OpenFile() public method

public OpenFile ( int fileDataId ) : Stream
fileDataId int
return Stream
Example #1
        public void LoadFileDataComplete(CASCHandler casc)
            if (!casc.FileExists("DBFilesClient\\FileDataComplete.db2"))

            Logger.WriteLine("WowRootHandler: loading file names from FileDataComplete.db2...");

            using (var s = casc.OpenFile("DBFilesClient\\FileDataComplete.db2"))
                WDC1Reader fd = new WDC1Reader(s);

                Jenkins96 hasher = new Jenkins96();

                foreach (var row in fd)
                    string path = row.Value.GetField <string>(0);
                    string name = row.Value.GetField <string>(1);

                    string fullname = path + name;

                    ulong fileHash = hasher.ComputeHash(fullname);

                    // skip invalid names
                    if (!casc.FileExists(fileHash))
                        //Logger.WriteLine("Invalid file name: {0}", fullname);

                    CASCFile.Files[fileHash] = new CASCFile(fileHash, fullname);
Example #2
        private void PreviewText(string fullName)
            var stream = cascHandler.OpenFile(fullName, LocaleFlags.All);
            var text   = new StreamReader(stream).ReadToEnd();
            var form   = new Form {
                FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.SizableToolWindow

            form.Controls.Add(new TextBox
                Multiline  = true,
                ReadOnly   = true,
                Dock       = DockStyle.Fill,
                Text       = text,
                ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Both
        public OwRootHandler(BinaryReader stream, BackgroundWorkerEx worker, CASCHandler casc)
            worker?.ReportProgress(0, "Loading \"root\"...");

            string str = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(stream.ReadBytes((int)stream.BaseStream.Length));

            string[] array = str.Split(new[] { '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            List <string> APMNames = new List <string>();

            for (int i = 1; i < array.Length; i++)
                string[] filedata = array[i].Split('|');

                string name = filedata[4];

                if (Path.GetExtension(name) == ".apm" && name.Contains("RDEV"))
                    if (!name.Contains("L" + LanguageScan))
                    // add apm file for dev purposes
                    ulong   apmNameHash = Hasher.ComputeHash(name);
                    MD5Hash apmMD5      = filedata[0].ToByteArray().ToMD5();
                    _rootData[apmNameHash] = new OWRootEntry()
                        baseEntry = new RootEntry()
                            MD5 = apmMD5, LocaleFlags = LocaleFlags.All, ContentFlags = ContentFlags.None

                    CASCFile.FileNames[apmNameHash] = name;

                    EncodingEntry apmEnc;

                    if (!casc.Encoding.GetEntry(apmMD5, out apmEnc))

                    using (Stream apmStream = casc.OpenFile(apmEnc.Key))
                        apmFiles.Add(new APMFile(name, apmStream, casc));

                worker?.ReportProgress((int)(i / (array.Length / 100f)));
            APMList = APMNames.ToArray();
Example #4
        public IEnumerable <string> ScanFile(CASCFile file)
            if (excludeFileTypes.Contains(Path.GetExtension(file.FullName).ToLower()))
                yield break;

            Stream fileStream = null;

                fileStream = CASC.OpenFile(file.Hash);
                Logger.WriteLine("Skipped {0} because of both local and CDN indices are missing.", file.FullName);
                yield break;

            using (fileStream)
                int           b;
                int           state = 1;
                StringBuilder sb    = new StringBuilder();

                // look for regex a+(da+)*\.a+ where a = IsAlphaNum() and d = IsFileDelim()
                // using a simple state machine
                while ((b = fileStream.ReadByte()) > -1)
                    if (state == 1 && IsAlphaNum(b) || state == 2 && IsAlphaNum(b) || state == 3 && IsAlphaNum(b)) // alpha
                        state = 2;

                        if (sb.Length > 10)
                            int nextByte = fileStream.ReadByte();

                            if (nextByte == 0)
                                string foundStr = sb.ToString();

                                foreach (var ext in extensions)
                                    yield return(foundStr + ext);

                            if (nextByte > -1)
                                fileStream.Position -= 1;
                    else if (state == 2 && IsFileDelim(b)) // delimiter
                        state = 3;
                    else if (state == 2 && b == 46) // dot
                        state = 4;
                    else if (state == 4 && IsAlphaNum(b)) // extension
                        state = 5;
                    else if (state == 5 && IsAlphaNum(b)) // extension
                    else if (state == 5 && !IsFileChar(b)) // accept
                        state = 1;
                        if (sb.Length >= 10)
                            yield return(sb.ToString());
                        state = 1;
Example #5
        public async Task AnalyzeUnknownFiles(Action <int> progressCallback)
            if (_casc == null)

