Example #1
        protected void UpdateActivationState(float timeStep)

            int length = m_nonStaticRigidBodies.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
                RigidBody body = m_nonStaticRigidBodies[i];
                if (body != null)

                    if (body.WantsSleeping())
                        if (body.IsStaticOrKinematicObject())
                            if (body.GetActivationState() == ActivationState.ACTIVE_TAG)

                            if (body.GetActivationState() == ActivationState.ISLAND_SLEEPING)
                                IndexedVector3 zero = IndexedVector3.Zero;
                                body.SetAngularVelocity(ref zero);
                                body.SetLinearVelocity(ref zero);
                                if (body.GetMotionState() != null)
                        if (body.GetActivationState() != ActivationState.DISABLE_DEACTIVATION)
        public override void AddRigidBody(RigidBody body)
            if (!body.IsStaticOrKinematicObject() && 0 == (body.GetFlags() & RigidBodyFlags.BT_DISABLE_WORLD_GRAVITY))
                body.SetGravity(ref m_gravity);

            if (body.GetCollisionShape() != null)
                if (!body.IsStaticObject())

                bool isDynamic = !(body.IsStaticObject() || body.IsKinematicObject());
                CollisionFilterGroups collisionFilterGroup = isDynamic ? CollisionFilterGroups.DefaultFilter : CollisionFilterGroups.StaticFilter;
                CollisionFilterGroups collisionFilterMask  = isDynamic ? CollisionFilterGroups.AllFilter : (CollisionFilterGroups.AllFilter ^ CollisionFilterGroups.StaticFilter);

                AddCollisionObject(body, collisionFilterGroup, collisionFilterMask);
        public override void AddRigidBody(RigidBody body, CollisionFilterGroups group, CollisionFilterGroups mask)
            if (!body.IsStaticOrKinematicObject() && 0 == (body.GetFlags() & RigidBodyFlags.BT_DISABLE_WORLD_GRAVITY))
                body.SetGravity(ref m_gravity);

            if (body.GetCollisionShape() != null)
                if (!body.IsStaticObject())
                    if (!m_nonStaticRigidBodies.Contains(body))

                AddCollisionObject(body, group, mask);
Example #4
        protected override void Initialize()

            ///collision configuration contains default setup for memory, collision setup
            m_collisionConfiguration = new DefaultCollisionConfiguration();

            ///use the default collision dispatcher. For parallel processing you can use a diffent dispatcher (see Extras/BulletMultiThreaded)
            m_dispatcher = new CollisionDispatcher(m_collisionConfiguration);

            m_broadphase = new DbvtBroadphase();

            ///the default constraint solver. For parallel processing you can use a different solver (see Extras/BulletMultiThreaded)
            m_constraintSolver = new SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver();

            m_dynamicsWorld = new DiscreteDynamicsWorld(m_dispatcher, m_broadphase, m_constraintSolver, m_collisionConfiguration);

            IndexedVector3 gravity = new IndexedVector3(0, -10, 0);
            m_dynamicsWorld.SetGravity(ref gravity);

            // NEW => btGhostPairCallback =================================
            m_ghostPairCallback = new GhostPairCallback();
            m_dynamicsWorld.GetBroadphase().GetOverlappingPairCache().SetInternalGhostPairCallback(m_ghostPairCallback);	// Needed once to enable ghost objects inside Bullet

            // NEW => btGhostObject =======================================
            m_ghostObject = new GhostObject();
            CollisionShape shape = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(5f));	// As far as I know only the world aabb of the shape will be used (i.e. a box always parallel to the x,y,z axis of variable size)
            m_ghostObject.SetCollisionFlags(CollisionFlags.CF_NO_CONTACT_RESPONSE);		// We can choose to make it "solid" if we want...
            m_dynamicsWorld.AddCollisionObject(m_ghostObject, CollisionFilterGroups.SensorTrigger, CollisionFilterGroups.AllFilter & ~CollisionFilterGroups.SensorTrigger);
            IndexedMatrix im = IndexedMatrix.CreateFromQuaternion(quatDeg45Y);
            im._origin = new IndexedVector3(0, 5, -15);

