public PlaceStub[] GetSurroundingPlaces(int centredOnPlaceK, int numberOfPlacesToGet) { numberOfPlacesToGet = numberOfPlacesToGet < 100 ? numberOfPlacesToGet : 100; Place p = new Place(centredOnPlaceK); Query q = new Query(); q.QueryCondition = new Q(Place.Columns.Enabled, true); q.OrderBy = p.NearestPlacesOrderBy; q.TopRecords = numberOfPlacesToGet; PlaceSet ps = new PlaceSet(q); return ps.Select(place => GetPlaceStub(place)).ToArray(); }
public static Venue Add(Usr currentUsr, string name, int? capacity, int placeK, string postcode, bool? regularEvents, Guid? duplicateGuid, string safeDetailsString) { Venue v = new Venue(); v.AddedDateTime = DateTime.Now; v.Name = Cambro.Web.Helpers.StripHtml(name); v.Postcode = Cambro.Web.Helpers.StripHtml(postcode); Place selectedPlace = new Place(placeK); v.PlaceK = selectedPlace.K; v.Capacity = capacity ?? 0; v.RegularEvents = regularEvents ?? false; v.DetailsHtml = safeDetailsString; v.DuplicateGuid = duplicateGuid ?? Guid.NewGuid(); v.AdminNote += "Venue added by owner " + DateTime.Now.ToString(); v.OwnerUsrK = currentUsr.K; if (!currentUsr.IsSuper) { v.IsNew = true; v.ModeratorUsrK = Usr.GetEventModeratorUsrK(); } v.Update(); v.CreateUniqueUrlName(false); v.UpdateUrlFragment(false); v.Update(); return v; }
public void ChangePlace(int NewPlaceK, bool UpdateChildUrlFragments) { if (this.PlaceK!=NewPlaceK) { Place OldPlace = this.Place; Place NewPlace = new Place(NewPlaceK); Update uThreads = new Update(); uThreads.Table = TablesEnum.Thread; uThreads.Where = new Q(Thread.Columns.VenueK,this.K); uThreads.Changes.Add(new Assign(Thread.Columns.PlaceK,NewPlace.K)); uThreads.Changes.Add(new Assign(Thread.Columns.CountryK,NewPlace.CountryK)); uThreads.Run(); Update uArticle = new Update(); uArticle.Table = TablesEnum.Article; uArticle.Where = new Q(Article.Columns.VenueK,this.K); uArticle.Changes.Add(new Assign(Article.Columns.PlaceK,NewPlace.K)); uArticle.Changes.Add(new Assign(Article.Columns.CountryK, NewPlace.CountryK)); uArticle.Run(); this.PlaceK = NewPlace.K; this.Update(); OldPlace.UpdateTotalComments(null); OldPlace.UpdateTotalEvents(null); this.Place=null; this.UpdateTotalComments(null); Utilities.UpdateChildUrlFragmentsJob job = new Utilities.UpdateChildUrlFragmentsJob(Model.Entities.ObjectType.Venue, this.K, UpdateChildUrlFragments); job.ExecuteAsynchronously(); this.Place.UpdateTotalEvents(null); } }
public string dsiTagReplacement(Match m) { string tagName = "dsi"; try { //string[] arrParts = m.Groups[1].Value.Split[" "]; //Dictionary<string, string> parts = new Dictionary<string, string>(); SgmlReader sgml = new SgmlReader(); string inStr = m.Groups[0].Value; if (inStr.StartsWith("<dsi:link")) inStr += "</dsi:link>"; sgml.InputStream = new StringReader(inStr); sgml.DocType = "HTML"; sgml.Read(); tagName = sgml.Name; string uniqueId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); #region Parse attributes Dictionary<string, string> attributes = new Dictionary<string, string>(); while (sgml.MoveToNextAttribute()) { attributes.Add(sgml.Name.ToLower(), sgml.Value); } #endregion string typeAtt = attributes.ContainsKey("type") ? attributes["type"] : null; string refAtt = attributes.ContainsKey("ref") ? attributes["ref"] : null; #region Parse styles Dictionary<string, string> style = new Dictionary<string, string>(); if (attributes.ContainsKey("style")) { foreach (string s in attributes["style"].Split(';')) { try { if (s.Contains(":")) style[s.Split(':')[0].Trim()] = s.Split(':')[1].Trim(); } catch { } } } #endregion #region Parse class List<string> classes = new List<string>(); if (attributes.ContainsKey("class")) { foreach (string s in attributes["class"].Split(' ')) { try { classes.Add(s); } catch { } } } #endregion if (tagName == "dsi:video") { #region dsi:video /* <dsi:video type = [dsi | flv | youtube | google | metacafe | myspace | break | collegehumor | redtube | ebaumsworld | dailymotion] ref = [dsi-photo-k | site-ref] src = [flv-url] width = [width] (optional) height = [height] (optional) nsfw = [true | false] (optional) /> */ bool nsfw = attributes.ContainsKey("nsfw") ? bool.Parse(attributes["nsfw"].ToLower()) : false; string draw = attributes.ContainsKey("draw") ? attributes["draw"].ToLower() : "auto"; if (typeAtt == "youtube") { #region youtube int width = attributes.ContainsKey("width") ? int.Parse(attributes["width"]) : 425; int height = attributes.ContainsKey("height") ? int.Parse(attributes["height"]) : 355; //<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object> return GetFlash(uniqueId, height, width, nsfw, draw, "" + refAtt + "&rel=1"); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "metacafe") { #region metacafe int width = attributes.ContainsKey("width") ? int.Parse(attributes["width"]) : 400; int height = attributes.ContainsKey("height") ? int.Parse(attributes["height"]) : 345; //<embed src="" width="400" height="345" wmode="transparent" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"> </embed><br><font size = 1><a href="">How To Make Fire Balls</a> - <a href="">The funniest videos clips are here</a></font> return GetFlash(uniqueId, height, width, nsfw, draw, "" + refAtt + ".swf"); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "google") { #region google int width = attributes.ContainsKey("width") ? int.Parse(attributes["width"]) : 400; int height = attributes.ContainsKey("height") ? int.Parse(attributes["height"]) : 326; //<embed style="width:400px; height:326px;" id="VideoPlayback" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" flashvars=""> </embed> return GetFlash(uniqueId, height, width, nsfw, draw, "" + refAtt + "&hl=en-GB"); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "flv") { #region flv string flvUrl = attributes.ContainsKey("src") ? attributes["src"] : null; int width = attributes.ContainsKey("width") ? int.Parse(attributes["width"]) : 450; int height = attributes.ContainsKey("height") ? (int.Parse(attributes["height"]) + 20) : 357; return GetFlash(uniqueId, height, width, nsfw, draw, "/misc/flvplayer.swf", "file", flvUrl, "autoStart", "0"); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "dsi") { #region dsi try { Photo p = new Photo(int.Parse(refAtt)); if (p.MediaType != Photo.MediaTypes.Video) { return "[Invalid ref " + refAtt + " - this is not a video]"; } else { if (p.ContentDisabled) { return "[Invalid ref " + refAtt + " - video disabled]"; } else { if (p.Status == Photo.StatusEnum.Enabled) { //int width = p.VideoMedWidth; //int height = p.VideoMedHeight + 20; int width = attributes.ContainsKey("width") ? int.Parse(attributes["width"]) : p.VideoMedWidth; int height = attributes.ContainsKey("height") ? (int.Parse(attributes["height"]) + 20) : (p.VideoMedHeight + 20); return GetFlash(uniqueId, height, width, nsfw, draw, "/misc/flvplayer.swf", "file", p.VideoMedPath, "autoStart", "0", "jpg", p.WebPath); } else if (p.Status == Photo.StatusEnum.Moderate) { return "[Invalid ref " + refAtt + " - video waiting for moderation]"; } else if (p.Status == Photo.StatusEnum.Processing) { return "[Invalid ref " + refAtt + " - video still processing]"; } } } } catch { return "[Invalid ref " + refAtt + " - video not found]"; } return "[Invalid ref " + refAtt + " - error]"; #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "collegehumor") { #region collegehumor int width = attributes.ContainsKey("width") ? int.Parse(attributes["width"]) : 450; int height = attributes.ContainsKey("height") ? int.Parse(attributes["height"]) : 337; //<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" width="480" height="360" ><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="movie" quality="best" value="" /></object> return GetFlash(uniqueId, height, width, nsfw, draw, "" + refAtt + "&fullscreen=1"); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "myspace") { #region myspace int width = attributes.ContainsKey("width") ? int.Parse(attributes["width"]) : 430; int height = attributes.ContainsKey("height") ? int.Parse(attributes["height"]) : 346; //<embed src="" flashvars="m=25330587&v=2&type=video" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="430" height="346"></embed> return GetFlash(uniqueId, height, width, nsfw, draw, "", "m", refAtt, "v", "2", "type", "video"); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "break") { #region break int width = attributes.ContainsKey("width") ? int.Parse(attributes["width"]) : 464; int height = attributes.ContainsKey("height") ? int.Parse(attributes["height"]) : 392; //<object width="464" height="392"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="464" height="392"></embed></object> return GetFlash(uniqueId, height, width, nsfw, draw, "" + refAtt); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "redtube") { #region redtube int width = attributes.ContainsKey("width") ? int.Parse(attributes["width"]) : 434; int height = attributes.ContainsKey("height") ? int.Parse(attributes["height"]) : 344; //<object height="344" width="434"><param name="movie" value=""><param name="FlashVars" value="id=2394&style=redtube"><embed src="" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="344" width="434"></object> return GetFlash(uniqueId, height, width, true, draw, "" + refAtt + "&style=redtube", "id", refAtt, "style", "redtube"); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "ebaumsworld") { #region ebaumsworld int width = attributes.ContainsKey("width") ? int.Parse(attributes["width"]) : 425; int height = attributes.ContainsKey("height") ? int.Parse(attributes["height"]) : 345; //<embed src="" flashvars="file=" loop="false" menu="false" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="425" height="345" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" /> return GetFlash(uniqueId, height, width, nsfw, draw, "", "file", "" + refAtt + ".flv", "displayheight", (height - 24).ToString(), "image", "" + refAtt + ".jpg"); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "dailymotion") { #region dailymotion int width = attributes.ContainsKey("width") ? int.Parse(attributes["width"]) : 420; int height = attributes.ContainsKey("height") ? int.Parse(attributes["height"]) : 331; //<div><object width="420" height="331"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="420" height="331" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always"></embed></object><br /><b><a href="">TIME ATTACK EVO CRASH KNOCKHILL 2007</a></b><br /><i>Uploaded by <a href="">TIMEATTACKTV</a></i></div> return GetFlash(uniqueId, height, width, nsfw, draw, "" + refAtt); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "veoh") { return "[Veoh videos disabled]"; #region veoh int width = attributes.ContainsKey("width") ? int.Parse(attributes["width"]) : 450; int height = attributes.ContainsKey("height") ? int.Parse(attributes["height"]) : 365; //<embed src="" allowFullScreen="true" width="540" height="438" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=""></embed><br/><a href="">Online Videos by</a> return GetFlash(uniqueId, height, width, nsfw, draw, "" + refAtt + "&id=anonymous"); #endregion } else { return "[Invalid type attribute]"; } #endregion } else if (tagName == "dsi:audio") { #region dsi:audio /* <dsi:audio type = [mp3] src = [mp3-url] nsfw = [true | false] (optional) /> */ if (typeAtt == "mp3") { #region mp3 string mp3Url = attributes.ContainsKey("src") ? attributes["src"] : null; int width = attributes.ContainsKey("width") ? int.Parse(attributes["width"]) : 290; int height = attributes.ContainsKey("height") ? int.Parse(attributes["height"]) : 24; string audioPlayerSwfPath = Storage.Path(new Guid("7abb3119-f8ad-43ff-be01-764b2ae111fc"), "swf", Storage.Stores.Pix); return GetFlash(uniqueId, height, width, false, "load", audioPlayerSwfPath, "soundFile", mp3Url, "autoStart", "no") + @"<a href=""" + mp3Url + @"""><img src=""/gfx/download-button2.png"" width=""73"" height=""16"" border=""0"" /></a>"; #endregion } else { return "[Invalid type attribute]"; } #endregion } else if (tagName == "dsi:flash") { #region dsi:flash /* <dsi:flash src = [swf-url] width = [width] height = [height] nsfw = [true | false] (optional) play = [true | false] (optional) loop = [true | false] (optional) menu = [true | false] (optional) quality = [low | autolow | autohigh | medium | high | best] (optional) scale = [default | noorder | exactfit] (optional) align = [l | t | r | b] (optional) salign = [l | t | r | b | tl | tr | bl | br] (optional) wmode = [window | opaque | transparent] (optional) bgcolor = [colour] (optional) base = [base-url] (optional) flashvars = [flashvars] (optional) /> */ string swfUrl = attributes.ContainsKey("src") ? attributes["src"] : null; return getFlashAttributesFromSgml(uniqueId, swfUrl, attributes); #endregion } else if (tagName == "dsi:quote") { #region dsi:quote Usr u = null; try { u = new Usr(int.Parse(refAtt)); } catch { } if (u != null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("<div class=\"QuoteName\">"); sb.Append(u.Link()); sb.Append(" said:"); sb.Append("</div>"); sb.Append("<div class=\"QuoteBody\">"); return sb.ToString(); } else { return "<div class=\"QuoteBody\">"; } #endregion } else if (tagName == "dsi:object" || tagName == "dsi:link") { #region dsi:object, dsi:link /* <dsi:object type = [usr | event | venue | place | group | brand | photo | misc] ref = [object-k] style = [ content: {text* | icon | text-under-icon}; // for type=usr, event, venue, place, group, brand details: {none* | venue | place | country}; // for type=event, venue, place date: {false* | true}; // for type=event snip: {number}; // for type=event rollover: {true* | false} // for type=usr, photo photo: {icon* | thumb | web} // for type=photo link: {true* | false} ] /> */ string app = attributes.ContainsKey("app") ? (attributes["app"] == "home" ? null : attributes["app"]) : null; string date = attributes.ContainsKey("date") ? attributes["date"].Replace('-', '/') : null; string jump = attributes.ContainsKey("jump") ? "#" + attributes["jump"] : ""; string parStr = attributes.ContainsKey("par") ? attributes["par"] : null; #region Decode par array string[] par = null; if (parStr != null) { List<string> parList = new List<string>(); foreach (string s in parStr.Split('&')) { if (s.Contains("=")) { parList.Add(System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(s.Split('=')[0])); parList.Add(System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(s.Split('=')[1])); } else { parList.Add(System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(s)); parList.Add(""); } } par = parList.ToArray(); } #endregion string styleContent = style.ContainsKey("content") ? style["content"] : "text"; string styleDetails = style.ContainsKey("details") ? style["details"] : "none"; bool styleDate = style.ContainsKey("date") ? bool.Parse(style["date"]) : false; int styleSnip = style.ContainsKey("snip") ? int.Parse(style["snip"]) : 0; bool styleRollover = style.ContainsKey("rollover") ? bool.Parse(style["rollover"]) : true; string stylePhoto = style.ContainsKey("photo") ? style["photo"] : "icon"; bool styleLink = style.ContainsKey("link") ? bool.Parse(style["link"]) : true; string extraHtmlAttributes = ""; string extraStyleAttribute = ""; string extraStyleElements = ""; string extraClassAttribute = ""; string extraClassElements = ""; foreach (string k in attributes.Keys) { if (k != "href" && k != "src" && k != "type" && k != "ref" && k != "style" && k != "app" && k != "date" && k != "par" && k != "class") { extraHtmlAttributes += " " + k + "=\"" + attributes[k] + "\""; } } foreach (string s in style.Keys) { if (s != "content" && s != "details" && s != "date" && s != "snip" && s != "rollover" && s != "photo" && s != "link") { extraStyleElements += s + ":" + style[s] + ";"; } } if (extraStyleElements.Length > 0) { extraStyleAttribute = " style=\"" + extraStyleElements + "\""; } foreach (string s in classes) { extraClassElements += " " + s; } if (extraClassElements.Length > 0) { extraClassAttribute = " class=\"" + extraClassElements + "\""; } if (typeAtt == "usr") { #region Usr Usr u = new Usr(int.Parse(refAtt)); string url = getObectPageUrl(u, app, date, par) + jump; if (tagName == "dsi:link") return "<a href=\"" + url + "\"" + extraHtmlAttributes + extraStyleAttribute + extraClassAttribute + ">"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); string rolloverHtml = styleRollover ? ((styleContent == "icon" || styleContent == "text-under-icon") ? u.RolloverNoPic : u.Rollover) : ""; if (styleContent == "icon" || styleContent == "text-under-icon") { #region Pic if (styleLink) { sb.Append("<a href=\""); sb.Append(url); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(rolloverHtml); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } sb.Append("<img src=\""); sb.Append(u.AnyPicPath); sb.Append("\""); if (styleContent == "icon" && !styleLink) { //Just image with no link around the image... lets apply any extra html to the image tag. if (!attributes.ContainsKey("width")) sb.Append(" width=\"100\""); if (!attributes.ContainsKey("height")) sb.Append(" height=\"100\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(" class=\"BorderBlack All" + extraClassElements + "\""); sb.Append(" />"); } else sb.Append(" width=\"100\" height=\"100\" class=\"BorderBlack All\" />"); if (styleLink) sb.Append("</a>"); if (styleContent == "text-under-icon") sb.Append("<br />"); #endregion } if (styleContent == "text" || styleContent == "text-under-icon") { #region Nickname if (styleLink) { sb.Append("<a href=\""); sb.Append(url); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(rolloverHtml); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } sb.Append(getObjectName(u.NickNameDisplay, app, styleSnip)); if (styleLink) sb.Append("</a>"); #endregion } return sb.ToString(); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "event") { #region Event Event e = new Event(int.Parse(refAtt)); string url = getObectPageUrl(e, app, date, par) + jump; if (tagName == "dsi:link") return "<a href=\"" + url + "\"" + extraHtmlAttributes + extraStyleAttribute + extraClassAttribute + ">"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); #region Container span if ((styleContent == "text" || styleContent == "text-under-icon") && !styleLink && (extraHtmlAttributes.Length > 0 || extraStyleAttribute.Length > 0 || extraClassAttribute.Length > 0) && (styleDate || styleDetails == "venue" || styleDetails == "place" || styleDetails == "country")) { sb.Append("<span"); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } #endregion if (styleContent == "icon" || styleContent == "text-under-icon") { #region Pic if (styleLink) { sb.Append("<a href=\""); sb.Append(url); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } sb.Append("<img src=\""); sb.Append(e.AnyPicPath); sb.Append("\""); if (styleContent == "icon" && !styleLink) { //Just image with no link around the image... lets apply any extra html to the image tag. if (!attributes.ContainsKey("width")) sb.Append(" width=\"100\""); if (!attributes.ContainsKey("height")) sb.Append(" height=\"100\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(" class=\"BorderBlack All" + extraClassElements + "\""); sb.Append(" />"); } else sb.Append(" width=\"100\" height=\"100\" class=\"BorderBlack All\" />"); if (styleLink) sb.Append("</a>"); if (styleContent == "text-under-icon") sb.Append("<br />"); #endregion } if (styleContent == "text" || styleContent == "text-under-icon") { #region Event link if (styleLink) { sb.Append("<a href=\""); sb.Append(url); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } sb.Append(getObjectName(e.Name, app, styleSnip)); if (styleLink) sb.Append("</a>"); #endregion #region Venue link if (styleDetails == "venue" || styleDetails == "place" || styleDetails == "country") { sb.Append(" @ "); if (styleLink) { sb.Append("<a href=\""); sb.Append(e.Venue.Url()); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } sb.Append(Cambro.Misc.Utility.Snip(e.Venue.Name, styleSnip)); if (styleLink) sb.Append("</a>"); } #endregion #region Place link if (styleDetails == "place" || styleDetails == "country") { sb.Append(" in "); if (styleLink) { sb.Append("<a href=\""); sb.Append(e.Venue.Place.Url()); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } if (styleDetails == "country") { sb.Append(Cambro.Misc.Utility.Snip(e.Venue.Place.Name, styleSnip)); } else { sb.Append(Cambro.Misc.Utility.Snip(e.Venue.Place.NamePlain, styleSnip)); } if (styleLink) sb.Append("</a>"); } #endregion #region Date if (styleDate) { sb.Append(", "); sb.Append(e.FriendlyDate(false)); } #endregion } #region End container span if ((styleContent == "text" || styleContent == "text-under-icon") && !styleLink && (extraHtmlAttributes.Length > 0 || extraStyleAttribute.Length > 0 || extraClassAttribute.Length > 0) && (styleDetails == "venue" || styleDetails == "place" || styleDetails == "country")) { sb.Append("</span>"); } #endregion return sb.ToString(); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "venue") { #region Venue Venue v = new Venue(int.Parse(refAtt)); string url = getObectPageUrl(v, app, date, par) + jump; if (tagName == "dsi:link") return "<a href=\"" + url + "\"" + extraHtmlAttributes + extraStyleAttribute + extraClassAttribute + ">"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); #region Container span if ((styleContent == "text" || styleContent == "text-under-icon") && !styleLink && (extraHtmlAttributes.Length > 0 || extraStyleAttribute.Length > 0 || extraClassAttribute.Length > 0) && (styleDetails == "place" || styleDetails == "country")) { sb.Append("<span"); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } #endregion if (styleContent == "icon" || styleContent == "text-under-icon") { #region Pic if (styleLink) { sb.Append("<a href=\""); sb.Append(url); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } sb.Append("<img src=\""); sb.Append(v.AnyPicPath); sb.Append("\""); if (styleContent == "icon" && !styleLink) { //Just image with no link around the image... lets apply any extra html to the image tag. if (!attributes.ContainsKey("width")) sb.Append(" width=\"100\""); if (!attributes.ContainsKey("height")) sb.Append(" height=\"100\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(" class=\"BorderBlack All" + extraClassElements + "\""); sb.Append(" />"); } else sb.Append(" width=\"100\" height=\"100\" class=\"BorderBlack All\" />"); if (styleLink) sb.Append("</a>"); if (styleContent == "text-under-icon") sb.Append("<br />"); #endregion } if (styleContent == "text" || styleContent == "text-under-icon") { #region Venue link if (styleLink) { sb.Append("<a href=\""); sb.Append(url); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } sb.Append(getObjectName(v.Name, app, styleSnip)); if (styleLink) sb.Append("</a>"); #endregion #region Place link if (styleDetails == "place" || styleDetails == "country") { sb.Append(" in "); if (styleLink) { sb.Append("<a href=\""); sb.Append(v.Place.Url()); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } if (styleDetails == "country") { sb.Append(Cambro.Misc.Utility.Snip(v.Place.Name, styleSnip)); } else { sb.Append(Cambro.Misc.Utility.Snip(v.Place.NamePlain, styleSnip)); } if (styleLink) sb.Append("</a>"); } #endregion } #region End container span if ((styleContent == "text" || styleContent == "text-under-icon") && !styleLink && (extraHtmlAttributes.Length > 0 || extraStyleAttribute.Length > 0 || extraClassAttribute.Length > 0) && (styleDetails == "place" || styleDetails == "country")) { sb.Append("</span>"); } #endregion return sb.ToString(); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "place") { #region Place Place p = new Place(int.Parse(refAtt)); string url = getObectPageUrl(p, app, date, par) + jump; if (tagName == "dsi:link") return "<a href=\"" + url + "\"" + extraHtmlAttributes + extraStyleAttribute + extraClassAttribute + ">"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); #region Container span if ((styleContent == "text" || styleContent == "text-under-icon") && !styleLink && (extraHtmlAttributes.Length > 0 || extraStyleAttribute.Length > 0 || extraClassAttribute.Length > 0)) { sb.Append("<span"); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } #endregion if (styleContent == "icon" || styleContent == "text-under-icon") { #region Pic if (styleLink) { sb.Append("<a href=\""); sb.Append(url); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } sb.Append("<img src=\""); sb.Append(p.AnyPicPath); sb.Append("\""); if (styleContent == "icon" && !styleLink) { //Just image with no link around the image... lets apply any extra html to the image tag. if (!attributes.ContainsKey("width")) sb.Append(" width=\"100\""); if (!attributes.ContainsKey("height")) sb.Append(" height=\"100\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); if (style.ContainsKey("border")) { sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); } else { sb.Append(" class=\"BorderBlack All" + extraClassElements + "\""); } sb.Append(" />"); } else sb.Append(" width=\"100\" height=\"100\" class=\"BorderBlack All\" />"); if (styleLink) sb.Append("</a>"); if (styleContent == "text-under-icon") sb.Append("<br />"); #endregion } if (styleContent == "text" || styleContent == "text-under-icon") { #region Place link if (styleLink) { sb.Append("<a href=\""); sb.Append(url); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } if (styleDetails == "country") { sb.Append(getObjectName(p.Name, app, styleSnip)); } else { sb.Append(getObjectName(p.NamePlain, app, styleSnip)); } if (styleLink) sb.Append("</a>"); #endregion } #region End container span if ((styleContent == "text" || styleContent == "text-under-icon") && !styleLink && (extraHtmlAttributes.Length > 0 || extraStyleAttribute.Length > 0 || extraClassAttribute.Length > 0)) { sb.Append("</span>"); } #endregion return sb.ToString(); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "group") { #region Group Group g = new Group(int.Parse(refAtt)); string url = getObectPageUrl(g, app, date, par) + jump; if (tagName == "dsi:link") return "<a href=\"" + url + "\"" + extraHtmlAttributes + extraStyleAttribute + extraClassAttribute + ">"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); #region Group link if (styleLink) { sb.Append("<a href=\""); sb.Append(url); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } sb.Append(getObjectName(g.FriendlyName, app, styleSnip)); if (styleLink) sb.Append("</a>"); #endregion return sb.ToString(); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "brand") { #region Brand Brand b = new Brand(int.Parse(refAtt)); string url = getObectPageUrl(b, app, date, par) + jump; if (tagName == "dsi:link") return "<a href=\"" + url + "\"" + extraHtmlAttributes + extraStyleAttribute + extraClassAttribute + ">"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); #region Brand link if (styleLink) { sb.Append("<a href=\""); sb.Append(url); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } sb.Append(getObjectName(b.FriendlyName, app, styleSnip)); if (styleLink) sb.Append("</a>"); #endregion return sb.ToString(); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "photo") { #region Photo Photo p = new Photo(int.Parse(refAtt)); string url = getObectPageUrl(p, app, date, par) + jump; if (tagName == "dsi:link") return "<a href=\"" + url + "\"" + extraHtmlAttributes + extraStyleAttribute + extraClassAttribute + ">"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); #region Link if (styleLink) { sb.Append("<a href=\""); sb.Append(url); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } #endregion if (app != null && app == "chat") { #region For chat app, just show the name of the parent... sb.Append(Cambro.Misc.Utility.Snip(((IName)p.ParentObject).Name, styleSnip) + " (chat)"); #endregion } else { #region Image tag sb.Append("<img"); #region Src attribute sb.Append(" src=\""); if (stylePhoto == "thumb") sb.Append(p.ThumbPath); else if (stylePhoto == "icon") sb.Append(p.IconPath); else if (stylePhoto == "web") sb.Append(p.WebPath); sb.Append("\""); #endregion #region Width attribute if (styleLink || !attributes.ContainsKey("width")) { sb.Append(" width=\""); if (stylePhoto == "thumb") sb.Append(p.ThumbWidth); else if (stylePhoto == "icon") sb.Append("100"); else if (stylePhoto == "web") sb.Append(p.WebWidth); sb.Append("\""); } #endregion #region Height attribute if (styleLink || !attributes.ContainsKey("height")) { sb.Append(" height=\""); if (stylePhoto == "thumb") sb.Append(p.ThumbHeight); else if (stylePhoto == "icon") sb.Append("100"); else if (stylePhoto == "web") sb.Append(p.WebHeight); sb.Append("\""); } #endregion #region Extra html attributes if (!styleLink) { sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); } #endregion #region Style attribute if (styleLink) { sb.Append(" class=\"BorderBlack All\""); } else if (style.ContainsKey("border")) { sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); } else { sb.Append(" class=\"BorderBlack All" + extraClassElements + "\""); } #endregion #region Rollover if (styleRollover && stylePhoto != "web") { sb.Append(" onmouseover=\"stm('<img src=" + p.WebPath + " width=" + p.WebWidth + " height=" + p.WebHeight + " class=Block />');\" onmouseout=\"htm();\""); } #endregion sb.Append(" />"); #endregion } #region End link if (styleLink) sb.Append("</a>"); #endregion return sb.ToString(); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "misc") { #region Misc Misc mi = new Misc(int.Parse(refAtt)); if (tagName == "dsi:link") return "<a href=\"" + mi.Url() + "\"" + extraHtmlAttributes + extraStyleAttribute + extraClassAttribute + ">"; if (mi.Extention.ToLower() == "jpg" || mi.Extention.ToLower() == "jpeg" || mi.Extention.ToLower() == "gif" || mi.Extention.ToLower() == "png") { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); #region Width and height int width = attributes.ContainsKey("width") ? int.Parse(attributes["width"]) : mi.Width; int height = attributes.ContainsKey("height") ? int.Parse(attributes["height"]) : mi.Height; #endregion #region Image tag sb.Append("<img src=\""); sb.Append(mi.Url()); sb.Append("\" width=\""); sb.Append(width); sb.Append("\" height=\""); sb.Append(height); sb.Append("\" border=\"0\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(" />"); #endregion return sb.ToString(); } else if (mi.Extention.ToLower() == "swf") { #region Swf return getFlashAttributesFromSgml(uniqueId, mi.Url(), attributes); #endregion } #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "article") { #region Article Article a = new Article(int.Parse(refAtt)); string url = getObectPageUrl(a, app, date, par) + jump; if (tagName == "dsi:link") return "<a href=\"" + url + "\"" + extraHtmlAttributes + extraStyleAttribute + extraClassAttribute + ">"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); #region Article link if (styleLink) { sb.Append("<a href=\""); sb.Append(url); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } sb.Append(getObjectName(a.FriendlyName, app, styleSnip)); if (styleLink) sb.Append("</a>"); #endregion return sb.ToString(); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "url") //if (attributes.ContainsKey("href")) { #region Url string url = attributes.ContainsKey("href") ? attributes["href"] : ""; #region Get name string name = url; string path = url; string domain = url; string targetAttribute = ""; try { if (UrlRegex.IsMatch(url)) { Match urlMatch = UrlRegex.Match(url); if (urlMatch.Groups[3].Value.StartsWith("www.")) name = urlMatch.Groups[3].Value.Substring(4); else name = urlMatch.Groups[3].Value; domain = urlMatch.Groups[3].Value; path = urlMatch.Groups[4].Value; if (!domain.ToLower().EndsWith("") && !attributes.ContainsKey("target")) targetAttribute = " target=\"_blank\""; } } catch { } #endregion if (tagName == "dsi:link") return "<a href=\"" + url + "\"" + targetAttribute + extraHtmlAttributes + extraStyleAttribute + extraClassAttribute + ">"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (path.ToLower().EndsWith(".jpg") || path.ToLower().EndsWith(".jpeg") || path.ToLower().EndsWith(".gif") || path.ToLower().EndsWith(".png")) { #region Image tag sb.Append("<img"); #region Src attribute sb.Append(" src=\""); sb.Append(url); sb.Append("\""); #endregion sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); #region Style attribute if (domain.EndsWith("") && !style.ContainsKey("border")) { sb.Append(" class=\"BorderBlack All" + extraClassElements + "\""); } else { sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); } #endregion sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(" />"); #endregion } else if (path.ToLower().EndsWith(".mp3") || path.ToLower().EndsWith(".wav")) { #region Audio int width = attributes.ContainsKey("width") ? int.Parse(attributes["width"]) : 290; int height = attributes.ContainsKey("height") ? int.Parse(attributes["height"]) : 24; string audioPlayerSwfPath = Storage.Path(new Guid("7abb3119-f8ad-43ff-be01-764b2ae111fc"), "swf", Storage.Stores.Pix); return GetFlash(uniqueId, height, width, false, "load", audioPlayerSwfPath, "soundFile", url, "autoStart", "no") + @"<a href=""" + url + @"""><img src=""/gfx/download-button2.png"" width=""73"" height=""16"" border=""0"" /></a>"; #endregion } else if (path.ToLower().EndsWith(".swf")) { #region Swf return getFlashAttributesFromSgml(uniqueId, path, attributes); #endregion } else if (path.ToLower().EndsWith(".flv")) { #region Flv int width = attributes.ContainsKey("width") ? int.Parse(attributes["width"]) : 450; int height = attributes.ContainsKey("height") ? (int.Parse(attributes["height"]) + 20) : 357; bool nsfw = attributes.ContainsKey("nsfw") ? bool.Parse(attributes["nsfw"].ToLower()) : false; string draw = attributes.ContainsKey("draw") ? attributes["draw"].ToLower() : "auto"; return GetFlash(uniqueId, height, width, nsfw, draw, "/misc/flvplayer.swf", "file", url, "autoStart", "0"); #endregion } else { #region Link if (styleLink) { sb.Append("<a href=\""); sb.Append(url); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(targetAttribute); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } #endregion #region Name sb.Append(name); #endregion #region End link if (styleLink) sb.Append("</a>"); #endregion } return sb.ToString(); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "room") { #region Chat room Guid guid = refAtt.UnPackGuid(); Chat.RoomSpec room = Chat.RoomSpec.FromGuid(guid); if (room == null) return "[Room not found]"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (tagName == "dsi:link") room.LinkHtmlAppendJustStartOfAnchorTag(sb, "selected-onyellow", extraHtmlAttributes, extraStyleAttribute, extraClassAttribute); else room.LinkHtmlAppend(sb, "selected-onyellow", extraHtmlAttributes, extraStyleAttribute, extraClassAttribute); return sb.ToString(); #endregion } #endregion } return "[Invalid tag " + tagName + "]"; } catch (Exception ex) { if (Vars.DevEnv) throw ex; return "[Error in " + tagName + " tag]"; } }
PlaceStub GetPlaceStub(Place place) { return new PlaceStub() { k = place.K, lat = place.Lat, lng = place.Lon, name = place.FriendlyName }; }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Usr.KickUserIfNotLoggedIn("You must be logged in to view your user preferences."); if (!Page.IsPostBack && !Usr.Current.IsSkeleton && !Vars.DevEnv) throw new DsiUserFriendlyException("You can't view this page, you've already completed your details"); LogOffButton.Attributes["onclick"] = "return confirm('Are you sure?');"; UnsubscribeButton.Attributes["onclick"] = "return confirm('Are you sure?');"; EmailRegex.ValidationExpression = Cambro.Misc.RegEx.Email; DialingCodeDropDown.Attributes["onclick"] = "if (document.forms[0].elements['" + DialingCodeDropDown.ClientID + "'][document.forms[0].elements['" + DialingCodeDropDown.ClientID + "'].selectedIndex].value=='0') {document.getElementById('" + DialingCodeOtherSpan.ClientID + "').style.display=''}else{document.getElementById('" + DialingCodeOtherSpan.ClientID + "').style.display='none'}"; #region Set up page... don't show options 2 and 3 to people who have come from the sign-up page unless they have verified their email WelcomeHeaderInvite.Visible = !Usr.Current.IsSkeletonFromSignup; WelcomeHeaderSignUp.Visible = Usr.Current.IsSkeletonFromSignup; if (ContainerPage.Url[0] == "Signup") { WelcomePart2And3.Visible = false; WelcomePart1Header.Visible = false; } //if (Usr.Current.IsSkeletonFromSignup && !Usr.Current.IsEmailVerified) //{ //WelcomePart2And3.Visible = false; //WelcomePart1Header.Visible = false; //} #endregion if (!Page.IsPostBack) { string text = Cambro.Misc.Utility.GenRandomChars(5).ToUpper(); string encryptedText = Cambro.Misc.Utility.Encrypt(text, DateTime.Now.AddHours(1)); this.ViewState["HipChallengeExcryptedText"] = encryptedText; HipImage.Src = "/support/hipimage.aspx?a=" + encryptedText; } #region Auto add group / buddy uiAddedByGroupsDiv.Visible = false; uiAddedByUsrsDiv.Visible = false; try { int groupsCount = Usr.Current.GroupsWhoHavePendingInvitationsForMe.Count; if (groupsCount > 0) { uiAddedByGroupsDiv.Visible = true; if (groupsCount == 1) { uiAddedByGroupLabel.Text = "<b>" + Usr.Current.GroupsWhoHavePendingInvitationsForMe[0].FriendlyName + "</b> group"; } else { uiAddedByGroupLabel.Text = "following groups"; } int height = 36 + Math.Min(groupsCount, 2) * 60 + 20; uiAddedByGroupsDiv.Attributes["style"] = "border-top:3px solid #000000;padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px; height:" + height + "; overflow:auto;"; foreach (GridViewRow gvr in uiAddedByGroupsGridView.Rows) { if (!((CheckBox)gvr.FindControl("uiCheckBox")).Checked) uncheckedGroupKs.Add((int)uiAddedByGroupsGridView.DataKeys[gvr.RowIndex].Value); } uiAddedByGroupsGridView.DataSource = Usr.Current.GroupsWhoHavePendingInvitationsForMe; uiAddedByGroupsGridView.DataBind(); } int usrsCount = Usr.Current.UsrsWhoHavePendingBuddyRequestsForMe.Count; if (usrsCount > 0) { if (usrsCount == 1) { uiAddedByUsrLabel.Text = "<b>" + Usr.Current.UsrsWhoHavePendingBuddyRequestsForMe[0].NickName + "</b>"; } else { uiAddedByUsrLabel.Text = "the following people"; } int height = 36 + Math.Min(usrsCount, 2) * 60 + 20; uiAddedByUsrsDiv.Attributes["style"] = "border-top:3px solid #000000;padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px; height:" + height + "; overflow:auto;"; foreach (GridViewRow gvr in uiAddedByUsrsGridView.Rows) { if (!((CheckBox)gvr.FindControl("uiCheckBox")).Checked) uncheckedBuddyUsrKs.Add((int)uiAddedByUsrsGridView.DataKeys[gvr.RowIndex].Value); } uiAddedByUsrsDiv.Visible = true; uiAddedByUsrsGridView.DataSource = Usr.Current.UsrsWhoHavePendingBuddyRequestsForMe; uiAddedByUsrsGridView.DataBind(); } } catch { uiAddedByGroupsDiv.Visible = false; uiAddedByUsrsDiv.Visible = false; } #endregion #region Populate hometown drop-down int selectedHomeTown = 0; if (!HomeTownDropDownList.SelectedValue.Equals("0") && !HomeTownDropDownList.SelectedValue.Equals("")) selectedHomeTown = int.Parse(HomeTownDropDownList.SelectedValue); // OrderBy o = new OrderBy(Bobs.Place.Columns.Name,OrderBy.OrderDirection.Ascending); if (!Page.IsPostBack) { PlaceSet ts = new PlaceSet( new Query( new And( new Q(Place.Columns.Enabled, true), Country.PlaceFilterQ), new OrderBy(Bobs.Place.Columns.Name, OrderBy.OrderDirection.Ascending) ) ); HomeTownDropDownList.DataSource = ts; HomeTownDropDownList.DataValueField = "K"; HomeTownDropDownList.DataTextField = "Name"; HomeTownDropDownList.DataBind(); } if (selectedHomeTown > 0) { try { HomeTownDropDownList.SelectedValue = selectedHomeTown.ToString(); } catch { try { Place p = new Place(selectedHomeTown); HomeTownDropDownList.Items.Insert(1, new ListItem(p.Name, p.K.ToString())); HomeTownDropDownList.SelectedValue = selectedHomeTown.ToString(); } catch { } } } #endregion #region Populate favourite music drop-down int selectedFavouriteMusic = 0; if (!FavouriteMusicDropDownList.SelectedValue.Equals("0") && !FavouriteMusicDropDownList.SelectedValue.Equals("")) selectedFavouriteMusic = int.Parse(FavouriteMusicDropDownList.SelectedValue); if (!Page.IsPostBack) { MusicTypeSet mts = new MusicTypeSet( new Query( new Or( new Q(MusicType.Columns.ParentK, 1), new Q(MusicType.Columns.ParentK, 0) ) , new OrderBy(MusicType.Columns.Order) ) ); FavouriteMusicDropDownList.DataSource = mts; FavouriteMusicDropDownList.DataValueField = "K"; FavouriteMusicDropDownList.DataTextField = "DescriptiveText"; FavouriteMusicDropDownList.DataBind(); } if (selectedFavouriteMusic > 0) { FavouriteMusicDropDownList.SelectedValue = selectedFavouriteMusic.ToString(); } #endregion if (!Page.IsPostBack) { FirstName.Text = Usr.Current.FirstName; LastName.Text = Usr.Current.LastName; NickName.Text = Usr.Current.NickName; Email.Text = Usr.Current.Email; SexMale.Checked = Usr.Current.IsMale; SexFemale.Checked = Usr.Current.IsFemale; SendSpottedEmails.Checked = Usr.Current.SendSpottedEmails; SendSpottedTexts.Checked = Usr.Current.SendSpottedTexts; SendFlyers.Checked = Usr.Current.SendFlyers; SendInvites.Checked = Usr.Current.SendInvites; IsDjYes.Checked = Usr.Current.IsDj.HasValue && Usr.Current.IsDj.Value; IsDjNo.Checked = Usr.Current.IsDj.HasValue && !Usr.Current.IsDj.Value; #region Initialise hometown drop-down if (Usr.Current.HomePlaceK > 0) { try { HomeTownDropDownList.SelectedValue = Usr.Current.HomePlaceK.ToString(); } catch { HomeTownDropDownList.Items.Insert(1, new ListItem(Usr.Current.Home.Name, Usr.Current.HomePlaceK.ToString())); HomeTownDropDownList.SelectedValue = Usr.Current.HomePlaceK.ToString(); } } #endregion #region Initialise favourite music drop-down if (Usr.Current.FavouriteMusicTypeK > 0) { FavouriteMusicDropDownList.SelectedValue = Usr.Current.FavouriteMusicTypeK.ToString(); } #endregion #region Initialise mobile number box if (Usr.Current.Mobile.Length > 0) { if ( Usr.Current.MobileCountryCode.Equals("44") || Usr.Current.MobileCountryCode.Equals("61") || Usr.Current.MobileCountryCode.Equals("33") || Usr.Current.MobileCountryCode.Equals("49") || Usr.Current.MobileCountryCode.Equals("353") || Usr.Current.MobileCountryCode.Equals("39") || Usr.Current.MobileCountryCode.Equals("34") || Usr.Current.MobileCountryCode.Equals("1") ) { DialingCodeDropDown.SelectedValue = Usr.Current.MobileCountryCode; DialingCodeOtherSpan.Style["display"] = "none"; } else { DialingCodeDropDown.SelectedValue = "0"; DialingCodeOtherSpan.Style["display"] = null; DialingCodeOther.Text = Usr.Current.MobileCountryCode; } MobileNumber.Text = Usr.Current.MobileNumber; } else { if (Country.Current != null && Country.Current.DialingCode > 0) { DialingCodeDropDown.SelectedValue = Country.Current.DialingCode.ToString(); DialingCodeOtherSpan.Style["display"] = "none"; } else { DialingCodeDropDown.SelectedValue = "0"; DialingCodeOtherSpan.Style["display"] = null; } } #endregion } DialingCodeOtherSpan.Style["display"] = DialingCodeDropDown.SelectedValue.Equals("0") ? null : "none"; this.DataBind(); if (!Page.IsPostBack) { HomeTownDropDownList.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(" ", "0")); FavouriteMusicDropDownList.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(" ", "0")); } }
public void PanelDetailsLoad(object o, System.EventArgs e) { bool passedPlaceHasPostcode = false; if (ContainerPage.Url["PlaceK"].IsInt) { Place passedPlace = new Place(ContainerPage.Url["PlaceK"]); if (passedPlace.Country.PostcodeType == 1) passedPlaceHasPostcode = true; } if (IsEdit) { PanelDetailsPostcodeDiv.Visible = CurrentVenue.Place.Country.PostcodeType == 1 || passedPlaceHasPostcode; } else { PanelDetailsPostcodeDiv.Visible = (Country.Current != null && Country.Current.PostcodeType == 1) || passedPlaceHasPostcode; } if (CanEditPlace) { PanelDetailsPlaceDiv.Visible = true; PanelDetailsPlaceLockedDiv.Visible = false; if (!Page.IsPostBack) { Query q = new Query(); q.NoLock = true; q.Columns = new ColumnSet(Place.Columns.K, Place.Columns.Name, Place.Columns.CountryK, Place.Columns.RegionAbbreviation); q.QueryCondition = new And(Country.PlaceFilterQ, new Q(Place.Columns.Enabled, true)); q.OrderBy = new OrderBy(Place.Columns.Name); PlaceSet ts = new PlaceSet(q); Place placeToSelect = null; if (IsEdit) { placeToSelect = CurrentVenue.Place; } else if (ContainerPage.Url["PlaceK"].IsInt) { placeToSelect = new Place(ContainerPage.Url["PlaceK"]); } if (placeToSelect != null) { PanelDetailsPlacePicker.Place = placeToSelect; } } } else { PanelDetailsPlacePicker.Place = CurrentVenue.Place; PanelDetailsPlaceDiv.Visible = false; PanelDetailsPlaceLockedDiv.Visible = true; PanelDetailsPlaceLockedLabel.Text = CurrentVenue.Place.Name; } if (IsEdit) { } if (IsEdit && !Page.IsPostBack) { PanelDetailsPostcodeTextBox.Text = CurrentVenue.Postcode; PanelDetailsVenueName.Text = CurrentVenue.Name; PanelDetailsVenueCapacity.Text = CurrentVenue.Capacity.ToString(); PanelDetailsVenueDetailsHtml.LoadHtml(CurrentVenue.DetailsHtml); PanelDetailsVenueRegularEventsYes.Checked = CurrentVenue.RegularEvents; PanelDetailsVenueRegularEventsNo.Checked = !CurrentVenue.RegularEvents; } }
public static IBob Get(Model.Entities.ObjectType type, int k) { IBob b = null; bool wrongType = false; try { switch (type) { case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Photo: b = new Photo(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Event: b = new Event(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Venue: b = new Venue(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Place: b = new Place(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Thread: b = new Thread(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Country: b = new Country(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Article: b = new Article(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Para: b = new Para(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Brand: b = new Brand(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Promoter: b = new Promoter(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Usr: b = new Usr(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Region: b = new Region(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Gallery: b = new Gallery(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Group: b = new Group(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Banner: b = new Banner(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.GuestlistCredit: b = new GuestlistCredit(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Ticket: b = new Ticket(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Invoice: b = new Invoice(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.InsertionOrder: b = new InsertionOrder(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.CampaignCredit: b = new CampaignCredit(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.UsrDonationIcon: b = new UsrDonationIcon(k); break; default: wrongType = true; b = null; break; } } catch { } if (wrongType) throw new Exception("Bob.Get attempted to get " + type.ToString() + " - can't do it!!! DUH!"); return b; }
public void PanelLocation_Val(object o, ServerValidateEventArgs e) { Country c = new Country(); bool validRadio = LocationTypeNone.Checked || LocationTypeCountry.Checked || LocationTypePlace.Checked; bool validCountry = true; bool validPlace = true; int selectedCountryK = 0; if (LocationTypeCountry.Checked || LocationTypePlace.Checked) { try { Country country = new Country(int.Parse(LocationCountryDropDown.SelectedValue)); if (!country.Enabled) validCountry = false; selectedCountryK = country.K; } catch { validCountry = false; } } if (LocationTypePlace.Checked) { try { Place place = new Place(int.Parse(LocationPlaceDropDown.SelectedValue)); if (!place.Enabled) validPlace = false; if (selectedCountryK != place.CountryK) validPlace = false; } catch { validPlace = false; } } e.IsValid = validRadio && validCountry && validPlace; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // if (Vars.DevEnv) // System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(new Random().Next(2000)); if (Request.QueryString["type"] == "calendar") { bool freeGuestlist = Request.QueryString["freeGuestlist"] == null || Request.QueryString["freeGuestlist"].Length == 0 || Request.QueryString["freeGuestlist"] == "0" ? false : true; Brand brand = Request.QueryString["brandk"] == null || Request.QueryString["brandk"].Length == 0 || Request.QueryString["brandk"] == "0" ? null : new Brand(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["brandk"])); Place place = Request.QueryString["placek"] == null || Request.QueryString["placek"].Length == 0 || Request.QueryString["placek"] == "0" ? null : new Place(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["placek"])); Venue venue = Request.QueryString["venuek"] == null || Request.QueryString["venuek"].Length == 0 || Request.QueryString["venuek"] == "0" || Request.QueryString["venuek"] == "1" ? null : new Venue(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["venuek"])); int key = Request.QueryString["key"] == null || Request.QueryString["key"].Length == 0 || Request.QueryString["key"] == "0" ? 0 : int.Parse(Request.QueryString["key"]); MusicType music = Request.QueryString["musictypek"] == null || Request.QueryString["musictypek"].Length == 0 || Request.QueryString["musictypek"] == "0" ? null : new MusicType(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["musictypek"])); bool me = Request.QueryString["me"] != null && Request.QueryString["me"] == "1"; bool addGalleryButton = Request.QueryString["addgallery"] != null && Request.QueryString["addgallery"] == "1"; bool allVenues = Request.QueryString["venuek"] != null && Request.QueryString["venuek"] == "1"; DateTime date = new DateTime( int.Parse(Request.QueryString["date"].Substring(0, 4)), int.Parse(Request.QueryString["date"].Substring(4, 2)), int.Parse(Request.QueryString["date"].Substring(6, 2)) > 0 ? int.Parse(Request.QueryString["date"].Substring(6, 2)) : 1 ); //if (date == DateTime.Today) // System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); DateTime from = date.Previous(DayOfWeek.Monday, true); DateTime to = date.Next(DayOfWeek.Sunday, true); Event.EventsForDisplay events = new Event.EventsForDisplay(); events.IgnoreMusicType = true; if (me) { events.AttendedUsrK = Usr.Current.K; } else if (brand != null) { events.BrandK = brand.K; } else if (venue != null) { events.VenueK = venue.K; } else if (place != null && music != null) { events.PlaceK = place.K; events.MusicTypeK = music.K; } else if (place != null && freeGuestlist) { events.PlaceK = place.K; events.FreeGuestlist = freeGuestlist; } else if (key > 0) { } else throw new Exception(); EventSet es; if (key == 0) es = events.GetEventsBetweenDates(from, to); else es = new EventSet(new Query(new Q(Event.Columns.K, key))); CustomControls.DsiCalendar calendar = new Spotted.CustomControls.DsiCalendar(); calendar.AllEvents = es; calendar.Month = date.Month; calendar.ShowCountryFriendlyName = !(events.FilterByCountry || events.FilterByPlace || events.FilterByVenue); calendar.ShowPlace = !