            IProgress <int> progress = new Progress <int>(progressCallback);

            await Task.Run(() =>
                FileScanner scanner = new FileScanner(_casc, _root);

                Dictionary <uint, List <string> > idToName = new Dictionary <uint, List <string> >();

                if (_casc.Config.GameType == CASCGameType.WoW)
                    if (_casc.FileExists("DBFilesClient\\SoundEntries.db2"))
                        using (Stream stream = _casc.OpenFile("DBFilesClient\\SoundEntries.db2"))
                            DB2Reader se = new DB2Reader(stream);

                            foreach (var row in se)
                                string name = row.Value.GetField <string>(2);

                                int type = row.Value.GetField <int>(1);

                                bool many = row.Value.GetField <int>(4) > 0;

                                for (int i = 3; i < 23; i++)
                                    uint id = row.Value.GetField <uint>(i);

                                    if (!idToName.ContainsKey(id))
                                        idToName[id] = new List <string>();

                                    idToName[id].Add("unknown\\sound\\" + name + (many ? "_" + (i - 2).ToString("D2") : "") + (type == 28 ? ".mp3" : ".ogg"));

                    if (_casc.FileExists("DBFilesClient\\SoundKit.db2") && _casc.FileExists("DBFilesClient\\SoundKitEntry.db2") && _casc.FileExists("DBFilesClient\\SoundKitName.db2"))
                        using (Stream skStream = _casc.OpenFile("DBFilesClient\\SoundKit.db2"))
                            using (Stream skeStream = _casc.OpenFile("DBFilesClient\\SoundKitEntry.db2"))
                                using (Stream sknStream = _casc.OpenFile("DBFilesClient\\SoundKitName.db2"))
                                    WDC1Reader sk  = new WDC1Reader(skStream);
                                    WDC1Reader ske = new WDC1Reader(skeStream);
                                    WDC1Reader skn = new WDC1Reader(sknStream);

                                    Dictionary <uint, List <uint> > lookup = new Dictionary <uint, List <uint> >();

                                    foreach (var row in ske)
                                        uint soundKitId = row.Value.GetField <uint>(0);

                                        if (!lookup.ContainsKey(soundKitId))
                                            lookup[soundKitId] = new List <uint>();

                                        lookup[soundKitId].Add(row.Value.GetField <uint>(1));

                                    foreach (var row in sk)
                                        string name = skn.GetRow(row.Key).GetField <string>(0).Replace(':', '_');

                                        int type = row.Value.GetField <byte>(6);

                                        if (!lookup.TryGetValue(row.Key, out List <uint> ske_entries))

                                        bool many = ske_entries.Count > 1;

                                        int i = 0;

                                        foreach (var fid in ske_entries)
                                            if (!idToName.ContainsKey(fid))
                                                idToName[fid] = new List <string>();

                                            idToName[fid].Add("unknown\\sound\\" + name + (many ? "_" + (i + 1).ToString("D2") : "") + "_" + fid + (type == 28 ? ".mp3" : ".ogg"));

                CASCFolder unknownFolder = _root.GetEntry("unknown") as CASCFolder;

                if (unknownFolder == null)

                IEnumerable <CASCFile> files = CASCFolder.GetFiles(unknownFolder.Entries.Select(kv => kv.Value), null, true).ToList();
                int numTotal = files.Count();
                int numDone  = 0;

                WowRootHandler wowRoot = _casc.Root as WowRootHandler;

                Jenkins96 Hasher      = new Jenkins96();
                char[] PathDelimiters = new char[] { '/', '\\' };

                foreach (var unknownEntry in files)
                    CASCFile unknownFile = unknownEntry as CASCFile;

                    if (idToName.TryGetValue((uint)wowRoot.GetFileDataIdByHash(unknownFile.Hash), out List <string> name))
                        if (name.Count == 1)
                            unknownFile.FullName = name[0];

                            foreach (var file in name)

                                string[] parts = file.Split(PathDelimiters);

                                string entryName = parts[parts.Length - 1];

                                ulong filehash = unknownFile.Hash;

                                CASCFile entry           = new CASCFile(filehash, file);
                                CASCFile.Files[filehash] = entry;

                                unknownFolder.Entries[entryName] = entry;
                        string ext            = scanner.GetFileExtension(unknownFile);
                        unknownFile.FullName += ext;

                        if (ext == ".m2")
                            using (var m2file = _casc.OpenFile(unknownFile.Hash))
                                using (var br = new BinaryReader(m2file))
                                    m2file.Position = 0x14;
                                    int nameOffs    = br.ReadInt32();