            // NEW => btPairCachingGhostObject ============================
            m_pairCachingGhostObject = new PairCachingGhostObject();
            shape = new ConeShape(7.0f, 14.0f);
            m_pairCachingGhostObject.SetCollisionFlags(CollisionFlags.CF_NO_CONTACT_RESPONSE);	// We can choose to make it "solid" if we want...
            m_dynamicsWorld.AddCollisionObject(m_pairCachingGhostObject, CollisionFilterGroups.SensorTrigger, CollisionFilterGroups.AllFilter & ~CollisionFilterGroups.SensorTrigger);
            im._origin = new IndexedVector3(0, 7, 15);

            ///create a few basic rigid bodies
            CollisionShape groundShape = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(50));


            IndexedMatrix groundTransform = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
            groundTransform._origin = new IndexedVector3(0, -50, 0);

            float mass = 0.0f;
            LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, groundTransform, groundShape);

            // spawn some cubes (code pasted from appBasicDemo...)
                //create a few dynamic rigidbodies
                CollisionShape colShape = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(SCALING, SCALING, SCALING));
                //btCollisionShape* colShape = new btSphereShape(btScalar(1.));
                //CollisionShape colShape = new CylinderShape(new IndexedVector3(1f, 1, 1f));

                /// Create Dynamic Objects
                IndexedMatrix startTransform = IndexedMatrix.Identity;

                mass = 1f;

                //rigidbody is dynamic if and only if mass is non zero, otherwise static
                bool isDynamic = mass != 0f;

                IndexedVector3 localInertia = IndexedVector3.Zero;
                if (isDynamic)
                    colShape.CalculateLocalInertia(mass, out localInertia);
                float start_x = START_POS_X - ARRAY_SIZE_X / 2;
                float start_y = START_POS_Y;
                float start_z = START_POS_Z - ARRAY_SIZE_Z / 2;

                for (int k = 0; k < ARRAY_SIZE_Y; k++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE_X; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE_Z; j++)
                            startTransform._origin = (new IndexedVector3(2.0f * i + start_x, 20 + 2.0f * k + start_y, 2.0f * j + start_z) * SCALING);

                            //using motionstate is recommended, it provides interpolation capabilities, and only synchronizes 'active' objects
                            DefaultMotionState myMotionState = new DefaultMotionState(startTransform, IndexedMatrix.Identity);
                            RigidBodyConstructionInfo rbInfo = new RigidBodyConstructionInfo(mass, myMotionState, colShape, localInertia);
                            RigidBody body = new RigidBody(rbInfo);

                            body.SetUserPointer(String.Format("Box X{0} Y{1} Z{2}", k, i, j));



        public virtual void MouseFunc(ref MouseState oldMouseState, ref MouseState newMouseState)
            IndexedVector3 rayTo = GetRayTo(newMouseState.X, newMouseState.Y);

            if (WasReleased(ref oldMouseState,ref newMouseState,2))
            else if (WasReleased(ref oldMouseState,ref newMouseState,1))
                //apply an impulse
                if (m_dynamicsWorld != null)
                    ClosestRayResultCallback rayCallback = new ClosestRayResultCallback(new IndexedVector3(m_cameraPosition), rayTo);
                    IndexedVector3 ivPos = new IndexedVector3(m_cameraPosition);
                    IndexedVector3 ivTo = new IndexedVector3(rayTo);
                    m_dynamicsWorld.RayTest(ref ivPos,ref ivTo, rayCallback);
                    if (rayCallback.HasHit())
                        RigidBody body = RigidBody.Upcast(rayCallback.m_collisionObject);
                        if (body != null)
                            IndexedVector3 impulse = rayTo;
                            float impulseStrength = 10f;
                            impulse *= impulseStrength;
                            IndexedVector3 relPos = rayCallback.m_hitPointWorld - body.GetCenterOfMassPosition();
                            body.ApplyImpulse(ref impulse, ref relPos);
            else if (newMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                //add a point to point constraint for picking
                if (m_dynamicsWorld != null)

					IndexedVector3 rayFrom;
					if (m_ortho)
						rayFrom = rayTo;
						rayFrom.Z = -100.0f;
						rayFrom = new IndexedVector3(m_cameraPosition);

                    ClosestRayResultCallback rayCallback = new ClosestRayResultCallback(ref rayFrom, ref rayTo);
                    IndexedVector3 ivPos = new IndexedVector3(m_cameraPosition);
                    IndexedVector3 ivTo = new IndexedVector3(rayTo);
                    m_dynamicsWorld.RayTest(ref ivPos, ref ivTo, rayCallback);
                    if (rayCallback.HasHit())
                        RigidBody body = RigidBody.Upcast(rayCallback.m_collisionObject);
                        if (body != null)
                            //other exclusions?
                            if (!(body.IsStaticObject() || body.IsKinematicObject()))
                                pickedBody = body;