(events.FilterByPlace || events.FilterByVenue); calendar.ShowVenue = !events.FilterByVenue; calendar.ShowAddGalleryButton = addGalleryButton; calendar.Tickets = true; calendar.StartDate = from; calendar.EndDate = to; Out.Controls.Add(calendar); } else { sb.AppendLine("{"); if (Request.QueryString["type"] == "music") { #region Music types Query q = new Query(); q.QueryCondition = new Q(MusicType.Columns.K, QueryOperator.NotEqualTo, 1); q.Columns = new ColumnSet(MusicType.Columns.Name, MusicType.Columns.ParentK, MusicType.Columns.K); q.OrderBy = new OrderBy(MusicType.Columns.Order, OrderBy.OrderDirection.Ascending); q.CacheDuration = TimeSpan.FromDays(1); MusicTypeSet mts = new MusicTypeSet(q); append(sb, "Select your music...", "0"); append(sb, "", ""); foreach (MusicType mt in mts) { append(sb, (mt.ParentK == 1 ? "" : "... ") + mt.Name, mt.K.ToString()); } #endregion } else if (Request.QueryString["type"] == "country") { #region Countries append(sb, "Select a country...", "0"); Query qTop = new Query(); qTop.Columns = new ColumnSet(Country.Columns.FriendlyName, Country.Columns.K); qTop.OrderBy = new OrderBy(Country.Columns.TotalEvents, OrderBy.OrderDirection.Descending); qTop.QueryCondition = new Q(Country.Columns.Enabled, true); qTop.TopRecords = 10; qTop.CacheDuration = TimeSpan.FromDays(1); CountrySet csTop = new CountrySet(qTop); append(sb, "", ""); append(sb, "--- TOP COUNTRIES ---", "0"); foreach (Country c in csTop) { append(sb, c.FriendlyName.TruncateWithDots(maxLength), c.K.ToString()); } Query qAll = new Query(); qAll.Columns = new ColumnSet(Country.Columns.FriendlyName, Country.Columns.K); qAll.OrderBy = new OrderBy(Country.Columns.FriendlyName); qAll.QueryCondition = new And(new Q(Country.Columns.Enabled, true), new StringQueryCondition("(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [Place] WHERE [Place].[Enabled] = 1 AND [Place].[CountryK] = [Country].[K]) > 0")); qAll.CacheDuration = TimeSpan.FromDays(1); CountrySet csAll = new CountrySet(qAll); append(sb, "", ""); append(sb, "--- ALL COUNTRIES ---", "0"); foreach (Country c in csAll) { append(sb, c.FriendlyName.TruncateWithDots(maxLength), c.K.ToString()); } #endregion } else if (Request.QueryString["type"] == "place") { #region Places int countryK = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["countryk"]); Country country = new Country(countryK); Query qTop = new Query(); qTop.Columns = new ColumnSet(Place.Columns.Name, Place.Columns.K, Place.LinkColumns); qTop.TopRecords = 10; qTop.QueryCondition = new And(new Q(Place.Columns.CountryK, country.K), new Q(Place.Columns.Enabled, true)); qTop.OrderBy = new OrderBy(Place.Columns.TotalEvents, OrderBy.OrderDirection.Descending); PlaceSet psTop = new PlaceSet(qTop); if (psTop.Count == 0) { append(sb, "No towns in our database for this country", ""); } else { append(sb, "Towns in " + country.FriendlyName.Truncate(maxLength) + "...", ""); append(sb, "", ""); if (psTop.Count < 10) { foreach (Place p in psTop) append(sb, p.NamePlainRegion.TruncateWithDots(maxLength), Request.QueryString["return"] == "k" ? p.K.ToString() : p.Url()); } else { append(sb, "--- TOP TOWNS ---", ""); foreach (Place p in psTop) append(sb, p.NamePlainRegion.TruncateWithDots(maxLength), Request.QueryString["return"] == "k" ? p.K.ToString() : p.Url()); Query qAll = new Query(); qAll.Columns = new ColumnSet(Place.Columns.Name, Place.Columns.K, Place.LinkColumns); qAll.OrderBy = new OrderBy(Place.Columns.UrlName); qAll.QueryCondition = new And(new Q(Place.Columns.CountryK, countryK), new Q(Place.Columns.Enabled, true)); PlaceSet psAll = new PlaceSet(qAll); append(sb, "", ""); append(sb, "--- ALL TOWNS ---", ""); foreach (Place p in psAll) append(sb, p.NamePlainRegion.TruncateWithDots(maxLength), Request.QueryString["return"] == "k" ? p.K.ToString() : p.Url()); } } #endregion } else if (Request.QueryString["type"] == "venue") { #region Venues int placeK = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["placek"]); Place place = new Place(placeK); Query qTop = new Query(); qTop.Columns = new ColumnSet(Venue.Columns.Name, Venue.Columns.K, Venue.LinkColumns); qTop.TopRecords = 10; qTop.QueryCondition = new Q(Venue.Columns.PlaceK, place.K); qTop.OrderBy = new OrderBy(Venue.Columns.TotalEvents, OrderBy.OrderDirection.Descending); VenueSet vsTop = new VenueSet(qTop); if (vsTop.Count == 0) { append(sb, "No venues in our database for this town", ""); } else { append(sb, "Venues in " + place.NamePlainRegion.Truncate(maxLength) + "...", ""); append(sb, "", ""); if (Request.QueryString["all"] == "1") { append(sb, "All venues", "1"); append(sb, "", ""); } if (vsTop.Count < 10) { appendVenues(sb, vsTop); } else { append(sb, "--- TOP VENUES ---", ""); appendVenues(sb, vsTop); Query qAll = new Query(); qAll.Columns = new ColumnSet(Venue.Columns.Name, Venue.Columns.K, Venue.LinkColumns); qAll.OrderBy = new OrderBy("( CASE WHEN [Venue].[UrlName] LIKE 'the-%' THEN SUBSTRING([Venue].[UrlName], 4, LEN([Venue].[UrlName]) - 4) ELSE [Venue].[UrlName] END )"); qAll.QueryCondition = new Q(Venue.Columns.PlaceK, placeK); VenueSet vsAll = new VenueSet(qAll); append(sb, "", ""); append(sb, "--- ALL VENUES ---", ""); if (vsAll.Count <= 300) { appendVenues(sb, vsAll); } else { append(sb, "Select the first letter:", ""); append(sb, "", ""); append(sb, "0-9", "*0"); string ch; for (int i = 65; i <= 90; i++) { ch = char.ConvertFromUtf32(i); append(sb, ch.ToUpper() + "...", "*" + ch.ToLower()); } } } } #endregion } else if (Request.QueryString["type"] == "venuebyletter") { #region Venues int placeK = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["placek"]); string letter = Request.QueryString["letter"]; if (letter.Length > 1) throw new Exception(); Place place = new Place(placeK); string qu = ""; if (letter.ToLower() == "0") { qu = "([Venue].[UrlName] LIKE '[0-9]%' OR [Venue].[UrlName] LIKE 'the-[0-9]%')"; } else if (letter.ToLower() == "t") { qu = "(([Venue].[UrlName] LIKE 't%' AND [Venue].[UrlName] NOT LIKE 'the-%' ) OR [Venue].[UrlName] LIKE 'the-t%')"; } else { qu = "([Venue].[UrlName] LIKE '" + letter.ToLower() + "%' OR [Venue].[UrlName] LIKE 'the-" + letter.ToLower() + "%')"; } Query q = new Query(); q.Columns = new ColumnSet(Venue.Columns.Name, Venue.Columns.K, Venue.LinkColumns); //q.OrderBy = new OrderBy(Venue.Columns.UrlName); q.OrderBy = new OrderBy("( CASE WHEN [Venue].[UrlName] LIKE 'the-%' THEN SUBSTRING([Venue].[UrlName], 4, LEN([Venue].[UrlName]) - 4) ELSE [Venue].[UrlName] END )"); q.QueryCondition = new And( new Q(Venue.Columns.PlaceK, placeK), new StringQueryCondition(qu)); VenueSet vs = new VenueSet(q); if (vs.Count == 0) { append(sb, "No venues starting with " + letter.ToUpper(), ""); } else { append(sb, "Venues starting with " + letter.ToUpper() + "...", ""); append(sb, "", ""); appendVenues(sb, vs); } #endregion } else if (Request.QueryString["type"] == "event") { #region Events int venueK = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["venuek"]); int brandK = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["brandk"]); int key = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["key"]); int year = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["date"].Substring(0, 4)); int month = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["date"].Substring(4, 2)); DateTime dateFrom = new DateTime(year, month, 1); DateTime dateTo = dateFrom.AddMonths(1); Venue venue = venueK > 1 ? new Venue(venueK) : null; Brand brand = brandK > 0 ? new Brand(brandK) : null; EventSet es; if (key == 0) { Query q = new Query(); if (brand == null) q.Columns = new ColumnSet(Event.Columns.DateTime, Event.Columns.Name, Event.Columns.K); else q.Columns = new ColumnSet(Event.Columns.DateTime, Event.Columns.Name, Event.Columns.K, Event.FriendlyLinkColumns); q.QueryCondition = new And( new Q(Event.Columns.DateTime, QueryOperator.GreaterThanOrEqualTo, dateFrom), new Q(Event.Columns.DateTime, QueryOperator.LessThan, dateTo), venue != null ? new Q(Event.Columns.VenueK, venue.K) : new Q(true), brand != null ? new Q(EventBrand.Columns.BrandK, brand.K) : new Q(true)); q.OrderBy = Event.FutureEventOrder; if (brandK > 0) { q.TableElement = new Join( Event.CountryAllJoin, new TableElement(TablesEnum.EventBrand), QueryJoinType.Inner, Event.Columns.K, EventBrand.Columns.EventK); } es = new EventSet(q); } else es = new EventSet(new Query(new Q(Event.Columns.K, key))); if (es.Count == 0) { append(sb, "No events in our database for this selection", ""); } else { //append(sb, "Events at " + venue.FriendlyName.Truncate(maxLength) + ", " + dateFrom.ToString("MMM yyyy") + "...", ""); //append(sb, "", ""); Dictionary<string, int> counter = new Dictionary<string, int>(); foreach (Event ev in es) { string key1 = eventString(ev, brand != null); if (counter.ContainsKey(key1.ToLower())) counter[key1.ToLower()]++; else counter[key1.ToLower()] = 1; } foreach (Event ev in es) { string key1 = eventString(ev, brand != null); if (counter[key1.ToLower()] > 1) key1 = key1.Substring(0, 8) + " - #" + ev.K.ToString() + key1.Substring(8); append(sb, key1, ev.K.ToString()); } } #endregion } sb.AppendLine(""); sb.Append("}"); } Out.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(sb.ToString())); }
static void updateFromDetailsData(Usr u, Hashtable detailsPanelData) { Place p = new Place((int)detailsPanelData["PlaceK"]); u.HomePlaceK = p.K; u.AddressCountryK = p.CountryK; MusicType mt = new MusicType((int)detailsPanelData["MusicTypeK"]); u.FavouriteMusicTypeK = mt.K; #region update UsrMusicTypeFavourite table try { UsrMusicTypeFavourite umf = new UsrMusicTypeFavourite(); umf.UsrK = u.K; umf.MusicTypeK = mt.K; umf.Update(); u.UpdateMusicTypesFavouriteCount(false); } catch { } #endregion #region update UsrPlaceVisit table try { UsrPlaceVisit upv = new UsrPlaceVisit(); upv.UsrK = u.K; upv.PlaceK = p.K; upv.Update(); u.UpdatePlacesVisitCount(false); } catch { } #endregion #region Facebook u.FacebookStory = (bool)detailsPanelData["Facebook"]; u.FacebookStory1 = (bool)detailsPanelData["Facebook"]; u.FacebookEventAdd = (bool)detailsPanelData["Facebook"]; u.FacebookEventAttend = (bool)detailsPanelData["Facebook"]; u.FacebookStoryAttendEvent = (bool)detailsPanelData["Facebook"]; u.FacebookStoryBuyTicket = (bool)detailsPanelData["Facebook"]; u.FacebookStoryEventReview = (bool)detailsPanelData["Facebook"]; u.FacebookStoryFavourite = (bool)detailsPanelData["Facebook"]; u.FacebookStoryJoinGroup = (bool)detailsPanelData["Facebook"]; u.FacebookStoryLaugh = (bool)detailsPanelData["Facebook"]; u.FacebookStoryNewBuddy = (bool)detailsPanelData["Facebook"]; u.FacebookStoryNewTopic = (bool)detailsPanelData["Facebook"]; u.FacebookStoryPhotoFeatured = (bool)detailsPanelData["Facebook"]; u.FacebookStoryPostNews = (bool)detailsPanelData["Facebook"]; u.FacebookStoryPublishArticle = (bool)detailsPanelData["Facebook"]; u.FacebookStorySpotted = (bool)detailsPanelData["Facebook"]; u.FacebookStoryUploadPhoto = (bool)detailsPanelData["Facebook"]; #endregion #region WeeklyEmail u.SendSpottedEmails = (bool)detailsPanelData["WeeklyEmail"]; #endregion #region PartyInvites u.SendSpottedTexts = (bool)detailsPanelData["PartyInvites"]; u.SendFlyers = (bool)detailsPanelData["PartyInvites"]; u.SendInvites = (bool)detailsPanelData["PartyInvites"]; #endregion u.AgreeTerms = true; u.LegalTermsUser2 = true; u.IsSkeleton = false; u.Update(); #region update Prefs if (mt.K != 1) Prefs.Current["MusicPref"] = mt.K; if (p.CountryK != 224) Prefs.Current["HomeCountryK"] = p.CountryK; if (mt.K != 1 || p.CountryK != 224) Prefs.Current.Update(); #endregion }
