(properties.ListItem.ID);
             DelayedAlert dAlert = new DelayedAlert(subject, body, alert.Id, parentItemId, eventType);
     catch { }
 private void CreateDelayedAlert(Alert alert, AlertEventType eventType, SPItemEventProperties properties, AlertManager alertManager)
     //, SPWeb web
         if (!alert.SendAsSingleMessage)
             Notifications notificationSender = new Notifications();
             //Need to get the Alert instances
             MailTemplateUsageObject mtObject = alert.GetMailTemplateUsageObjectForEventType(eventType);
             //string subject = mtObject.Template.Subject;
             //string body = mtObject.Template.Body + "<br>" + "<br>" + FinalBody;
             string       subject      = notificationSender.ReplacePlaceHolders(mtObject.Template.Subject, properties.ListItem);
             string       body         = notificationSender.ReplacePlaceHolders(mtObject.Template.Body, properties.ListItem) + "<br>" + "<br>" + FinalBody;
             string       parentItemId = Convert.ToString(properties.ListItem.ID);
             DelayedAlert dAlert       = new DelayedAlert(subject, body, alert.Id, parentItemId, eventType);
             Notifications           notificationSender = new Notifications();
             MailTemplateUsageObject mtObject           = alert.GetMailTemplateUsageObjectForEventType(eventType);
             string       subject      = properties.ListTitle;
             string       body         = notificationSender.ReplacePlaceHolders(mtObject.Template.Subject, properties.ListItem) + "<br>" + "<br>" + notificationSender.ReplacePlaceHolders(mtObject.Template.Body, properties.ListItem) + "<br>" + "<br>" + FinalBody;
             string       parentItemId = Convert.ToString(properties.ListItem.ID);
             DelayedAlert dAlert       = new DelayedAlert(subject, body, alert.Id, parentItemId, eventType);
     catch { }
       private void ExecuteReceivedEvent(AlertEventType eventType, SPItemEventProperties properties)
           LogManager.write("Entered in to ExecuteReceivedEvent with event type" + eventType);
               using (SPWeb web = properties.OpenWeb())
                   //TODO we have to check is feature activated for this site or not
                   AlertManager alertManager = new AlertManager(web.Site.Url);
                   MailTemplateManager mailTemplateManager = new MailTemplateManager(web.Site.Url);
                   IList<Alert> alerts = alertManager.GetAlertForList(properties.ListItem ,eventType, mailTemplateManager);
                   Notifications notifications = new Notifications();
                   foreach (Alert alert in alerts)
                       if (eventType != AlertEventType.DateColumn)

                           if (alert.IsValid(properties.ListItem, eventType, properties))
                                   if (alert.SendType == SendType.ImmediateAlways)

                                       notifications.SendMail(alert, eventType, properties.ListItem, FinalBody);
                                   else if (alert.SendType == SendType.ImmediateBusinessDays)
                                       if (alert.ImmediateBusinessDays.Contains((WeekDays)DateTime.UtcNow.DayOfWeek))
                                           if (alert.BusinessStartHour <= Convert.ToInt32(DateTime.UtcNow.Hour) && alert.BusinessendtHour >= Convert.ToInt32(DateTime.UtcNow.Hour))
                                               notifications.SendMail(alert, eventType, properties.ListItem, FinalBody);


                                       CreateDelayedAlert(alert, eventType, properties, alertManager);
                               catch { }
           catch (System.Exception Ex)
               LogManager.write("Error occured white excuting event receiver" + Ex.Message);
