Example #1
		public void GroupInfo_Load(object o, System.EventArgs e)
			if (PageMode.Equals(PageModes.Group) && CurrentGroup.CanViewHomePage(Usr.Current, CurrentGroupUsr))
				InfoNameLabel.Text = CurrentGroup.FriendlyName;
				if (CurrentGroup.TotalModerators == 0)
					InfoModsPh.Visible = false;
				else if (CurrentGroup.TotalModerators <= 10)
					//draw the moderators usernames in InfoModsPh
					InfoModsPh.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<p>"));
					InfoModsPh.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(CurrentGroup.TotalModerators == 1 ? "The moderator is " : "The moderators are "));
					Query q = new Query();
					q.NoLock = true;
					q.Columns = Usr.LinkColumns;
					q.TableElement = Group.UsrMemberJoin;
					q.QueryCondition = CurrentGroup.ModeratorQ;
					q.OrderBy = new OrderBy(new OrderBy(GroupUsr.Columns.Owner, OrderBy.OrderDirection.Descending), new OrderBy(GroupUsr.Columns.MemberAdmin, OrderBy.OrderDirection.Descending), new OrderBy(GroupUsr.Columns.NewsAdmin, OrderBy.OrderDirection.Descending), new OrderBy(Usr.Columns.NickName));
					UsrSet us = new UsrSet(q);
					InfoModsPh.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(".</p>"));
					InfoModsPh.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<p>This group has <a href=\"" + CurrentGroup.UrlApp("members", "moderators", "") + "\">" + CurrentGroup.TotalModerators.ToString() + " moderator" + (CurrentGroup.TotalModerators == 1 ? "" : "s") + "</a>.</p>"));
				if (CurrentGroup.Restriction.Equals(Group.RestrictionEnum.None))
					PrivacySpan.InnerText = "It's an open group (anyone may join)";
					PrivacySpan.InnerText = "It's a restricted group (new members must be accepted)";

				if (CurrentGroup.PrivateChat)
					PrivacySpan.InnerText += ", and the group chat is members-only.";
					PrivacySpan.InnerText += ".";

				if (CurrentGroup.TotalMembers > 0 && CurrentGroup.PrivateMemberList && !CurrentGroup.CanMember(Usr.Current, CurrentGroupUsr))
					InfoMembersLinkPh.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(CurrentGroup.TotalMembers + " member" + (CurrentGroup.TotalMembers == 1 ? "" : "s")));
				else if (CurrentGroup.TotalMembers > 0)
					InfoMembersLinkPh.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<a href=\"" + CurrentGroup.UrlApp("members", "new", "") + "\">" + CurrentGroup.TotalMembers + " member" + (CurrentGroup.TotalMembers == 1 ? "" : "s") + "</a>"));
					InfoMembersLinkPh.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("no members"));

				InfoLeaveButton.Attributes["onclick"] = "if (confirm('Are you sure you want to exit this group?')){__doPostBack('" + InfoLeaveButton.UniqueID + "','');return false;}else{return false;};";

				InfoJoinLoggedOutP.Visible = false;// Usr.Current == null;
				InfoJoinP.Visible = Usr.Current == null || Group.AllowJoinRequest(Usr.Current, CurrentGroup, CurrentGroupUsr);
				InfoLeaveP.Visible = Group.AllowExit(Usr.Current, CurrentGroup, CurrentGroupUsr);
				InfoInviteRejectButton.Visible = Group.AllowInviteReject(Usr.Current, CurrentGroupUsr);

				InfoFavouriteGroupButtonPanel.Visible = CurrentGroupUsr != null && CurrentGroupUsr.IsMember;
				CommentAlertButtonPanel.Visible = CurrentGroup.IsRead(Usr.Current, CurrentGroupUsr);

				if (CurrentGroupUsr == null)
					InfoMemberStatusP.InnerHtml = "You're not a member of this group.";
				else if (CurrentGroupUsr.Status.Equals(GroupUsr.StatusEnum.Barred))
					InfoMemberStatusP.InnerHtml = "You've been barred from this group. Please contact a <a href=\"" + CurrentGroup.UrlApp("members", "moderators", "") + "\">group moderator</a> for more information.";
				else if (CurrentGroupUsr.Status.Equals(GroupUsr.StatusEnum.RequestRejected))
					InfoMemberStatusP.InnerHtml = "Your request to join this group has been denied. Please contact a <a href=\"" + CurrentGroup.UrlApp("members", "moderators", "") + "\">group moderator</a> for more information.";
				else if (CurrentGroupUsr.Status.Equals(GroupUsr.StatusEnum.Exited))
					InfoMemberStatusP.InnerHtml = "You've exited this group.";
				else if (CurrentGroupUsr.Status.Equals(GroupUsr.StatusEnum.Invite))
					InfoMemberStatusP.InnerHtml = "You've been invited to join this group.";
				else if (CurrentGroupUsr.Status.Equals(GroupUsr.StatusEnum.Member))
					InfoMemberStatusP.InnerHtml = "You're a member of this group. <a href=\"" + CurrentGroup.UrlApp("admin") + "\">Group options</a>.";
				else if (CurrentGroupUsr.Status.Equals(GroupUsr.StatusEnum.Request))
					InfoMemberStatusP.InnerHtml = "You've requested to join this group. Please wait until a moderator reviews your application. If you still see this message after a few days, contact a <a href=\"" + CurrentGroup.UrlApp("members", "moderators", "") + "\">group moderator</a> for more information.";
				else if (CurrentGroupUsr.Status.Equals(GroupUsr.StatusEnum.Recommend))
					InfoMemberStatusP.InnerHtml = "You're not a member of this group.";
				else if (CurrentGroupUsr.Status.Equals(GroupUsr.StatusEnum.RecommendRejected))
					InfoMemberStatusP.InnerHtml = "You're not a member of this group.";
				else if (CurrentGroupUsr.Status.Equals(GroupUsr.StatusEnum.InviteRejected))
					InfoMemberStatusP.InnerHtml = "You've previously been invited to this group, but you turned down the invitation.";