                                IndexedVector3 pickPos = rayCallback.m_hitPointWorld;

                                IndexedVector3 localPivot = body.GetCenterOfMassTransform().Inverse() * pickPos;

                                if (use6Dof)
                                    IndexedMatrix tr = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
                                    tr._origin = localPivot;
                                    Generic6DofConstraint dof6 = new Generic6DofConstraint(body, ref tr, false);
                                    dof6.SetLinearLowerLimit(new IndexedVector3(0, 0, 0));
                                    dof6.SetLinearUpperLimit(new IndexedVector3(0, 0, 0));
                                    dof6.SetAngularLowerLimit(new IndexedVector3(0, 0, 0));
                                    dof6.SetAngularUpperLimit(new IndexedVector3(0, 0, 0));

                                    m_pickConstraint = dof6;

                                    dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParams.BT_CONSTRAINT_STOP_CFM, 0.8f, 0);
                                    dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParams.BT_CONSTRAINT_STOP_CFM, 0.8f, 1);
                                    dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParams.BT_CONSTRAINT_STOP_CFM, 0.8f, 2);
                                    dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParams.BT_CONSTRAINT_STOP_CFM, 0.8f, 3);
                                    dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParams.BT_CONSTRAINT_STOP_CFM, 0.8f, 4);
                                    dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParams.BT_CONSTRAINT_STOP_CFM, 0.8f, 5);

                                    dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParams.BT_CONSTRAINT_STOP_ERP, 0.1f, 0);
                                    dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParams.BT_CONSTRAINT_STOP_ERP, 0.1f, 1);
                                    dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParams.BT_CONSTRAINT_STOP_ERP, 0.1f, 2);
                                    dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParams.BT_CONSTRAINT_STOP_ERP, 0.1f, 3);
                                    dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParams.BT_CONSTRAINT_STOP_ERP, 0.1f, 4);
                                    dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParams.BT_CONSTRAINT_STOP_ERP, 0.1f, 5);
                                    Point2PointConstraint p2p = new Point2PointConstraint(body, ref localPivot);
                                    m_dynamicsWorld.AddConstraint(p2p, false);

                                    p2p.m_setting.m_impulseClamp = mousePickClamping;
                                    p2p.m_setting.m_tau = 0.001f;

                                    if (m_pickConstraint != null)
                                        int ibreak = 0;
                                    m_pickConstraint = p2p;
                                //save mouse position for dragging
                                gOldPickingPos = rayTo;
								gHitPos = pickPos;

								gOldPickingDist = (pickPos - rayFrom).Length();

                                //very weak constraint for picking

            else if (WasReleased(ref oldMouseState,ref newMouseState,0))
                if (m_pickConstraint != null && m_dynamicsWorld != null)
                    m_pickConstraint = null;
                    //printf("removed constraint %i",gPickingConstraintId);
                    m_pickConstraint = null;
                    pickedBody = null;
        public override void InitializeDemo()
            SetCameraDistance(SCALING * 50f);

            //string filename = @"E:\users\man\bullet\xna-basic-output-1.txt";
            //FileStream filestream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read);
            //BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter = new StreamWriter(filestream);

	        ///collision configuration contains default setup for memory, collision setup
	        m_collisionConfiguration = new DefaultCollisionConfiguration();

	        ///use the default collision dispatcher. For parallel processing you can use a diffent dispatcher (see Extras/BulletMultiThreaded)
	        m_dispatcher = new CollisionDispatcher(m_collisionConfiguration);

	        m_broadphase = new DbvtBroadphase();
            IOverlappingPairCache pairCache = null;
            //pairCache = new SortedOverlappingPairCache();

            //m_broadphase = new SimpleBroadphase(1000, pairCache);

	        ///the default constraint solver. For parallel processing you can use a different solver (see Extras/BulletMultiThreaded)
	        SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver sol = new SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver();
            m_constraintSolver = sol;

            m_dynamicsWorld = new DiscreteDynamicsWorld(m_dispatcher, m_broadphase, m_constraintSolver, m_collisionConfiguration);