                                    m2file.Position = nameOffs + 8; // + sizeof(MD21)
                                    string m2name   = br.ReadCString();

                                    unknownFile.FullName = "unknown\\" + m2name + ".m2";

                    progress.Report((int)(++numDone / (float)numTotal * 100));

Example #6
        public void LoadFileDataComplete(CASCHandler casc)
            if (!casc.FileExists("DBFilesClient\\FileDataComplete.db2"))

            Logger.WriteLine("WowRootHandler: loading file names from FileDataComplete.db2...");

            using (var s = casc.OpenFile("DBFilesClient\\FileDataComplete.db2"))
                DB5Reader fd = new DB5Reader(s);

                foreach (var row in fd)
                    string path = row.Value.GetField<string>(0);
                    string name = row.Value.GetField<string>(1);

                    string fullname = path + name;

                    ulong fileHash = Hasher.ComputeHash(fullname);

                    // skip invalid names
                    if (!RootData.ContainsKey(fileHash))
                        //Logger.WriteLine("Invalid file name: {0}", fullname);

                    CASCFile.FileNames[fileHash] = fullname;
        public async Task AnalyzeUnknownFiles(Action <int> progressCallback)
            if (_casc == null)

            IProgress <int> progress = new Progress <int>(progressCallback);

            await Task.Run(() =>
                FileScanner scanner = new FileScanner(_casc, _root);

                Dictionary <int, string> idToName = new Dictionary <int, string>();

                if (_casc.Config.GameType == CASCGameType.WoW)
                    if (_casc.FileExists("DBFilesClient\\SoundEntries.db2"))
                        using (Stream stream = _casc.OpenFile("DBFilesClient\\SoundEntries.db2"))
                            DB2Reader se = new DB2Reader(stream);

                            foreach (var row in se)
                                string name = row.Value.GetField <string>(2);

                                int type = row.Value.GetField <int>(1);

                                bool many = row.Value.GetField <int>(4) > 0;

                                for (int i = 3; i < 23; i++)
                                    idToName[row.Value.GetField <int>(i)] = "unknown\\sound\\" + name + (many ? "_" + (i - 2).ToString("D2") : "") + (type == 28 ? ".mp3" : ".ogg");

                    if (_casc.FileExists("DBFilesClient\\SoundKit.db2") && _casc.FileExists("DBFilesClient\\SoundKitEntry.db2"))
                        using (Stream skStream = _casc.OpenFile("DBFilesClient\\SoundKit.db2"))
                            using (Stream skeStream = _casc.OpenFile("DBFilesClient\\SoundKitEntry.db2"))
                                DB5Reader sk  = new DB5Reader(skStream);
                                DB5Reader ske = new DB5Reader(skeStream);

                                Dictionary <int, List <int> > lookup = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >();

                                foreach (var row in ske)
                                    int soundKitId = row.Value.GetField <int>(3);

                                    if (!lookup.ContainsKey(soundKitId))
                                        lookup[soundKitId] = new List <int>();

                                    lookup[soundKitId].Add(row.Value.GetField <int>(0));

                                foreach (var row in sk)
                                    string name = row.Value.GetField <string>(0).Replace(':', '_');

                                    int type = row.Value.GetField <byte>(12);

                                    List <int> ske_entries;

                                    if (!lookup.TryGetValue(row.Key, out ske_entries))

                                    bool many = ske_entries.Count > 1;

                                    int i = 0;

                                    foreach (var fid in ske_entries)
                                        idToName[fid] = "unknown\\sound\\" + name + (many ? "_" + (i + 1).ToString("D2") : "") + (type == 28 ? ".mp3" : ".ogg");

                CASCFolder unknownFolder = _root.GetEntry("unknown") as CASCFolder;

                if (unknownFolder == null)

                IEnumerable <CASCFile> files = CASCFolder.GetFiles(unknownFolder.Entries.Select(kv => kv.Value), null, true);
                int numTotal = files.Count();
                int numDone  = 0;

                WowRootHandler wowRoot = _casc.Root as WowRootHandler;

                foreach (var unknownEntry in files)
                    CASCFile unknownFile = unknownEntry as CASCFile;

                    string name;
                    if (idToName.TryGetValue(wowRoot.GetFileDataIdByHash(unknownFile.Hash), out name))
                        unknownFile.FullName = name;
                        string ext            = scanner.GetFileExtension(unknownFile);
                        unknownFile.FullName += ext;

                        if (ext == ".m2")
                            using (var m2file = _casc.OpenFile(unknownFile.Hash))
                                using (var br = new BinaryReader(m2file))
                                    m2file.Position = 0x138;
                                    string m2name   = br.ReadCString();

