Example #1
        public Dist(string filenameA, string filenameB) ///конструктор
            _filenameA = filenameA;
            _filenameB = filenameB;

            _inpA = Readers.ReadPersDiag(_filenameA); //выдели в отдельные классы
            _inpB = Readers.ReadPersDiag(_filenameB); //выдели в отдельные классы

            AcupB = PersDiagram.PersDiagramCup(_inpA, _inpB);
            BcupA = PersDiagram.PersDiagramCup(_inpB, _inpA);

            _inpAsize     = _inpA.SourceSize();
            _inpBsize     = _inpB.SourceSize();
            _inpAcupBsize = AcupB.SourceSize();
            _inpBcupAsize = BcupA.SourceSize();

            AcupB.BuildDictIndex(); ///соответствие между точками и индексами
            BcupA.BuildDictIndex(_inpAcupBsize + 1);

            graphG = new BipartiteGraph();
            graphG.BuildAllDistGraph(AcupB, BcupA); ///строим граф связей и размеров из всез точек AcupB во все точки BcupA

            lefts  = AcupB.FullSetOfIndex;
            rights = BcupA.FullSetOfIndex;
            //int? index = BinS.BinarySearch(graphG.DistI, BinS.LoopDelegate); //ищем в списке возможных дистанций ту, которая удовлетворяет условию LoopDelegate
Example #2
        // DFS
        static bool TryMatching(int left,
                                BipartiteGraph G,
                                IDictionary <int, int> toMatchedRight,
                                IDictionary <int, int> toMatchedLeft,
                                IDictionary <int, long> distances)
            if (left == 0)

            foreach (var right in G.Edge(left))
                var nextLeft = toMatchedLeft[right];
                if (distances[nextLeft] == distances[left] + 1)
                    if (TryMatching(nextLeft, G, toMatchedRight, toMatchedLeft, distances))
                        toMatchedLeft[right] = left;
                        toMatchedRight[left] = right;

            // The left could not match any right.
            distances[left] = long.MaxValue;

Example #3
        public static Dictionary <int, int> HopcroftKarpFunction(HashSet <int> lefts,
                                                                 IEnumerable <int> rights,
                                                                 BipartiteGraph G)
            // "distance" is from a starting left to another left when zig-zaging left, right, left, right, left in DFS.

            // Take the following for example:
            // left1 -> (unmatched edge) -> right1 -> (matched edge) -> left2 -> (unmatched edge) -> right2 -> (matched edge) -> left3
            // distance can be as follows.
            // distances[left1] = 0 (Starting left is distance 0.)
            // distances[left2] = distances[left1] + 1 = 1
            // distances[left3] = distances[left2] + 1 = 2

            // Note
            // Both a starting left and an ending left are unmatched with right.
            // Moving from left to right uses a unmatched edge.
            // Moving from right to left uses a matched edge.

            var distances = new Dictionary <int, long>();

            var q = new Queue <int>();

            // All lefts start as being unmatched with any right.
            var toMatchedRight = lefts.ToDictionary(s => s, s => 0);

            // All rights start as being unmatched with any left.
            var toMatchedLeft = rights.ToDictionary(s => s, s => 0);

            // Note
            // toMatchedRight and toMatchedLeft are the same thing but inverse to each other.
            // Using either of them is enough but inefficient
            // because a dictionary cannot be straightforwardly looked up bi-directionally.

            while (HasAugmentingPath(lefts, G, toMatchedRight, toMatchedLeft, distances, q))
                foreach (var unmatchedLeft in lefts.Where(left => toMatchedRight[left] == 0))
                    TryMatching(unmatchedLeft, G, toMatchedRight, toMatchedLeft, distances);

            // Remove unmatches
            RemoveItems(toMatchedRight, kvp => kvp.Value == 0);

            // Return matches
Example #4
        //static void Main()
        //    var lefts = new HashSet<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
        //    var rights = new HashSet<int> { 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };

        //    var edges = new Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>>
        //    {
        //        [1] = new HashSet<int> { 6, 7 },
        //        [2] = new HashSet<int> { 6, 10 },
        //        [3] = new HashSet<int> { 8, 9 },
        //        [4] = new HashSet<int> { 6, 10 },
        //        [5] = new HashSet<int> { 7, 9 }
        //    };

        //    var matches = HopcroftKarpFunction(lefts, rights, edges);

        //    Console.WriteLine($"# of matches: {matches.Count}\n");

        //    foreach (var match in matches)
        //    {
        //        Console.WriteLine($"Match: {match.Key} -> {match.Value}");
        //    }

        //public static Func<int, HashSet<int>> EdgeDelegate = BipartiteGraph.Edge;

        // BFS
        static bool HasAugmentingPath(IEnumerable <int> lefts,
                                      BipartiteGraph G,
                                      IReadOnlyDictionary <int, int> toMatchedRight,
                                      IReadOnlyDictionary <int, int> toMatchedLeft,
                                      IDictionary <int, long> distances,
                                      Queue <int> q)
            foreach (var left in lefts)
                if (toMatchedRight[left] == 0)
                    distances[left] = 0;
                    distances[left] = long.MaxValue;

            distances[0] = long.MaxValue;

            while (0 < q.Count)
                var left = q.Dequeue();

                if (distances[left] < distances[0])
                    foreach (var right in G.Edge(left))
                        var nextLeft = toMatchedLeft[right];
                        if (distances[nextLeft] == long.MaxValue)
                            // The nextLeft has not been visited and is being visited.
                            distances[nextLeft] = distances[left] + 1;

            return(distances[0] != long.MaxValue);
 public BipartiteGraphDistI(PersDiagram A, PersDiagram B, BipartiteGraph G, int i) ///конструктор
     : base(A, B)
     BuildGraphGdistI(G, i);