private Thread updateUiThread; // Thread responsible for refreshing the UI (if skipping frames)

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public CAClientWindow()
            defaultState = 0;
            generation = 0;
            toUpdate = new ConcurrentQueue<Cell[]>();

            // Configure a client to connect to the simulation server
            simClient = new CAServiceClient();
            foreach (OperationDescription op in simClient.Endpoint.Contract.Operations) {
                DataContractSerializerOperationBehavior dataContractBehavior = (DataContractSerializerOperationBehavior)op.Behaviors.Find<DataContractSerializerOperationBehavior>();
                if (dataContractBehavior != null) dataContractBehavior.MaxItemsInObjectGraph = Int32.MaxValue;

            // Attempt to open a connection to the server
            try {simClient.Open(); }
            catch (CommunicationException e) {
                MessageBox.Show("Error: could not connect to CA Server", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);

            // Initialize grid display
            RenderOptions.SetBitmapScalingMode(gridImage, BitmapScalingMode.NearestNeighbor);
            gridSizeX = gridSizeY = 500;
            gridBMP = new GridBitmap(gridSizeX, gridSizeY, defaultState, colorList);
            gridImage.Source = gridBMP.Source;

            // Start grid-updating threads
            updateRate = maxUpdateRate;
            updateGridThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(gridUpdater));
            updateUiThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(UIUpdater));

            // Load a test CA
               /*ca = CASerializer.Deserialize("CA - Game of Life.xml");
            if (simClient.initCA(ca)) {
                stepButton.IsEnabled = true;
                runButton.IsEnabled = true;
                saveCAMenuItem.IsEnabled = true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize the grid display to a new bitmap of the specified size
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="x">The width of the new grid</param>
 /// <param name="y">The height of the new grid</param>
 private void initDisplay(int x, int y)
     lock (gridBMP) {
         gridBMP = new GridBitmap(x, y, defaultState, colorList);
         gridImage.Source = gridBMP.Source;