public ActionResult Index() { Vendor vd = new Vendor(); vd.Manufacturers = GetManufacturerList(); vd.StateModel = new List<State1>(); vd.StateModel = GetAllState1(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var addrs = new List<String> { "No Data" }; ViewData["addrs"] = addrs; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var addrs2 = new List<String> { "." }; ViewData["lat_lon"] = addrs2; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var addrs3 = new List<String> { "." }; ViewData["city_zip"] = addrs3; return View(vd); }
public ActionResult Index(Vendor vndr) { //Vendor vd = new Vendor(); if (!ModelState.IsValid) vndr.Country = ""; ////////////////////get country name from View///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// List<State1> objCountry = new List<State1>(); objCountry = GetAllState1().Where(m => m.Id.ToString() == Request.Form["Country"]).ToList(); var objCoun = objCountry[0].StateName; vndr.Country = objCoun; /////////////////////////////////////Checking category exist or not////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var retrv_qry = _documentSession.Query<Vendor>().Where(x => x.Country == objCoun && x.State == vndr.State && x.City == vndr.City && x.Catgry == vndr.Catgry).Take(50).ToList(); //////////////////////////////////////take the view in same condition---Part-1--/////////////////////////////////////////// vndr.StateModel = new List<State1>(); vndr.StateModel = GetAllState1(); vndr.Manufacturers = GetManufacturerList(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////--Part-2--////////////////////////////////////// string address = "", LtLn = "", zip = ""; for (int i = 0; i < retrv_qry.Count; i++) { address = address + retrv_qry[i].Address1 + " " + retrv_qry[i].Pin + " " + retrv_qry[i].Phone + "~"; // address = address + retrv_qry[i].Address1 + " " + retrv_qry[i].Pin + " " + retrv_qry[i].Phone+Environment.NewLine; zip = retrv_qry[i].Pin; LtLn = LtLn + retrv_qry[i].Latitude + "," + retrv_qry[i].Longitude + "~"; } if (retrv_qry != null) { var addrs = new List<String> { address //retrv_qry[0].Address1, //retrv_qry[1].Address1 }; ViewData["addrs"] = addrs; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var addrs2 = new List<String> { LtLn }; ViewData["lat_lon"] = addrs2; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var addrs3 = new List<String> { zip }; ViewData["city_zip"] = addrs3; } else { var addrs = new List<String> { "No Data" }; ViewData["addrs"] = addrs; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var addrs2 = new List<String> { "." }; ViewData["lat_lon"] = addrs2; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var addrs3 = new List<String> { "." }; ViewData["city_zip"] = addrs3; } return View(vndr); }
public ActionResult CreateBusiness(Vendor vndr) { if (Session["user"] != null) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) //return View(); vndr.Country = ""; List<State1> objCountry = new List<State1>(); objCountry = GetAllState1().Where(m => m.Id.ToString() == Request.Form["Country"]).ToList(); var objCoun = objCountry[0].StateName; vndr.Country = objCoun; _documentSession.Store(vndr); _documentSession.SaveChanges(); return RedirectToAction("Business", new { message = string.Format("Business Added Successfully", vndr.Id) }); } else { return RedirectToAction("Login", "Admin", new { message = string.Format("Please Login Again {0}", "Admin") }); } }
public ActionResult EditBusiness(Vendor bsn) { if (Session["user"] != null) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) _documentSession.Store(bsn); _documentSession.SaveChanges(); return RedirectToAction("Business", new { message = string.Format("Saved changes to Business {0}", bsn.Id) }); } else { return RedirectToAction("Login", "Admin", new { message = string.Format("Please Login Again {0}", "Admin") }); } }
public ActionResult CreateBusiness(FormCollection collection) { if (Session["user"] != null) { Vendor vd = new Vendor(); vd.Manufacturers = GetManufacturerList(); vd.StateModel = new List<State1>(); vd.StateModel = GetAllState1(); return View(vd); } else { return RedirectToAction("Login", "Admin", new { message = string.Format("Please Login Again {0}", "Admin") }); } }
public ActionResult CreateVendor(Vendor vndr, FormCollection formCollection) { if (Session["vendor"] != null) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) vndr.Country = ""; List<State1> objCountry = new List<State1>(); objCountry = GetAllState1().Where(m => m.Id.ToString() == Request.Form["Country"]).ToList(); var objCoun = objCountry[0].StateName; vndr.Country = objCoun; _documentSession.Store(vndr); _documentSession.SaveChanges(); return RedirectToAction("vendor", new { message = string.Format("Created Vendor {0}", vndr.CompanyName) }); } else { return RedirectToAction("LogOff", new { message = string.Format("Successfully Logged Off") }); } //return View(); }
public ActionResult CreateVendor(FormCollection collection, Category cat) { if (Session["vendor"] != null) { Vendor vd = new Vendor(); vd.Manufacturers = GetManufacturerList(); vd.StateModel = new List<State1>(); vd.StateModel = GetAllState1(); vd.EMailUser = Session["vendor"].ToString(); var move = _documentSession.Load<Mov>(); return View(vd); } else { return RedirectToAction("LogOff", new { message = string.Format("Successfully Logged Off") }); } }
public ActionResult VendorList(Vendor move, LoginPage lg) { if (Session["vendor"] != null) { var mov = _documentSession.Query<Vendor>().Where(x => x.EMailUser == Session["vendor"].ToString()).Take(50).ToList(); //var mov = _documentSession.Query<Vendor>() // .Customize(x => x.WaitForNonStaleResults()) // .Take(50).ToList(); return View(mov); } else { return RedirectToAction("LogOff", new { message = string.Format("Please Login Again") }); //return View(); } }
public ActionResult VendorEdit(Vendor vndr) { if (Session["vendor"] != null) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { _documentSession.Store(vndr); _documentSession.SaveChanges(); } return RedirectToAction("Vendor", new { message = string.Format("Saved changes to Business {0}", vndr.Id) }); } else { return RedirectToAction("LogOff", new { message = string.Format("Please Login Again {0}", vndr.Name) }); } }