            IndexedVector3 gravity = new IndexedVector3(0, -10, 0);
	        m_dynamicsWorld.SetGravity(ref gravity);

	        ///create a few basic rigid bodies
            IndexedVector3 halfExtents = new IndexedVector3(50, 50, 50);
            //IndexedVector3 halfExtents = new IndexedVector3(10, 10, 10);
            CollisionShape groundShape = new BoxShape(ref halfExtents);
            //CollisionShape groundShape = new StaticPlaneShape(new IndexedVector3(0,1,0), 50);

            IndexedMatrix groundTransform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(0, -50, 0));
            //IndexedMatrix groundTransform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(0,-10,0));
	        float mass = 0f;
            LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, ref groundTransform, groundShape);
		        //create a few dynamic rigidbodies
                CollisionShape colShape = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(SCALING, SCALING, SCALING));
		        //btCollisionShape* colShape = new btSphereShape(btScalar(1.));
                //CollisionShape colShape = new CylinderShape(new IndexedVector3(1f, 1, 1f));

		        /// Create Dynamic Objects
		        IndexedMatrix startTransform = IndexedMatrix.Identity;

		        mass = 1f;

		        //rigidbody is dynamic if and only if mass is non zero, otherwise static
		        bool isDynamic = mass != 0f;

		        IndexedVector3 localInertia = IndexedVector3.Zero;
		        if (isDynamic)
			        colShape.CalculateLocalInertia(mass, out localInertia);
		        float start_x = START_POS_X - ARRAY_SIZE_X/2;
		        float start_y = START_POS_Y;
		        float start_z = START_POS_Z - ARRAY_SIZE_Z/2;

		        for (int k=0;k<ARRAY_SIZE_Y;k++)
			        for (int i=0;i<ARRAY_SIZE_X;i++)
				        for(int j = 0;j<ARRAY_SIZE_Z;j++)
                            startTransform._origin = (new IndexedVector3(2.0f * i + start_x, 20 + 2.0f * k + start_y, 2.0f * j + start_z) * SCALING);

                            //using motionstate is recommended, it provides interpolation capabilities, and only synchronizes 'active' objects
                            DefaultMotionState myMotionState = new DefaultMotionState(startTransform, IndexedMatrix.Identity);
                            RigidBodyConstructionInfo rbInfo = new RigidBodyConstructionInfo(mass, myMotionState, colShape, localInertia);
                            RigidBody body = new RigidBody(rbInfo);

                            body.SetUserPointer(String.Format("Box X{0} Y{1} Z{2}", k, i, j));

Example #7
        public override void InitializeDemo()
            //string filename = @"E:\users\man\bullet\xna-constraint-output.txt";
            //FileStream filestream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read);
            //BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter = new StreamWriter(filestream);

            //maxiterations = 100;

	        m_collisionConfiguration = new DefaultCollisionConfiguration();
	        m_dispatcher = new CollisionDispatcher(m_collisionConfiguration);
	        IndexedVector3 worldMin = new IndexedVector3(-1000,-1000,-1000);
	        IndexedVector3 worldMax = new IndexedVector3(1000,1000,1000);
            m_broadphase = new AxisSweep3Internal(ref worldMin, ref worldMax, 0xfffe, 0xffff, 16384, null, false);
	        m_constraintSolver = new SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver();
	        m_dynamicsWorld = new DiscreteDynamicsWorld(m_dispatcher,m_broadphase,m_constraintSolver,m_collisionConfiguration);


            //CollisionShape groundShape = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(50f, 40f, 50f));
            CollisionShape groundShape = new StaticPlaneShape(new IndexedVector3(0, 1, 0), 40);

            IndexedMatrix groundTransform = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
            groundTransform._origin = new IndexedVector3(0, -56, 0);
            RigidBody groundBody = LocalCreateRigidBody(0, ref groundTransform, groundShape);

            CollisionShape shape = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS, CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS, CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS));
            IndexedMatrix trans = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
            trans._origin = new IndexedVector3(0, 20, 0);

	        float mass = 1f;

#if true
	    //point to point constraint with a breaking threshold
		    trans = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
		    trans._origin = new IndexedVector3(1,30,-5);
		    LocalCreateRigidBody( mass,trans,shape);
		    trans._origin = new IndexedVector3(0,0,-5);

