private static async Task Seeding(ApplicationDbContext context)
            using (context)
                var random = new Random();

                // Create Random Posts
                if (!context.Posts.Any())
                    var lorem        = new Bogus.DataSets.Lorem(locale: "nl");
                    var postSkeleton = new Faker <Post>()
                                       .RuleFor(p => p.Title, f => lorem.Sentence())
                                       .RuleFor(p => p.Description, f => String.Join(" ", lorem.Words(5)))
                                       .RuleFor(p => p.Body, f => lorem.Paragraphs(random.Next(5, 15)))
                                       .RuleFor(p => p.CreatedAt, f => DateTime.Now)
                                       .FinishWith((f, u) =>
                        Console.WriteLine("Post created with Bogus: {0}!", u.Title);

                    var posts = new List <Post>();

                    for (var i = 0; i < 25; i++)
                        var post = postSkeleton.Generate();

                    await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                // Create Random Persons
                if (!context.Persons.Any())
                    var personSkeleton = new Faker <Eduportal.Models.Person>()
                                         .RuleFor(u => u.FirstName, f => f.Name.FirstName())
                                         .RuleFor(u => u.SurName, f => f.Name.LastName())
                                         .RuleFor(u => u.Gender, f => f.PickRandom <GenderType>())
                                         .RuleFor(u => u.MartialStatus, f => f.PickRandom <MartialStatusType>())
                                         .RuleFor(u => u.DayOfBirth, f => f.Person.DateOfBirth)
                                         .FinishWith((f, u) =>
                        Console.WriteLine("Person created with Bogus: {0} {1}!", u.FirstName, u.SurName);

                    var persons = new List <Eduportal.Models.Person>();

                    for (var i = 0; i < 250; i++)
                        var person = personSkeleton.Generate();

                    await context.SaveChangesAsync();
Example #2
 public void With_Korean_Locale()
     var lorem = new Lorem(locale: "ko");
Example #3
 public void Without_Fluent_Syntax()
     var random = new Randomizer();
     var lorem = new Lorem();
     var o = new Order()
             OrderId = random.Number(1, 100),
             Item = lorem.Sentence(),
             Quantity = random.Number(1, 10)
Example #4
        public static void Initialize(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            // context.Database.EnsureCreated();
            using (var context = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <ApplicationDbContext>())
                var random = new Random();
                var lorem  = new Bogus.DataSets.Lorem(locale: "nl");

                if (!context.Financingforms.Any())
                    context.Financingforms.AddRange(new List <Financingform>()
                        new Financingform {
                            Name = "PWO"
                        new Financingform {
                            Name = "Extern"

                if (!context.States.Any())
                    context.States.AddRange(new List <Status>()
                        new Status {
                            Name = "Feedback"
                        new Status {
                            Name = "In progress"
                        new Status {
                            Name = "Validated"
                        new Status {
                            Name = "Published"

                if (!context.Participants.Any())
                    context.Participants.AddRange(new List <Participant>()
                        new Participant {
                            Name = "Test", TypeParticipant = TypeParticipant.ODC
                        new Participant {
                            Name = "Test2", TypeParticipant = TypeParticipant.Projectmedewerker
                        new Participant {
                            Name = "Test3", TypeParticipant = TypeParticipant.Opleiding

                if (!context.Publications.Any())
                    context.Publications.AddRange(new List <Publication>()
                        new Publication {
                            Name = "Test"
                        new Publication {
                            Name = "Test2"

                /* if(!context.Spearheads.Any())
                 * {
                 * context.Spearheads.AddRange(new List<Spearhead>()
                 *   {
                 *     new Spearhead { Name = "ondernemingschap", Description = "ondernemerschap, organisatie en competenties"},
                 *     new Spearhead { Name = "zorg", Description = "zorg, welzijn en zelfredzaamheid"}
                 *   });
                 * context.SaveChangesAsync().Wait();
                 * } */

                if (!context.Budgets.Any())
                    var budgetSkeleton = new Faker <Models.Budget>()
                                         .RuleFor(c => c.TotalBudget, f => f.Random.Number(500, 2000))
                                         .RuleFor(c => c.ArteveldeBudget, f => f.Random.Number(500, 2000))
                                         .RuleFor(c => c.OperatingBudget, f => f.Random.Number(500, 2000))
                                         .RuleFor(c => c.InvestmentBudget, f => f.Random.Number(500, 2000))
                                         .RuleFor(c => c.StaffBudget, f => f.Random.Number(500, 2000))
                                         .FinishWith((f, u) =>
                        Console.WriteLine("Budget created with Bogus: {0}!", u.Id);

                    var budgets = new List <Budget>();