				if (CurrentGroupUsr != null && CurrentGroupUsr.Status.Equals(GroupUsr.StatusEnum.Member))
					if (Usr.Current.HasBuddiesFull)
						InfoInviteP.InnerHtml = "<a href=\"" + CurrentGroup.UrlApp("admin", "mode", "buddies") + "\">Invite your buddies</a> or ";

					InfoInviteP.InnerHtml += "<a href=\"" + CurrentGroup.UrlApp("admin", "mode", "email") + "\">" + (Usr.Current.HasBuddiesFull ? "i" : "I") + "nvite people by email</a>.";
					InfoInviteP.Visible = false;

				if (CurrentGroupUsr != null && CurrentGroupUsr.Status.Equals(GroupUsr.StatusEnum.Member) && CurrentGroupUsr.Owner && CurrentGroup.LongDescriptionHtml.Length > 0)
					InfoMemberStatusP.InnerHtml += " <a href=\"" + CurrentGroup.UrlApp("edit", "mode", "details") + "\">Edit</a>.";

Example #2
		private void LoadGroupJoin()
			GroupHomePageLink.NavigateUrl = CurrentGroup.Url();
			this.CancelButton.Visible = !IsInList;

			if (Mode.Equals(Modes.Join))
				if (CurrentGroup.PrivateGroupPage)
					if (!CurrentGroup.CanViewHomePage(Usr.Current, CurrentGroupUsr))
						//throw new DSIUserFriendlyException("This group is private - you must be invited before joining.");
						CanJoinPanel.Visible = false;
						CanNotJoinPanel.Visible = true;
						CanNotJoinP.InnerHtml = "This group is private - you must be invited before joining.";

				//ContainerPage.SetPageTitle("Join the " + CurrentGroup.FriendlyName + " group");
				JoinTitle.InnerText = "Join the " + CurrentGroup.FriendlyName + " group";

				if (CurrentGroup.Brand != null && CurrentGroup.Brand.HasPic)
					JoinPicImg.Src = CurrentGroup.Brand.PicPath;
				else if (CurrentGroup.HasPic)
					JoinPicImg.Src = CurrentGroup.PicPath;
					JoinPicCell.Visible = false;
				JoinPicAnchor.HRef = CurrentGroup.Url();

				JoinNameLabel.Text = CurrentGroup.FriendlyName;
				if (CurrentGroup.TotalModerators == 0)
					JoinModsPh.Visible = false;
				else if (CurrentGroup.TotalModerators <= 10)
					//draw the moderators usernames in InfoModsPh
					JoinModsPh.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(CurrentGroup.TotalModerators == 1 ? "The moderator is " : "The moderators are "));
					Query q = new Query();
					q.NoLock = true;
					q.Columns = Usr.LinkColumns;
					q.TableElement = Group.UsrMemberJoin;
					q.QueryCondition = CurrentGroup.ModeratorQ;
					q.OrderBy = new OrderBy(new OrderBy(GroupUsr.Columns.Owner, OrderBy.OrderDirection.Descending), new OrderBy(GroupUsr.Columns.MemberAdmin, OrderBy.OrderDirection.Descending), new OrderBy(GroupUsr.Columns.NewsAdmin, OrderBy.OrderDirection.Descending), new OrderBy(Usr.Columns.NickName));
					UsrSet us = new UsrSet(q);
					JoinModsPh.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("."));
					JoinModsPh.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("This group has <a href=\"" + CurrentGroup.UrlApp("members", "moderators", "") + "\">" + CurrentGroup.TotalModerators.ToString() + " moderator" + (CurrentGroup.TotalModerators == 1 ? "" : "s") + "</a>."));
				if (CurrentGroup.Restriction.Equals(Group.RestrictionEnum.None))
					PrivacySpan.InnerText = "It's an open group - anyone may join.";
					PrivacySpan.InnerText = "It's a restricted group - new members must be accepted.";

				if (CurrentGroup.TotalMembers > 0 && CurrentGroup.PrivateMemberList && !CurrentGroup.CanMember(Usr.Current, CurrentGroupUsr))
					JoinMembersLinkPh.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(CurrentGroup.TotalMembers + " member" + (CurrentGroup.TotalMembers == 1 ? "" : "s")));
				else if (CurrentGroup.TotalMembers > 0)
					JoinMembersLinkPh.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<a href=\"" + CurrentGroup.UrlApp("members") + "\">" + CurrentGroup.TotalMembers + " member" + (CurrentGroup.TotalMembers == 1 ? "" : "s") + "</a>"));
					JoinMembersLinkPh.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("no members"));

