Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a handler for the given function timepoints file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">Filename of the CSV file containing the function timepoints</param>
        internal static void Read(String filename)
            FunctionTimepoint timepoint;
            StreamReader      reader;
            String            line;

            logger.Debug("Enter: Read(String)");

            // Read in the file

            if (!File.Exists(filename))
                logger.Debug("Forcing function file " + filename + " not found.");

            logger.Debug("Reading forcing function file: " + filename);

            reader = new StreamReader(filename);

            while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                // Ignore comment lines
                if (line.StartsWith(";"))
                if (line.StartsWith("s"))

                // Parse the line into a set of function timepoints
                timepoint = new FunctionTimepoint(line);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the value of the function at a given time.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trialNumber">The trial number (a function must be defined for this trial number)</param>
        /// <param name="secondsIntoTrial">The value is calculated for this number of seconds into the trial</param>
        internal static FunctionTimepoint GetForcingFunction(double secondsIntoTrial)
            FunctionTimepoint lower;
            FunctionTimepoint upper;
            FunctionTimepoint result;

            // If no forcing function was loaded, return empty timepoint
            if (list.Count == 0)
                result             = new FunctionTimepoint();
                result.Input.pitch = 0;
                result.Input.roll  = 0;
                result.Input.yaw   = 0;
                result.Time        = 0;


            // If there is only one timepoint, return it
            if (list.Count == 1)

            // If the forcing function data is requested for a time in the past, return the first function timepoint
            if (secondsIntoTrial <= list[0].Time)

            // If the forcing function data is requested for a time in the future, return the last function timepoint
            if (secondsIntoTrial >= list[list.Count - 1].Time)
                return(list[list.Count - 1]);

            // Find the two timepoints to interpolate between
            lower = null;
            upper = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                if ((list[i].Time > secondsIntoTrial) ||
                    (list[i + 1].Time < secondsIntoTrial))

                lower = list[i];
                upper = list[i + 1];

            if ((lower == null) || (upper == null))
                result             = new FunctionTimepoint();
                result.Input.pitch = 0;
                result.Input.roll  = 0;
                result.Input.yaw   = 0;
                result.Time        = 0;


            // Interpolate
            result = new FunctionTimepoint {
                Time  = secondsIntoTrial,
                Input =
                    roll  = Interpolate(lower.Input.roll,  upper.Input.roll,
                                        lower.Time, upper.Time, secondsIntoTrial),
                    pitch = Interpolate(lower.Input.pitch, upper.Input.pitch,
                                        lower.Time, upper.Time, secondsIntoTrial),
                    yaw   = Interpolate(lower.Input.yaw,   upper.Input.yaw,
                                        lower.Time, upper.Time, secondsIntoTrial)
