private void tOrderNo_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyChar == (char)(Keys.Enter)) { if (tOrderNo.Text.Trim() == "") { return; } try { Clear(); // Load the order string sOrderNo = tOrderNo.Text.Trim(); _oOrder = Order.Retrieve(sOrderNo); Event.BeforeOrderLoading.Fire(_oOrder.SiteID, _oOrder.ClientCode, this, _oOrder); // Load order detail tOrderDetail.Text = _oOrder.OrderSummaryDetail; // Load the order into the grid dgOrderLines.DataSource = _oOrder.OrderLines; Event.AfterOrderLoaded.Fire(_oOrder.SiteID, _oOrder.ClientCode); } catch(Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(Helper.FormatExceptionMessage(ex)); } } }
public static void ChangeBackGroundColor(object sender, Order oOrder) { Control oControl = (Control)sender; ConfigurationValue oValue = Configuration.GetValue(new string[] { oOrder.ClientCode, "BackgroundColor" }); if (oValue == null || oValue.ObjectType != ConfigurationValue.Type.Text) { throw new Exception("Configuration value is not expected type of Text"); } if (oValue.Value == null) { throw new Exception("Configuration value is not set."); } try { oControl.BackColor = Color.FromName(oValue.Value.ToString()); Control oGrid = oControl.Controls.Find("dgOrderLines", true)[0]; oGrid.ForeColor = Color.FromName(oValue.Value.ToString()); } catch(Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Configuration value is not a valid known color.", ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Overloaded constructor for Order Detail. /// </summary> /// <param name="productName">Product name of Order Detail.</param> /// <param name="quantity">Quantity ordered.</param> /// <param name="unitPrice">Unit price of product at the time order is placed.</param> /// <param name="discount">Discount applied to unit price of product.</param> /// <param name="order">Order that Order Detail is part of.</param> public OrderDetail(string productName, int quantity, float unitPrice, float discount, Order order) : this() { ProductName = productName; Quantity = quantity; UnitPrice = unitPrice; Discount = discount; Order = order; // The parent object }
// creates query parameters list from Order object object[] Take(Order order) { return new object[] { "@OrderId", order.OrderId, "@OrderDate", order.OrderDate, "@RequiredDate", order.RequiredDate, "@Freight", order.Freight }; }
public static Order GetOrderWithItemsAndProductAndCustomer(DateTime orderDate) { Order retVal = new Order(); retVal.OrderID = 1; retVal.OrderDate = orderDate; retVal.Customer = GetCustomer1(); retVal.OrderDetails.Add(GetOrderDetail1()); retVal.OrderDetails.Add(GetOrderDetail2()); return retVal; }
public static void GetForwarderFromConfig(Order order) { string sForwarderName = ""; string sForwarderService = ""; ConfigurationValue oConVal = Configuration.GetValue(new string[] { order.SiteID.ToString(), order.ClientCode, "ForwarderName" }); if (oConVal != null) { sForwarderName = (string)oConVal.Value; } oConVal = Configuration.GetValue(new string[] { order.SiteID.ToString(), order.ClientCode, "ForwarderService" }); if (oConVal != null) { sForwarderService = (string)oConVal.Value; } order.ShippingInfo.Forwarder = Forwarder.Retrieve(sForwarderName, sForwarderService); }
public static void ChangeBackGroundColorFromDO(object sender, Order oOrder) { string sColor = ""; foreach (OrderExtension oOrderExtension in oOrder.OrderExtensions) { if (oOrderExtension.Key.ToUpper() == "COLOR") { sColor = oOrderExtension.Value; break; } } try { ((Control)sender).BackColor = Color.FromName(sColor); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Configuration value is not a valid known color.", ex); } }