				JoinDescP.InnerText = CurrentGroup.Description;

				JoinRulesPanel.Visible = CurrentGroup.PostingRules.Trim().Length > 0;
				if (CurrentGroup.PostingRules.Trim().Length > 0)
					JoinRulesP.InnerHtml = CurrentGroup.PostingRules.Trim().Replace("\n", "<br>");

				JoinWatchRadio.Attributes["onclick"] = "document.getElementById('" + GroupJoinEyeImage.ClientID + "').src='/gfx/icon-eye-up.png';";
				JoinIgnoreRadio.Attributes["onclick"] = "document.getElementById('" + GroupJoinEyeImage.ClientID + "').src='/gfx/icon-eye-dn.png';";
				GroupJoinEyeImage.Attributes["onclick"] = "if (document.getElementById('" + JoinWatchRadio.ClientID + "').checked){document.getElementById('" + JoinWatchRadio.ClientID + "').checked=false;document.getElementById('" + JoinIgnoreRadio.ClientID + "').checked=true;document.getElementById('" + GroupJoinEyeImage.ClientID + "').src='/gfx/icon-eye-dn.png';}else{document.getElementById('" + JoinWatchRadio.ClientID + "').checked=true;document.getElementById('" + JoinIgnoreRadio.ClientID + "').checked=false;document.getElementById('" + GroupJoinEyeImage.ClientID + "').src='/gfx/icon-eye-up.png';};";
				if (JoinIgnoreRadio.Checked)
					GroupJoinEyeImage.Src = "/gfx/icon-eye-dn.png";
				else if (JoinWatchRadio.Checked)
					GroupJoinEyeImage.Src = "/gfx/icon-eye-up.png";

				if (Usr.Current == null || Group.AllowJoinRequest(Usr.Current, CurrentGroup, CurrentGroupUsr))
					CanJoinPanel.Visible = true;
					CanNotJoinPanel.Visible = false;
					CanJoinPanel.Visible = false;
					CanNotJoinPanel.Visible = true;

					if (CurrentGroupUsr == null)
						CanNotJoinP.InnerHtml = "You're not a member of this group.";
					else if (CurrentGroupUsr.Status.Equals(GroupUsr.StatusEnum.Barred))
						CanNotJoinP.InnerHtml = "You've been barred from this group. Please contact a <a href=\"" + CurrentGroup.UrlApp("members", "moderators", "") + "\">group moderator</a> for more information.";
					else if (CurrentGroupUsr.Status.Equals(GroupUsr.StatusEnum.RequestRejected))
						CanNotJoinP.InnerHtml = "Your request to join this group has been denied. Please contact a <a href=\"" + CurrentGroup.UrlApp("members", "moderators", "") + "\">group moderator</a> for more information.";
					else if (CurrentGroupUsr.Status.Equals(GroupUsr.StatusEnum.Exited))
						CanNotJoinP.InnerHtml = "You've exited this group.";
					else if (CurrentGroupUsr.Status.Equals(GroupUsr.StatusEnum.Invite))
						CanNotJoinP.InnerHtml = "You've been invited to join this group.";
					else if (CurrentGroupUsr.Status.Equals(GroupUsr.StatusEnum.Member))
						CanNotJoinP.InnerHtml = "You're a member of this group. <a href=\"" + CurrentGroup.UrlApp("admin") + "\">Group options</a>.";
						JoinTitle.InnerText = "You're a member of the " + CurrentGroup.FriendlyName + " group";
						GroupHomePageP.Visible = true;
					else if (CurrentGroupUsr.Status.Equals(GroupUsr.StatusEnum.Request))
						CanNotJoinP.InnerHtml = "You've requested to join this group. Please wait until a moderator reviews your application. If you still see this message after a few days, contact a <a href=\"" + CurrentGroup.UrlApp("members", "moderators", "") + "\">group moderator</a> for more information.";
					else if (CurrentGroupUsr.Status.Equals(GroupUsr.StatusEnum.Recommend))
						CanNotJoinP.InnerHtml = "You're not a member of this group.";
					else if (CurrentGroupUsr.Status.Equals(GroupUsr.StatusEnum.RecommendRejected))
						CanNotJoinP.InnerHtml = "You're not a member of this group.";
					else if (CurrentGroupUsr.Status.Equals(GroupUsr.StatusEnum.InviteRejected))
						CanNotJoinP.InnerHtml = "You've previously been invited to this group, but you turned down the invitation.";