static Place getPlaceFromString(string homeTownName, ref bool goodMatch) { if (homeTownName.Trim().Length == 0) return null; string placeName = ""; string countryName = ""; Place homePlace = null; Country homeCountry = null; #region split into country and place name if (homeTownName.Length > 0 && homeTownName.Contains(",")) { placeName = homeTownName.Substring(0, homeTownName.LastIndexOf(',')).Trim(); countryName = homeTownName.Substring(homeTownName.LastIndexOf(',') + 1).Trim(); } else { placeName = homeTownName; } #endregion if (countryName.Length > 0) { #region get country by name CountrySet csName = new CountrySet( new Query( new Q(Country.Columns.Name, countryName.Trim()) ) ); if (csName.Count > 0) { homeCountry = csName[0]; } #endregion else { #region get country by friendly name (abbreviation) CountrySet csFriendlyName = new CountrySet( new Query( new Q(Country.Columns.FriendlyName, countryName.Trim()) ) ); if (csFriendlyName.Count > 0) { homeCountry = csFriendlyName[0]; } #endregion } } #region if we haven't found a country yet, use the IPcountry if (homeCountry == null) { try { homeCountry = new Country(IpCountry.ClientCountryK()); } catch { homeCountry = new Country(224); } } #endregion if (placeName.Length > 0) { #region lookup enabled places in the home country PlaceSet psNameWithCountry = new PlaceSet( new Query( new And( new Q(Place.Columns.Name, placeName.Trim()), new Q(Place.Columns.CountryK, homeCountry.K), new Q(Place.Columns.Enabled, true) ) ) ); if (psNameWithCountry.Count > 0) { homePlace = psNameWithCountry[0]; goodMatch = true; } #endregion else { #region lookup non-enabled places and find the nearest enabled place PlaceSet psNameWithCountryNotEnalbed = new PlaceSet( new Query( new And( new Q(Place.Columns.Name, placeName.Trim()), new Q(Place.Columns.CountryK, homeCountry.K) ) ) ); if (psNameWithCountryNotEnalbed.Count > 0) { PlaceSet ps = new PlaceSet( new Query( new Q(Place.Columns.Enabled, true), psNameWithCountryNotEnalbed[0].NearestPlacesOrderBy, 1 ) ); if (ps.Count > 0) { homePlace = ps[0]; goodMatch = true; } } #endregion else { #region lookup global enabled places by name PlaceSet psName = new PlaceSet( new Query( new And( new Q(Place.Columns.Name, placeName.Trim()), new Q(Place.Columns.Enabled, true) ), new OrderBy(Place.Columns.Population, OrderBy.OrderDirection.Descending), 1 ) ); if (psName.Count > 0) { homePlace = psName[0]; } #endregion else { #region lookup global non-enabled places and find the nearest enabled place PlaceSet psNameNotEnalbed = new PlaceSet( new Query( new Q(Place.Columns.Name, placeName.Trim()) ) ); if (psNameNotEnalbed.Count > 0) { PlaceSet ps = new PlaceSet( new Query( new Q(Place.Columns.Enabled, true), psNameNotEnalbed[0].NearestPlacesOrderBy, 1 ) ); if (ps.Count > 0) { homePlace = ps[0]; } } #endregion } } } } #region if we haven't found a place yet, use the capital (or largest enabled place) from the home country. If all fails, use London. if (homePlace == null) { if (homeCountry != null) { homePlace = homeCountry.GetCapitalOrLargestEnabledPlace(); } } if (homePlace == null) homePlace = new Place(1); #endregion return homePlace; }
static Hashtable getHomePlaceFromFacebookInternal(JObject user) { bool locationGoodMatch = false; Place locationPlace = null; try { locationPlace = getPlaceFromString(user["location"].Value<string>("name"), ref locationGoodMatch); } catch { } bool homeTownGoodMatch = false; Place homeTownPlace = null; if (locationPlace == null || !locationGoodMatch) { try { homeTownPlace = getPlaceFromString(user["hometown"].Value<string>("name"), ref homeTownGoodMatch); } catch { } } Place place = null; bool goodMatch = false; if (locationPlace != null) { if (homeTownGoodMatch && !locationGoodMatch) { place = homeTownPlace; goodMatch = homeTownGoodMatch; } else { place = locationPlace; goodMatch = locationGoodMatch; } } else if (homeTownPlace != null) { place = homeTownPlace; goodMatch = homeTownGoodMatch; } else { place = new Place(1); // if all else fails, use London. goodMatch = false; } Hashtable ret = new Hashtable(); ret["PlaceName"] = place.NamePlain; ret["CountryName"] = place.Country.FriendlyName; ret["PlaceK"] = place.K; ret["CountryK"] = place.CountryK; ret["GoodMatch"] = goodMatch; return ret; }
public void CountUsrs_PlaceConditionsAndMusicConditionsAndPromotersOnly() { new Delete(TablesEnum.Usr, new Q(true)).Run(); Place p = new Place { MeridianFeatureId = 1, Lat = 1, Lon = 1 }; p.Update(); CreateUsr(0, 1, 1, 1); //no CreateUsr(1, 1, p.K, p.K, false); //no CreateUsr(1, p.K, 1, p.K, true); //yes CreateUsr(1, p.K, p.K, 1, false); //no CreateUsr(4, 1, p.K, p.K, false); //no CreateUsr(4, p.K, 1, p.K, false); //no CreateUsr(4, p.K, p.K, 1, true); //yes CreateUsr(5, 1, p.K, p.K, true); //yes CreateUsr(5, p.K, 1, p.K, true); //yes CreateUsr(5, p.K, p.K, 1, true); //yes CreateUsr(4, 2, p.K, p.K); //no CreateUsr(4, p.K, 2, p.K); //no CreateUsr(4, p.K, p.K, 2); //no CreateUsr(5, 2, p.K, p.K); //no CreateUsr(5, p.K, 2, p.K); //no CreateUsr(5, p.K, p.K, 2); //no Assert.AreEqual(5, Flyer.CountUsrs(new List<int>() { 1 }, new List<int>() { 4 }, true)); }
public void MergeAndDelete(Venue merge) { if (this.K == merge.K) throw new DsiUserFriendlyException("Can't merge a venue into itself!"); Cambro.Web.Helpers.WriteAlertHeader(); //throw new Exception("This function isn't finished yet!"); Cambro.Web.Helpers.WriteAlert("Starting merge...", true); #region Promoter Cambro.Web.Helpers.WriteAlert("Merging promoter...", true); if (merge.PromoterK > 0 && merge.PromoterStatus.Equals(Venue.PromoterStatusEnum.Confirmed) && merge.Promoter.IsEnabled) { this.PromoterK = merge.PromoterK; this.PromoterStatus = Venue.PromoterStatusEnum.Confirmed; } else if (this.PromoterK == 0 && merge.PromoterK > 0) { this.PromoterK = merge.PromoterK; this.PromoterStatus = merge.PromoterStatus; } Cambro.Web.Helpers.WriteAlert("Done merging promoter..."); #endregion #region Articles if (true) { Cambro.Web.Helpers.WriteAlert("Moving articles...", true); Query q = new Query(); q.QueryCondition = new And(new Q(Article.Columns.ParentObjectType, Model.Entities.ObjectType.Venue),new Q(Article.Columns.ParentObjectK, merge.K)); ArticleSet ars = new ArticleSet(q); foreach (Article a in ars) { Cambro.Web.Helpers.WriteAlert("Moving article " + a.K + "..."); a.ParentObjectK = this.K; a.VenueK = this.K; if (a.Relevance <= Model.Entities.Article.RelevanceEnum.Place) a.PlaceK = this.PlaceK; else a.PlaceK = 0; if (a.Relevance <= Model.Entities.Article.RelevanceEnum.Country) a.CountryK = this.Place.CountryK; else a.CountryK = 0; a.UrlFragment = this.UrlFilterPart; a.Update(); #region Threads if (true) { Update u = new Update(); u.Table = TablesEnum.Thread; u.Where = new Q(Thread.Columns.ArticleK, a.K); u.Changes.Add(new Assign(Thread.Columns.UrlFragment, a.UrlFilterPart)); u.Changes.Add(new Assign(Thread.Columns.VenueK, this.K)); u.Changes.Add(new Assign(Thread.Columns.PlaceK, this.PlaceK)); u.Changes.Add(new Assign(Thread.Columns.CountryK, this.Place.CountryK)); u.Run(); } #endregion #region Galleries if (true) { Update u = new Update(); u.Table = TablesEnum.Gallery; u.Where = new Q(Gallery.Columns.ArticleK, a.K); u.Changes.Add(new Assign(Gallery.Columns.UrlFragment, a.UrlFilterPart)); u.Run(); } #endregion #region Photos if (true) { Update u = new Update(); u.Table = TablesEnum.Photo; u.Where = new Q(Photo.Columns.ArticleK, a.K); u.Changes.Add(new Assign(Photo.Columns.UrlFragment, a.UrlFilterPart)); u.Run(); } #endregion } Cambro.Web.Helpers.WriteAlert("Done moving articles...", true); } #endregion #region Events if (true) { Cambro.Web.Helpers.WriteAlert("Moving events...", true); EventSet es = new EventSet(new Query(new Q(Event.Columns.VenueK, merge.K))); int count = 0; foreach (Event ev in es) { count++; Cambro.Web.Helpers.WriteAlert("Moving event "+ev.K+" ("+count+" / "+es.Count+")..."); ev.ChangeVenue(this.K, true); } Cambro.Web.Helpers.WriteAlert("Done moving events..."); } #endregion #region Thread ParentObjects if (true) { Cambro.Web.Helpers.WriteAlert("Merging topics (1/2)...", true); Update u = new Update(); u.Table = TablesEnum.Thread; u.Where = new And( new Q(Thread.Columns.ParentObjectType, Model.Entities.ObjectType.Venue), new Q(Thread.Columns.ParentObjectK, merge.K)); u.Changes.Add(new Assign(Thread.Columns.ParentObjectK, this.K)); u.Run(); Cambro.Web.Helpers.WriteAlert("Done merging topics (1/2)..."); } #endregion #region Thread if (true) { Cambro.Web.Helpers.WriteAlert("Merging topics (2/2)...", true); Update u = new Update(); u.Table = TablesEnum.Thread; u.Where = new And( new Q(Thread.Columns.VenueK, merge.K), new Q(Thread.Columns.EventK, 0), new Q(Thread.Columns.ArticleK, 0)); u.Changes.Add(new Assign(Thread.Columns.VenueK, this.K)); u.Changes.Add(new Assign(Thread.Columns.UrlFragment, this.UrlFilterPart)); u.Run(); Cambro.Web.Helpers.WriteAlert("Done merging topics (2/2)..."); } #endregion #region Pic if (!this.HasPic) { Cambro.Web.Helpers.WriteAlert("Merging picture...", true); this.Pic = merge.Pic; this.PicMiscK = merge.PicMiscK; this.PicPhotoK = merge.PicPhotoK; this.PicState = merge.PicState; merge.Pic = Guid.Empty; merge.PicMiscK = 0; merge.PicPhotoK = 0; merge.PicState = ""; merge.Update(); Cambro.Web.Helpers.WriteAlert("Done merging picture..."); } #endregion this.AdminNote += "Venue " + merge.K + " was merged with this one " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + ". The admin note from venue " + merge.K + " is:\n********************\n" + merge.AdminNote + "\n********************\n"; this.Update(); int mergePlaceK = merge.PlaceK; Cambro.Web.Helpers.WriteAlert("Deleting old venue...", true); merge.DeleteAll(null); Cambro.Web.Helpers.WriteAlert("Done deleting old venue..."); if (mergePlaceK != this.PlaceK) { Place mergePlace = new Place(mergePlaceK); Cambro.Web.Helpers.WriteAlert("Updating stats for old place...", true); mergePlace.UpdateTotalComments(null); mergePlace.UpdateTotalEvents(null); Cambro.Web.Helpers.WriteAlert("Done updating stats for old place..."); } Cambro.Web.Helpers.WriteAlert("Updating stats for new venue...", true); this.UpdateTotalComments(null); this.UpdateTotalEvents(null); Cambro.Web.Helpers.WriteAlert("Done updating stats for new venue..."); this.Update(); Cambro.Web.Helpers.WriteAlert("Done merging venues!", true); }