public static void RunOrderDetermination(Order order) { Event.BeforeRunOrderDetermination.Fire(order.SiteID, order.ClientCode, order); Event.DetermineForwarder.Fire(order.SiteID, order.ClientCode, order); Event.DeterminePOE.Fire(order.ShippingInfo.Forwarder.Name, order.ShippingInfo.Forwarder.Service, order); Event.DetermineShipper.Fire(order.SiteID, order.ClientCode, order); Event.DetermineTransportPayer.Fire(order.SiteID, order.ClientCode, order); Event.DetermineDutyTaxPayer.Fire(order.SiteID, order.ClientCode, order); Event.DetermineImporterOfRecords.Fire(order.SiteID, order.ClientCode, order); foreach(OrderLine oOrderLine in order.OrderLines) { Event.DetermineItemUPCCode.Fire(order.SiteID, order.ClientCode, oOrderLine); Event.DetermineItemHSCode.Fire(order.SiteID, order.ClientCode, oOrderLine); Event.DetermineItemDeclaredPrice.Fire(order.SiteID, order.ClientCode, oOrderLine); Event.DetermineItemUnitPrice.Fire(order.SiteID, order.ClientCode, oOrderLine); Event.DetermineItemSalesPrice.Fire(order.SiteID, order.ClientCode, oOrderLine); } Event.AfterRunOrderDetermination.Fire(order.SiteID, order.ClientCode, order); }
public static string GenerateBoxID(Order order) { return order.ClientCode.Substring(0,1).ToUpper() + "B" + DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmssfff"); }
public static void GetPOE(Order order) { order.ShippingInfo.POE = (string)Configuration.GetValue(new string[] { "UPS", "SAVER", "US", "POE" }).Value; }
public static void GetImporterOfRecords(Order order) { order.ShippingInfo.ImporterOfRecords.AccountNo = "IMP-XX001"; order.ShippingInfo.ImporterOfRecords.Contact.Name = ""; order.ShippingInfo.ImporterOfRecords.Contact.CompanyName = "PCH"; order.ShippingInfo.ImporterOfRecords.Contact.ContactNo = "(+86) 000 0000000"; }
public static void PrintPackingList(Order order) { ConfigurationValue oConVal = Configuration.GetValue(new string[] { order.ClientCode, "PackingList" }); if (oConVal == null || oConVal.Value == null) { return; } XmlReportSource oReport = new XmlReportSource(); oReport.Xml = (string)oConVal.Value; // Adding the initial parameter values oReport.Parameters.Add(new Telerik.Reporting.Parameter("OrderNumber", order.ClientOrderNo)); ReportViewer oReportViewer = new ReportViewer(); oReportViewer.ReportSource = oReport; Form oForm = new Form(); oForm.Controls.Add(oReportViewer); oReportViewer.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; oReportViewer.RefreshReport(); oForm.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; oForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; oForm.ShowDialog(); }
public static void GetTransportPayer(Order order) { order.ShippingInfo.TransportPayer.AccountNo = "TRA-XX001"; order.ShippingInfo.TransportPayer.Contact.Name = "Alex"; order.ShippingInfo.TransportPayer.Contact.CompanyName = ""; order.ShippingInfo.TransportPayer.Contact.ContactNo = "(+86) 000 0000000"; }
public static void GetDutyTaxPayer(Order order) { order.ShippingInfo.DutyTaxPayer.AccountNo = "D&T-XX001"; order.ShippingInfo.DutyTaxPayer.Contact.Name = "Alex"; order.ShippingInfo.DutyTaxPayer.Contact.CompanyName = ""; order.ShippingInfo.DutyTaxPayer.Contact.ContactNo = "(+86) 000 0000000"; }
public static void GetShipper(Order order) { order.ShippingInfo.Shipper.AccountNo = "SHP-XX001"; //order.ShippingInfo.Shipper.Contact.Name = Event.DetermineShipperContactName.Fire(order.SiteID, order.ClientCode, order); order.ShippingInfo.Shipper.Contact.Name = "Receptionist"; order.ShippingInfo.Shipper.Contact.CompanyName = "PCH"; order.ShippingInfo.Shipper.Contact.ContactNo = "(+86) 000 0000000"; order.ShippingInfo.Shipper.Address.Street1 = "DuShiMingYuan"; order.ShippingInfo.Shipper.Address.Street2 = "Block D/E"; order.ShippingInfo.Shipper.Address.Street3 = "4th Floor"; order.ShippingInfo.Shipper.Address.Street4 = "JinTang Street"; order.ShippingInfo.Shipper.Address.District = "Luohu"; order.ShippingInfo.Shipper.Address.City = "Shenzhen"; order.ShippingInfo.Shipper.Address.State = "Guangdong"; order.ShippingInfo.Shipper.Address.Country = "China"; order.ShippingInfo.Shipper.Address.PostalCode = "510818"; }
public static void GetPOE(Order order) { order.ShippingInfo.POE = "JFK"; }
