Example #1
        //The CBIDE algorithm
        private static void CBIDE(TransformedDB projDB, string alpha, int alpha_support,
                                  double totalsup, List <string> BS, ref CTP ctp, bool closed)
            long dt1 = DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;
            Dictionary <string, int> LFs = projDB.slicesFreq();
            long          t     = DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond - dt1;
            List <string> FS    = new List <string>();
            bool          start = false;

            if (closed)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> entry in LFs)
                    //CCMiner wanted only finishing ones, but that's not enough for closed patterns recognition
                    if (/*entry.Key.IndexOf(Constants.FIN_REP) > 0 &&*/ totalsup == entry.Value)
                        if (entry.Key[entry.Key.Length - 1] == Constants.ST_REP)
                            start = true;
                        string slice = entry.Key[0] == Constants.MEET_REP || entry.Key[0] == Constants.CO_REP ?
                                       entry.Key.Substring(1) : entry.Key;
            //Check if none appear in pairs in BS U FS
            bool nip = closed && CoincidenceManager.noneInPairs(BS, FS);
            //Check if all appear in pairs in the accumulated coincidence
            bool aip = CoincidenceManager.allInPairs(alpha);

            //If So, there are no backward & forward extensions and this is a temporal pattern
            if ((!closed || (!start && nip)) && aip)
                //Thus - alpha is a closed temporal pattern
                ctp.addPattern(alpha, alpha_support, projDB);
            //Now Continue Looking for possible extensions
            List <string> P = new List <string>();

            //For each frequent slice:
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> z in LFs)
                if (z.Value < Constants.MINSUP)
                //Finishing slices only
                if (z.Key.IndexOf(Constants.FIN_REP) >= 0)
                    string tmp = z.Key[0] == Constants.CO_REP ? z.Key.Substring(1) : z.Key;
                    if (alpha.IndexOf(tmp.Replace(Constants.FIN_REP, Constants.ST_REP)) >= 0)
                    //Starting slices only
            //For each possible extension we found:
            foreach (string z in P)
                //Notice that we project another time only by the recent added slice
                TransformedDB alpha_projDB = projDB.projectDB(z, LFs, true);
                //If the support of the extended pattern is above the minimum support requested
                if (alpha_projDB.sup >= Constants.MINSUP)
                    //Copy Backward extension list
                    List <string> BStag = BS.Take(BS.Count).ToList();
                    //Check if extensible and update the backward extension slices
                    if (!closed || !projDB.CBackScan(BStag, z))
                        if (closed)
                        CBIDE(alpha_projDB, alpha + z, alpha_projDB.sup, alpha_projDB.trans_db.Count, BStag, ref ctp, closed);