// The save state functions save various information about the rigid
    // body simulation to global variables to be written out.
    protected void SaveInitState()
        m_com0 = m_rb.CenterOfMassPosition;
        Matrix curTrans = m_rb.WorldTransform;

        m_pos0    = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractTranslationFromMatrix(ref curTrans);
        m_vel0    = m_rb.LinearVelocity;
        m_angvel0 = m_rb.AngularVelocity;
        if (DEBUG)
            Debug.Log("Init ANGVEL: " + m_angvel0.ToString());
        if (DEBUG)
            Debug.Log("Init ANGVEL len: " + (m_angvel0.Length * Time.fixedDeltaTime).ToString());
        m_rot0      = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractRotationFromMatrix(ref curTrans);
        m_eulerrot0 = m_rot0.eulerAngles;
    protected void SetupSim()
        // randomly choose scaling before resetting rigid body
        float randomMass = 0;

        BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 randomInertia;
        if (randomScale)
            if (varyScale)
                m_pclScale.x = Random.Range(this.scaleMin, this.scaleMax);
                m_pclScale.y = Random.Range(this.scaleMin, this.scaleMax);
                m_pclScale.z = Random.Range(this.scaleMin, this.scaleMax);
                float uniformScale = Random.Range(this.scaleMin, this.scaleMax);
                m_pclScale.x = uniformScale;
                m_pclScale.y = uniformScale;
                m_pclScale.z = uniformScale;
            //// z can't be more than thrice or less than half of x scale
            //float zmin = Mathf.Max(this.scaleMin, 0.5f * m_pclScale.x);
            //float zmax = Mathf.Min(this.scaleMax, 3.0f * m_pclScale.x);
            //randomScale = Random.Range(zmin, zmax);
            //m_pclScale.z = randomScale;
            //// y can't be greater than 2 times the smallest of x and z
            //float ymax = 2.0f * Mathf.Min(m_pclScale.x, m_pclScale.z);
            //randomScale = Random.Range(this.scaleMin, Mathf.Min(ymax, this.scaleMax));
            //m_pclScale.y = randomScale;

            if (DEBUG)
                Debug.Log("Scaling by " + m_pclScale.ToString());

            // randomMass = m_masses[m_curObjIdx] * m_pclScale.x * m_pclScale.y * m_pclScale.z;
            float randomDensity;
            if (useConstantDensity)
                // density is constant so mass must scale with volume
                randomDensity = densityMin;
                randomMass    = randomDensity * m_masses[m_curObjIdx] * m_pclScale.x * m_pclScale.y * m_pclScale.z;
                randomDensity = Random.Range(densityMin, densityMax);
                randomMass    = randomDensity * m_masses[m_curObjIdx];
            // inertia must scale with volume no matter if the density is constant or not
            BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 objInertiaInfo = m_inertias[m_curObjIdx];
            float scalexyz = m_pclScale.x * m_pclScale.y * m_pclScale.z;
            float scalex2  = m_pclScale.x * m_pclScale.x;
            float scaley2  = m_pclScale.y * m_pclScale.y;
            float scalez2  = m_pclScale.z * m_pclScale.z;
            float inertiax = randomDensity * scalexyz * (scaley2 * objInertiaInfo[1] + scalez2 * objInertiaInfo[2]);
            float inertiay = randomDensity * scalexyz * (scalex2 * objInertiaInfo[0] + scalez2 * objInertiaInfo[2]);
            float inertiaz = randomDensity * scalexyz * (scalex2 * objInertiaInfo[0] + scaley2 * objInertiaInfo[1]);
            randomInertia = new BulletSharp.Math.Vector3(inertiax, inertiay, inertiaz);

            // need to completely destory rigid body because need new mass/moment of inertia

            DataGenUtils.BulletOBJMesh scaledMesh = m_btmesh.Scale(m_pclScale.x, m_pclScale.y, m_pclScale.z);
            var triVtxarray = new TriangleIndexVertexArray(scaledMesh.indices, scaledMesh.vertices);
            m_cs = new GImpactMeshShape(triVtxarray);
            m_cs.LocalScaling = new BulletSharp.Math.Vector3(1);
            m_cs.Margin       = bodyMargin;

