/// Compute the collision manifold between two circles. public static void CollideCircles(out Manifold manifold, CircleShape circleA, Transform xfA, CircleShape circleB, Transform xfB) { throw new NotImplementedException(); //manifold.pointCount = 0; //Vec2 pA = Utilities.Mul(xfA, circleA.m_p); //Vec2 pB = Utilities.Mul(xfB, circleB.m_p); //Vec2 d = pB - pA; //float distSqr = Utilities.Dot(d, d); //float rA = circleA.m_radius, rB = circleB.m_radius; //float radius = rA + rB; //if (distSqr > radius * radius) //{ // return; //} //manifold.type = Manifold::e_circles; //manifold.localPoint = circleA.m_p; //manifold.localNormal.SetZero(); //manifold.pointCount = 1; //manifold.points[0].localPoint = circleB.m_p; //manifold.points[0].id.key = 0; }
public override void Evaluate(out Manifold manifold, Transform xfA, Transform xfB){ ChainShape chain = (ChainShape)m_fixtureA.GetShape(); EdgeShape edge; chain.GetChildEdge(out edge, m_indexA); Collision.CollideEdgeAndCircle(out manifold, edge, xfA, (CircleShape)m_fixtureB.GetShape(), xfB); }
public override void PreSolve(Contact contact, Manifold oldManifold) { base.PreSolve(contact, oldManifold); Fixture fixtureA = contact.FixtureA; Fixture fixtureB = contact.FixtureB; if (fixtureA != m_platform && fixtureA != m_character) { return; } if (fixtureB != m_platform && fixtureB != m_character) { return; } #if true Vec2 position = m_character.GetBody().GetPosition(); if (position.Y < m_top + m_radius - 3.0f *Settings._linearSlop) { contact.SetEnabled(false); } #else Vec2 v = m_character.GetBody().GetLinearVelocity(); if (v.Y > 0.0f) { contact.SetEnabled(false); } #endif }
public override void PreSolve(Contact contact, Manifold oldManifold) { base.PreSolve(contact, oldManifold); Fixture fixtureA = contact.FixtureA; Fixture fixtureB = contact.FixtureB; if (fixtureA == m_platform) { contact.SetTangentSpeed(5.0f); } if (fixtureB == m_platform) { contact.SetTangentSpeed(-5.0f); } }
/// Compute the collision manifold between an edge and a circle. public static void CollideEdgeAndCircle(out Manifold manifold, EdgeShape edgeA, Transform xfA, CircleShape circleB, Transform xfB){ manifold = new Manifold(); // Compute circle in frame of edge Vec2 Q = Utilities.MulT(xfA, Utilities.Mul(xfB, circleB.m_p)); Vec2 A = edgeA.m_vertex1, B = edgeA.m_vertex2; Vec2 e = B - A; // Barycentric coordinates float u = Utilities.Dot(e, B - Q); float v = Utilities.Dot(e, Q - A); float radius = edgeA.m_radius + circleB.m_radius; ContactFeature cf; cf.indexB = 0; cf.typeB = ContactFeature.FeatureType.e_vertex; // Region A if (v <= 0.0f) { Vec2 P = A; Vec2 d = Q - P; float dd = Utilities.Dot(d, d); if (dd > radius * radius) { return; } // Is there an edge connected to A? if (edgeA.m_hasVertex0) { Vec2 A1 = edgeA.m_vertex0; Vec2 B1 = A; Vec2 e1 = B1 - A1; float u1 = Utilities.Dot(e1, B1 - Q); // Is the circle in Region AB of the previous edge? if (u1 > 0.0f) { return; } } cf.indexA = 0; cf.typeA = ContactFeature.FeatureType.e_vertex; manifold.points.Clear(); manifold.points.Add(new ManifoldPoint()); manifold.type = Manifold.ManifoldType.e_circles; manifold.localNormal.SetZero(); manifold.localPoint = P; manifold.points[0].id.key = 0; manifold.points[0].id.cf = cf; manifold.points[0].localPoint = circleB.m_p; return; } // Region B if (u <= 0.0f) { Vec2 P = B; Vec2 d = Q - P; float dd = Utilities.Dot(d, d); if (dd > radius * radius) { return; } // Is there an edge connected to B? if (edgeA.m_hasVertex3) { Vec2 B2 = edgeA.m_vertex3; Vec2 A2 = B; Vec2 e2 = B2 - A2; float v2 = Utilities.Dot(e2, Q - A2); // Is the circle in Region AB of the next edge? if (v2 > 0.0f) { return; } } cf.indexA = 1; cf.typeA = ContactFeature.FeatureType.e_vertex; manifold.points.Clear(); manifold.points.Add(new ManifoldPoint()); manifold.type = Manifold.ManifoldType.e_circles; manifold.localNormal.SetZero(); manifold.localPoint = P; manifold.points[0].id.key = 0; manifold.points[0].id.cf = cf; manifold.points[0].localPoint = circleB.m_p; return; } // Region AB float den = Utilities.Dot(e, e); Utilities.Assert(den > 0.0f); Vec2 Pb = (1.0f / den) * (u * A + v * B); Vec2 db = Q - Pb; float ddb = Utilities.Dot(db, db); if (ddb > radius * radius) { return; } Vec2 n = new Vec2(-e.Y, e.X); if (Utilities.Dot(n, Q - A) < 0.0f) { n.Set(-n.X, -n.Y); } n.Normalize(); cf.indexA = 0; cf.typeA = ContactFeature.FeatureType.e_face; manifold.points.Clear(); manifold.points.Add(new ManifoldPoint()); manifold.type = Manifold.ManifoldType.e_faceA; manifold.localNormal = n; manifold.localPoint = A; manifold.points[0].id.key = 0; manifold.points[0].id.cf = cf; manifold.points[0].localPoint = circleB.m_p; }
/// Compute the collision manifold between a polygon and a circle. public static void CollidePolygonAndCircle(out Manifold manifold, PolygonShape polygonA, Transform xfA, CircleShape circleB, Transform xfB) { manifold = new Manifold(); manifold.points.Clear(); // Compute circle position in the frame of the polygon. Vec2 c = Utilities.Mul(xfB, circleB.m_p); Vec2 cLocal = Utilities.MulT(xfA, c); // Find the min separating edge. int normalIndex = 0; float separation = -Single.MaxValue; float radius = polygonA.m_radius + circleB.m_radius; int vertexCount = polygonA.m_count; List<Vec2> vertices = new List<Vec2>(polygonA.m_vertices); List<Vec2> normals = new List<Vec2>(polygonA.m_normals); for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; ++i) { float s = Utilities.Dot(normals[i], cLocal - vertices[i]); if (s > radius) { // Early out. return; } if (s > separation) { separation = s; normalIndex = i; } } // Vertices that subtend the incident face. int vertIndex1 = normalIndex; int vertIndex2 = vertIndex1 + 1 < vertexCount ? vertIndex1 + 1 : 0; Vec2 v1 = vertices[vertIndex1]; Vec2 v2 = vertices[vertIndex2]; // If the center is inside the polygon ... if (separation < Single.Epsilon) { manifold.points.Clear(); manifold.points.Add(new ManifoldPoint()); manifold.type = Manifold.ManifoldType.e_faceA; manifold.localNormal = normals[normalIndex]; manifold.localPoint = 0.5f * (v1 + v2); manifold.points[0].localPoint = circleB.m_p; manifold.points[0].id.key = 0; return; } // Compute barycentric coordinates float u1 = Utilities.Dot(cLocal - v1, v2 - v1); float u2 = Utilities.Dot(cLocal - v2, v1 - v2); if (u1 <= 0.0f) { if (Utilities.DistanceSquared(cLocal, v1) > radius * radius) { return; } manifold.points.Clear(); manifold.points.Add(new ManifoldPoint()); manifold.type = Manifold.ManifoldType.e_faceA; manifold.localNormal = cLocal - v1; manifold.localNormal.Normalize(); manifold.localPoint = v1; manifold.points[0].localPoint = circleB.m_p; manifold.points[0].id.key = 0; } else if (u2 <= 0.0f) { if (Utilities.DistanceSquared(cLocal, v2) > radius * radius) { return; } manifold.points = new List<ManifoldPoint>(); manifold.points.Add(new ManifoldPoint()); manifold.type = Manifold.ManifoldType.e_faceA; manifold.localNormal = cLocal - v2; manifold.localNormal.Normalize(); manifold.localPoint = v2; manifold.points[0].localPoint = circleB.m_p; manifold.points[0].id.key = 0; } else { Vec2 faceCenter = 0.5f * (v1 + v2); float separation2 = Utilities.Dot(cLocal - faceCenter, normals[vertIndex1]); if (separation2 > radius) { return; } manifold.points = new List<ManifoldPoint>(); manifold.points.Add(new ManifoldPoint()); manifold.type = Manifold.ManifoldType.e_faceA; manifold.localNormal = normals[vertIndex1]; manifold.localPoint = faceCenter; manifold.points[0].localPoint = circleB.m_p; manifold.points[0].id.key = 0; } }