                    for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                        var budget = budgetSkeleton.Generate();



                if (!context.Projects.Any())
                    var projectSkeleton = new Faker <Models.Project>()
                                          .RuleFor(c => c.Startdate, f => f.Date.Soon())
                                          .RuleFor(c => c.Enddate, f => f.Date.Future())
                                          .RuleFor(c => c._Title, f => objectValue(lorem.Sentence()))
                                          .RuleFor(c => c._Shorttitle, f => objectValue(lorem.Slug()))
                                          .RuleFor(c => c._Subtitle, f => objectValue(lorem.Sentence()))
                                          .RuleFor(c => c._Description, f => objectValue(lorem.Sentence(3)))
                                          .RuleFor(c => c._Abstract, f => objectValue(lorem.Paragraphs(random.Next(1, 3))))

                                          .RuleFor(c => c._PartnerValidate, f => objectValidate())
                                          .RuleFor(c => c._ParticipantValidate, f => objectValidate())
                                          .RuleFor(c => c._FinancingformValidate, f => objectValidate())
                                          .RuleFor(c => c._LinkValidate, f => objectValidate())
                                          .RuleFor(c => c._BudgetValidate, f => objectValidate())

                                          .FinishWith((f, u) =>
                        Console.WriteLine("Projects created with Bogus: {0}!", u.Id);

                    var projects = new List <Project>();
                    var budgets  = context.Budgets.ToList();
                    var states   = context.States.ToList();
                    // var profiles = context.Profiles.ToList();

                    for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                        var project = projectSkeleton.Generate();
                        // project.ProfileId = profiles[random.Next(profiles.Count - 1)].Id;
                        project.BudgetId = budgets[i].Id;
                        project.StatusId = states[random.Next(states.Count - 1)].Id;



                if (!context.Profiles.Any())
                    var profileSkeleton = new Faker <Models.Profile>()
                                          .RuleFor(c => c.LastName, f => f.Name.LastName())
                                          .RuleFor(c => c.FirstName, f => f.Name.FirstName())
                                          .RuleFor(c => c.UserName, (f, c) => f.Internet.UserName(c.FirstName, c.LastName))
                                          .RuleFor(c => c.Image, f => f.Image.Image())
                                          .RuleFor(c => c.Email, f => f.Internet.Email())
                                          .RuleFor(c => c.Employeenumber, f => f.Random.Number(500, 2000))
                                          .FinishWith((f, u) =>
                        Console.WriteLine("Profiles created with Bogus: {0}!", u.Id);

                    var profiles = new List <Profile>();

                    for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                        var profile = profileSkeleton.Generate();



                 * {
                 *  var mediaSkeleton = new Faker<Models.Media>()
                 *      .RuleFor(c => c.Image, f => f.Image.Image())
                 *      .RuleFor(c => c.TypeMedia, TypeMedia.PrimaryImage)
                 *      .FinishWith((f, u) =>
                 *      {
                 *          Console.WriteLine("Mediums created with Bogus: {0}!", u.Id);
                 *      });
                 *  var mediums = new List<Media>();
                 *  var projects = context.Projects.ToList();
                 *  for(var i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                 *  {
                 *      var media = mediaSkeleton.Generate();
                 *      media.ProjectId = projects[i].Id;
                 *      mediums.Add(media);
                 *  }
                 *  context.Mediums.AddRange(mediums);
                 *  context.SaveChangesAsync().Wait();
                 * } */

                if (!context.Tags.Any())
                    context.Tags.AddRange(new List <Tag>()
                        new Tag {
                            Name = "Projectmedewerker", ProjectId = 1
                        new Tag {
                            Name = "1e graad onderwijs", ProjectId = 2

                if (!context.Links.Any())
                    context.Links.AddRange(new List <Link>()
                        new Link {
                            Name = "", ProjectId = 1
                        new Link {
                            Name = "", ProjectId = 2

                if (!context.Tasks.Any())
                    var taskSkeleton = new Faker <Models.Task>()
                                       .RuleFor(c => c.Name, f => lorem.Sentence())
                                       .FinishWith((f, u) =>
                        Console.WriteLine("Tasks created with Bogus: {0}!", u.Id);

                    var tasks    = new List <Task>();
                    var profiles = context.Profiles.ToList();
                    var projects = context.Projects.ToList();

                    for (var i = 0; i < 25; i++)
                        var task = taskSkeleton.Generate();
                        task.ProfileId = profiles[i].Id;
                        task.ProjectId = profiles[random.Next(projects.Count - 1)].Id;



                if (!context.Partners.Any())
                    var partnerSkeleton = new Faker <Models.Partner>()
                                          .RuleFor(c => c.Name, f => f.Name.LastName())
                                          .FinishWith((f, u) =>
                        Console.WriteLine("Partners created with Bogus: {0}!", u.Id);

                    var partners = new List <Partner>();
                    var projects = context.Projects.ToList();

                    for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                        var partner = partnerSkeleton.Generate();
                        partner.ProjectId = projects[i].Id;


