internal object ConvertToValue(byte[] bytes, MBUSApplicationLayerDIF MBUSApplicationLayerDIF)
            switch (this.Code)
            case 108:
            case 236:
                return(CPToDate(true, bytes).ToString());

            case 109:
            case 237:
                return(CPToDate(false, bytes).ToString());

                return(MBUSApplicationLayerDIF.ConvertToValue(bytes) * RangeRatioMultiplikator);
        MBUSApplicationLayerDIFE dife; //used to prepare information based on dife as string
        //StringBuilder sb_vife;//used to prepare information based on vife as string
        internal ProtocolALMessage.CheckResponseResult AnalyseFrame(MBUS_message MessageToAnalysed, int StartByte, DataAnalysisMode dataAnalysisMode, MBUS_message.TRACE TRACE)
            ready = false;
            sb    = null;
            dife  = null;
            TRACE(TraceEventType.Verbose, 62, "AnalyseFrame.. start");
            if (MessageToAnalysed.CheckFrameType() != MBusFrameTypes.LongFrame)
            int m_data_index = 0; // ta zmienna indeksuje kojene m_data - zostawilismy jeszce wolne miesce na jedna dana
            int m_data_index_quantityofrecord = -1;

            m_data.Clear(); //MZ TODO: przeanalizowac czy ma to jakis wplyw na pamiec i Garbage Collector
            if (dataAnalysisMode == DataAnalysisMode.Full)
                // numer licznika:
                m_data[m_data_index++] = MessageToAnalysed[StartByte + 3].ToString("X2") +
                                         MessageToAnalysed[StartByte + 2].ToString("X2") +
                                         MessageToAnalysed[StartByte + 1].ToString("X2") +
                                         MessageToAnalysed[StartByte + 0].ToString("X2");
                TRACE(TraceEventType.Verbose, 71, String.Format("counter no.: {0}", m_data[0]));
                // manufacture ID:
                m_data[m_data_index++] = MessageToAnalysed[StartByte + 5].ToString("X2") +
                                         MessageToAnalysed[StartByte + 4].ToString("X2");
                TRACE(TraceEventType.Verbose, 75, String.Format("manufacture ID: {0}", m_data[1]));
                // transfer Data:
                sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.Append("MBUS address: ");
                sb.Append("; Ver.:");
                sb.Append(MessageToAnalysed[StartByte + 6].ToString("X2"));
                sb.Append("; Medium: ");
                sb.Append(MBUSApplicationLayerMMVS.GetMMVSDescriptionByByte(MessageToAnalysed[StartByte + 7]).Description);
                sb.Append("; Access No.:");
                sb.Append(MessageToAnalysed[StartByte + 8].ToString("X2"));
                sb.Append("; Status:");
                sb.Append(MessageToAnalysed[StartByte + 9].ToString("X2"));
                sb.Append("; Signature:");
                sb.Append(MessageToAnalysed[StartByte + 10].ToString("X2"));
                sb.Append(MessageToAnalysed[StartByte + 11].ToString("X2"));
                m_data[m_data_index++]        = sb.ToString();
                m_data_index_quantityofrecord = m_data_index++;
                TRACE(TraceEventType.Verbose, 90, String.Format("transfer Data: {0}", m_data[2]));
            MessageToAnalysed.offset = (ushort)(StartByte + 12); // ustawiamy offset na poczatek bloku danych
            int NumberOfRecords = 0;                             // tutaj zliczamy liczbe odczytanych rekordow z przelicznika