                                    unknownFile.FullName = "unknown\\" + m2name + ".m2";

                    progress.Report((int)(++numDone / (float)numTotal * 100.0f));

Example #8
        public APMFile(string name, Stream stream, CASCHandler casc)
            Name = name;

            using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream))
                ulong buildVersion = reader.ReadUInt64();
                uint  buildNumber  = reader.ReadUInt32();
                uint  packageCount = reader.ReadUInt32();
                uint  entryCount   = reader.ReadUInt32();
                uint  unk          = reader.ReadUInt32();

                entries = new APMEntry[entryCount];

                for (int j = 0; j < entryCount; j++)
                    entries[j] = reader.Read <APMEntry>();

                packages     = new APMPackage[packageCount];
                indexes      = new PackageIndex[packageCount];
                records      = new PackageIndexRecord[packageCount][];
                dependencies = new uint[packageCount][];

                for (int j = 0; j < packages.Length; j++)
                    packages[j] = reader.Read <APMPackage>();

                    if (!casc.Encoding.GetEntry(packages[j].indexContentKey, out EncodingEntry pkgIndexEnc))
                        throw new Exception("pkgIndexEnc missing");

                    using (Stream pkgIndexStream = casc.OpenFile(pkgIndexEnc.Key))
                        using (BinaryReader pkgIndexReader = new BinaryReader(pkgIndexStream))
                            indexes[j] = pkgIndexReader.Read <PackageIndex>();

                            pkgIndexStream.Position = indexes[j].recordsOffset;

                            using (GZipStream recordsStream = new GZipStream(pkgIndexStream, CompressionMode.Decompress, true))
                                using (BinaryReader recordsReader = new BinaryReader(recordsStream))
                                    PackageIndexRecord[] recs = new PackageIndexRecord[indexes[j].numRecords];

                                    for (int k = 0; k < recs.Length; k++)
                                        recs[k] = recordsReader.Read <PackageIndexRecord>();

                                    records[j] = recs;

                            pkgIndexStream.Position = indexes[j].depsOffset;

                            uint[] deps = new uint[indexes[j].numDeps];

                            for (int k = 0; k < deps.Length; k++)
                                deps[k] = pkgIndexReader.ReadUInt32();

                            dependencies[j] = deps;
Example #9
        public D3RootHandler(BinaryReader stream, BackgroundWorkerEx worker, CASCHandler casc)
            worker?.ReportProgress(0, "Loading \"root\"...");

            byte b1 = stream.ReadByte();
            byte b2 = stream.ReadByte();
            byte b3 = stream.ReadByte();
            byte b4 = stream.ReadByte();

            int count = stream.ReadInt32();

            for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
                MD5Hash md5 = stream.Read<MD5Hash>();
                string name = stream.ReadCString();

                var entries = new List<D3RootEntry>();
                D3RootData[name] = entries;

                EncodingEntry enc;

                if (!casc.Encoding.GetEntry(md5, out enc))

                using (BinaryReader s = new BinaryReader(casc.OpenFile(enc.Key)))
                    uint magic = s.ReadUInt32();

                    int nEntries0 = s.ReadInt32();

                    for (int i = 0; i < nEntries0; i++)
                        entries.Add(D3RootEntry.Read(0, s));

                    int nEntries1 = s.ReadInt32();

                    for (int i = 0; i < nEntries1; i++)
                        entries.Add(D3RootEntry.Read(1, s));

                    int nNamedEntries = s.ReadInt32();

                    for (int i = 0; i < nNamedEntries; i++)
                        entries.Add(D3RootEntry.Read(2, s));

                worker?.ReportProgress((int)((j + 1) / (float)(count + 2) * 100));

            // Parse CoreTOC.dat
            var coreTocEntry = D3RootData["Base"].Find(e => e.Name == "CoreTOC.dat");

            EncodingEntry enc1;
            casc.Encoding.GetEntry(coreTocEntry.MD5, out enc1);

            using (var file = casc.OpenFile(enc1.Key))
                tocParser = new CoreTOCParser(file);

            worker?.ReportProgress((int)((count + 1) / (float)(count + 2) * 100));

            // Parse Packages.dat
            var pkgEntry = D3RootData["Base"].Find(e => e.Name == "Data_D3\\PC\\Misc\\Packages.dat");

            EncodingEntry enc2;
            casc.Encoding.GetEntry(pkgEntry.MD5, out enc2);

            using (var file = casc.OpenFile(enc2.Key))
                pkgParser = new PackagesParser(file);

