public EffectiveRatingsProfile(RatingsProfile original, RatingsProfile final, float[] multipliers, float[] metamultipliers) { this.original = original; = final; this.multipliers = multipliers; this.metamultipliers = metamultipliers; }
public RatingsRadarChart(Context context, RatingsProfile profile, float[] multipliers = null, float[] metamultipliers = null) { this.context = context; values = profile.values; o_vals = profile.o_vals; this.multipliers = multipliers; this.metamultipliers = metamultipliers; SetSizeRequest(0, 0); SizeAllocated += DrawChart; }
public RatingsMultiviewField (PropertyInfo property, object obj, Context context, DisplayableAttribute attribute) { this.context = context; BorderWidth = 5; // Nest containers VBox mainBox = new VBox(); HBox navigation = new HBox(); SquareContainer square = new SquareContainer(); notebook = new Notebook { ShowTabs = false, ShowBorder = false }; square.Add(notebook); mainBox.PackStart(navigation, false, false, 5); mainBox.PackStart(square, true, true, 0); Add(mainBox); // Navigation Label pageLabel = new Label("Table"); ClickableEventBox leftArrow = new ClickableEventBox(); leftArrow.Add(Graphics.GetIcon(IconTemplate.LeftArrow, new Gdk.Color(100, 100, 100), Graphics.textSize)); leftArrow.Clicked += delegate { if (notebook.CurrentPage > 0) { notebook.CurrentPage--; } else { notebook.CurrentPage = notebook.NPages - 1; } pageLabel.Text = labels[notebook.CurrentPage]; }; ClickableEventBox rightArrow = new ClickableEventBox(); rightArrow.Add(Graphics.GetIcon(IconTemplate.RightArrow, new Gdk.Color(100, 100, 100), Graphics.textSize)); rightArrow.Clicked += delegate { if (notebook.CurrentPage < notebook.NPages - 1) { notebook.CurrentPage++; } else { notebook.CurrentPage = 0; } pageLabel.Text = labels[notebook.CurrentPage]; }; navigation.PackStart(leftArrow, false, false, 5); navigation.PackStart(pageLabel, true, true, 0); navigation.PackStart(rightArrow, false, false, 5); // Fill notebook RatingsProfile profile = ((Func<Context, RatingsProfile>)property.GetValue(obj))(context); RatingsRadarChart radar = new RatingsRadarChart(context.butCompact, profile, null, null); RatingsTable table = new RatingsTable(context.butCompact, profile); notebook.AppendPage(radar, null); notebook.AppendPage(UIFactory.Align(table, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0, 0), null); }
public static bool TryParse(string text, out RatingsProfile?ratings) { ratings = null; int currentWrapper = 0; int[,] o_vals = new int[5, 9]; string[] lines = text.Split('\n'); if (!(lines.Length == 1 && lines[0] == "")) { foreach (string line in lines) { if (!TryParseSingle(line.Trim(), out Tuple <int, float> rating)) { return(false); } if (line[0] == '\t') { // An indented entry makes no sense if we aren't in a wrapper or it's trying to declare a wrapper if (currentWrapper == 0 || rating.Item1 > 8) { return(false); } // Everything is fine? According to the currentWrapper, append the entry to the relevant ratings o_vals[currentWrapper, rating.Item1] += Empower(rating.Item2); o_vals[4, rating.Item1] += Empower(rating.Item2); } else { currentWrapper = 0; if (rating.Item1 <= 8) //If it's a normal entry, append it to the base ratings. { o_vals[0, rating.Item1] += Empower(rating.Item2); o_vals[4, rating.Item1] += Empower(rating.Item2); } else //Otherwise, it's a wrapper, so we "enter" it and log the wrapper metarating. { currentWrapper = rating.Item1 - 8; o_vals[currentWrapper, 0] += Empower(rating.Item2); } } } } ratings = new RatingsProfile(o_vals); return(true); }
public static bool TryParseCompact(string text, out RatingsProfile?ratings) { ratings = null; int[,] o_vals = new int[5, 9]; string[] lines = text.Split('\n'); if (!(lines.Length == 1 && lines[0] == "")) { foreach (string line in lines) { if (line.Contains("/")) { string[] parts = line.Split('/'); if (!Enum.TryParse(parts[0], true, out ClassificationSymbols wrapper)) { return(false); } if (!TryParseSingle(parts[1], out Tuple <int, float> content)) { return(false); } o_vals[(int)wrapper - 8, content.Item1] += Empower(content.Item2); o_vals[4, content.Item1] += Empower(content.Item2); } else { if (!TryParseSingle(line.Trim(), out Tuple <int, float> rating)) { return(false); } o_vals[0, rating.Item1] += Empower(rating.Item2); o_vals[4, rating.Item1] += Empower(rating.Item2); } } } ratings = new RatingsProfile(o_vals); return(true); }
