internal void ExtractPrimitives(MDL0Object* header, ref ElementDescriptor desc, byte** pOut, byte** pAssets)
            int count;
            uint index = 0, temp;
            byte* pData = (byte*)header->PrimitiveData;
            byte* pTemp = (byte*)pData;
            ushort* indices = (ushort*)_indices.Address;

            IMatrixNode[] cache = _polygon.Model._linker.NodeCache;

            //Get element count for each primitive type
            int d3 = 0, d2 = 0, d1 = 0;
            uint p3 = 0, p2 = 0, p1 = 0;
            uint[] p1arr = null, p2arr = null, p3arr = null;

            bool newGroup = true;
            PrimitiveGroup group = new PrimitiveGroup();
            ushort id;

            //Get counts for each primitive type, and assign face points
            byte cmd = *pTemp++;
            if (cmd <= 0x38 && cmd >= 0x20)
                if (newGroup == false)
                    group = new PrimitiveGroup() { _offset = (uint)((pTemp - 1) - pData) };
                    newGroup = true;
                if (!group._nodes.Contains(id = *(bushort*)pTemp) && id != ushort.MaxValue)
            //Switch by primitive type and increment as well so we can read the count.
            switch ((GXListCommand)cmd)
                //Fill weight cache
                case GXListCommand.LoadIndexA: //Positions

                    group._nodeOffsets.Add(new NodeOffset((uint)(pTemp - pData) - group._offset, cache[*(bushort*)pTemp]));

                    //Set weight node for facepoint extraction
                    desc.SetNode(ref pTemp, (byte*)pData);

                    goto NextPrimitive;

                case GXListCommand.LoadIndexB: //Normals
                case GXListCommand.LoadIndexC: //UVs

                    group._nodeOffsets.Add(new NodeOffset((uint)(pTemp - pData) - group._offset, cache[*(bushort*)pTemp]));
                    pTemp += 4; //Skip
                    goto NextPrimitive;

                case GXListCommand.LoadIndexD: //Lights

                    Console.WriteLine("There are lights in here!");
                    pTemp += 4; //Skip
                    goto NextPrimitive;

                case GXListCommand.DrawQuads:

                    if (newGroup == true) newGroup = false;
                    d3 += (count = *(bushort*)pTemp) / 2 * 3;
                    group._headers.Add(new PrimitiveHeader() { Type = WiiPrimitiveType.Quads, Entries = (ushort)count });

                case GXListCommand.DrawTriangles:

                    if (newGroup == true) newGroup = false;
                    d3 += (count = *(bushort*)pTemp);
                    group._headers.Add(new PrimitiveHeader() { Type = WiiPrimitiveType.TriangleList, Entries = (ushort)count });

                case GXListCommand.DrawTriangleFan:

                    if (newGroup == true) newGroup = false;
                    d3 += ((count = *(bushort*)pTemp) - 2) * 3;
                    group._headers.Add(new PrimitiveHeader() { Type = WiiPrimitiveType.TriangleFan, Entries = (ushort)count });

                case GXListCommand.DrawTriangleStrip:

                    if (newGroup == true) newGroup = false;
                    d3 += ((count = *(bushort*)pTemp) - 2) * 3;
                    group._headers.Add(new PrimitiveHeader() { Type = WiiPrimitiveType.TriangleStrip, Entries = (ushort)count });

                case GXListCommand.DrawLines:

                    if (newGroup == true) newGroup = false;
                    d2 += (count = *(bushort*)pTemp);
                    group._headers.Add(new PrimitiveHeader() { Type = WiiPrimitiveType.Lines, Entries = (ushort)count });

                case GXListCommand.DrawLineStrip:

                    if (newGroup == true) newGroup = false;
                    d2 += ((count = *(bushort*)pTemp) - 1) * 2;
                    group._headers.Add(new PrimitiveHeader() { Type = WiiPrimitiveType.LineStrip, Entries = (ushort)count });

                case GXListCommand.DrawPoints:

                    if (newGroup == true) newGroup = false;
                    d1 += (count = *(bushort*)pTemp);
                    group._headers.Add(new PrimitiveHeader() { Type = WiiPrimitiveType.Points, Entries = (ushort)count });

                    goto Next; //No more primitives.

            pTemp += 2;

            //Extract facepoints here!
            desc.Run(ref pTemp, pAssets, pOut, count, group, ref indices, _polygon.Model._linker.NodeCache);

            goto NextPrimitive;

            Next: //Create primitives
            if (d3 > 0)
            { _triangles = new NewPrimitive(d3, BeginMode.Triangles); p3arr = _triangles._indices; }
            else _triangles = null;

            if (d2 > 0)
            { _lines = new NewPrimitive(d2, BeginMode.Lines); p2arr = _lines._indices; }
            else _lines = null;

            if (d1 > 0)
            { _points = new NewPrimitive(d1, BeginMode.Points); p1arr = _points._indices; }
            else _points = null;

            //Extract indices in reverse order, this way we get CCW winding.
            switch ((GXListCommand)(*pData++))
                case GXListCommand.LoadIndexA:
                case GXListCommand.LoadIndexB:
                case GXListCommand.LoadIndexC:
                case GXListCommand.LoadIndexD:
                    pData += 4; //Skip
                    goto Top;

                case GXListCommand.DrawQuads:
                    count = *(bushort*)pData;
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i += 4)
                        p3arr[p3++] = index;
                        p3arr[p3++] = (uint)(index + 2);
                        p3arr[p3++] = (uint)(index + 1);
                        p3arr[p3++] = index;
                        p3arr[p3++] = (uint)(index + 3);
                        p3arr[p3++] = (uint)(index + 2);
                        index += 4;
                case GXListCommand.DrawTriangles:
                    count = *(bushort*)pData;
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i += 3)
                        p3arr[p3++] = (uint)(index + 2);
                        p3arr[p3++] = (uint)(index + 1);
                        p3arr[p3++] = index;
                        index += 3;
                case GXListCommand.DrawTriangleFan:
                    count = *(bushort*)pData;
                    temp = index++;
                    for (int i = 2; i < count; i++)
                        p3arr[p3++] = temp;
                        p3arr[p3++] = (uint)(index + 1);
                        p3arr[p3++] = index++;
                case GXListCommand.DrawTriangleStrip:
                    count = *(bushort*)pData;
                    index += 2;
                    for (int i = 2; i < count; i++)
                        p3arr[p3++] = index;
                        p3arr[p3++] = (uint)(index - 1 - (i & 1));
                        p3arr[p3++] = (uint)((index++) - 2 + (i & 1));
                case GXListCommand.DrawLines:
                    count = *(bushort*)pData;
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        p2arr[p2++] = index++;
                case GXListCommand.DrawLineStrip:
                    count = *(bushort*)pData;
                    for (int i = 1; i < count; i++)
                        p2arr[p2++] = index++;
                        p2arr[p2++] = index;
                case GXListCommand.DrawPoints:
                    count = *(bushort*)pData;
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        p1arr[p1++] = index++;
                default: return;
            pData += 2 + count * desc.Stride;
            goto Top;