Example #10
        public D3RootHandler(BinaryReader stream, BackgroundWorkerEx worker, CASCHandler casc)
            worker?.ReportProgress(0, "Loading \"root\"...");

            byte b1 = stream.ReadByte();
            byte b2 = stream.ReadByte();
            byte b3 = stream.ReadByte();
            byte b4 = stream.ReadByte();

            int count = stream.ReadInt32();

            for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
                byte[] md5  = stream.ReadBytes(16);
                string name = stream.ReadCString();

                var entries = new List <D3RootEntry>();
                D3RootData[name] = entries;

                EncodingEntry enc = casc.Encoding.GetEntry(md5);

                using (BinaryReader s = new BinaryReader(casc.OpenFile(enc.Key)))
                    if (s != null)
                        uint magic = s.ReadUInt32();

                        int nEntries0 = s.ReadInt32();

                        for (int i = 0; i < nEntries0; i++)
                            entries.Add(D3RootEntry.Read(0, s));

                        int nEntries1 = s.ReadInt32();

                        for (int i = 0; i < nEntries1; i++)
                            entries.Add(D3RootEntry.Read(1, s));

                        int nNamedEntries = s.ReadInt32();

                        for (int i = 0; i < nNamedEntries; i++)
                            entries.Add(D3RootEntry.Read(2, s));

                worker?.ReportProgress((int)((j + 1) / (float)(count + 2) * 100));

            // Parse CoreTOC.dat
            var coreTocEntry = D3RootData["Base"].Find(e => e.Name == "CoreTOC.dat");

            EncodingEntry enc1 = casc.Encoding.GetEntry(coreTocEntry.MD5);

            using (var file = casc.OpenFile(enc1.Key))
                tocParser = new CoreTOCParser(file);

            worker?.ReportProgress((int)((count + 1) / (float)(count + 2) * 100));

            // Parse Packages.dat
            var pkgEntry = D3RootData["Base"].Find(e => e.Name == "Data_D3\\PC\\Misc\\Packages.dat");

            EncodingEntry enc2 = casc.Encoding.GetEntry(pkgEntry.MD5);

            using (var file = casc.OpenFile(enc2.Key))
                pkgParser = new PackagesParser(file);

Example #11
        public APMFile(string name, Stream stream, CASCHandler casc)
            Name = name;

            using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream))
                ulong buildVersion = reader.ReadUInt64();
                uint buildNumber = reader.ReadUInt32();
                uint packageCount = reader.ReadUInt32();
                uint entryCount = reader.ReadUInt32();
                uint unk = reader.ReadUInt32();

                entries = new APMEntry[entryCount];

                for (int j = 0; j < entryCount; j++)
                    entries[j] = reader.Read<APMEntry>();

                packages = new APMPackage[packageCount];
                indexes = new PackageIndex[packageCount];
                records = new PackageIndexRecord[packageCount][];
                dependencies = new uint[packageCount][];

                for (int j = 0; j < packages.Length; j++)
                    packages[j] = reader.Read<APMPackage>();

                    EncodingEntry pkgIndexEnc;

                    if (!casc.Encoding.GetEntry(packages[j].indexContentKey, out pkgIndexEnc))
                        throw new Exception("pkgIndexEnc missing");

                    using (Stream pkgIndexStream = casc.OpenFile(pkgIndexEnc.Key))
                    using (BinaryReader pkgIndexReader = new BinaryReader(pkgIndexStream))
                        indexes[j] = pkgIndexReader.Read<PackageIndex>();

                        pkgIndexStream.Position = indexes[j].recordsOffset;

                        using (GZipStream recordsStream = new GZipStream(pkgIndexStream, CompressionMode.Decompress, true))
                        using (BinaryReader recordsReader = new BinaryReader(recordsStream))
                            PackageIndexRecord[] recs = new PackageIndexRecord[indexes[j].numRecords];

                            for (int k = 0; k < recs.Length; k++)
                                recs[k] = recordsReader.Read<PackageIndexRecord>();

                            records[j] = recs;

                        pkgIndexStream.Position = indexes[j].depsOffset;

                        uint[] deps = new uint[indexes[j].numDeps];

                        for (int k = 0; k < deps.Length; k++)
                            deps[k] = pkgIndexReader.ReadUInt32();

                        dependencies[j] = deps;
Example #12
        public OwRootHandler(BinaryReader stream, BackgroundWorkerEx worker, CASCHandler casc)
            worker?.ReportProgress(0, "Loading \"root\"...");

            string str = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(stream.ReadBytes((int)stream.BaseStream.Length));

            string[] array = str.Split(new[] { '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            List<string> APMNames = new List<string>();
            for (int i = 1; i < array.Length; i++)
                string[] filedata = array[i].Split('|');

                string name = filedata[4];

                if (Path.GetExtension(name) == ".apm" && name.Contains("RDEV"))
                    if(!name.Contains("L"+LanguageScan)) {
                    // add apm file for dev purposes
                    ulong apmNameHash = Hasher.ComputeHash(name);
                    MD5Hash apmMD5 = filedata[0].ToByteArray().ToMD5();
                    _rootData[apmNameHash] = new OWRootEntry()
                        baseEntry = new RootEntry() { MD5 = apmMD5, LocaleFlags = LocaleFlags.All, ContentFlags = ContentFlags.None }

