Example #1
        public ActionResult CreateComment(CommentsRecipeViewModel vm)
            using (var context = new ModelsContext())

                    Models.Comment comment = new Comment();
                    comment.Recipe_Name = vm.BeerName;
                    comment.Timestamp = DateTime.Now;
                    comment.UserProfile_UserID = WebSecurity.GetUserId(User.Identity.Name);
                    comment.Text = vm.Text;
                    comment.FlavorProfile_Name = vm.Flavor;

                catch (Exception e)
                    return RedirectToAction("Show", new { name = vm.BeerName, tab = "comments" });

            return RedirectToAction("Show", new { name = vm.BeerName, tab="comments" });
Example #2
        public ActionResult HandleRecipeEditor(DetailRecipeViewModel vm, bool isNewRecipe, string submission = "Apply")
                using (var context = new ModelsContext())
                    Recipe recipeModel;
                    recipeModel = !isNewRecipe
                                      ? context.Recipes.Find(vm.BeerName)
                                      : new Recipe() {Name = vm.BeerName, Date = DateTime.Now};

                    var styles = ((from s in context.Styles select new SelectListItem {Text = s.Name, Value = s.Name}).ToList());
                    var types =  ((from s in context.RecipieTypes select new SelectListItem { Text = s.Name, Value = s.Name }).ToList());

                    vm.HopsUsed = vm.HopsUsed ?? GetHopsUsed(recipeModel);
                    vm.FermentablesUsed = vm.FermentablesUsed ?? GetFermentablesUsed(recipeModel);
                    vm.RemovedHops = vm.RemovedHops ?? new List<string>();
                    vm.RemovedFermentables = vm.RemovedFermentables ?? new List<string>();
                    vm.PostedDate = isNewRecipe ? DateTime.Now : recipeModel.Date;
                    vm.Styles = styles;
                    vm.RecipeTypes = types;

                    var styleModel = context.Styles.Find(vm.Style);
                    var typeModel = context.RecipieTypes.Find(vm.RecipeType);

                    if (ModelState.IsValid && submission == "Apply")
                        recipeModel.Style_Name = styleModel.Name ?? context.Styles.FirstOrDefault().Name;
                        recipeModel.RecipieType_Name = typeModel.Name ?? context.RecipieTypes.FirstOrDefault().Name;
                        recipeModel.Carbonation = vm.Carbonation;
                        recipeModel.FG = vm.FinalGravity;
                        recipeModel.OG = vm.OriginalGravity;
                        recipeModel.Date = vm.PostedDate;
                        if (vm.File != null && vm.File.ContentLength > 0)
                            BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(vm.File.InputStream);
                            vm.File.InputStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                            var bytes = reader.ReadBytes((int) vm.File.InputStream.Length);

                            recipeModel.Image = bytes;

                        //replace mash profile
                        if (recipeModel.Mash != null)
                            List<MashStep> toRemove = recipeModel.Mash.Steps.ToList();
                            foreach (var step in toRemove)
                        if (vm.Mash != null)

                            recipeModel.Mash = new MashProfile();
                            recipeModel.Mash.EquipAdjust = vm.Mash.EquipAdjust;
                            recipeModel.Mash.Name = vm.Mash.Name;
                            recipeModel.Mash.GrainTemp = vm.Mash.GrainTemp;
                            recipeModel.Mash.PH = vm.Mash.PH;
                            recipeModel.Mash.SpargeTemp = vm.Mash.SpargeTemp;
                            recipeModel.Mash.TunSpecificHeat = vm.Mash.TunSpecificHeat;
                            recipeModel.Mash.TunTemp = vm.Mash.TunTemp;
                            recipeModel.Mash.Notes = vm.Mash.Notes;
                            recipeModel.Mash.TunWeight = vm.Mash.TunWeight;
                            vm.Mash.Steps = vm.Mash.Steps ?? new List<MashStepViewModel>();
                            for (int i = 0; i < vm.Mash.Steps.Count; i++)
                                var stepVm = vm.Mash.Steps[i];
                                var stepModel = new MashStep
                                        Name = stepVm.Name,
                                        EndTemp = stepVm.EndTempCel,
                                        DecoctionAmount = stepVm.DecoctionAmount,
                                        InfuseAmount = stepVm.InfuseAmountLiters,
                                        InfuseTemp = stepVm.InfuseTempCel,
                                        MashStepType_Name = stepVm.Type,
                                        RampTime = (float) stepVm.RampTimeMin.TotalMinutes,
                                        SequenceNumber = stepVm.SequenceNumber,
                                        StepTemp = stepVm.StepTempCel,
                                        StepTime = (float) stepVm.StepTimeMin.TotalMinutes,