            // move it up so resting on the ground plane
            float miny = float.MaxValue;
            float maxz = float.MinValue;
            float cury;
            float curz;
            for (int i = 0; i < scaledMesh.vertices.Length / 3; i++)
                cury = scaledMesh.vertices[i * 3 + 1];
                if (cury < miny)
                    miny = cury;
                curz = scaledMesh.vertices[i * 3 + 2];
                if (curz > maxz)
                    maxz = curz;
            miny             = -miny;
            m_rbInitTransVec = new BulletSharp.Math.Vector3(0, miny + bodyMargin + m_groundMargin, 0);
            m_rbInitTrans    = Matrix.Translation(m_rbInitTransVec);          //* Matrix.RotationY(Random.Range(0.0f, 360.0f));

            //float gtInertiaX = (1.0f / 12.0f) * randomMass * (3.0f * maxz * maxz + (2.0f * miny) * (2.0f * miny));
            //float gtInertiaZ = gtInertiaX;
            //float gtInertiaY = 0.5f * randomMass * maxz * maxz;
            //BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 gtInertia = new BulletSharp.Math.Vector3(gtInertiaX, gtInertiaY, gtInertiaZ);
            //Debug.Log("GT INERTIA: " + gtInertia.ToString());
            //randomInertia = gtInertia;

            m_rb = CreateRigidBody(randomMass, randomInertia, m_rbInitTrans, m_cs, bodyMat, bodyFriction, viz: RENDER_MODE);
            //m_rb = CreateRigidBody(randomMass, m_rbInitTrans, m_cs, bodyMat, bodyFriction);
            m_rb.AngularFactor = angularFactor;
            m_rb.SetSleepingThresholds(linearSleepThresh, angularSleepThresh);

            m_mass    = randomMass;
            m_inertia = randomInertia;
            m_density = randomDensity;
            // using the same mesh just need to choose a new density
            // steps for determinism
            // https://pybullet.org/Bullet/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=3143

            float randomDensity;
            if (useConstantDensity)
                randomDensity = densityMin;
                randomDensity = Random.Range(densityMin, densityMax);
            randomMass = randomDensity * m_masses[m_curObjIdx];
            BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 objInertiaInfo = m_inertias[m_curObjIdx];
            float inertiax = randomDensity * (objInertiaInfo[1] + objInertiaInfo[2]);
            float inertiay = randomDensity * (objInertiaInfo[0] + objInertiaInfo[2]);
            float inertiaz = randomDensity * (objInertiaInfo[0] + objInertiaInfo[1]);
            randomInertia = new BulletSharp.Math.Vector3(inertiax, inertiay, inertiaz);

            m_rb.SetMassProps(randomMass, randomInertia);

            m_rbInitTrans      = Matrix.Translation(m_rbInitTransVec);       // * Matrix.RotationY(Random.Range(0.0f, 360.0f));
            m_rb               = ResetRigidBody(m_rb, randomMass, randomInertia, m_rbInitTrans, m_cs, bodyFriction);
            m_rb.AngularFactor = angularFactor;
            m_rb.SetSleepingThresholds(linearSleepThresh, angularSleepThresh);

            // HingeConstraint hingeConstraint = new HingeConstraint(m_rb, new BulletSharp.Math.Vector3(0.0f), new BulletSharp.Math.Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), false);
            // m_world.AddConstraint(hingeConstraint);

            // DestroySimObj(); // have to do this to set mass properties but can reuse previously calculated everything else
            // if (m_cs == null) Debug.Log("NOT NULL");
            // m_rb = CreateRigidBody(randomMass, randomInertia, m_rbInitTrans, m_cs, bodyMat, bodyFriction);
            // m_rb.AngularFactor = new BulletSharp.Math.Vector3(angularFactor);
            // m_rb.SetSleepingThresholds(linearSleepThresh, angularSleepThresh);

            m_mass    = randomMass;
            m_inertia = randomInertia;
            m_density = randomDensity;

        m_stepCount = 0;


        float curMass = 1.0f / m_rb.InvMass;

        if (DEBUG)
            Debug.Log("Mass: " + curMass.ToString());
        if (DEBUG)
            Debug.Log("LOCAL MOMENT: " + m_rb.LocalInertia.ToString());
        if (DEBUG)
            Debug.Log("COM " + m_rb.CenterOfMassPosition.ToString());
        if (DEBUG)
            Debug.Log("Density " + m_density.ToString());

        // determine impulse position
        ClosestRayResultCallback cb;

        BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 vertexNormal = new BulletSharp.Math.Vector3();
        int missCount = 0;

            // choose random vertex to apply force to
            // pick a random point around in the plane around y position
            float   offsetx   = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-100.0f, 100.0f);
            float   offsetz   = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-100.0f, 100.0f);
            Vector2 offsetvec = new Vector2(offsetx, offsetz);
            // offsetvec.Normalize();
            //float relForceHeight = 0.75f;
            UnityEngine.Vector3 offsetPt = new UnityEngine.Vector3(offsetvec[0],

            BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 btOffsetPt = BSExtensionMethods2.ToBullet(offsetPt);
            BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 btInnerPt  = m_rb.CenterOfMassPosition;
            cb = new ClosestRayResultCallback(ref btOffsetPt, ref btInnerPt);

            // Debug.DrawLine(BSExtensionMethods2.ToUnity(btInnerPt), offsetPt, Color.red, 2.0f);

            m_world.RayTest(btOffsetPt, btInnerPt, cb);
            if (cb.HasHit)
                m_forcePoint = cb.HitPointWorld;
                vertexNormal = cb.HitNormalWorld;
                //Debug.Log("ERROR - couldn't find point to apply force to. Retrying...");
        } while (!cb.HasHit);

        if (DEBUG)
            Debug.Log("Missed impulse " + missCount.ToString() + " times.");
        if (DEBUG)
            Debug.LogFormat("ForcePoint: " + m_forcePoint.ToString());

        // get force vector
        // loop until force is applied to outside of object
        UnityEngine.Vector3 uForceVec = new UnityEngine.Vector3();

        // initialize force vector to coincide with center of mass
        BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 btForceVec = m_rb.CenterOfMassPosition - m_forcePoint;
        // then randomly vary it within the x/z plane to be within the specified distance
        BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 btVariationVec = new BulletSharp.Math.Vector3(-btForceVec[2], 0.0f, btForceVec[0]);
        float varyForce;

        BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 proposedForceVec;
            varyForce        = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-forceDistMax, forceDistMax);
            proposedForceVec = btVariationVec * varyForce + btForceVec;
        } while (proposedForceVec.Dot(vertexNormal) >= 0);         // must also be on the outside of the object
        btForceVec = proposedForceVec;
        uForceVec = BSExtensionMethods2.ToUnity(btForceVec);
        if (DEBUG)
            Debug.Log("FORCE DIST: " + varyForce.ToString());

        //UnityEngine.Vector3 uVtxNormal = BSExtensionMethods2.ToUnity(vertexNormal);
        //	float forcex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-1.0f, 1.0f);
        //	float forcez = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-1.0f, 1.0f);
        //	uForceVec.Set(forcex, 0.0f, forcez);
        //	uForceVec.Normalize();
        //} while (UnityEngine.Vector3.Dot(uForceVec, uVtxNormal) >= 0);
        // random constrained magnitude
        float mag = UnityEngine.Random.Range(impulseMin, impulseMax);

        //Debug.Log("Vol: " + objectVolume.ToString());
        // if (varyScale) {
        //  mag *= randomMass; // scale impulse t unity
        //according to object scale
        // } else {
        //  mag *= curMass;
        // }
        mag       *= m_mass;   // scale impulse according to object mass
        uForceVec *= mag;

        // set directly for debugging
        //uForceVec.Set(2.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        //m_forcePoint = new BulletSharp.Math.Vector3(0.0f, m_rb.CenterOfMassPosition.Y, -0.15f);

        m_forceVec = BSExtensionMethods2.ToBullet(uForceVec);

        if (DEBUG)
            Debug.LogFormat("ForceVec: " + m_forceVec.ToString());

        if (DEBUG)
            UnityEngine.Vector3 debugVec = -uForceVec;
            debugVec.Scale(new UnityEngine.Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f));
            Debug.DrawRay(BSExtensionMethods2.ToUnity(m_forcePoint), debugVec, Color.green, 1.0f);
            Debug.DrawLine(BSExtensionMethods2.ToUnity(m_rb.CenterOfMassPosition), BSExtensionMethods2.ToUnity(m_forcePoint), Color.cyan, 1.0f);
            Debug.DrawLine(BSExtensionMethods2.ToUnity(m_rb.CenterOfMassPosition), BSExtensionMethods2.ToUnity(m_rb.CenterOfMassPosition) + BSExtensionMethods2.ToUnity(btVariationVec) * varyForce, Color.blue, 1.0f);