		    RigidBody body0 = LocalCreateRigidBody( mass,trans,shape);
            trans._origin = new IndexedVector3(2*CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS,20,0);
		    mass = 1.0f;
		    RigidBody body1 = null;//localCreateRigidBody( mass,trans,shape);
		    IndexedVector3 pivotInA = new IndexedVector3(CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS,CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS,0);
		    TypedConstraint p2p = new Point2PointConstraint(body0,ref pivotInA);

#if true
        //point to point constraint (ball socket)
                //trans = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
		        RigidBody body0 = LocalCreateRigidBody( mass,ref trans,shape);
		        trans._origin = new IndexedVector3(2*CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS,20,0);

		        mass = 1f;
		        RigidBody body1 = null;//localCreateRigidBody( mass,trans,shape);

		        IndexedVector3 pivotInA = new IndexedVector3(CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS,-CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS,-CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS);
		        IndexedVector3 axisInA = new IndexedVector3(0,0,1);

                IndexedVector3 pivotInB = body1 != null ? body1.GetCenterOfMassTransform().Inverse() * (body0.GetCenterOfMassTransform() * (pivotInA)) : pivotInA;
                IndexedVector3 axisInB = body1 != null ? (body1.GetCenterOfMassTransform()._basis.Inverse() * (body1.GetCenterOfMassTransform()._basis * axisInA)) :
                body0.GetCenterOfMassTransform()._basis * axisInA;
#if P2P
		TypedConstraint p2p = new Point2PointConstraint(body0,ref pivotInA);
		//btTypedConstraint* p2p = new btPoint2PointConstraint(*body0,*body1,pivotInA,pivotInB);
		//btTypedConstraint* hinge = new btHingeConstraint(*body0,*body1,pivotInA,pivotInB,axisInA,axisInB);

		        HingeConstraint hinge = new HingeConstraint(body0,ref pivotInA,ref axisInA,false);
		        float	targetVelocity = 1f;
		        float	maxMotorImpulse = 1.0f;


#if true
            //create a slider, using the generic D6 constraint
			// SEEMS OK
		        mass = 1f;
		        IndexedVector3 sliderWorldPos = new IndexedVector3(0,10,0);
		        IndexedVector3 sliderAxis = new IndexedVector3(1,0,0);
		        float angle=0f;//SIMD_RADS_PER_DEG * 10.f;
		        IndexedBasisMatrix sliderOrientation = new IndexedBasisMatrix(new IndexedQuaternion(sliderAxis,angle));
		        trans = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
		        trans._origin = sliderWorldPos;
		        sliderTransform = trans;

		        d6body0 = LocalCreateRigidBody( mass,ref trans,shape);
		        RigidBody fixedBody1 = LocalCreateRigidBody(0,ref trans,null);

		        IndexedMatrix frameInA, frameInB;
		        frameInA = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
		        frameInB = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
                frameInA._origin = new IndexedVector3(0, 5, 0);
                frameInB._origin = new IndexedVector3(0, 5, 0);

        //		bool useLinearReferenceFrameA = false;//use fixed frame B for linear llimits
		        bool useLinearReferenceFrameA = true;//use fixed frame A for linear llimits
		        spSlider6Dof = new Generic6DofConstraint(fixedBody1, d6body0,ref frameInA,ref frameInB,useLinearReferenceFrameA);
                spSlider6Dof.SetLinearLowerLimit(ref lowerSliderLimit);
                spSlider6Dof.SetLinearUpperLimit(ref hiSliderLimit);

		        //range should be small, otherwise singularities will 'explode' the constraint
                IndexedVector3 angularLower = new IndexedVector3(-1.5f,0,0);
                IndexedVector3 angularUpper = -angularLower;
                spSlider6Dof.SetAngularLowerLimit(ref angularLower);
                spSlider6Dof.SetAngularUpperLimit(ref angularUpper);
        //		slider.setAngularLowerLimit(IndexedVector3(0,0,0));
        //		slider.setAngularUpperLimit(IndexedVector3(0,0,0));
                spSlider6Dof.SetAngularLowerLimit(new IndexedVector3(-MathUtil.SIMD_PI, 0, 0));
                spSlider6Dof.SetAngularUpperLimit(new IndexedVector3(1.5f, 0, 0));

                spSlider6Dof.GetTranslationalLimitMotor().m_enableMotor[0] = true;
                spSlider6Dof.GetTranslationalLimitMotor().m_targetVelocity.X = -5.0f;
                spSlider6Dof.GetTranslationalLimitMotor().m_maxMotorForce.X = 0.1f;


