public void UpdatePreMatch() { try { UsrDate ud = new UsrDate(this.DateUsrK, this.UsrK); if (ud.Status.Equals(StatusEnum.Yes) && this.Status.Equals(StatusEnum.Yes)) { this.PreMatch = true; this.Update(); ud.PreMatch = true; ud.Update(); } else { this.PreMatch = false; this.Update(); ud.PreMatch = false; ud.Update(); } } catch { this.PreMatch = false; this.Update(); } }
public void SendMatchNotification() { #region Init thread Thread t = new Thread(); t.DateTime = DateTime.Now; t.Enabled = true; t.ParentObjectK = 0; t.ParentObjectType = Model.Entities.ObjectType.None; t.Subject = "DSI Date introduction - " + this.Usr.NickName + " and " + this.DateUsr.NickName; t.UsrK = this.UsrK; t.Private = true; t.IsNews = false; t.IsSticky = false; t.Update(); t.UpdateAncestorLinks(null); ThreadUsr tu = new ThreadUsr(); tu.DateTime = DateTime.Now; tu.InvitingUsrK = this.UsrK; tu.UsrK = this.DateUsrK; tu.ThreadK = t.K; tu.ChangeStatus(ThreadUsr.StatusEnum.NewInvite); tu.StatusChangeObjectK = this.UsrK; tu.StatusChangeObjectType = Model.Entities.ObjectType.Usr; tu.PrivateChatType = ThreadUsr.PrivateChatTypes.Popup; tu.Update(); ThreadUsr tu1 = new ThreadUsr(); tu1.DateTime = DateTime.Now; tu1.InvitingUsrK = this.DateUsrK; tu1.UsrK = this.UsrK; tu1.ThreadK = t.K; tu1.ChangeStatus(ThreadUsr.StatusEnum.NewInvite); tu1.PrivateChatType = ThreadUsr.PrivateChatTypes.Popup; tu1.StatusChangeObjectK = this.UsrK; tu1.StatusChangeObjectType = Model.Entities.ObjectType.Usr; tu1.Update(); Comment c = new Comment(); c.DateTime = DateTime.Now; if (HttpContext.Current != null) c.Ip = Utilities.TruncateIp(HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_HOST"]); c.Enabled = true; string rel = ""; if (this.Usr.Relationship1 && this.DateUsr.Relationship1) rel += " <b>just friends</b>"; if (this.Usr.Relationship2 && this.DateUsr.Relationship2) rel += (rel.Length > 0 ? " or " : "") + " <b>a bit of a fling</b>"; if (this.Usr.Relationship3 && this.DateUsr.Relationship3) rel += (rel.Length > 0 ? " or " : "") + " <b>love</b>"; c.Text = "<b>You've both been matched by DSI Date.</b>\n\nYou've selected Yes to each others profiles on the DSI Date page. You're both looking for: " + rel + ".\n\nGet to know each other better in this private conversation."; c.ThreadK = t.K; c.UsrK = 3526; c.DuplicateGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); c.Update(); c = new Comment(c.K); CommentAlert.Enable(this.Usr, t.K, Model.Entities.ObjectType.Thread); CommentAlert.Enable(this.DateUsr, t.K, Model.Entities.ObjectType.Thread); t.LastPost = c.DateTime; t.LastPostUsrK = c.UsrK; t.Update(); t.UpdateTotalComments(null); //t.UpdateTotalParticipants(); UpdateTotalParticipantsJob job = new UpdateTotalParticipantsJob(); job.ExecuteSynchronously(); #endregion this.MatchThreadK = t.K; this.Update(); UsrDate udRev = new UsrDate(this.DateUsrK, this.UsrK); udRev.MatchThreadK = t.K; udRev.Update(); //Email Mailer sm = new Mailer(); sm.RedirectUrl = t.Url(); sm.Subject = "DSI Date has matched you to " + this.DateUsr.NickName; sm.Body = "<p>DSI Date has matched you to " + this.DateUsr.NickNameSafe + ". We've invited you both to a private conversation, where you can get to know each other better.