static int Main(string[] args)
            var commandLineApplication =
                new CommandLineApplication(throwOnUnexpectedArg: false);

            var project = commandLineApplication.Option(
                "-p |--project <project>",
                "The path to the project to dockerize. Only required if the multiple projects exist " +
                "in a directory or the project is not in the current working directory.",

            var configuration = commandLineApplication.Option(
                "-c |--configuration <configuration>",
                "The configuration in which to publish the project. " +
                "Passed directly to 'dotnet publish -c <configuration>'. Defaults to Release.",

            var tag = commandLineApplication.Option(
                "-t |--tag <tag>",
                "The desired tag name of the created image. Will be directly passed to " +
                "docker build -t, see docker build --help for more info. Defaults to the project name.",

            var baseRid = commandLineApplication.Option(
                "-r |--runtime <RID>",
                "The RID of the specified Base Docker image. Defaults to \"linux-x64\".",

            var baseImage = commandLineApplication.Option(
                "-i |--image <image>",
                "The base docker image used for the generated docker file. If you change this from the default, be sure to" +
                "update BaseRid if appropriate. Defaults to \"microsoft/dotnet:2.0-runtime\".",

            var username = commandLineApplication.Option(
                "-u |--user <username>",
                "Generate a user with name <username> and set it to the current user inside the container. \n" +
                "It is recommended to run production containers not as root for security.",

            commandLineApplication.HelpOption("-? | -h | --help");
            commandLineApplication.OnExecute(() =>
                var projectName = GetProjectName(Environment.CurrentDirectory, project);
                var config      = new DockerizeConfiguration(projectName, configuration.Value(), tag.Value(), baseRid.Value(), baseImage.Value(), username.Value());


        static int Run(DockerizeConfiguration config)
            var projectDirectory    = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
            var dockerizeBaseDir    = Path.Combine(projectDirectory, "bin", "dockerize");
            var publishOutDirectory = Path.Combine(dockerizeBaseDir, "publish");
            var dockerfilePath      = Path.Combine(dockerizeBaseDir, "Dockerfile");

            var publish = Command.Create("dotnet", new[] { "publish",
                                                           "-o", publishOutDirectory,
                                                           "-r", config.BaseRid,
                                                           "-c", config.BuildConfiguration });

            var publishResult = publish.WorkingDirectory(projectDirectory).ForwardStdErr().ForwardStdOut().Execute();

            if (publishResult.ExitCode != 0)

            var publishOutputDepsJsons = Directory.EnumerateFiles(publishOutDirectory, "*.deps.json").ToList();

            if (publishOutputDepsJsons.Count > 1)
                throw new GracefulException(string.Format(
                                                "Multiple output programs were found in {0}. Please try removing bin obj directories and retrying.",

            if (!publishOutputDepsJsons.Any())
                throw new GracefulException(string.Format(
                                                "No output programs were found in {0}. Please examine 'dotnet publish' results and try again.",

            var outputBinaryName =
                Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(publishOutputDepsJsons.Single()).Replace(".deps", "");

            var dockerfile = DockerfileTemplate.Generate(config, outputBinaryName);

            File.WriteAllText(dockerfilePath, dockerfile);

            var dockerBuild = Command.Create("docker", new[] { "build", "-t", config.GeneratedImageTag, "." }).WorkingDirectory(dockerizeBaseDir).ForwardStdErr()

            var dockerResult = dockerBuild.Execute();
