protected void btMod_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string strloginid = this.txtLoginID.Text.Trim(); string strnewpwd = this.txtNewPwd.Text.Trim(); string strnewpwdconf = this.txtNewPwdConf.Text.Trim(); if (strnewpwd != strnewpwdconf) { this.SetErrorMsgPageBydir("Á½´ÎÊäÈëµÄÃÜÂë²»ÕýÈ·£¡"); return; } else { Hashtable htapp = (Hashtable)Application["appconf"]; string strcons = (string)htapp["cons"]; m1 = new BusiComm.Manager(strcons); if (!m1.UpdateOperPwd(strloginid, strnewpwd)) { this.SetErrorMsgPageBydir("ÐÞ¸ÄÃÜÂëʧ°Ü£¬ÇëÖØÊÔ£¡"); return; } else { this.SetSuccMsgPageBydir("ÐÞ¸ÄÃÜÂë³É¹¦£¡", "wfmWelcome.aspx"); return; } } }
private void btMod_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string strloginid = this.txtLoginID.Text.Trim(); string strnewpwd = this.txtNewPwd.Text.Trim(); string strnewpwdconf = this.txtNewPwdConf.Text.Trim(); if (strnewpwd != strnewpwdconf) { this.SetErrorMsgPageBydir("������������벻��ȷ��"); return; } else { Hashtable htapp = (Hashtable)Application["appconf"]; string strcons = (string)htapp["cons"]; m1 = new BusiComm.Manager(strcons); if (!m1.UpdateOperPwd(strloginid, strnewpwd)) { this.SetErrorMsgPageBydir("������ʧ�ܣ������ԣ�"); return; } else { this.SetSuccMsgPageBydir("������ɹ���", "/AMSApp/paraconf/wfmLoginPwd.aspx"); return; } } }
private void btAdd_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string strDeptFlag = ddlDept.SelectedValue; if (strDeptFlag == "全部门店") { strDeptFlag = "all"; } string strContent = txtContent.Text.Trim(); strContent = strContent.Replace("\r\n", ""); Hashtable htapp = (Hashtable)Application["appconf"]; string strcons = (string)htapp["cons"]; m1 = new BusiComm.Manager(strcons); if (!m1.InsertNotice(strDeptFlag, strContent)) { this.SetErrorMsgPageBydir("添加系统通知错误!"); return; } else { this.SetSuccMsgPageBydir("添加系统通知成功!", ""); return; } }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Put user code to initialize the page here if (Session["Login"] == null) { Response.Redirect("../Exit.aspx"); return; } if (!IsPostBack) { if (Request.QueryString.HasKeys()) { string strid = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); if (strid != null && strid != "") { Hashtable htapp = (Hashtable)Application["appconf"]; string strcons = (string)htapp["cons"]; m1 = new Manager(strcons); string strActive = m1.getNoticeActiveFlag(strid); if (strActive != "0") { this.SetErrorMsgPageBydir("本条通知已经发送过,请在系统通知管理界面上重新查询刷新!"); return; } else { DateTime dtCreateDate = DateTime.Now; string strYDate = dtCreateDate.Year.ToString(); string strMDate = dtCreateDate.Month.ToString(); string strDDate = dtCreateDate.Day.ToString(); if (strMDate.Length < 2) { strMDate = "0" + strMDate; } if (strDDate.Length < 2) { strDDate = "0" + strDDate; } string strCreateDate = strYDate + strMDate + strDDate; int todaycount = int.Parse(m1.getNotiSerial(strCreateDate)); if (!CenterToDeptNotice(todaycount, dtCreateDate, strCreateDate, strid)) { this.SetErrorMsgPageBydir("发送系统通知出错,请重试!"); return; } else { m1.UpdateNotice(strid); this.SetSuccMsgPageBydir("发送系统通知成功!", "paraconf/wfmNotice.aspx"); return; } } } } this.FillDropDownList("tbCommCode", ddlDept, "vcCommSign ='MD'", "全部门店"); } }
