Example #1
        //if mouse moves the cell over is the mouse pointer currently positioned is drawn here
        public void OnMouseMove(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            HitTestResult aHTR = VisualTreeHelper.HitTest(this, e.GetPosition(sender as IInputElement));
            DrawingVisualWithDataContext aDrawingVisualWithDataContext = aHTR.VisualHit as DrawingVisualWithDataContext;

            if (aDrawingVisualWithDataContext != null)
                if (aDrawingVisualWithDataContext.DataContext != null)
                    //here is the returning to former appereance of cell where mouse pointer was positioned before
                    if (myLastPointedDrawingVisual != null && myLastPointedDrawingVisual.DataContext != null)
                        CellVM aCellVM_LP = myLastPointedDrawingVisual.DataContext as CellVM;

                        if (aCellVM_LP != null)
                            CreateCAGridCellGeometry(aCellVM_LP, ref myLastPointedDrawingVisual, false);

                    CellVM aCellVM = aDrawingVisualWithDataContext.DataContext as CellVM;

                    if (aCellVM != null)
                        CreateCAGridCellGeometry(aCellVM, ref aDrawingVisualWithDataContext, true);

                        myLastPointedDrawingVisual = aDrawingVisualWithDataContext;
Example #2
        //this method gets the frame color of specific cell, it depends on if the cell is selected, marked, or if the mouse pointer is over cell.
        private Color?GetFrameColor(CellVM cellVMIn, bool isMouseOverIn)
            CAGrid2DVM aCAGrid2DVM = this.DataContext as CAGrid2DVM;

            if (aCAGrid2DVM != null)
                if (cellVMIn.IsSelected == true)
                else if (cellVMIn.IsMarked)
                else if (isMouseOverIn == true)

Example #3
        //this method creates a specific cell
        private DrawingVisualWithDataContext CreateCell(CellVM cellVMIn)
            var aDrawingVisualWithDataContext = new DrawingVisualWithDataContext();

            aDrawingVisualWithDataContext.DataContext = cellVMIn;

            cellVMIn.CellStateChangedEvent += OnCellStateChanged;

            CreateCAGridCellGeometry(cellVMIn, ref aDrawingVisualWithDataContext, false);

Example #4
        //this method draws the specific cell
        private void CreateCAGridCellGeometry(CellVM cellVMIn, ref DrawingVisualWithDataContext drawingVisualWithDataContextIn, bool isMouseOverIn)
            CAGrid2DVM aCAGrid2DVM = this.DataContext as CAGrid2DVM;

            if (aCAGrid2DVM != null)
                DrawingContext dc = drawingVisualWithDataContextIn.RenderOpen();

                int aGridPenWidth = 0;
                ConstantLists.LineThicknessValue.TryGetValue(aCAGrid2DVM.GridThickness, out aGridPenWidth); // the currently selected grid thickness

                int aFramePenWidth = 0;
                ConstantLists.LineThicknessValue.TryGetValue(aCAGrid2DVM.SelFrameThickness, out aFramePenWidth); // the currently selected frame thickness

                //three brushes are drawn one after one, and that will create different areas of cell - grid, frame and content
                //Brush for grid
                Brush aGridBrush = new SolidColorBrush(aCAGrid2DVM.SelectedGridColor);
                Rect  aGridRect  = new Rect(cellVMIn.X, cellVMIn.Y, aCAGrid2DVM.CellGridWidth, aCAGrid2DVM.CellGridHeight);
                dc.DrawRectangle(aGridBrush, null, aGridRect);

                //Brush for frame
                Brush aFrameBrush = new SolidColorBrush((Color)GetFrameColor(cellVMIn, isMouseOverIn));
                Rect  aFrameRect  = new Rect(cellVMIn.X + aGridPenWidth, cellVMIn.Y + aGridPenWidth, aCAGrid2DVM.CellGridWidth - 2 * aGridPenWidth, aCAGrid2DVM.CellGridHeight - 2 * aGridPenWidth);
                dc.DrawRectangle(aFrameBrush, null, aFrameRect);

                Color?aStateColor = aCAGrid2DVM.GetFillColorForState(cellVMIn.State);  // current color of this cell
                if (aStateColor == null)
                    throw new CAExplorerException();

                // brush for content
                Brush aContentBrush = new SolidColorBrush((Color)aStateColor);
                Rect  aContentRect  = new Rect(cellVMIn.X + aGridPenWidth + aFramePenWidth, cellVMIn.Y + aGridPenWidth + aFramePenWidth, aCAGrid2DVM.CellObjectWidth, aCAGrid2DVM.CellObjectHeight);
                dc.DrawRectangle(aContentBrush, null, aContentRect);


Example #5
        //if cell state of some cell changed, it is needed to redraw the changed cell.
        public void OnCellStateChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            for (int i = 0; i < myVisualChildren.Count; i++)
                DrawingVisualWithDataContext aDrawingVisualWithDataContext = myVisualChildren[i] as DrawingVisualWithDataContext;

                if (aDrawingVisualWithDataContext != null)
                    CellVM aCellVM = aDrawingVisualWithDataContext.DataContext as CellVM;

                    if (aCellVM != null)
                        if (aCellVM.IsSelected == true)
                            CreateCAGridCellGeometry(aCellVM, ref aDrawingVisualWithDataContext, false);
Example #6
        //if mouse button is pressed then current cell will be selected
        public void OnMouseDown(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            HitTestResult aHTR = VisualTreeHelper.HitTest(this, e.GetPosition(sender as IInputElement));
            DrawingVisualWithDataContext aDrawingVisualWithDataContext = aHTR.VisualHit as DrawingVisualWithDataContext;

            if (aDrawingVisualWithDataContext != null)
                if (aDrawingVisualWithDataContext.DataContext != null)
                    //here is the returning of before selected cell to normal state
                    if (myLastSelectedDrawingVisual != null && myLastSelectedDrawingVisual.DataContext != null)
                        CellVM aCellVM_LS = myLastSelectedDrawingVisual.DataContext as CellVM;

                        if (aCellVM_LS != null)
                            aCellVM_LS.IsSelected = false;
                            CreateCAGridCellGeometry(aCellVM_LS, ref myLastSelectedDrawingVisual, false);

                    CellVM aCellVM = aDrawingVisualWithDataContext.DataContext as CellVM;

                    if (aCellVM != null)
                        CAGrid2DVM aCAGrid2DVM = this.DataContext as CAGrid2DVM;

                        if (aCAGrid2DVM != null)
                            aCellVM.IsSelected = true;
                            CreateCAGridCellGeometry(aCellVM, ref aDrawingVisualWithDataContext, false);

                            aCAGrid2DVM.SelectedCellViewModel = aCellVM;
                            myLastSelectedDrawingVisual       = aDrawingVisualWithDataContext;
Example #7
 //in this method the cells are modified if someting changed
 private void ModifyCAGridCells()
     if (myVisualChildren != null)
         CAGrid2DVM aCAGrid2DVM = DataContext as CAGrid2DVM;
         if (aCAGrid2DVM != null)
             for (int i = 0; i < myVisualChildren.Count; i++)
                 DrawingVisualWithDataContext aDVWithDC = myVisualChildren[i] as DrawingVisualWithDataContext;
                 if (aDVWithDC != null)
                     CellVM aCellVM = aDVWithDC.DataContext as CellVM;
                     if (aCellVM != null)
                         CreateCAGridCellGeometry(aCellVM, ref aDVWithDC, false);