// Find edge normal of max separation on A - return if separating axis is found // Find edge normal of max separation on B - return if separation axis is found // Choose reference edge as min(minA, minB) // Find incident edge // Clip // The normal points from 1 to 2 /// Compute the collision manifold between two polygons. public static void CollidePolygons(out Manifold manifold, PolygonShape polyA, Transform xfA, PolygonShape polyB, Transform xfB) { manifold = new Manifold(); float totalRadius = polyA.m_radius + polyB.m_radius; int edgeA = 0; float separationA = FindMaxSeparation(out edgeA, polyA, xfA, polyB, xfB); if (separationA > totalRadius) return; int edgeB = 0; float separationB = FindMaxSeparation(out edgeB, polyB, xfB, polyA, xfA); if (separationB > totalRadius) return; PolygonShape poly1; // reference polygon PolygonShape poly2; // incident polygon Transform xf1, xf2; int edge1; // reference edge bool flip; const float k_relativeTol = 0.98f; const float k_absoluteTol = 0.001f; if (separationB > k_relativeTol * separationA + k_absoluteTol) { poly1 = polyB; poly2 = polyA; xf1 = xfB; xf2 = xfA; edge1 = edgeB; manifold.type = Manifold.ManifoldType.e_faceB; flip = true; } else { poly1 = polyA; poly2 = polyB; xf1 = xfA; xf2 = xfB; edge1 = edgeA; manifold.type = Manifold.ManifoldType.e_faceA; flip = false; } ClipVertex[] incidentEdge = new ClipVertex[2]; FindIncidentEdge(incidentEdge, poly1, xf1, edge1, poly2, xf2); int count1 = poly1.m_count; Vec2[] vertices1 = poly1.m_vertices; int iv1 = edge1; int iv2 = edge1 + 1 < count1 ? edge1 + 1 : 0; Vec2 v11 = vertices1[iv1]; Vec2 v12 = vertices1[iv2]; Vec2 localTangent = v12 - v11; localTangent.Normalize(); Vec2 localNormal = Utilities.Cross(localTangent, 1.0f); Vec2 planePoint = 0.5f * (v11 + v12); Vec2 tangent = Utilities.Mul(xf1.q, localTangent); Vec2 normal = Utilities.Cross(tangent, 1.0f); v11 = Utilities.Mul(xf1, v11); v12 = Utilities.Mul(xf1, v12); // Face offset. float frontOffset = Utilities.Dot(normal, v11); // Side offsets, extended by polytope skin thickness. float sideOffset1 = -Utilities.Dot(tangent, v11) + totalRadius; float sideOffset2 = Utilities.Dot(tangent, v12) + totalRadius; // Clip incident edge against extruded edge1 side edges. ClipVertex[] clipPoints1 = new ClipVertex[2]; ClipVertex[] clipPoints2 = new ClipVertex[2]; int np; // Clip to box side 1 np = ClipSegmentToLine(clipPoints1, incidentEdge, -tangent, sideOffset1, iv1); if (np < 2) return; // Clip to negative box side 1 np = ClipSegmentToLine(clipPoints2, clipPoints1, tangent, sideOffset2, iv2); if (np < 2) { return; } // Now clipPoints2 contains the clipped points. manifold.localNormal = localNormal; manifold.localPoint = planePoint; manifold.points.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < Settings._maxManifoldPoints; ++i) { float separation = Utilities.Dot(normal, clipPoints2[i].v) - frontOffset; if (separation <= totalRadius) { ManifoldPoint cp = new ManifoldPoint(); cp.localPoint = Utilities.MulT(xf2, clipPoints2[i].v); cp.id = clipPoints2[i].id; if (flip) { // Swap features ContactFeature cf = cp.id.cf; cp.id.cf.indexA = cf.indexB; cp.id.cf.indexB = cf.indexA; cp.id.cf.typeA = cf.typeB; cp.id.cf.typeB = cf.typeA; } manifold.points.Add(cp); } } }
public void PreSolve(Contact contact, ref Manifold oldManifold) { }
/// Evaluate the manifold with supplied transforms. This assumes /// modest motion from the original state. This does not change the /// point count, impulses, etc. The radii must come from the shapes /// that generated the manifold. public void Initialize(Manifold manifold, Transform xfA, float radiusA, Transform xfB, float radiusB){ if (manifold.points.Count() == 0) { return; } switch (manifold.type) { case Manifold.ManifoldType.e_circles: { normal.Set(1.0f, 0.0f); Vec2 pointA = Utilities.Mul(xfA, manifold.localPoint); Vec2 pointB = Utilities.Mul(xfB, manifold.points[0].localPoint); if (Utilities.DistanceSquared(pointA, pointB) > Single.Epsilon * Single.Epsilon) { normal = pointB - pointA; normal.Normalize(); } Vec2 cA = pointA + radiusA * normal; Vec2 cB = pointB - radiusB * normal; points[0] = 0.5f * (cA + cB); } break; case Manifold.ManifoldType.e_faceA: { normal = Utilities.Mul(xfA.q, manifold.localNormal); Vec2 planePoint = Utilities.Mul(xfA, manifold.localPoint); points.