                    CASCFile.FileNames[apmNameHash] = name;

                    EncodingEntry apmEnc;

                    if (!casc.Encoding.GetEntry(apmMD5, out apmEnc))

                    using (Stream apmStream = casc.OpenFile(apmEnc.Key))
                        apmFiles.Add(new APMFile(name, apmStream, casc));

                worker?.ReportProgress((int)(i / (array.Length / 100f)));
            APMList = APMNames.ToArray();
Example #13
        public OWRootHandler(BinaryReader stream, BackgroundWorkerEx worker, CASCHandler casc)
            worker?.ReportProgress(0, "Loading \"root\"...");

            string str = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(stream.ReadBytes((int)stream.BaseStream.Length));

            string[] array = str.Split(new[] { '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            // need to figure out what to do with those apm files

            for (int i = 1; i < array.Length; i++)
                string[] filedata = array[i].Split('|');

                if (Path.GetExtension(filedata[2]) == ".apm")
                    // add apm file for dev purposes
                    ulong fileHash1 = Hasher.ComputeHash(filedata[2]);
                    RootData[fileHash1] = new RootEntry() { MD5 = filedata[0].ToByteArray(), Block = RootBlock.Empty };

                    CASCFile.FileNames[fileHash1] = filedata[2];

                    // add files listed in apm file
                    byte[] md5 = filedata[0].ToByteArray();

                    EncodingEntry enc = casc.Encoding.GetEntry(md5);

                    using (BinaryReader s = new BinaryReader(casc.OpenFile(enc.Key)))
                        if (s != null)
                            // still need to figure out complete apm structure
                            // at start of file there's a lot of data that is same in all apm files
                            s.BaseStream.Position = 0xC;

                            uint count = s.ReadUInt32();

                            s.BaseStream.Position = 0x894;

                            // size of each entry seems to be 0x48 bytes (0x2C bytes unk data; int size; ulong unk; byte[16] md5)
                            for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
                                s.BaseStream.Position += 0x2C; // skip unknown
                                int size = s.ReadInt32(); // size (matches size in encoding file)
                                s.BaseStream.Position += 8; // skip unknown
                                byte[] md5_2 = s.ReadBytes(16);

                                EncodingEntry enc2 = casc.Encoding.GetEntry(md5_2);

                                if (enc2 == null)
                                    throw new Exception("enc2 == null");

                                string fakeName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filedata[2]) + "/" + md5_2.ToHexString();

                                ulong fileHash = Hasher.ComputeHash(fakeName);
                                RootData[fileHash] = new RootEntry() { MD5 = md5_2, Block = RootBlock.Empty };

                                CASCFile.FileNames[fileHash] = fakeName;

            int current = 0;

            Func<string, LocaleFlags> tag2locale = (s) =>
                LocaleFlags locale;

                if (Enum.TryParse(s, out locale))
                    return locale;

                return LocaleFlags.All;

            foreach (var entry in casc.Encoding.Entries)
                DownloadEntry dl = casc.Download.GetEntry(entry.Value.Key);

                if (dl != null)
                    string fakeName = "unknown" + "/" + entry.Key[0].ToString("X2") + "/" + entry.Key.ToHexString();

                    var locales = dl.Tags.Where(tag => tag.Value.Type == 4).Select(tag => tag2locale(tag.Key));

                    LocaleFlags locale = LocaleFlags.None;

                    foreach (var loc in locales)
                        locale |= loc;

                    ulong fileHash = Hasher.ComputeHash(fakeName);
                    RootData.Add(fileHash, new RootEntry() { MD5 = entry.Key, Block = new RootBlock() { LocaleFlags = locale } });

                    CASCFile.FileNames[fileHash] = fakeName;

                worker?.ReportProgress((int)(++current / (float)casc.Encoding.Count * 100));
Example #14
        public OWRootHandler(BinaryReader stream, BackgroundWorkerEx worker, CASCHandler casc)
            worker?.ReportProgress(0, "Loading \"root\"...");

            string str = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(stream.ReadBytes((int)stream.BaseStream.Length));

            string[] array = str.Split(new[] { '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            // need to figure out what to do with those apm files

            for (int i = 1; i < array.Length; i++)
                string[] filedata = array[i].Split('|');

                if (Path.GetExtension(filedata[2]) == ".apm")
                    // add apm file for dev purposes
                    ulong fileHash1 = Hasher.ComputeHash(filedata[2]);
                    RootData[fileHash1] = new RootEntry()
                        MD5 = filedata[0].ToByteArray(), Block = RootBlock.Empty

