SetTransactionsForReconciliation() private method

Called by LedgerBook.Reconcile. Sets up this new Entry with transactions. AddTransaction must not be called in conjunction with this. This is used for reconciliation only. Also performs some automated actions: + Transfers to Surplus any remaining amount for Spent Monthly Buckets. + Transfers from Surplus any overdrawn amount for Spent Monthly Buckets.
private SetTransactionsForReconciliation ( List newTransactions, System.DateTime reconciliationDate ) : void
newTransactions List The list of new transactions for this entry. This includes the monthly budgeted amount.
reconciliationDate System.DateTime /// The reconciliation date - this is used to give automatically created transactions a /// date. ///
return void
        /// <summary>
        ///     This is effectively stage 2 of the Reconciliation process.
        ///     Called by <see cref="ReconciliationBuilder.CreateNewMonthlyReconciliation" />. It builds the contents of the new
        ///     ledger line based on budget and
        ///     statement input.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="budget">The current applicable budget</param>
        /// <param name="statement">The current period statement.</param>
        /// <param name="startDateIncl">
        ///     The date of the previous ledger line. This is used to include transactions from the
        ///     Statement starting from this date and including this date.
        /// </param>
        private void AddNew(
            BudgetModel budget,
            StatementModel statement,
            DateTime startDateIncl)
            if (!this.newReconciliationLine.IsNew)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                    "Cannot add a new entry to an existing Ledger Line, only new Ledger Lines can have new entries added.");

            var reconciliationDate = this.newReconciliationLine.Date;
            // Date filter must include the start date, which goes back to and includes the previous ledger date up to the date of this ledger line, but excludes this ledger date.
            // For example if this is a reconciliation for the 20/Feb then the start date is 20/Jan and the finish date is 20/Feb. So transactions pulled from statement are between
            // 20/Jan (inclusive) and 19/Feb (inclusive).
            List<Transaction> filteredStatementTransactions = statement?.AllTransactions.Where(
                t => t.Date >= startDateIncl && t.Date < reconciliationDate).ToList()
                                                              ?? new List<Transaction>();

            IEnumerable<LedgerEntry> previousLedgerBalances = CompileLedgersAndBalances(LedgerBook);

            var entries = new List<LedgerEntry>();
            foreach (var previousLedgerEntry in previousLedgerBalances)
                LedgerBucket ledgerBucket;
                var openingBalance = previousLedgerEntry.Balance;
                var currentLedger = LedgerBook.Ledgers.Single(l => l.BudgetBucket == previousLedgerEntry.LedgerBucket.BudgetBucket);
                if (previousLedgerEntry.LedgerBucket.StoredInAccount != currentLedger.StoredInAccount)
                    // Check to see if a ledger has been moved into a new default account since last reconciliation.
                    ledgerBucket = currentLedger;
                    ledgerBucket = previousLedgerEntry.LedgerBucket;

                var newEntry = new LedgerEntry(true) { Balance = openingBalance, LedgerBucket = ledgerBucket };
                List<LedgerTransaction> transactions = IncludeBudgetedAmount(budget, ledgerBucket, reconciliationDate);
                transactions.AddRange(IncludeStatementTransactions(newEntry, filteredStatementTransactions));
                AutoMatchTransactionsAlreadyInPreviousPeriod(filteredStatementTransactions, previousLedgerEntry, transactions);
                newEntry.SetTransactionsForReconciliation(transactions, reconciliationDate);



            if (statement != null)
                AddBalanceAdjustmentsForFutureTransactions(statement, reconciliationDate);

        /// <summary>
        ///     Called by <see cref="LedgerBook.Reconcile" />. It builds the contents of the new ledger line based on budget and
        ///     statement input.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="previousEntries">
        ///     A collection of previous <see cref="LedgerEntry" />s to construct the running balance for
        ///     the entries this line contains.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="currentBudget">The current applicable budget</param>
        /// <param name="statement">The current period statement.</param>
        /// <param name="startDateIncl">The date for this ledger line.</param>
        internal void AddNew(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<LedgerColumn, LedgerEntry>> previousEntries, BudgetModel currentBudget, StatementModel statement, DateTime startDateIncl)
            if (!IsNew)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot add a new entry to an existing Ledger Line, only new Ledger Lines can have new entries added.");

            DateTime finishDateExcl = Date;
            List<Transaction> filteredStatementTransactions = statement == null
                ? new List<Transaction>()
                : statement.AllTransactions.Where(t => t.Date >= startDateIncl && t.Date < finishDateExcl).ToList();
            foreach (var previousEntry in previousEntries)
                LedgerColumn ledger = previousEntry.Key;
                decimal balance = previousEntry.Value == null ? 0 : previousEntry.Value.Balance;
                var newEntry = new LedgerEntry(true) { Balance = balance, LedgerColumn = ledger };
                Expense expenseBudget = currentBudget.Expenses.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Bucket.Code == ledger.BudgetBucket.Code);
                var transactions = new List<LedgerTransaction>();
                if (expenseBudget != null)
                    var budgetedAmount = new BudgetCreditLedgerTransaction { Credit = expenseBudget.Amount, Narrative = "Budgeted Amount" };

                transactions.AddRange(IncludeStatementTransactions(newEntry, filteredStatementTransactions));