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < manifold.points.Count(); ++i) { Vec2 clipPoint = Utilities.Mul(xfB, manifold.points[i].localPoint); Vec2 cA = clipPoint + (radiusA - Utilities.Dot(clipPoint - planePoint, normal)) * normal; Vec2 cB = clipPoint - radiusB * normal; points.Add(0.5f * (cA + cB)); } } break; case Manifold.ManifoldType.e_faceB: { normal = Utilities.Mul(xfB.q, manifold.localNormal); Vec2 planePoint = Utilities.Mul(xfB, manifold.localPoint); points.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < manifold.points.Count(); ++i) { Vec2 clipPoint = Utilities.Mul(xfA, manifold.points[i].localPoint); Vec2 cB = clipPoint + (radiusB - Utilities.Dot(clipPoint - planePoint, normal)) * normal; Vec2 cA = clipPoint - radiusA * normal; points.Add(0.5f * (cA + cB)); } // Ensure normal points from A to B. normal = -normal; } break; } }
/// Evaluate this contact with your own manifold and transforms. public abstract void Evaluate(out Manifold manifold, Transform xfA, Transform xfB); //manifold was pointer
public virtual void PreSolve(Contact contact, Manifold oldManifold) { Manifold manifold = contact.GetManifold(); if (manifold.points.Count() == 0) { return; } Fixture fixtureA = contact.FixtureA; Fixture fixtureB = contact.FixtureB; PointState[] state1 = new PointState[Settings._maxManifoldPoints]; PointState[] state2 = new PointState[Settings._maxManifoldPoints]; Collision.GetPointStates(state1, state2, oldManifold, manifold); WorldManifold worldManifold; contact.GetWorldManifold(out worldManifold); for (int i = 0; i < manifold.points.Count() && m_pointCount < Program.k_maxContactPoints; ++i) { ContactPoint cp = m_points[m_pointCount]; cp.fixtureA = fixtureA; cp.fixtureB = fixtureB; cp.position = worldManifold.points[i]; cp.normal = worldManifold.normal; cp.state = state2[i]; cp.normalImpulse = manifold.points[i].normalImpulse; cp.tangentImpulse = manifold.points[i].tangentImpulse; ++m_pointCount; } }
public void InitializeVelocityConstraints() { for (int i = 0; i < m_contacts.Count(); ++i) { ContactVelocityConstraint vc = m_velocityConstraints[i]; ContactPositionConstraint pc = m_positionConstraints[i]; float radiusA = pc.radiusA; float radiusB = pc.radiusB; Manifold manifold = m_contacts[vc.contactIndex].GetManifold(); int indexA = vc.indexA; int indexB = vc.indexB; float mA = vc.invMassA; float mB = vc.invMassB; float iA = vc.invIA; float iB = vc.invIB; Vec2 localCenterA = pc.localCenterA; Vec2 localCenterB = pc.localCenterB; Vec2 cA = m_positions[indexA].c; float aA = m_positions[indexA].a; Vec2 vA = m_velocities[indexA].v; float wA = m_velocities[indexA].w; Vec2 cB = m_positions[indexB].c; float aB = m_positions[indexB].a; Vec2 vB = m_velocities[indexB].v; float wB = m_velocities[indexB].w; Utilities.Assert(manifold.points.Count() > 0); Transform xfA = new Transform(); Transform xfB = new Transform(); xfA.q.Set(aA); xfB.q.Set(aB); xfA.p = cA - Utilities.Mul(xfA.q, localCenterA); xfB.p = cB - Utilities.Mul(xfB.q, localCenterB); WorldManifold worldManifold = new WorldManifold(); worldManifold.Initialize(manifold, xfA, radiusA, xfB, radiusB); vc.normal = worldManifold.normal; int pointCount = vc.points.Count; for (int j = 0; j < pointCount; ++j) { VelocityConstraintPoint vcp = vc.points[j]; vcp.rA = worldManifold.points[j] - cA; vcp.rB = worldManifold.points[j] - cB; float rnA = Utilities.Cross(vcp.rA, vc.normal); float rnB = Utilities.Cross(vcp.rB, vc.normal); float kNormal = mA + mB + iA * rnA * rnA + iB * rnB * rnB; vcp.normalMass = kNormal > 0.0f ? 