                    CASCFile.FileNames[fileHash1] = filedata[2];

                    // add files listed in apm file
                    byte[] md5 = filedata[0].ToByteArray();

                    EncodingEntry enc = casc.Encoding.GetEntry(md5);

                    using (BinaryReader s = new BinaryReader(casc.OpenFile(enc.Key)))
                        if (s != null)
                            // still need to figure out complete apm structure
                            // at start of file there's a lot of data that is same in all apm files
                            s.BaseStream.Position = 0xC;

                            uint count = s.ReadUInt32();

                            s.BaseStream.Position = 0x894;

                            // size of each entry seems to be 0x48 bytes (0x2C bytes unk data; int size; ulong unk; byte[16] md5)
                            for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
                                s.BaseStream.Position += 0x2C; // skip unknown
                                int size = s.ReadInt32();      // size (matches size in encoding file)
                                s.BaseStream.Position += 8;    // skip unknown
                                byte[] md5_2 = s.ReadBytes(16);

                                EncodingEntry enc2 = casc.Encoding.GetEntry(md5_2);

                                if (enc2 == null)
                                    throw new Exception("enc2 == null");

                                string fakeName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filedata[2]) + "/" + md5_2.ToHexString();

                                ulong fileHash = Hasher.ComputeHash(fakeName);
                                RootData[fileHash] = new RootEntry()
                                    MD5 = md5_2, Block = RootBlock.Empty

                                CASCFile.FileNames[fileHash] = fakeName;

            int current = 0;

            Func <string, LocaleFlags> tag2locale = (s) =>
                LocaleFlags locale;

                if (Enum.TryParse(s, out locale))


            foreach (var entry in casc.Encoding.Entries)
                DownloadEntry dl = casc.Download.GetEntry(entry.Value.Key);

                if (dl != null)
                    string fakeName = "unknown" + "/" + entry.Key[0].ToString("X2") + "/" + entry.Key.ToHexString();

                    var locales = dl.Tags.Where(tag => tag.Value.Type == 4).Select(tag => tag2locale(tag.Key));

                    LocaleFlags locale = LocaleFlags.None;

                    foreach (var loc in locales)
                        locale |= loc;

                    ulong fileHash = Hasher.ComputeHash(fakeName);
                    RootData.Add(fileHash, new RootEntry()
                        MD5 = entry.Key, Block = new RootBlock()
                            LocaleFlags = locale

                    CASCFile.FileNames[fileHash] = fakeName;

                worker?.ReportProgress((int)(++current / (float)casc.Encoding.Count * 100));
Example #15
        public async Task AnalyzeUnknownFiles(Action <int> progressCallback)
            if (_casc == null)

            IProgress <int> progress = new Progress <int>(progressCallback);

            await Task.Run(() =>
                FileScanner scanner = new FileScanner(_casc, _root);

                Dictionary <int, List <string> > idToName = new Dictionary <int, List <string> >();

                if (_casc.Config.GameType == CASCGameType.WoW && AnalyzeSoundFiles)
                    if (_casc.FileExists("DBFilesClient\\SoundEntries.db2"))
                        using (Stream stream = _casc.OpenFile("DBFilesClient\\SoundEntries.db2"))
                            WDB2Reader se = new WDB2Reader(stream);

                            foreach (var row in se)
                                string name = row.Value.GetField <string>(2);

                                int type = row.Value.GetField <int>(1);

                                bool many = row.Value.GetField <int>(4) > 0;

                                for (int i = 3; i < 23; i++)
                                    int id = row.Value.GetField <int>(i);

                                    if (!idToName.ContainsKey(id))
                                        idToName[id] = new List <string>();

                                    idToName[id].Add("unknown\\sound\\" + name + (many ? "_" + (i - 2).ToString("D2") : "") + (type == 28 ? ".mp3" : ".ogg"));

                    if (_casc.FileExists(1237434 /*"DBFilesClient\\SoundKit.db2"*/) && _casc.FileExists(1237435 /*"DBFilesClient\\SoundKitEntry.db2"*/) && _casc.FileExists(1665033 /*"DBFilesClient\\SoundKitName.db2"*/))
                        using (Stream skStream = _casc.OpenFile(1237434))
                            using (Stream skeStream = _casc.OpenFile(1237435))
                                using (Stream sknStream = _casc.OpenFile(1665033))
                                    Func <ulong, bool> keyCheckFunc = x => KeyService.GetKey(x) != null;
                                    WDC3Reader sk  = new WDC3Reader(skStream, keyCheckFunc);
                                    WDC3Reader ske = new WDC3Reader(skeStream, keyCheckFunc);
                                    WDC3Reader skn = new WDC3Reader(sknStream, keyCheckFunc);

