// c'tor public AddItemHelpCard() { AddItemHelpCard.Instance = this; shared = new Shared(this); // Create the RenderObject and UpdateObject parts of this mode. updateObj = new UpdateObj(this, shared); renderObj = new RenderObj(shared); } // end of AddItemHelpCard c'tor
public AABB2D rightStickBox = new AABB2D(); // Mouse hit box around right stick icon. #endregion #region Accessors #endregion #region Public // c'tor public Shared(AddItemHelpCard parent) { this.parent = parent; GraphicsDevice device = BokuGame.bokuGame.GraphicsDevice; descBlob = new TextBlob(UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont24, "replace me", descWidth); // We're rendering the camera specific parts into a 1024x768 rendertarget and // then copying (with masking) into the 1280x720 rt and finally cropping it // as needed for 4:3 display. camera = new PerspectiveUICamera(); camera.Resolution = new Point(1280, 720); camera1k = new PerspectiveUICamera(); camera1k.Resolution = new Point(1024, 768); // Create examples grid. examplesGrid = new UIGrid(parent.OnSelect, parent.OnCancel, new Point(1, maxExamples), @"AddItemHelpCard.ExamplesGrid"); Matrix mat = Matrix.CreateTranslation(0.4f, 0.0f, 0.0f); examplesGrid.LocalMatrix = mat; examplesGrid.Scrolling = true; examplesGrid.UseMouseScrollWheel = true; examplesGrid.Spacing = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f); // Set up the blob for info common to all preprogrammed bots. examplesBlob = new UIGridElement.ParamBlob(); examplesBlob.width = 7.5f; examplesBlob.height = 1.35f; examplesBlob.edgeSize = 0.2f; examplesBlob.selectedColor = Color.Transparent; examplesBlob.unselectedColor = Color.Transparent; examplesBlob.textColor = Color.White; examplesBlob.dropShadowColor = Color.Black; examplesBlob.useDropShadow = false; examplesBlob.invertDropShadow = false; examplesBlob.justify = UIGridElement.Justification.Left; examplesBlob.normalMapName = @"QuarterRound4NormalMap"; examplesBlob.ignorePowerOf2 = true; examplesBlob.greyFlatShader = true; } // end of Shared c'tor
public UpdateObj(AddItemHelpCard parent, Shared shared) { this.parent = parent; this.shared = shared; }