1.0f / kNormal : 0.0f; Vec2 tangent = Utilities.Cross(vc.normal, 1.0f); float rtA = Utilities.Cross(vcp.rA, tangent); float rtB = Utilities.Cross(vcp.rB, tangent); float kTangent = mA + mB + iA * rtA * rtA + iB * rtB * rtB; vcp.tangentMass = kTangent > 0.0f ? 1.0f / kTangent : 0.0f; // Setup a velocity bias for restitution. vcp.velocityBias = 0.0f; float vRel = Utilities.Dot(vc.normal, vB + Utilities.Cross(wB, vcp.rB) - vA - Utilities.Cross(wA, vcp.rA)); if (vRel < -Settings._velocityThreshold) { vcp.velocityBias = -vc.restitution * vRel; } } // If we have two points, then prepare the block solver. if (vc.points.Count() == 2) { VelocityConstraintPoint vcp1 = vc.points[0]; VelocityConstraintPoint vcp2 = vc.points[1]; float rn1A = Utilities.Cross(vcp1.rA, vc.normal); float rn1B = Utilities.Cross(vcp1.rB, vc.normal); float rn2A = Utilities.Cross(vcp2.rA, vc.normal); float rn2B = Utilities.Cross(vcp2.rB, vc.normal); float k11 = mA + mB + iA * rn1A * rn1A + iB * rn1B * rn1B; float k22 = mA + mB + iA * rn2A * rn2A + iB * rn2B * rn2B; float k12 = mA + mB + iA * rn1A * rn2A + iB * rn1B * rn2B; // Ensure a reasonable condition number. const float k_maxConditionNumber = 1000.0f; if (k11 * k11 < k_maxConditionNumber * (k11 * k22 - k12 * k12)) { // K is safe to invert. vc.K.ex.Set(k11, k12); vc.K.ey.Set(k12, k22); vc.normalMass = vc.K.GetInverse(); } else { // The constraints are redundant, just use one. // TODO_ERIN use deepest? vc.points.Clear(); vc.points.Add(new VelocityConstraintPoint()); } } } }
public ContactSolver(ContactSolverDef def) { m_step = def.step; m_positionConstraints = new List <ContactPositionConstraint>(); m_velocityConstraints = new List <ContactVelocityConstraint>(); m_positions = def.positions; m_velocities = def.velocities; m_contacts = def.contacts; // Initialize position independent portions of the constraints. for (int i = 0; i < def.contacts.Count(); ++i) { Contact contact = m_contacts[i]; Fixture fixtureA = contact.m_fixtureA; Fixture fixtureB = contact.m_fixtureB; Shape shapeA = fixtureA.GetShape(); Shape shapeB = fixtureB.GetShape(); float radiusA = shapeA.m_radius; float radiusB = shapeB.m_radius; Body bodyA = fixtureA.GetBody(); Body bodyB = fixtureB.GetBody(); Manifold manifold = contact.GetManifold(); int pointCount = manifold.points.Count(); Utilities.Assert(pointCount > 0); ContactVelocityConstraint vc = new ContactVelocityConstraint(); vc.friction = contact.m_friction; vc.restitution = contact.m_restitution; vc.tangentSpeed = contact.m_tangentSpeed; vc.indexA = bodyA.m_islandIndex; vc.indexB = bodyB.m_islandIndex; vc.invMassA = bodyA.m_invMass; vc.invMassB = bodyB.m_invMass; vc.invIA = bodyA.m_invI; vc.invIB = bodyB.m_invI; vc.contactIndex = i; //vc.points.Count() = pointCount; vc.K.SetZero(); vc.normalMass.SetZero(); ContactPositionConstraint pc = new ContactPositionConstraint(); pc.indexA = bodyA.m_islandIndex; pc.indexB = bodyB.m_islandIndex; pc.invMassA = bodyA.m_invMass; pc.invMassB = bodyB.m_invMass; pc.localCenterA = bodyA.m_sweep.localCenter; pc.localCenterB = bodyB.m_sweep.localCenter; pc.invIA = bodyA.m_invI; pc.invIB = bodyB.m_invI; pc.localNormal = manifold.localNormal; pc.localPoint = manifold.localPoint; pc.pointCount = pointCount; pc.radiusA = radiusA; pc.radiusB = radiusB; pc.type = manifold.type; for (int j = 0; j < pointCount; ++j) { ManifoldPoint cp = manifold.points[j]; VelocityConstraintPoint vcp = new VelocityConstraintPoint(); if (m_step.warmStarting) { vcp.normalImpulse = m_step.dtRatio * cp.normalImpulse; vcp.tangentImpulse = m_step.dtRatio * cp.tangentImpulse; } else { vcp.normalImpulse = 0.0f; vcp.tangentImpulse = 0.0f; } vcp.rA.SetZero(); vcp.rB.SetZero(); vcp.normalMass = 0.0f; vcp.tangentMass = 0.0f; vcp.velocityBias = 0.0f; vc.points.Add(vcp); pc.localPoints[j] = cp.localPoint; } m_velocityConstraints.Add(vc); m_positionConstraints.Add(pc); } }