                                    Dictionary <int, List <int> > lookup = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >();

                                    foreach (var row in ske)
                                        int soundKitId = row.Value.GetField <int>(0);

                                        if (!lookup.ContainsKey(soundKitId))
                                            lookup[soundKitId] = new List <int>();

                                        lookup[soundKitId].Add(row.Value.GetField <int>(1));

                                    foreach (var row in sk)
                                        WDC3Row sknRow = skn.GetRow(row.Key);

                                        if (sknRow != null)
                                            string name = sknRow.GetField <string>(0).Replace(':', '_').Replace("\"", "");

                                            int type = row.Value.GetField <byte>(6);

                                            if (!lookup.TryGetValue(row.Key, out List <int> ske_entries))

                                            bool many = ske_entries.Count > 1;

                                            int i = 0;

                                            foreach (var fid in ske_entries)
                                                if (!idToName.ContainsKey(fid))
                                                    idToName[fid] = new List <string>();

                                                if (AddFileDataIdToSoundFiles)
                                                    idToName[fid].Add("unknown\\sound\\" + name + (many ? "_" + (i + 1).ToString("D2") : "") + "_" + fid + (type == 28 ? ".mp3" : ".ogg"));
                                                    idToName[fid].Add("unknown\\sound\\" + name + (many ? "_" + (i + 1).ToString("D2") : "") + (type == 28 ? ".mp3" : ".ogg"));


                CASCFolder unknownFolder = _root.GetEntry("unknown") as CASCFolder;

                if (unknownFolder == null)

                foreach (var kv in idToName)
                    foreach (var fn in kv.Value)

                IEnumerable <CASCFile> files = CASCFolder.GetFiles(unknownFolder.Entries.Select(kv => kv.Value), null, true).ToList();
                int numTotal = files.Count();
                int numDone  = 0;

                WowRootHandler wowRoot = _casc.Root as WowRootHandler;

                Jenkins96 Hasher      = new Jenkins96();
                char[] PathDelimiters = new char[] { '/', '\\' };

                foreach (var unknownEntry in files)
                    CASCFile unknownFile = unknownEntry as CASCFile;

                    if (idToName.TryGetValue(wowRoot.GetFileDataIdByHash(unknownFile.Hash), out List <string> name))
                        if (name.Count == 1)
                            unknownFile.FullName = name[0];

                            foreach (var file in name)

                                string[] parts = file.Split(PathDelimiters);

                                string entryName = parts[parts.Length - 1];

                                ulong filehash = unknownFile.Hash;

                                CASCFile entry           = new CASCFile(filehash, file);
                                CASCFile.Files[filehash] = entry;

                                unknownFolder.Entries[entryName] = entry;
                        string ext            = scanner.GetFileExtension(unknownFile);
                        unknownFile.FullName += ext;

                        if (ext == ".m2")
                            using (var m2file = _casc.OpenFile(unknownFile.Hash))
                                using (var br = new BinaryReader(m2file))
                                    m2file.Position = 0x14;
                                    int nameOffs    = br.ReadInt32();

                                    m2file.Position = nameOffs + 8; // + sizeof(MD21)
                                    string m2name   = br.ReadCString();

                                    unknownFile.FullName = "unknown\\" + m2name + ".m2";


                                    //m2file.Position = 0;

                                    //while (m2file.Position != m2file.Length)
                                    //    int chunkType = br.ReadInt32();
                                    //    int chunkSize = br.ReadInt32();

                                    //    if (chunkType == 0x44494641) // AFID
                                    //    {
                                    //        int count = chunkSize / 8;

                                    //        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                                    //        {
                                    //            ushort animId = br.ReadUInt16();
                                    //            ushort subAnimId = br.ReadUInt16();
                                    //            int FileDataId = br.ReadInt32();

                                    //            if (FileDataId != 0)
                                    //                Logger.WriteLine($"{FileDataId};{wowRoot.GetFileDataIdByHash(unknownFile.Hash)}\\{name}\\{name}{animId:D4}-{subAnimId:D2}.anim");
                                    //        }

                                    //        break;
                                    //    }
                                    //    else
                                    //    {
                                    //        m2file.Position += chunkSize;
                                    //    }

                    progress.Report((int)(++numDone / (float)numTotal * 100));