#if true
	        { // create a door using hinge constraint attached to the world
		        CollisionShape pDoorShape = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(2.0f, 5.0f, 0.2f));
		        IndexedMatrix doorTrans = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
		        doorTrans._origin = new IndexedVector3(-5.0f, -2.0f, 0.0f);
		        RigidBody pDoorBody = LocalCreateRigidBody( 1.0f, ref doorTrans, pDoorShape);
		        IndexedVector3 btPivotA = new IndexedVector3( 10f+2.1f, -2.0f, 0.0f ); // right next to the door slightly outside
		        IndexedVector3 btAxisA = new IndexedVector3( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ); // pointing upwards, aka Y-axis

		        spDoorHinge = new HingeConstraint( pDoorBody, ref btPivotA, ref btAxisA,false );

                spDoorHinge.SetLimit(-MathUtil.SIMD_PI * 0.25f, MathUtil.SIMD_PI * 0.25f);

#if true
            { // create a generic 6DOF constraint
				// SEEMS OK - But debug draw a bit wrong?
		        IndexedMatrix tr = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
		        tr._origin = new IndexedVector3(10f, 6f, 0f);
        //		RigidBody pBodyA = localCreateRigidBody( mass, tr, shape);
		        RigidBody pBodyA = LocalCreateRigidBody( 0.0f, ref tr, shape);
        //		RigidBody pBodyA = localCreateRigidBody( 0.0, tr, 0);

                tr = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
		        tr._origin = new IndexedVector3(0f, 6f, 0f);		        
		        RigidBody pBodyB = LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, ref tr, shape);

		        IndexedMatrix frameInA, frameInB;
		        frameInA = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(-5,0,0);
		        frameInB = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(5,0,0);

		        Generic6DofConstraint pGen6DOF = new Generic6DofConstraint(pBodyA, pBodyB, ref frameInA, ref frameInB, true);
        //		btGeneric6DofConstraint* pGen6DOF = new btGeneric6DofConstraint(*pBodyA, *pBodyB, frameInA, frameInB, false);
		        IndexedVector3 linearLower = new IndexedVector3(-10, -2, -1);
                pGen6DOF.SetLinearLowerLimit(ref linearLower);
                IndexedVector3 linearUpper = new IndexedVector3(10,2,1);
		        pGen6DOF.SetLinearUpperLimit(ref linearUpper);
                // ? why again?
                //linearLower = new IndexedVector3(-10,0,0);
                //pGen6DOF.setLinearLowerLimit(ref linearLower);
        //		pGen6DOF.setLinearUpperLimit(IndexedVector3(10., 0., 0.));
        //		pGen6DOF.setLinearLowerLimit(IndexedVector3(0., 0., 0.));
        //		pGen6DOF.setLinearUpperLimit(IndexedVector3(0., 0., 0.));

        //		pGen6DOF.getTranslationalLimitMotor().m_enableMotor[0] = true;
        //		pGen6DOF.getTranslationalLimitMotor().m_targetVelocity[0] = 5.0f;
        //		pGen6DOF.getTranslationalLimitMotor().m_maxMotorForce[0] = 0.1f;

        //		pGen6DOF.setAngularLowerLimit(IndexedVector3(0., SIMD_HALF_PI*0.9, 0.));
        //		pGen6DOF.setAngularUpperLimit(IndexedVector3(0., -SIMD_HALF_PI*0.9, 0.));
        //		pGen6DOF.setAngularLowerLimit(IndexedVector3(0., 0., -SIMD_HALF_PI));
        //		pGen6DOF.setAngularUpperLimit(IndexedVector3(0., 0., SIMD_HALF_PI));

                IndexedVector3 angularLower = new IndexedVector3(-MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f, -0.75f, -MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.8f);
                IndexedVector3 angularUpper = -angularLower;
		        pGen6DOF.SetAngularLowerLimit(ref angularLower);
		        pGen6DOF.SetAngularUpperLimit(ref angularUpper);
        //		pGen6DOF.setAngularLowerLimit(IndexedVector3(0.f, -0.75, SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.8f));
        //		pGen6DOF.setAngularUpperLimit(IndexedVector3(0.f, 0.75, -SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.8f));
        //		pGen6DOF.setAngularLowerLimit(IndexedVector3(0.f, -SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.8f, SIMD_HALF_PI * 1.98f));
        //		pGen6DOF.setAngularUpperLimit(IndexedVector3(0.f, SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.8f,  -SIMD_HALF_PI * 1.98f));