public override void Evaluate(out Manifold manifold, Transform xfA, Transform xfB) { Collision.CollidePolygonAndCircle(out manifold, (PolygonShape)m_fixtureA.GetShape(), xfA, (CircleShape)m_fixtureB.GetShape(), xfB); }
/// Compute the collision manifold between an edge and a circle. public static void CollideEdgeAndPolygon(out Manifold manifold, EdgeShape edgeA, Transform xfA, PolygonShape polygonB, Transform xfB) { EPCollider collider = new EPCollider(); collider.Collide(out manifold, edgeA, xfA, polygonB, xfB); }
/// Compute the point states given two manifolds. The states pertain to the transition from manifold1 /// to manifold2. So state1 is either persist or remove while state2 is either add or persist. public static void GetPointStates(PointState[/*Settings._maxManifoldPoints*/] state1, PointState[/*Settings._maxManifoldPoints*/] state2, Manifold manifold1, Manifold manifold2) { throw new NotImplementedException(); //for (int i = 0; i < Settings._maxManifoldPoints; ++i) //{ // state1[i] = _nullState; // state2[i] = _nullState; //} //// Detect persists and removes. //for (int i = 0; i < manifold1.pointCount; ++i) //{ // ContactID id = manifold1.points[i].id; // state1[i] = _removeState; // for (int j = 0; j < manifold2.pointCount; ++j) // { // if (manifold2.points[j].id.key == id.key) // { // state1[i] = _persistState; // break; // } // } //} //// Detect persists and adds. //for (int i = 0; i < manifold2.pointCount; ++i) //{ // ContactID id = manifold2.points[i].id; // state2[i] = _addState; // for (int j = 0; j < manifold1.pointCount; ++j) // { // if (manifold1.points[j].id.key == id.key) // { // state2[i] = _persistState; // break; // } // } //} }
protected Contact(Fixture fA, int indexA, Fixture fB, int indexB) { m_flags = ContactFlags.e_enabledFlag; m_fixtureA = fA; m_fixtureB = fB; m_indexA = indexA; m_indexB = indexB; m_manifold = new Manifold(); m_manifold.points.Clear(); m_nodeA.contact = null; m_nodeA.other = null; m_nodeB.contact = null; m_nodeB.other = null; m_toiCount = 0; m_friction = MixFriction(m_fixtureA.m_friction, m_fixtureB.m_friction); m_restitution = MixRestitution(m_fixtureA.m_restitution, m_fixtureB.m_restitution); m_tangentSpeed = 0.0f; }
// Algorithm: // 1. Classify v1 and v2 // 2. Classify polygon centroid as front or back // 3. Flip normal if necessary // 4. Initialize normal range to [-pi, pi] about face normal // 5. Adjust normal range according to adjacent edges // 6. Visit each separating axes, only accept axes within the range // 7. Return if _any_ axis indicates separation // 8. Clip public void Collide(out Manifold manifold, EdgeShape edgeA, Transform xfA, PolygonShape polygonB, Transform xfB){ manifold = new Manifold(); m_xf = Utilities.MulT(xfA, xfB); m_centroidB = Utilities.Mul(m_xf, polygonB.m_centroid); m_v0 = edgeA.m_vertex0; m_v1 = edgeA.m_vertex1; m_v2 = edgeA.m_vertex2; m_v3 = edgeA.m_vertex3; bool hasVertex0 = edgeA.m_hasVertex0; bool hasVertex3 = edgeA.m_hasVertex3; Vec2 edge1 = m_v2 - m_v1; edge1.Normalize(); m_normal1.Set(edge1.Y, -edge1.X); float offset1 = Utilities.Dot(m_normal1, m_centroidB - m_v1); float offset0 = 0.0f, offset2 = 0.0f; bool convex1 = false, convex2 = false; // Is there a preceding edge? if (hasVertex0) { Vec2 edge0 = m_v1 - m_v0; edge0.Normalize(); m_normal0.Set(edge0.Y, -edge0.X); convex1 = Utilities.Cross(edge0, edge1) >= 0.0f; offset0 = Utilities.Dot(m_normal0, m_centroidB - m_v0); } // Is there a following edge? if (hasVertex3) { Vec2 edge2 = m_v3 - m_v2; edge2.Normalize(); m_normal2.Set(edge2.Y, -edge2.X); convex2 = Utilities.Cross(edge1, edge2) > 0.0f; offset2 = Utilities.Dot(m_normal2, m_centroidB - m_v2); } // Determine front or back collision. Determine collision normal limits. if (hasVertex0 && hasVertex3) { if (convex1 && convex2) { m_front = offset0 >= 0.0f || offset1 >= 0.0f || offset2 >= 0.0f; if (m_front) { m_normal = m_normal1; m_lowerLimit = m_normal0; m_upperLimit = m_normal2; } else { m_normal = -m_normal1; m_lowerLimit = -m_normal1; m_upperLimit = -m_normal1; } } else if (convex1) { m_front = offset0 >= 0.0f || (offset1 >= 0.0f && offset2 >= 0.0f); if (m_front) { m_normal = m_normal1; m_lowerLimit = m_normal0; m_upperLimit = m_normal1; } else { m_normal = -m_normal1; m_lowerLimit = -m_normal2; m_upperLimit = -m_normal1; } } else if (convex2) { m_front = offset2 >= 0.0f || (offset0 >= 0.0f && offset1 >= 0.0f); if (m_front) { m_normal = m_normal1; m_lowerLimit = m_normal1; m_upperLimit = m_normal2; } else { m_normal = -m_normal1; m_lowerLimit = -m_normal1; m_upperLimit = -m_normal0; } } else { m_front = offset0 >= 0.0f && offset1 >= 0.0f && offset2 >= 0.0f; if (m_front) { m_normal = m_normal1; m_lowerLimit = m_normal1; m_upperLimit = m_normal1; } else { m_normal = -m_normal1; m_lowerLimit = -m_normal2; m_upperLimit = -m_normal0; } } } else if (hasVertex0) { if (convex1) { m_front = offset0 >= 0.0f || offset1 >= 0.0f; if (m_front) { m_normal = m_normal1; m_lowerLimit = m_normal0; m_upperLimit = -m_normal1; } else { m_normal = -m_normal1; m_lowerLimit = m_normal1; m_upperLimit = -m_normal1; } } else { m_front = offset0 >= 0.0f && offset1 >= 0.0f; if (m_front) { m_normal = m_normal1; m_lowerLimit = m_normal1; m_upperLimit = -m_normal1; } else { m_normal = -m_normal1; m_lowerLimit = m_normal1; m_upperLimit = -m_normal0; } } } else if (hasVertex3) { if (convex2) { m_front = offset1 >= 0.0f || offset2 >= 0.0f; if (m_front) { m_normal = m_normal1; m_lowerLimit = -m_normal1; m_upperLimit = m_normal2; } else { m_normal = -m_normal1; m_lowerLimit = -m_normal1; m_upperLimit = m_normal1; } } else { m_front = offset1 >= 0.0f && offset2 >= 0.0f; if (m_front) { m_normal = m_normal1; m_lowerLimit = -m_normal1; m_upperLimit = m_normal1; } else { m_normal = -m_normal1; m_lowerLimit = -m_normal2; m_upperLimit = m_normal1; } } } else { m_front = offset1 >= 0.0f; if (m_front) { m_normal = m_normal1; m_lowerLimit = -m_normal1; m_upperLimit = -m_normal1; } else { m_normal = -m_normal1; m_lowerLimit = m_normal1; m_upperLimit = m_normal1; } } // Get polygonB in frameA m_polygonB.count = polygonB.m_count; for (int i = 0; i < polygonB.m_count; ++i) { m_polygonB.vertices[i] = Utilities.Mul(m_xf, polygonB.m_vertices[i]); m_polygonB.normals[i] = Utilities.Mul(m_xf.q, polygonB.m_normals[i]); } m_radius = 2.0f * Settings._polygonRadius; manifold.points.Clear(); EPAxis edgeAxis = ComputeEdgeSeparation(); // If no valid normal can be found than this edge should not collide. if (edgeAxis.type == EPAxisType.e_unknown) { return; } if (edgeAxis.separation > m_radius) { return; } EPAxis polygonAxis = ComputePolygonSeparation(); if (polygonAxis.type != EPAxisType.e_unknown && polygonAxis.separation > m_radius) { return; } // Use hysteresis for jitter reduction. const float k_relativeTol = 0.98f; const float k_absoluteTol = 0.001f; EPAxis primaryAxis; if (polygonAxis.type == EPAxisType.e_unknown) { primaryAxis = edgeAxis; } else if (polygonAxis.separation > k_relativeTol * edgeAxis.separation + k_absoluteTol) { primaryAxis = polygonAxis; } else { primaryAxis = edgeAxis; } ClipVertex[] ie = new ClipVertex[2]; ReferenceFace rf = new ReferenceFace(); if (primaryAxis.type == EPAxisType.e_edgeA) { manifold.type = Manifold.ManifoldType.e_faceA; // Search for the polygon normal that is most anti-parallel to the edge normal. int bestIndex = 0; float bestValue = Utilities.Dot(m_normal, m_polygonB.normals[0]); for (int i = 1; i < m_polygonB.count; ++i) { float value = Utilities.Dot(m_normal, m_polygonB.normals[i]); if (value < bestValue) { bestValue = value; bestIndex = i; } } int i1 = bestIndex; int i2 = i1 + 1 < m_polygonB.count ? i1 + 1 : 0; ie[0].v = m_polygonB.vertices[i1]; ie[0].id.cf.indexA = 0; ie[0].id.cf.indexB = (byte)i1; ie[0].id.cf.typeA = ContactFeature.FeatureType.e_face; ie[0].id.cf.typeB = ContactFeature.FeatureType.e_vertex; ie[1].v = m_polygonB.vertices[i2]; ie[1].id.cf.indexA = 0; ie[1].id.cf.indexB = (byte)i2; ie[1].id.cf.typeA = ContactFeature.FeatureType.e_face; ie[1].id.cf.typeB = ContactFeature.FeatureType.e_vertex; if (m_front) { rf.i1 = 0; rf.i2 = 1; rf.v1 = m_v1; rf.v2 = m_v2; rf.normal = m_normal1; } else { rf.i1 = 1; rf.i2 = 0; rf.v1 = m_v2; rf.v2 = m_v1; rf.normal = -m_normal1; } } else { manifold.type = Manifold.ManifoldType.e_faceB; ie[0].v = m_v1; ie[0].id.cf.indexA = 0; ie[0].id.cf.indexB = (byte)primaryAxis.index; ie[0].id.cf.typeA = ContactFeature.FeatureType.e_vertex; ie[0].id.cf.typeB = ContactFeature.FeatureType.e_face; ie[1].v = m_v2; ie[1].id.cf.indexA = 0; ie[1].id.cf.indexB = (byte)primaryAxis.index; ie[1].id.cf.typeA = ContactFeature.FeatureType.e_vertex; ie[1].id.cf.typeB = ContactFeature.FeatureType.e_face; rf.i1 = primaryAxis.index; rf.i2 = rf.i1 + 1 < m_polygonB.count ? rf.i1 + 1 : 0; rf.v1 = m_polygonB.vertices[rf.i1]; rf.v2 = m_polygonB.vertices[rf.i2]; rf.normal = m_polygonB.normals[rf.i1]; } rf.sideNormal1.Set(rf.normal.Y, -rf.normal.X); rf.sideNormal2 = -rf.sideNormal1; rf.sideOffset1 = Utilities.Dot(rf.sideNormal1, rf.v1); rf.sideOffset2 = Utilities.Dot(rf.sideNormal2, rf.v2); // Clip incident edge against extruded edge1 side edges. ClipVertex[] clipPoints1 = new ClipVertex[2]; ClipVertex[] clipPoints2 = new ClipVertex[2]; int np; // Clip to box side 1 np = Collision.ClipSegmentToLine(clipPoints1, ie, rf.sideNormal1, rf.sideOffset1, rf.i1); if (np < Settings._maxManifoldPoints) { return; } // Clip to negative box side 1 np = Collision.ClipSegmentToLine(clipPoints2, clipPoints1, rf.sideNormal2, rf.sideOffset2, rf.i2); if (np < Settings._maxManifoldPoints) { return; } // Now clipPoints2 contains the clipped points. if (primaryAxis.type == EPAxisType.e_edgeA) { manifold.localNormal = rf.normal; manifold.localPoint = rf.v1; } else { manifold.localNormal = polygonB.m_normals[rf.i1]; manifold.localPoint = polygonB.m_vertices[rf.i1]; } manifold.points.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < Settings._maxManifoldPoints; ++i) { float separation; separation = Utilities.Dot(rf.normal, clipPoints2[i].v - rf.v1); if (separation <= m_radius) { ManifoldPoint cp = new ManifoldPoint(); if (primaryAxis.type == EPAxisType.e_edgeA) { cp.localPoint = Utilities.MulT(m_xf, clipPoints2[i].v); cp.id = clipPoints2[i].id; } else { cp.localPoint = clipPoints2[i].v; cp.id.cf.typeA = clipPoints2[i].id.cf.typeB; cp.id.cf.typeB = clipPoints2[i].id.cf.typeA; cp.id.cf.indexA = clipPoints2[i].id.cf.indexB; cp.id.cf.indexB = clipPoints2[i].id.cf.indexA; } manifold.points.Add(cp); } } }
public override void Evaluate(out Manifold manifold, Transform xfA, Transform xfB) { Collision.CollideEdgeAndCircle(out manifold, (EdgeShape)m_fixtureA.GetShape(), xfA, (CircleShape)m_fixtureB.GetShape(), xfB); }
/// This is called after a contact is updated. This allows you to inspect a /// contact before it goes to the solver. If you are careful, you can modify the /// contact manifold (e.g. disable contact). /// A copy of the old manifold is provided so that you can detect changes. /// Note: this is called only for awake bodies. /// Note: this is called even when the number of contact points is zero. /// Note: this is not called for sensors. /// Note: if you set the number of contact points to zero, you will not /// get an EndContact callback. However, you may get a BeginContact callback /// the next step. public virtual void PreSolve(Contact contact, Manifold oldManifold) { }
public override void Evaluate(out Manifold manifold, Transform xfA, Transform xfB) { Collision.CollidePolygons( out manifold, (PolygonShape)m_fixtureA.GetShape(), xfA, (PolygonShape)m_fixtureB.GetShape(), xfB); }