Example #1
        // could also be void; only a Task here so I can Wait on
        // completion from my Main method, which is not declared
        // as async
        async static Task AsyncRedisUsage()
            const int db = 4; // no reason

            using(var conn = new RedisConnection(""))
                // let's wait until all handshakes have happened
                await conn.Open();
                var existed = conn.Remove(db, "some-key");
                for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                {   // this are also tasks, but I don't
                    // need to wait on them in this case
                    conn.Increment(db, "some-key");
                // at this point, some messages are flying around
                // from a background queue, with responses being
                // handled by IOCP; let's add a GET onto the
                // bottom of the queue, and let other stuff
                // happen until we have the answer (obviously
                // we could make much more subtle use here, by
                // awaiting multiple things requested much earlier,
                // or by doing some SQL Server work etc before
                // calling await, essentially acting as a "join")
                string result = await conn.GetString(db, "some-key");
                Console.WriteLine(await existed
                    ? "(it already existed; we removed it)"
                    : "(it didn't exist)");