// BusinessLayer.ShoppingCart sc = new BusinessLayer.ShoppingCart();

        // [OutputCache(Duration = 600)]
        public ActionResult Index()
            //Get Guest as login detail
            BusinessLayer.ShoppingCart sc = new BusinessLayer.ShoppingCart();

            /* var genres = new List<FoodGroup>
             * {
             *   new FoodGroup{FoodGroupName = "Cereal and Grains"},
             *   new FoodGroup{FoodGroupName = "Fats and Oils"},
             *   new FoodGroup{FoodGroupName = "Vegetable"},
             *   new FoodGroup{FoodGroupName = "Diary"},
             *   new FoodGroup{FoodGroupName = "Proteins"},
             * };*/

            //var genres = storeDB.FoodGroups.ToList();
            var genres = storeDB.FoodGroups.OrderBy(a => a.FoodGroupName).ToList();

        // GET: /Store/AddToCart/5
        public ActionResult AddToCart(decimal id)
        //public ActionResult AddToCart(BusinessLayer.FoodItem id)
            // Retrieve the album from the database

            /*BusinessLayer.FoodItem addedAlbum = storeDB.FoodItems
             *  .Single(album => album.FoodItemId == id);*/
            BusinessLayer.FoodItem fooditem = dbset.FoodItems.Single(emp => emp.FoodItemId == id);

            //Get SubgroupID

            decimal subgrpId = fooditem.FoodGroupId;

            // Add it to the shopping cart
            BusinessLayer.ShoppingCart cart = BusinessLayer.ShoppingCart.GetCart(this.HttpContext);


            // Go back to the main store page for more shopping
            //return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
            return(RedirectToAction("Browse", "Store", new { id = subgrpId }));