public ScorePad(int dealerIndex, Player[] allPlayers) { int nummaOfPlayers = allPlayers.Length; int acrossTable = nummaOfPlayers / 2 + dealerIndex; this.we = new PartnerScore(allPlayers[dealerIndex], allPlayers[(acrossTable) % nummaOfPlayers]); this.they = new PartnerScore(allPlayers[(dealerIndex + 1) % nummaOfPlayers], allPlayers[(acrossTable + 1) % nummaOfPlayers]); }
private static void HandleScores(PartnerScore bidders, PartnerScore opponent, Bid finalContract, int netTricks) { if (ContractWasMade(netTricks)) { // bidders got enough triks bidders.addScore(netTricks, finalContract.TricksNeeded() - book, finalContract, bidders.Vulnerable()); } else { // bidders went down tricks opponent.addScore(Math.Abs(netTricks), bidders.Vulnerable(), finalContract); } if (bidders.GotGame()) { int increase = (bidders.BelowRecord().Count > opponent.BelowRecord().Count ? bidders.BelowRecord().Count: opponent.BelowRecord().Count); // Use that to increase the the count of both scores by ^ bidders.GetAGame(increase); opponent.UpdateAboveLine(increase); } }