        // apply the random impulse
        BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 radius = m_forcePoint - m_rb.CenterOfMassPosition;
        m_rb.ApplyImpulse(m_forceVec, radius);
        // m_rb.ApplyTorqueImpulse(new BulletSharp.Math.Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
        // m_rb.ApplyCentralImpulse(new BulletSharp.Math.Vector3(4.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f));
        // BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 newAngVel = m_rb.AngularVelocity;
        // newAngVel.X = 0.0f;
        // newAngVel.Z = 0.0f;
        // m_rb.AngularVelocity = newAngVel;

        // calculate ground truth for debugging
        //BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 gtAngVel = radius.Cross(m_forceVec) / m_inertia;
        //BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 gtLinVel = m_forceVec / m_mass;
        //Debug.Log("GT LIN VEL: " + gtLinVel.ToString());
        //Debug.Log("GT ANG VEL: " + gtAngVel.ToString());
    // Called after each simulation step to perform any necessary updates.
    protected override void UpdateSim()
//		Debug.Log ("UpdateSim");
        //if (DEBUG) Debug.DrawRay(BSExtensionMethods2.ToUnity(m_rb.CenterOfMassPosition), BSExtensionMethods2.ToUnity(m_rb.LinearVelocity), Color.red, 20.0f);
        if (DEBUG)
            Debug.DrawRay(BSExtensionMethods2.ToUnity(m_rb.CenterOfMassPosition), (BSExtensionMethods2.ToUnity(m_rb.LinearVelocity) / m_rb.LinearVelocity.Length) * 0.01f, Color.red, 20.0f);

        //if (m_stepCount == 0) {
        //	Debug.Log("INIT LINVEL2: " + m_rb.LinearVelocity.ToString());
        //	Debug.Log("INIT ANGVEL2: " + m_rb.AngularVelocity.ToString());

        // update rotation tracker
        BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 angleRotated = Time.fixedDeltaTime * (Mathf.Rad2Deg * m_rb.AngularVelocity);
        //if ((m_totalRot[1] > 0 && angleRotated[1] < 0) || (m_totalRot[1] < 0 && angleRotated[1] > 0)) {
        //	Debug.Log("SWAP: " + angleRotated[1].ToString());
        m_totalRot += angleRotated;

        // check if the current rigid body is still moving (isactive)
        if (!m_rb.IsActive)
            if (DEBUG)
                Debug.Log("TOTAL ROT: " + m_totalRot.ToString());
            // record the current state and dump all info to file
            // check if we're done with this object;
            if (++m_curSimNum >= numSimsPerObject)
                if (++m_curObjIdx >= m_objFiles.Length)
                    Debug.Log("BAD FILES: " + m_fallenFiles.Count.ToString() + ", NUM STUCK: " + m_stuckCount.ToString());
                    for (int k = 0; k < m_fallenFiles.Count; k++)
                    // create new directory to store sims from the next object
                    m_curDataOutDir = Path.Combine(dataOutDir, m_objFiles[m_curObjIdx].Replace(".obj", "") + "/");
                    PrepareSimObj(m_baseDataDir + m_objFiles[m_curObjIdx], m_masses[m_curObjIdx], m_inertias[m_curObjIdx]);

                    m_curVideoOutDir = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, videoOutDir);
                    m_curVideoOutDir = Path.Combine(m_curVideoOutDir, m_objFiles[m_curObjIdx].Replace(".obj", "") + "/");
                    string curSimOut = Path.Combine(m_curVideoOutDir, "sim_0");
                    if (!Directory.Exists(curSimOut))
                    m_renderFrame = 1;

                    // ready the first sim
                    m_curSimNum = 0;
                    // reset rotation tracking
                    m_totalRot    = new BulletSharp.Math.Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                    m_numPerturbs = 0;
                m_fallCount = 0;
                // set up next sim with the same object
                // reset rotation tracking
                m_totalRot    = new BulletSharp.Math.Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                m_numPerturbs = 0;