            byte[] RecordValue = new byte[8];
            for (int VariableIndex = 0; MessageToAnalysed.offset <= MessageToAnalysed.userDataLength - 2; VariableIndex++)
                if (MessageToAnalysed.offset >= MessageToAnalysed.userDataLength - 1)
                    return(ProtocolALMessage.CheckResponseResult.CR_Incomplete); // w tej petli czytamy poszczegolne dane
                MBUSApplicationLayerDIF dif = MBUSApplicationLayerDIF.GetDIFDescriptionByByte(MessageToAnalysed.ReadByte());
                if (dif.DataField == MBUSApplicationLayerDIF.DataFields.SpecialFunction)
                    #region Special Functions Explanation Comment
                    //Special Functions (data field = 1111b):
                    //DIF	Function
                    //0Fh	Start of manufacturer specific data structures to end of user data
                    //1Fh	Same meaning as DIF = 0Fh  +  More records follow in next telegram
                    //2Fh	Idle Filler (not to be interpreted), following byte = DIF
                    //3Fh..6Fh	Reserved
                    //7Fh	Global readout request (all storage#, units, tariffs, function fields)
                    //If data follows after DIF=$0F or $1F these are manufacturer specific data records.
                    //The number of bytes in these manufacturer specific data can be calculated with the L-Field.
                    //  The DIF 1Fh signals a request from the slave to the master to readout the slave once again.
                    //The master must readout the slave until there is no DIF=1Fh inside the respond telegram (multi telegram readout).
                    // przestajemy analizowac ramke
                    #endregion Special Functions Explanation Comment
                if (dif.Extension)
                    dife = new MBUSApplicationLayerDIFE();
                while (dife != null && dife.Extension) //TODO: zastanowic sie co robic z rozszerzeniami
                MBUSApplicationLayerVIFBase vif = MBUSApplicationLayerVIF.GetVIFDescriptionByByte(MessageToAnalysed.ReadByte());
                if (vif.Code == (byte)MBUSApplicationLayerVIF.SpecialVIF.Extension_FB)
                    vif = MBUSApplicationLayerVIF_Extended_TypeB_FB.GetVIFDescriptionByByte(MessageToAnalysed.ReadByte());
                else if (vif.Code == (byte)MBUSApplicationLayerVIF.SpecialVIF.Extension_FD)
                    vif = MBUSApplicationLayerVIF_Extended_TypeA_FD.GetVIFDescriptionByByte(MessageToAnalysed.ReadByte());

                MBUSApplicationLayerExtendableDataInformation vif2 = vif;
                while (vif2.Extension) //TODO: zastanowic sie co robic z rozszerzeniami
                    vif2 = MBUSApplicationLayerVIF.GetVIFDescriptionByByte(MessageToAnalysed.ReadByte());
                    throw new NotImplementedException("waiting for VIFE implementation");
                //teraz odczytujemy konkretna dana:
                sb = new StringBuilder();
                for (int dataindex = 0; dataindex < dif.DataFieldLengthInBytes; dataindex++)
                    RecordValue[dataindex] = MessageToAnalysed.ReadByte();
                m_data[m_data_index++] = vif.ConvertToValue(RecordValue, dif);
                sb.Append(String.Format("value: {0} ", m_data[m_data_index - 1]));
                if (dataAnalysisMode == DataAnalysisMode.Full)
                    m_data[m_data_index++] = dif.ToString();
                    if (dife != null)
                        m_data[m_data_index - 1] += dife.ToString();
                    sb.Append(String.Format(";DIF: {0} ", m_data[m_data_index - 1]));
                    m_data[m_data_index++] = vif.Description;
                    sb.Append(String.Format(";VIF Description: {0} ", m_data[m_data_index - 1]));
                    sb.Append(String.Format(";VIF ToString: {0} ", vif.ToString()));
                    m_data[m_data_index++] = vif.EngUnit;
                    sb.Append(String.Format(";VIF EngUnit: {0} ", m_data[m_data_index - 1]));
                TRACE(TraceEventType.Verbose, 143, sb.ToString());
            if (m_data_index_quantityofrecord >= 0)
                m_data[m_data_index_quantityofrecord] = NumberOfRecords; // tutaj zapisujemy ilosc odczytanych recordow
            TRACE(TraceEventType.Verbose, 146, "AnalyseFrame... end");
            ready = true;