private void addProject_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ListAddProject listAddEmployee = new ListAddProject(this);

        public AfficheProject(Boolean take, Project project, ListAddProject parent = null)
            this.project = project;
            this.parent  = parent;

            //Initialize the labels
            this.lbProjectName.Text      = project.Name.ToString();
            this.lbTimeProject.Text      = String.Format("{0} days", project.Delay);
            this.lbTimeConcurent.Text    = String.Format("{0} days", project.DelayCompetition);
            this.lbLevel.Text            = this.project.Level.ToString();
            this.lbMoney.Text            = String.Format("{0} $", this.project.Price);
            this.picture.BackgroundImage = project.Picture;

            //Event if the time Change
            this.project.timeDelayChange += TimeDelayChange;

            //If we take the project we show the "delete" and "employees" button
            if (take)
                btAdd.Hide(); btDelete.Show(); btEmployees.Show();