Example #5
        public static async void Initialize(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            using (var context = serviceProvider.GetService <ApplicationDbContext>())
                var random = new Random();
                var lorem  = new Bogus.DataSets.Lorem(locale: "nl");

                if (!context.Financingforms.Any())
                    context.Financingforms.AddRange(new List <Financingform>()
                        new Financingform {
                            Name = "PWO"
                        new Financingform {
                            Name = "Extern"
                    await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                if (!context.Links.Any())
                    context.Links.AddRange(new List <Link>()
                        new Link {
                            Name = "Project", Description = "test", TypeLink = TypeLink.Project
                        new Link {
                            Name = "Url", Description = "test", TypeLink = TypeLink.Url
                    await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                if (!context.Mediums.Any())
                    context.Mediums.AddRange(new List <Media>()
                        new Media {
                            Url = "Url", TypeMedia = TypeMedia.Icon
                        new Media {
                            Url = "Url2", TypeMedia = TypeMedia.PrimaryImage
                    await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                if (!context.Participants.Any())
                    context.Participants.AddRange(new List <Participant>()
                        new Participant {
                            Name = "Test", TypeParticipant = TypeParticipant.ODC
                        new Participant {
                            Name = "Test2", TypeParticipant = TypeParticipant.Projectmedewerker
                        new Participant {
                            Name = "Test3", TypeParticipant = TypeParticipant.Opleiding
                    await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                if (!context.Publications.Any())
                    context.Publications.AddRange(new List <Publication>()
                        new Publication {
                            Name = "Test"
                        new Publication {
                            Name = "Test2"
                    await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                if (!context.States.Any())
                    context.States.AddRange(new List <Status>()
                        new Status {
                            Name = "Test", Description = "Test description"
                        new Status {
                            Name = "Test2", Description = "Test2 description"
                    await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                if (!context.Spearheads.Any())
                    context.Spearheads.AddRange(new List <Spearhead>()
                        new Spearhead {
                            Name = "ondernemingschap", Description = "ondernemerschap, organisatie en competenties"
                        new Spearhead {
                            Name = "zorg", Description = "zorg, welzijn en zelfredzaamheid"
                    await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                if (!context.Tags.Any())
                    context.Tags.AddRange(new List <Tag>()
                        new Tag {
                            Name = "Projectmedewerker", Description = "description 1"
                        new Tag {
                            Name = "1e graad onderwijs", Description = "description 2"
                    await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                if (!context.Profiles.Any())
                    var profileSkeleton = new Faker <PWO.Models.Profile>()
                                          .RuleFor(c => c.LastName, f => f.Name.LastName())
                                          .RuleFor(c => c.FirstName, f => f.Name.FirstName())
                                          .RuleFor(c => c.UserName, (f, c) => f.Internet.UserName(c.FirstName, c.LastName))
                                          .RuleFor(c => c.Email, f => f.Internet.Email())
                                          .RuleFor(c => c.Employeenumber, f => f.Random.Number(500, 2000))
                                          .FinishWith((f, u) =>
                        Console.WriteLine("Profiles created with Bogus: {0}!", u.Id);

                    var profiles = new List <Profile>();

                    for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                        var profile = profileSkeleton.Generate();


                    await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                if (!context.Projects.Any())
                    var projectSkeleton = new Faker <PWO.Models.Project>()
                                          .RuleFor(c => c.Startdate, f => f.Date.Soon())
                                          .RuleFor(c => c.Enddate, f => f.Date.Future())
                                          .RuleFor(c => c.Title, f => lorem.Sentence())
                                          .RuleFor(c => c.Subtitle, f => lorem.Sentence())
                                          .RuleFor(c => c.Description, f => lorem.Sentence(3))
                                          .RuleFor(c => c.Abstract, f => lorem.Paragraphs(random.Next(1, 3)))
                                          .FinishWith((f, u) =>
                        Console.WriteLine("Projects created with Bogus: {0}!", u.Id);

                    var projects       = new List <Project>();
                    var mediums        = context.Mediums.ToList();
                    var financingforms = context.Financingforms.ToList();

                    for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                        var project = projectSkeleton.Generate();
                        project.MediaId         = mediums[random.Next(mediums.Count - 1)].Id;
                        project.FinancingformId = financingforms[random.Next(financingforms.Count - 1)].Id;


                    await context.SaveChangesAsync();