        //		pGen6DOF.setAngularLowerLimit(IndexedVector3(-0.75,-0.5, -0.5));
        //		pGen6DOF.setAngularUpperLimit(IndexedVector3(0.75,0.5, 0.5));
        //		pGen6DOF.setAngularLowerLimit(IndexedVector3(-0.75,0., 0.));
        //		pGen6DOF.setAngularUpperLimit(IndexedVector3(0.75,0., 0.));

		        m_dynamicsWorld.AddConstraint(pGen6DOF, true);
#if true
            { // create a ConeTwist constraint

		        IndexedMatrix tr = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(-10,5,0);

		        RigidBody pBodyA = LocalCreateRigidBody( 1.0f, ref tr, shape);

		        tr = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(-10,-5,0);

		        RigidBody pBodyB = LocalCreateRigidBody(0.0f, ref tr, shape);

		        IndexedMatrix frameInA, frameInB;
                frameInA = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0, 0, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI);
                frameInA._origin = new IndexedVector3(0, -5, 0);
				frameInB = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0, 0, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI);
                frameInB._origin = new IndexedVector3(0, 5, 0);

		        ConeTwistConstraint pCT = new ConeTwistConstraint(pBodyA, pBodyB, ref frameInA, ref frameInB);
		        pCT.SetLimit(MathUtil.SIMD_QUARTER_PI * 0.6f, MathUtil.SIMD_QUARTER_PI, MathUtil.SIMD_PI * 0.8f, 0.5f); // soft limit == hard limit
		        m_dynamicsWorld.AddConstraint(pCT, true);
#if true
            { // Hinge connected to the world, with motor (to hinge motor with new and old constraint solver)
				// WORKS OK
		        IndexedMatrix tr = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
		        RigidBody pBody = LocalCreateRigidBody( 1.0f, ref tr, shape);
		        IndexedVector3 btPivotA = new IndexedVector3( 10.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
		        IndexedVector3 btAxisA = new IndexedVector3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );

		        HingeConstraint pHinge = new HingeConstraint(pBody, ref btPivotA, ref btAxisA,false);
        //		pHinge.enableAngularMotor(true, -1.0, 0.165); // use for the old solver
		        pHinge.EnableAngularMotor(true, -1.0f, 1.65f); // use for the new SIMD solver
#if true
		// create a universal joint using generic 6DOF constraint
		// create two rigid bodies
		// static bodyA (parent) on top:
		IndexedMatrix tr = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(20,4,0);
		RigidBody pBodyA = LocalCreateRigidBody( 0.0f, ref tr, shape);
		// dynamic bodyB (child) below it :
		tr = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(20,0,0);
		RigidBody pBodyB = LocalCreateRigidBody(1.0f, ref tr, shape);
		// add some (arbitrary) data to build constraint frames
		IndexedVector3 parentAxis = new IndexedVector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); 
		IndexedVector3 childAxis = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        IndexedVector3 anchor = new IndexedVector3(20.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f);

		UniversalConstraint pUniv = new UniversalConstraint(pBodyA, pBodyB, ref anchor, ref parentAxis, ref childAxis);
        pUniv.SetLowerLimit(-MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f, -MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f);
        pUniv.SetUpperLimit(MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f);
		// add constraint to world
		m_dynamicsWorld.AddConstraint(pUniv, true);
		// draw constraint frames and limits for debugging

#if true
            // WORKS OK
	{ // create a generic 6DOF constraint with springs 

		IndexedMatrix tr = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(-20f,16f,0f);
        //tr.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(-20.), btScalar(16.), btScalar(0.)));
		RigidBody pBodyA = LocalCreateRigidBody( 0.0f, ref tr, shape);

        //tr.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(-10.), btScalar(16.), btScalar(0.)));
        tr = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(-10,16,0);
		RigidBody pBodyB = LocalCreateRigidBody(1.0f, ref tr, shape);

        IndexedMatrix frameInA = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(10f,0f,0f);
        IndexedMatrix frameInB = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(0f,0f,0f);