public void TestMultiDeleteEntity() { int empKey = -1; int ordKey = -1; CustomerGroup custGroup = new CustomerGroup(); = "ForeignKeyTest"; EmployeeCollection empColl = new EmployeeCollection(); = "ForeignKeyTest"; Employee emp = new Employee(); = "ForeignKeyTest"; Employee testEmp = new Employee(); = "ForeignKeyTest"; Customer cust = new Customer(); = "ForeignKeyTest"; Order ord = new Order(); = "ForeignKeyTest"; try { using (esTransactionScope scope = new esTransactionScope()) { // Setup custGroup.GroupID = "YYYYY"; custGroup.GroupName = "Test"; custGroup.Save(); emp = empColl.AddNew(); emp.LastName = "LastName"; emp.FirstName = "FirstName"; cust = emp.CustomerCollectionByStaffAssigned.AddNew(); cust.CustomerID = "YYYYY"; cust.CustomerSub = "YYY"; cust.CustomerName = "Test"; cust.str().DateAdded = "2007-01-01 00:00:00"; cust.Active = true; cust.Manager = 1; ord = emp.OrderCollectionByEmployeeID.AddNew(); ord.CustID = "YYYYY"; ord.CustSub = "YYY"; ord.str().OrderDate = "2007-01-01"; empColl.Save(); empKey = emp.EmployeeID.Value; ordKey = ord.OrderID.Value; Assert.AreEqual(1, emp.CustomerCollectionByStaffAssigned.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, emp.OrderCollectionByEmployeeID.Count); Assert.AreEqual(emp.EmployeeID.Value, cust.StaffAssigned.Value); Assert.AreEqual(emp.EmployeeID.Value, ord.EmployeeID.Value); // Test testEmp.LoadByPrimaryKey(empKey); testEmp.OrderCollectionByEmployeeID.MarkAllAsDeleted(); testEmp.CustomerCollectionByStaffAssigned.MarkAllAsDeleted(); testEmp.MarkAsDeleted(); testEmp.Save(); emp = new Employee(); = "ForeignKeyTest"; Assert.IsFalse(emp.LoadByPrimaryKey(empKey)); ord = new Order(); = "ForeignKeyTest"; Assert.IsFalse(ord.LoadByPrimaryKey(ordKey)); cust = new Customer(); = "ForeignKeyTest"; Assert.IsFalse(cust.LoadByPrimaryKey("YYYYY", "YYY")); } } finally { // Clean up ord = new Order(); = "ForeignKeyTest"; if (ord.LoadByPrimaryKey(ordKey)) { ord.MarkAsDeleted(); ord.Save(); } cust = new Customer(); = "ForeignKeyTest"; if (cust.LoadByPrimaryKey("YYYYY", "YYY")) { cust.MarkAsDeleted(); cust.Save(); } emp = new Employee(); = "ForeignKeyTest"; if (emp.LoadByPrimaryKey(empKey)) { emp.MarkAsDeleted(); emp.Save(); } custGroup = new CustomerGroup(); = "ForeignKeyTest"; if (custGroup.LoadByPrimaryKey("YYYYY")) { custGroup.MarkAsDeleted(); custGroup.Save(); } } }
/// <summary> /// The purpose of this is to show no coverage, that the lamba will show no coverage and no coverage exists for products. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static Order GetOrderNoItemsNoProductsNoCustomer(DateTime orderDate) { Order retVal = new Order(); retVal.OrderID = 1; retVal.OrderDate = orderDate; return retVal; }
public override void ShipBox(Order order, Box box) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Shipping box {0} with UPS. Label size {1}", box.ID, LabelSize.ToString())); //Event.ShipBox.Fire(Name, Service, order, box); }
public static void GetForwarderFromDOExtension(Order order) { string sForwarderName = ""; string sForwarderService = ""; foreach(OrderExtension oOrderExtension in order.OrderExtensions) { if (oOrderExtension.Key.ToUpper() == "CARRIER") { sForwarderName = oOrderExtension.Value; } else if (oOrderExtension.Key.ToUpper() == "SERVICE") { sForwarderService = oOrderExtension.Value; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sForwarderName) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(sForwarderService)) { throw new Exception("Attempt to load forwarder information from DO failed."); } order.ShippingInfo.Forwarder = Forwarder.Retrieve(sForwarderName, sForwarderService); }
public void TestSaveComposite() { int ordKey = -1; CustomerGroup custGroup = new CustomerGroup(); = "ForeignKeyTest"; Customer cust = new Customer(); = "ForeignKeyTest"; Order ord = new Order(); = "ForeignKeyTest"; try { using (esTransactionScope scope = new esTransactionScope()) { custGroup.GroupID = "XXXXX"; custGroup.GroupName = "Test"; custGroup.Save(); cust.CustomerID = "XXXXX"; cust.CustomerSub = "XXX"; cust.CustomerName = "Test"; cust.str().DateAdded = "2007-01-01 00:00:00"; cust.Active = true; cust.Manager = 1; ord = cust.OrderCollectionByCustID.AddNew(); ord.str().OrderDate = "2007-12-31 00:00:00"; cust.Save(); ordKey = ord.OrderID.Value; Assert.AreEqual(1, cust.OrderCollectionByCustID.Count); } } finally { // Clean up cust = new Customer(); = "ForeignKeyTest"; if (cust.LoadByPrimaryKey("XXXXX", "XXX")) { OrderCollection ordColl = cust.OrderCollectionByCustID; ordColl.MarkAllAsDeleted(); cust.MarkAsDeleted(); cust.Save(); } custGroup = new CustomerGroup(); = "ForeignKeyTest"; if (custGroup.LoadByPrimaryKey("XXXXX")) { custGroup.MarkAsDeleted(); custGroup.Save(); } } }