public RatingsTable(Context context, RatingsProfile profile, float[] multipliers = null, float[] metamultipliers = null) : base(7, 10, false) { float[,] values = profile.values; int[,] o_vals = profile.o_vals; ColumnSpacing = 5; RowSpacing = 5; BorderWidth = 10; Attach(new HSeparator(), 0, 7, 1, 2); Attach(new VSeparator(), 1, 2, 0, 10); //Row labels and multipliers for (uint i = 1; i <= 8; i++) { Label classLabel = new Label(" " + Ratings.symbols[i]) { HasTooltip = true, TooltipText = Enum.GetName(typeof(Classification), i) }; Attach(classLabel, 0, 1, i + 1, i + 2); } //Fill in columns, including labels, numbers and multipliers for (uint i = 0; i < 5; i++) { //Row label Label rowLabel = new Label(deploymentRows[i]); rowLabel.SetAlignment(0.5f, 1f); Attach(rowLabel, i + 2, i + 3, 0, 1); //Numbers for (uint j = 1; j <= 8; j++) { Label numberLabel = new Label(); if (o_vals[i, j] == Ratings.O_NULL) { numberLabel.Text = "-"; } else { numberLabel.Text = values[i, j].ToString("0.0"); } numberLabel.SetAlignment(1, 1); Attach(numberLabel, i + 2, i + 3, j + 1, j + 2); } } if (multipliers != null && metamultipliers != null) { //Row multipliers for (uint i = 1; i <= 8; i++) { Label multiplier = new Label { UseMarkup = true, Markup = "<small> ×" + multipliers[i].ToString("0.00") + "</small>", HasTooltip = true, TooltipText = multiplierExplain[i] }; multiplier.SetAlignment(1, 0); Attach(multiplier, 7, 8, i + 1, i + 2); } //Column metamultipliers for (uint i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Label multiplier = new Label { UseMarkup = true, Markup = "<small> ×" + metamultipliers[i].ToString("0.00") + ((i == 3) ? ", fix" : "") + "</small>", HasTooltip = true, TooltipText = metamultiplierExplain[i], Angle = -90 }; multiplier.SetAlignment(0, 0); Attach(multiplier, i + 2, i + 3, 10, 11); } } }
public RatingsListField(PropertyInfo property, object obj, Context context, DisplayableAttribute attribute) : base(0, 0, 1, 1) { RatingsProfile profile = ((Func <Context, RatingsProfile>)property.GetValue(obj))(context); float[,] values = profile.values; int[,] o_vals = profile.o_vals; Gtk.Alignment alignment = new Gtk.Alignment(0, 0, 1, 0); if (context.vertical && !context.compact) { Frame frame = new Frame(UIFactory.ToReadable(property.Name)); VBox box = new VBox(false, 4) { BorderWidth = 5 }; frame.Add(box); alignment.Add(frame); for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++) { if (o_vals[0, i] != Ratings.O_NULL) { Label ratingLabel = new Label(Ratings.PrintSingle(i, values[0, i])); ratingLabel.SetAlignment(0, 0); box.PackStart(ratingLabel); } } for (int k = 1; k <= 3; k++) { if (o_vals[k, 0] != Ratings.O_NULL) { Label wrapperLabel = new Label(Ratings.PrintSingle(k + 8, values[k, 0])); wrapperLabel.SetAlignment(0, 0); VBox ratingBox = new VBox(false, 5) { BorderWidth = 5 }; Frame ratingFrame = new Frame { LabelWidget = wrapperLabel, Child = ratingBox }; for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++) { if (o_vals[k, i] != Ratings.O_NULL) { Label ratingLabel = new Label(Ratings.PrintSingle(i, values[k, i])); ratingLabel.SetAlignment(0, 0); ratingBox.PackStart(ratingLabel, false, false, 0); } } box.PackStart(ratingFrame); } } } else { Box box; if (context.compact) { box = new VBox(false, 0) { BorderWidth = 5 }; } else { box = new HBox(false, 0) { BorderWidth = 5 }; } alignment.Add(box); for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++) { if (o_vals[0, i] != Ratings.O_NULL) { bool comma = !context.compact && box.Children.Length > 0; Label ratingLabel = new Label((comma ? ", " : "") //Commas to delimit ratings + Ratings.PrintSingle(i, values[0, i])); ratingLabel.SetAlignment(0, 0); box.PackStart(ratingLabel, false, false, 0); } } for (int k = 1; k <= 3; k++) { if (o_vals[k, 0] != Ratings.O_NULL) { bool comma = !context.compact && box.Children.Length > 0; Label ratingLabel = new Label((comma ? ", " : "") //Commas to delimit ratings + Ratings.PrintSingle(k + 8, values[k, 0], true)); ratingLabel.SetAlignment(0, 0); List <String> subratings = new List <String>(); for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++) { if (o_vals[k, i] != Ratings.O_NULL) { subratings.Add(Ratings.PrintSingle(i, values[k, i])); } } ratingLabel.TooltipText = String.Join("\n", subratings); box.PackStart(ratingLabel, false, false, 0); } } } if (attribute.EditAuthorized(obj)) { ClickableEventBox clickableEventBox = new ClickableEventBox { Child = alignment }; clickableEventBox.DoubleClicked += delegate { // The property this is attached to gets the *current ratings*, not the *base ratings*, which are // what we logically want to let the user manipulate. Hence, the optional arg supplied is the name // of the base profile. PropertyInfo baseProfileProperty = obj.GetType().GetProperty((string)attribute.arg); TextEditingDialog dialog = new TextEditingDialog( "Edit ratings", (Window)Toplevel, delegate { RatingsProfile baseProfile = (RatingsProfile)baseProfileProperty.GetValue(obj); return(Ratings.Print(baseProfile.values, baseProfile.o_vals)); }, delegate(string input) { if (Ratings.TryParse(input, out RatingsProfile? newRatings)) { baseProfileProperty.SetValue(obj, (RatingsProfile)newRatings); IDependable dependable = obj as IDependable; if (dependable != null) { DependencyManager.Flag(dependable); DependencyManager.TriggerAllFlags(); } return(true); } return(false); } ); }; Add(clickableEventBox); } else { Add(alignment); } }