		Generic6DofSpringConstraint pGen6DOFSpring = new Generic6DofSpringConstraint(pBodyA, pBodyB, ref frameInA, ref frameInB, true);
		pGen6DOFSpring.SetLinearUpperLimit(new IndexedVector3(5f, 0f, 0f));
		pGen6DOFSpring.SetLinearLowerLimit(new IndexedVector3(-5f, 0f, 0f));

		pGen6DOFSpring.SetAngularLowerLimit(new IndexedVector3(0f, 0f, -1.5f));
		pGen6DOFSpring.SetAngularUpperLimit(new IndexedVector3(0f, 0f, 1.5f));

		m_dynamicsWorld.AddConstraint(pGen6DOFSpring, true);
		pGen6DOFSpring.EnableSpring(0, true);
		pGen6DOFSpring.SetStiffness(0, 39.478f);
		pGen6DOFSpring.SetDamping(0, 0.5f);
		pGen6DOFSpring.EnableSpring(5, true);
		pGen6DOFSpring.SetStiffness(5, 39.478f);
		pGen6DOFSpring.SetDamping(0, 0.3f);
#if true
		// create a Hinge2 joint
		// create two rigid bodies
		// static bodyA (parent) on top:
		IndexedMatrix tr = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(-20f,4f,0f);
        RigidBody pBodyA = LocalCreateRigidBody( 0.0f, ref tr, shape);
		// dynamic bodyB (child) below it :
		tr = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(-20f,0f,0f);
        RigidBody pBodyB = LocalCreateRigidBody(1.0f, ref tr, shape);
		// add some data to build constraint frames
		IndexedVector3 parentAxis = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); 
		IndexedVector3 childAxis = new IndexedVector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        IndexedVector3 anchor = new IndexedVector3(-20.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
		Hinge2Constraint pHinge2 = new Hinge2Constraint(pBodyA, pBodyB, ref anchor, ref parentAxis, ref childAxis);
		pHinge2.SetLowerLimit(-MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f);
        pHinge2.SetUpperLimit(MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f);
		// add constraint to world
		m_dynamicsWorld.AddConstraint(pHinge2, true);
		// draw constraint frames and limits for debugging
#if true
			// WORKS OK
		// create a Hinge joint between two dynamic bodies
		// create two rigid bodies
		// static bodyA (parent) on top:
		IndexedMatrix tr = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(-20f,-2f,0f);
		RigidBody pBodyA = LocalCreateRigidBody( 1.0f, ref tr, shape);
		// dynamic bodyB:
		tr = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(-30f,-2f,0f);
		RigidBody pBodyB = LocalCreateRigidBody(10.0f, ref tr, shape);
		// add some data to build constraint frames
		IndexedVector3 axisA = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); 
		IndexedVector3 axisB = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); 
		IndexedVector3 pivotA = new IndexedVector3(-5.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        IndexedVector3 pivotB = new IndexedVector3(5.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        spHingeDynAB = new HingeConstraint(pBodyA, pBodyB, ref pivotA, ref pivotB, ref axisA, ref axisB);
        spHingeDynAB.SetLimit(-MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f);
		// add constraint to world
		m_dynamicsWorld.AddConstraint(spHingeDynAB, true);
		// draw constraint frames and limits for debugging

#if true
    { // 6DOF connected to the world, with motor
		IndexedMatrix tr = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(10,-15,0);
		RigidBody pBody = LocalCreateRigidBody( 1.0f, ref tr, shape);
		IndexedMatrix frameB = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
		Generic6DofConstraint pGen6Dof = new Generic6DofConstraint(pBody, ref frameB, false );

		pGen6Dof.SetAngularLowerLimit(new IndexedVector3(0,0,0));
		pGen6Dof.SetAngularUpperLimit(new IndexedVector3(0,0,0));
		pGen6Dof.SetLinearLowerLimit(new IndexedVector3(-10.0f, 0, 0));
		pGen6Dof.SetLinearUpperLimit(new IndexedVector3(10.0f, 0, 0));

		pGen6Dof.GetTranslationalLimitMotor().m_enableMotor[0] = true;
		pGen6Dof.GetTranslationalLimitMotor().m_targetVelocity[0] = 5.0f;
		pGen6Dof.GetTranslationalLimitMotor().m_maxMotorForce[0] = 0.1f;