private void DGBind() { Session.Remove("Query"); Hashtable htapp = (Hashtable)Application["appconf"]; string strcons = (string)htapp["cons"]; m1 = new BusiComm.Manager(strcons); try { DataTable dtout = m1.GetAssType(); if (dtout == null) { this.SetErrorMsgPageBydir("查询出错,请重试!"); return; } Session["Query"] = dtout; this.DataGrid1.EditItemIndex = -1; this.DataGrid1.DataSource = dtout; this.DataGrid1.DataBind(); ((Button)this.DataGrid1.Items[0].Cells[4].Controls[0]).Visible = false; } catch (Exception er) { this.clog.WriteLine(er); this.SetErrorMsgPageBydir("查询错误,请重试!"); return; } }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { CMSMStruct.LoginStruct ls1 = (CMSMStruct.LoginStruct)Session["Login"]; Hashtable htapp = (Hashtable)Application["appconf"]; string strcons = (string)htapp["cons"]; m1 = new Manager(strcons); switch (this.hfAssState.Value) { case "0": m1.LossCard(this.lblCardId.Text, this.hfAssId.Value, ls1.strOperName, ls1.strDeptID); this.SetSuccMsgPageBydir("挂失成功", "BusiQuery/wfmAssInfo.aspx"); break; case "1": m1.CancelLossCard(this.lblCardId.Text, this.hfAssId.Value, ls1.strOperName, ls1.strDeptID); this.SetSuccMsgPageBydir("解挂成功", "BusiQuery/wfmAssInfo.aspx"); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { this.clog.WriteLine(ex); this.SetErrorMsgPageBydirHistory(ex.Message); return; } }
protected void btnok_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { ArrayList alnewoperfunc = new ArrayList(); foreach (ListItem liFunctionList in this.cblFunc.Items) { if (liFunctionList.Selected) { CMSMStruct.MenuStruct mstmp = new CommCenter.CMSMStruct.MenuStruct(); mstmp.strFuncName = liFunctionList.Text; mstmp.strFuncAddress = liFunctionList.Value; alnewoperfunc.Add(mstmp); } } string strOperID = this.lblOperID.Text.Trim(); if (strOperID == "") { this.SetErrorMsgPageBydir("操作员信息错误,请重试!"); return; } Hashtable htapp = (Hashtable)Application["appconf"]; string strcons = (string)htapp["cons"]; m1 = new BusiComm.Manager(strcons); string strFuncType = txtCS.Text; if (m1.UpdateOperPurview(strOperID, alnewoperfunc, strFuncType)) { if (strFuncType == "BS") { this.SetSuccMsgPageBydir("操作员权限修改成功!", "paraconf/wfmLoginOper.aspx"); } else { this.SetSuccMsgPageBydir("操作员权限修改成功!", "paraconf/wfmDeptOperManage.aspx"); } return; } else { this.SetErrorMsgPageBydir("操作员权限修改失败,请重试!"); return; } }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Session.Remove("QUERY"); Session.Remove("toExcel"); Hashtable htapp = (Hashtable)Application["appconf"]; string strcons = (string)htapp["cons"]; m1 = new Manager(strcons); Hashtable htPara = new Hashtable(); string strLoginName = txtLoginName.Text.Trim(); htPara.Add("strLoginName", strLoginName); string strDeptID = ddlDept.SelectedValue; if (strDeptID == "全部") { strDeptID = ""; } htPara.Add("strDeptID", strDeptID); try { DataTable dtout = m1.GetLoginOper(htPara); if (dtout == null) { this.SetErrorMsgPageBydir("查询出错,请重试!"); btnExcel.Enabled = false; return; } else { this.TableConvert(dtout, "门店", "AllMD"); this.TableConvert(dtout, "查看权限", "tbCommCode", "vcCommSign='CLT'"); dtout.TableName = "网站操作员清单"; DataTable dtexcel = dtout.Copy(); Session["QUERY"] = dtout; dtexcel.Columns.Remove("功能权限"); dtexcel.Columns.Remove("操作"); Session["toExcel"] = dtexcel; if (dtout.Rows.Count <= 0) { btnExcel.Enabled = false; } else { btnExcel.Enabled = true; } } UcPageView1.MyDataGrid.PageSize = 30; DataView dvOut = new DataView(dtout); this.UcPageView1.MyDataSource = dvOut; this.UcPageView1.BindGrid(); } catch (Exception er) { this.clog.WriteLine(er); this.SetErrorMsgPageBydir("查询错误,请重试!"); return; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Put user code to initialize the page here if (!IsPostBack) { string strLoginID = this.Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); string strOperName = this.Request.QueryString["name"].ToString(); string strFuncType = this.Request.QueryString["FuncType"].ToString(); this.txtCS.Text = strFuncType; if (strLoginID == null || strLoginID == "" || strOperName == null || strOperName == "" || strFuncType == null || strFuncType == "") { this.SetErrorMsgPageBydirHistory("所选操作员登录ID错误,请重试!"); return; } else { this.lblOperID.Text = strLoginID; this.lblOperName.Text = strOperName; Hashtable htapp = (Hashtable)Application["appconf"]; string strcons = (string)htapp["cons"]; m1 = new BusiComm.Manager(strcons); //if(strFuncType="BS") DataSet dsout = m1.GetFuncList(strLoginID, strFuncType); DataTable dtfunclist = dsout.Tables["funclist"]; DataTable dtoperfunc = dsout.Tables["operfunc"]; if (dtfunclist != null) { cblFunc.DataSource = dtfunclist; cblFunc.DataTextField = "cnvcFuncName"; cblFunc.DataValueField = "cnvcFuncAddress"; cblFunc.DataBind(); foreach (ListItem liFunctionList in this.cblFunc.Items) { if (liFunctionList.Selected) { liFunctionList.Selected = false; } } { foreach (ListItem liFunctionList in this.cblFunc.Items) { if (dtoperfunc != null && dtoperfunc.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow drOperFunc in dtoperfunc.Rows) { if (drOperFunc["vcFuncName"].ToString().Equals(liFunctionList.Text)) { liFunctionList.Selected = true; } } } } } } else { this.SetErrorMsgPageBydirHistory("获取功能列表错误!"); return; } } } }
protected void btQuery_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Session.Remove("QUERY"); Session.Remove("toExcel"); strBeginDate = Request.Form["txtBegin"].ToString(); strEndDate = Request.Form["txtEnd"].ToString(); if (strBeginDate == "" || strEndDate == "" || strBeginDate == null || strEndDate == null) { this.SetErrorMsgPageBydir("时间不能为空,请重新选择时间!"); return; } Hashtable htapp = (Hashtable)Application["appconf"]; string strcons = (string)htapp["cons"]; m1 = new BusiComm.Manager(strcons); Hashtable htPara = new Hashtable(); string strDeptID = ddlDept.SelectedValue; if (strDeptID == "全部") { strDeptID = ""; } CMSMStruct.LoginStruct ls1 = (CMSMStruct.LoginStruct)Session["Login"]; if (ls1.strLimit != "CL001") { strDeptID = ls1.strDeptID + "','all"; } htPara.Add("strDeptID", strDeptID); htPara.Add("strBegin", strBeginDate); htPara.Add("strEnd", strEndDate); htPara.Add("strContent", txtContent.Text.Trim()); try { DataTable dtout = m1.GetNotice(htPara); if (dtout == null) { this.SetErrorMsgPageBydir("查询出错,请重试!"); btnExcel.Enabled = false; return; } else { this.TableConvert(dtout, "发往门店", "tbCommCode", "vcCommSign='MD'"); dtout.TableName = "系统通知清单"; DataTable dtexcel = dtout.Copy(); Session["QUERY"] = dtout; // dtexcel.Columns.Remove("操作"); Session["toExcel"] = dtexcel; if (dtout.Rows.Count <= 0) { btnExcel.Enabled = false; } else { if (ls1.strLimit == "CL001") { btnExcel.Enabled = true; } } } UcPageView1.MyDataGrid.PageSize = 30; DataView dvOut = new DataView(dtout); this.UcPageView1.MyDataSource = dvOut; this.UcPageView1.BindGrid(); } catch (Exception er) { this.clog.WriteLine(er); this.SetErrorMsgPageBydir("查询错误,请重试!"); return; } }
protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Hashtable htapp = (Hashtable)Application["appconf"]; string strcons = (string)htapp["cons"]; m1 = new Manager(strcons); if (this.txtAssTypeName.Text.Trim().Length >= 10) { this.Popup("会员类型名称不能超过5个中文字!"); return; } if (this.txtAssTypeCode.Text.Trim().Length != 5) { this.Popup("会员类型编码必须为5个字符!"); return; } else if (this.txtAssTypeCode.Text.Trim().Substring(0, 2) != "AT") { this.Popup("会员类型编码必须与“AT”开头!"); return; } else if (m1.GetAssTypeExist(this.txtAssTypeCode.Text.Trim())) { this.Popup("会员类型编码已经存在!"); return; } if (this.txtAssTypeRate.Text.Trim() == "") { this.Popup("折扣不能为空!"); return; } else if (!this.JudgeIsNum(this.txtAssTypeRate.Text.Trim(), "折扣必须是数字,!")) { return; } else if (this.txtAssTypeRate.Text.Trim() == "1" || this.txtAssTypeRate.Text.Trim() == "10") { this.Popup("折扣必须是0到10以内的数字,且不能为1和10!"); return; } else if (double.Parse(this.txtAssTypeRate.Text.Trim()) < 0 || double.Parse(this.txtAssTypeRate.Text.Trim()) >= 10) { this.Popup("折扣必须是0到10以内的数字,且不能为1和10!"); return; } if (this.ddlDisp.SelectedIndex == 0) { this.Popup("请选择是否屏蔽!"); return; } string strComments = ""; if (this.ddlDisp.SelectedIndex == 1) { strComments = "X" + this.txtAssTypeRate.Text.Trim(); } else { strComments = "Y" + this.txtAssTypeRate.Text.Trim(); } try { if (!m1.ModifyAssType(this.txtAssTypeCode.Text.Trim(), this.txtAssTypeName.Text.Trim(), strComments, "ADD")) { this.SetErrorMsgPageBydir("添加会员类型出错,请重试!"); return; } else { this.Popup("添加会员类型成功!"); this.DGBind(); return; } } catch (Exception er) { this.clog.WriteLine(er); this.SetErrorMsgPageBydir("系统错误,请重试!"); return; } }
private void DataGrid1_UpdateCommand(object source, DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { string strAssTypeName = ((TextBox)e.Item.Cells[0].Controls[0]).Text.Trim(); string strAssTypeCode = e.Item.Cells[1].Text.Trim(); string strAssTypeRate = ((TextBox)e.Item.Cells[2].Controls[0]).Text.Trim(); string strComments = ((DropDownList)e.Item.Cells[3].Controls[1]).SelectedItem.Text.Trim(); if (strAssTypeName.Length >= 10) { this.Popup("会员类型名称不能超过5个中文字!"); return; } if (strAssTypeRate == "") { this.Popup("折扣不能为空!"); return; } else if (!this.JudgeIsNum(strAssTypeRate, "折扣必须是数字,!")) { return; } else if (strAssTypeRate == "1" || strAssTypeRate == "10") { this.Popup("折扣必须是0到10以内的数字,且不能为1和10!"); return; } else if (double.Parse(strAssTypeRate) < 0 || double.Parse(strAssTypeRate) >= 10) { this.Popup("折扣必须是0到10以内的数字,且不能为1和10!"); return; } if (strComments == "是") { strComments = "X" + strAssTypeRate; } else { strComments = "Y" + strAssTypeRate; } Hashtable htapp = (Hashtable)Application["appconf"]; string strcons = (string)htapp["cons"]; m1 = new Manager(strcons); try { if (!m1.ModifyAssType(strAssTypeCode, strAssTypeName, strComments, "MOD")) { this.SetErrorMsgPageBydir("修改会员类型出错,请重试!"); return; } else { this.Popup("修改会员类型成功!"); this.DGBind(); return; } } catch (Exception er) { this.clog.WriteLine(er); this.SetErrorMsgPageBydir("系统错误,请重试!"); return; } }