                        if (isNewRecipe)

                        //add new hops
                        foreach (var hopVm in vm.HopsUsed)
                            var hopModel = context.Hops.Find(hopVm.Name);
                            var recipeHop = context.RecipeHops.Find(recipeModel.Name, hopVm.Name);

                            if (recipeHop == null)
                                RecipeHop rh = new RecipeHop();
                                rh.Recipe_Name = recipeModel.Name;
                                rh.Hop = hopModel;
                                rh.Amount = (float) hopVm.AmountKg;
                                rh.Hop_Name = hopModel.Name;
                                rh.HopUses_Name = hopVm.UsedDuring ?? context.HopUses.FirstOrDefault().Name;
                                //must add to context, not the recipe

                        //add new fermentables
                        foreach (var fermentableVm in vm.FermentablesUsed)
                            var fermentableModel = context.Fermentables.Find(fermentableVm.Name);
                            var recipeFermentable = context.RecipeFermentables.Find(recipeModel.Name, fermentableVm.Name);

                            if (recipeFermentable == null)
                                RecipeFermentable rf = new RecipeFermentable();
                                rf.Recipe_Name = recipeModel.Name;
                                rf.Fermentable_Name = fermentableVm.Name;
                                rf.Amount = fermentableVm.Amount;
                                rf.AddAfterBoil = fermentableVm.IsAddedAfterBoiling;
                                rf.IsMashed = fermentableVm.IsMashed;
                                //must add to context, not the recipe

                        //remove hops
                        foreach (var hop in vm.RemovedHops)
                            var toRemove = context.RecipeHops.Find(recipeModel.Name, hop);
                            if (toRemove != null)

                        //remove fermentables
                        foreach (var fermentable in vm.RemovedFermentables)
                            var toRemove = context.RecipeFermentables.Find(recipeModel.Name, fermentable);
                            if (toRemove != null)

                        return RedirectToAction("Show", new {name = vm.BeerName});

                    var errors =
                        ModelState.Where(x => x.Value.Errors.Count > 0)
                            .Select(x => new {x.Key, x.Value.Errors})

                    if (submission.StartsWith("Delete Hop"))
                        return PartialHopDelete(vm, submission.Substring(11), isNewRecipe);

                    if (submission == "Add Hop")
                        return PartialHopAdd(vm, context, isNewRecipe);

                    if (submission.StartsWith("Delete Fermentable"))
                        return PartialFermentableDelete(vm, submission.Substring(19), isNewRecipe);

                    if (submission == "Add Fermentable")
                        return PartialFermentableAdd(vm, context, isNewRecipe);

                    if (submission == "Add Mash Step")
                        return PartialMashStepAdd(vm, isNewRecipe);

                    if (submission.StartsWith("Delete Mash Step"))
                        return PartialMashStepDelete(vm, int.Parse(submission.Substring(17)), isNewRecipe);

                    if (submission == "Delete Mash Profile")
                        return PartialMashProfileDelete(vm, isNewRecipe);

                    if (submission == "Add Mash Profile")
                        return PartialMashProfileAdd(vm, isNewRecipe);

                    return isNewRecipe ? View("Create", vm) : View("Update", vm);

            catch (Exception e)
                return RedirectToAction("Update", new {name = vm.BeerName});