                string curSimOut = Path.Combine(m_curVideoOutDir, "sim_" + m_curSimNum.ToString());
                if (!Directory.Exists(curSimOut))
                m_renderFrame = 1;
        else if (Mathf.Abs(m_totalRot[0]) > 20.0f || Mathf.Abs(m_totalRot[2]) > 20.0f || (++m_stepCount > (1.0 / simStepSize) * 7.0f))
            if (DEBUG)
            if (TRACK_FALLS)
                // // keep track of fallen ones in a list and move on to next object
                if (m_fallCount >= numFallOrStuckLimit)
                    if (DEBUG)
                        Debug.Log("REACHED FALL/STUCK LIMIT, MOVING TO NEXT OBJECT.");
                    if (++m_curObjIdx >= m_objFiles.Length)
                        Debug.Log("BAD FILES: " + m_fallenFiles.Count.ToString() + ", NUM STUCK: " + m_stuckCount.ToString());
                        for (int k = 0; k < m_fallenFiles.Count; k++)
                        // create new directory to store sims from the next object
                        m_curDataOutDir = Path.Combine(dataOutDir, m_objFiles[m_curObjIdx].Replace(".obj", "") + "/");
                        PrepareSimObj(m_baseDataDir + m_objFiles[m_curObjIdx], m_masses[m_curObjIdx], m_inertias[m_curObjIdx]);

                        m_curVideoOutDir = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, videoOutDir);
                        m_curVideoOutDir = Path.Combine(m_curVideoOutDir, m_objFiles[m_curObjIdx].Replace(".obj", "") + "/");
                        string curSimOut = Path.Combine(m_curVideoOutDir, "sim_0");
                        m_renderFrame = 1;

                        // ready the first sim
                        m_curSimNum = 0;
                        // reset rotation tracking
                        m_totalRot    = new BulletSharp.Math.Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                        m_numPerturbs = 0;
                    m_fallCount = 0;

            // the object has probably fallen over, restart
            // reset rotation tracking
            m_totalRot    = new BulletSharp.Math.Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            m_numPerturbs = 0;
            // } else if (++m_stepCount > (1.0 / simStepSize) * 20) { // been simulating for more than 10 "seconds" (jittering)
            //  m_stuckCount++;
            //  if (DEBUG) Debug.Log("SIMULATION STUCK, MOVING TO NEXT OBJECT");
            //  m_fallenFiles.Add(m_objFiles[m_curObjIdx]);
            //  if (++m_curObjIdx >= m_objFiles.Length) {
            //      Debug.Log("BAD FILES: " + m_fallenFiles.Count.ToString() + ", NUM STUCK: " + m_stuckCount.ToString());
            //      for (int k = 0; k < m_fallenFiles.Count; k++) {
            //          Debug.Log(m_fallenFiles[k]);
            //      }
            //      DumpFallenObjects();
            //      ExitSimulation();
            //  } else {
            //      DestroySimObj();
            //      // create new directory to store sims from the next object
            //      m_curDataOutDir = dataOutDir + m_objFiles[m_curObjIdx].Replace(".obj", "") + "/";
            //      Directory.CreateDirectory(m_curDataOutDir);
            //      PrepareSimObj(m_baseDataDir + m_objFiles[m_curObjIdx], m_masses[m_curObjIdx], m_inertias[m_curObjIdx]);
            //      // ready the first sim
            //      SetupSim();
            //      SaveInitState();
            //      m_curSimNum = 0;
            //      // reset rotation tracking
            //      m_totalRot = new BulletSharp.Math.Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            //  }

            //  m_fallCount = 0;

            //  // the object has probably fallen over, restart
            //  SetupSim();
            //  SaveInitState();
            //  // reset rotation tracking
            //  m_totalRot = new BulletSharp.Math.Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

        if (m_stepCount % saveFrequency == 0)

        if (perturb && m_stepCount != 0 && m_stepCount % perturbFrequency == 0 && m_numPerturbs < maxPerturbations)
            if (DEBUG)
            // randomly perturb velocities
            Vector2 linPerturb = linearStrength * Random.insideUnitCircle;
            m_rb.LinearVelocity += new BulletSharp.Math.Vector3(linPerturb[0], 0.0f, linPerturb[1]);

            float angPerturb = angularStrength * Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f);
            m_rb.AngularVelocity += new BulletSharp.Math.Vector3(0.0f, angPerturb, 0.0f);


        //if (DEBUG) Debug.Log("WORLD MOMENT: " + m_rb.InvInertiaTensorWorld.ToString());
        //if (DEBUG) Debug.Log("WORLD BASIS: " + m_rb.WorldTransform.Basis.ToString());