</p>"; sm.Body += "<p><a href=\"[LOGIN(" + t.Url() + ")]\">Click here to send " + this.DateUsr.NickNameSafe + " a message</a></p>"; sm.TemplateType = Mailer.TemplateTypes.AnotherSiteUser; sm.UsrRecipient = this.Usr; sm.To = this.Usr.Email; sm.Send(); Mailer sm1 = new Mailer(); sm1.RedirectUrl = t.Url(); sm1.Subject = "DSI Date has matched you to " + this.Usr.NickName; sm1.Body = "<p>DSI Date has matched you to " + this.Usr.NickNameSafe + ". We've invited you both to a private conversation, where you can get to know each other better.</p>"; sm1.Body += "<p><a href=\"[LOGIN(" + t.Url() + ")]\">Click here to send " + this.Usr.NickNameSafe + " a message</a></p>"; sm1.TemplateType = Mailer.TemplateTypes.AnotherSiteUser; sm1.UsrRecipient = this.DateUsr; sm1.To = this.DateUsr.Email; sm1.Send(); }
public void Bind() { RadioMaybe.Checked = false; RadioYes.Checked = false; RadioNo.Checked = false; RadioWrongSex.Checked = false; Pic.Src = ThisUsr.PicPath; NicknameH1.InnerHtml = ThisUsr.NickNameSafe; NicknameLabel.Text = ThisUsr.NickName; NicknameLabel1.Text = ThisUsr.NickName; Query commentCountQ = new Query(); commentCountQ.TableElement = Comment.ThreadJoin; commentCountQ.QueryCondition = new And(new Q(Comment.Columns.UsrK, UsrK), new Q(Thread.Columns.Private, false)); commentCountQ.ReturnCountOnly = true; CommentSet cs = new CommentSet(commentCountQ); UsrCommentsLabel.Text = cs.Count.ToString() + " comment" + (cs.Count == 1 ? "" : "s"); int photosMeCount = ThisUsr.PhotosMeCount; if (photosMeCount == 0) UsrSpottedLabel.Text = "I've not been spotted yet"; else if (photosMeCount == 1) UsrSpottedLabel.Text = "I've been spotted once"; else UsrSpottedLabel.Text = "I've been spotted " + photosMeCount + " times"; UsrMusicTypesLabel.Text = ""; for (int i = 0; i < ThisUsr.MusicTypesFavourite.Count; i++) { UsrMusicTypesLabel.Text += (i == 0 ? "" : (i == ThisUsr.MusicTypesFavourite.Count - 1 ? " and " : ", ")) + ThisUsr.MusicTypesFavourite[i].GenericName; } UsrPlaceVisitLabel.Text = ""; PlaceSet ps = ThisUsr.PlacesVisit(Place.NameColumns, 0); for (int i = 0; i < ps.Count; i++) { UsrPlaceVisitLabel.Text += (i == 0 ? "" : (i == ps.Count - 1 ? " and " : ", ")) + ps[i].Name; } if (ThisUsr.PersonalStatement.Length > 0) { string html = ThisUsr.PersonalStatement; if (html.IndexOf("<p>") == -1) { html = html.Replace("\n", "<br>"); html = "<p>" + html + "</p>"; } PersonalStatementLabel.Text = html; } else { PersonalStatementPanel.Visible = false; PersonalStatementLabel.Text = ""; } PhotosIFrame.Attributes["src"] = "/popup/datephotolist/usrk-" + ThisUsr.K.ToString(); if (Usr.Current.DateSexFemale && Usr.Current.DateSexMale) RadioWrongSex.Visible = false; else { RadioWrongSex.Text = RadioWrongSex.Text.Replace("?", Usr.Current.DateSexMale ? "boy" : "girl"); RadioWrongSex.Attributes["onclick"] = "document.getElementById('WrongSexP').style.display=''"; } try { UsrDate ud = new UsrDate(Usr.Current.K, ThisUsr.K); if (ud.Status.Equals(UsrDate.StatusEnum.Maybe)) RadioMaybe.Checked = true; else if (ud.Status.Equals(UsrDate.StatusEnum.Yes)) RadioYes.Checked = true; else if (ud.Status.Equals(UsrDate.StatusEnum.No)) RadioNo.Checked = true; } catch { } Query q = new Query(); q.OrderBy = new OrderBy(new OrderBy(Photo.Columns.WeightedSexyRating, OrderBy.OrderDirection.Descending), new OrderBy(Photo.Columns.WeightedCoolRating, OrderBy.OrderDirection.Descending)); q.TableElement = Photo.UsrMeJoin; q.QueryCondition = new Q(Usr.Columns.K, UsrK); q.TopRecords = 1; PhotoSet psMe = new PhotoSet(q); if (psMe.Count == 1) { PhotosPanel.Visible = true; WebImg.Src = psMe[0].WebPath; } else PhotosPanel.Visible = false; }