public static VenueSet SimilarVenuesStatic(string name, Place place, int excludeVenueK, string postCode) { //split name into words and get all > 3 chars... ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); ArrayList commonWords = new ArrayList(Q.CommonWords); commonWords.Add("bar"); commonWords.Add("club"); string[] words = name.Split(' '); int wordsCount = 0; foreach (string word in words) { if (!commonWords.Contains(word.ToLower()) && word.Length>1) { al.Add(new Q(Columns.Name,QueryOperator.TextContains,word)); wordsCount++; } } Q wordsOr = new Q(true); if (wordsCount>0) wordsOr = new Or((Q[])al.ToArray(typeof(Q))); else wordsOr = new Q(false); //10 nearest places also Query qPlaces = new Query(); qPlaces.TopRecords=10; qPlaces.OrderBy=place.NearestPlacesOrderBy; PlaceSet ps = new PlaceSet(qPlaces); ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(); foreach (Place p in ps) { al1.Add(new Q(Columns.PlaceK,p.K)); } Or placesOr = new Or((Q[])al1.ToArray(typeof(Q))); Q thisVenue = new Q(true); if (excludeVenueK>0) thisVenue = new Q(Columns.K,QueryOperator.NotEqualTo,excludeVenueK); Q postCodeQ = null; if (postCode.Length>0) postCodeQ = new Q(Columns.Postcode,postCode); else postCodeQ = new Q(false); Query qSimilar = new Query(); qSimilar.QueryCondition = new And(new Or(new And(wordsOr, placesOr), postCodeQ), thisVenue); VenueSet vsSimilar = new VenueSet(qSimilar); return vsSimilar; }
void Save(bool RedirectToPic) { if (IsEdit) { string newName = Cambro.Web.Helpers.Strip(NameTextBox.Text); bool changedName = !CurrentGroup.Name.Equals(newName); CurrentGroup.Name = newName; CurrentGroup.Description = Cambro.Web.Helpers.Strip(DescriptionTextBox.Text); CurrentGroup.PostingRules = Cambro.Web.Helpers.Strip(RulesTextBox.Text); CurrentGroup.LongDescriptionHtml = IntroHtml.GetHtml(); bool newPrivateChat; if (GroupPagePrivate.Checked) { CurrentGroup.PrivateGroupPage = true; CurrentGroup.PrivateMemberList = true; newPrivateChat = true; } else { CurrentGroup.PrivateGroupPage = false; CurrentGroup.PrivateMemberList = MembersListPrivate.Checked; newPrivateChat = ChatForumPrivate.Checked; } bool changedPrivateChat = newPrivateChat != CurrentGroup.PrivateChat; CurrentGroup.PrivateChat = newPrivateChat; if (MembershipMember.Checked) CurrentGroup.Restriction = Group.RestrictionEnum.Member; else if (MembershipModerator.Checked) CurrentGroup.Restriction = Group.RestrictionEnum.Moderator; else CurrentGroup.Restriction = Group.RestrictionEnum.None; int newTheme; if (ThemesRadioButtonList.SelectedValue.Equals("18")) newTheme = 0; else { Theme t = new Theme(int.Parse(ThemesRadioButtonList.SelectedValue)); newTheme = t.K; } bool changedTheme = newTheme != CurrentGroup.ThemeK; CurrentGroup.ThemeK = newTheme; int newCountry; int oldCountry = CurrentGroup.CountryK; if (LocationTypeCountry.Checked || LocationTypePlace.Checked) { Country c = new Country(int.Parse(LocationCountryDropDown.SelectedValue)); if (!c.Enabled) throw new Exception("invalid country!"); newCountry = c.K; } else { newCountry = 0; } bool changedCountry = CurrentGroup.CountryK != newCountry; CurrentGroup.CountryK = newCountry; int newPlace; int oldPlace = CurrentGroup.PlaceK; if (LocationTypePlace.Checked) { Place p = new Place(int.Parse(LocationPlaceDropDown.SelectedValue)); if (!p.Enabled || p.CountryK != CurrentGroup.CountryK) throw new Exception("invalid place!"); newPlace = p.K; } else { newPlace = 0; } bool changedPlace = CurrentGroup.PlaceK != newPlace; CurrentGroup.PlaceK = newPlace; int newMusicType; if (CurrentGroup.ThemeK == 1 || CurrentGroup.ThemeK == 2) { if (!MusicTypesRadioButtonList.SelectedValue.Equals("0")) { MusicType mt = new MusicType(int.Parse(MusicTypesRadioButtonList.SelectedValue)); if (!(mt.ParentK == 0 || mt.ParentK == 1)) throw new Exception("Invalid music type"); newMusicType = mt.K; } else { newMusicType = 0; } } else { newMusicType = 0; } bool changedMusic = CurrentGroup.MusicTypeK != newMusicType; CurrentGroup.MusicTypeK = newMusicType; if (changedName) CurrentGroup.CreateUniqueUrlName(false); Transaction transaction = null;//new Transaction(); try { if (changedPrivateChat) { Update update = new Update(); update.Table = TablesEnum.Thread; update.Changes.Add(new Assign(Thread.Columns.PrivateGroup, CurrentGroup.PrivateChat)); update.Where = new Q(Thread.Columns.GroupK, CurrentGroup.K); update.Run(transaction); } if (changedTheme) { Update update = new Update(); update.Table = TablesEnum.Thread; update.Changes.Add(new Assign(Thread.Columns.ThemeK, CurrentGroup.ThemeK)); update.Where = new Q(Thread.Columns.GroupK, CurrentGroup.K); update.Run(transaction); } if (changedCountry) { Update update = new Update(); update.Table = TablesEnum.Thread; update.Changes.Add(new Assign(Thread.Columns.CountryK, CurrentGroup.CountryK)); update.Where = new And(new Q(Thread.Columns.ParentObjectType, Model.Entities.ObjectType.Group), new Q(Thread.Columns.ParentObjectK, CurrentGroup.K)); update.Run(transaction); } if (changedPlace) { Update update = new Update(); update.Table = TablesEnum.Thread; update.Changes.Add(new Assign(Thread.Columns.PlaceK, CurrentGroup.PlaceK)); update.Where = new And(new Q(Thread.Columns.ParentObjectType, Model.Entities.ObjectType.Group), new Q(Thread.Columns.ParentObjectK, CurrentGroup.K)); update.Run(transaction); if (oldPlace > 0) { Place oldP = new Place(oldPlace); oldP.UpdateTotalComments(null); } if (newPlace > 0) { Place newP = new Place(newPlace); newP.UpdateTotalComments(null); } } if (changedMusic) { Update update = new Update(); update.Table = TablesEnum.Thread; update.Changes.Add(new Assign(Thread.Columns.MusicTypeK, CurrentGroup.MusicTypeK)); update.Where = new Q(Thread.Columns.GroupK, CurrentGroup.K); update.Run(transaction); } if (changedName) { Utilities.UpdateChildUrlFragmentsJob job = new Utilities.UpdateChildUrlFragmentsJob(Model.Entities.ObjectType.Group, CurrentGroup.K, true); job.ExecuteAsynchronously(); } CurrentGroup.Update(transaction); //transaction.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { //transaction.Rollback(); throw ex; } finally { //transaction.Close(); } if (RedirectToPic) { if (ContainerPage.Url["promoterk"].IsInt) Response.Redirect(CurrentGroup.UrlApp("edit", "pic", "", "promoterk", ContainerPage.Url["promoterk"])); else Response.Redirect(CurrentGroup.UrlApp("edit", "pic", "")); } else { RedirectSaved(); } } else { GroupSet gsDup = new GroupSet(new Query(new Q(Group.Columns.DuplicateGuid, (Guid)ContainerPage.ViewStatePublic["GroupDuplicateGuid"]))); if (gsDup.Count != 0) { Response.Redirect(gsDup[0].UrlApp("edit", "pic", "")); } else { Group g = new Group(); g.Name = Cambro.Web.Helpers.Strip(NameTextBox.Text); g.Description = Cambro.Web.Helpers.Strip(DescriptionTextBox.Text); g.LongDescriptionHtml = IntroHtml.GetHtml(); g.PostingRules = Cambro.Web.Helpers.Strip(RulesTextBox.Text, true, true, false, true); g.DateTimeCreated = DateTime.Now; g.PrivateGroupPage = GroupPagePrivate.Checked; if (GroupPagePrivate.Checked) { g.PrivateMemberList = true; g.PrivateChat = true; } else { g.PrivateMemberList = MembersListPrivate.Checked; g.PrivateChat = ChatForumPrivate.Checked; } if (MembershipMember.Checked) g.Restriction = Group.RestrictionEnum.Member; else if (MembershipModerator.Checked) g.Restriction = Group.RestrictionEnum.Moderator; else g.Restriction = Group.RestrictionEnum.None; if (ThemesRadioButtonList.SelectedValue.Equals("18")) g.ThemeK = 0; else { Theme t = new Theme(int.Parse(ThemesRadioButtonList.SelectedValue)); g.ThemeK = t.K; } if (LocationTypeCountry.Checked || LocationTypePlace.Checked) { Country c = new Country(int.Parse(LocationCountryDropDown.SelectedValue)); if (!c.Enabled) throw new Exception("invalid country!"); g.CountryK = c.K; } if (LocationTypePlace.Checked) { Place p = new Place(int.Parse(LocationPlaceDropDown.SelectedValue)); if (!p.Enabled || p.CountryK != g.CountryK) throw new Exception("invalid place!"); g.PlaceK = p.K; } if (g.ThemeK == 1 || g.ThemeK == 2) { if (!MusicTypesRadioButtonList.SelectedValue.Equals("0")) { MusicType mt = new MusicType(int.Parse(MusicTypesRadioButtonList.SelectedValue)); if (!(mt.ParentK == 0 || mt.ParentK == 1)) throw new Exception("Invalid music type"); g.MusicTypeK = mt.K; } } g.CreateUniqueUrlName(false); g.DuplicateGuid = (Guid)ContainerPage.ViewStatePublic["GroupDuplicateGuid"]; g.EmailOnAllThreads = false; g.Update(); g.ChangeUsr(false, Usr.Current.K, true, true, true, true, Bobs.GroupUsr.StatusEnum.Member, DateTime.Now, true); Response.Redirect(g.UrlApp("edit", "pic", "")); } } }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (this.Visible) { if (Personalise) Usr.KickUserIfNotLoggedIn("You must be logged in to use the My Calendar or Buddy Calendar pages."); if (BuddyDisplay) selectTab(BuddyCalendarTab); else if (Personalise) selectTab(MyCalendarTab); //else //CalendarTab.Visible=true; HotTicketsIntroPanel.Visible = HotTickets; NotHotTicketsIntroPanel.Visible = !HotTickets; if (Personalise && !BuddyDisplay) { if (Usr.Current.MusicTypesFavouriteCount == 0) Response.Redirect("/pages/mymusic"); if (Usr.Current.PlacesVisitCount == 0) Response.Redirect("/pages/placesivisit"); } MusicTypeDropDownPanel.Visible = !Personalise && !(eventsForDisplay.FilterByVenue || eventsForDisplay.FilterByBrand || eventsForDisplay.FilterByGroup); MusicFilterLabel1.Visible = MusicTypeDropDownPanel.Visible; MusicFilterLabel2.Visible = MusicTypeDropDownPanel.Visible; if (eventsForDisplay.FilterByVenue || eventsForDisplay.FilterByBrand || eventsForDisplay.FilterByGroup) eventsForDisplay.IgnoreMusicType = true; #region //Set up intro panel if (HotTickets) { TopIcon.Src = "/gfx/icon-hottickets.png"; EventFinderTab.InnerText = "Hot tickets"; HotTicketsIntroPanelWorldwideP.Visible = eventsForDisplay.FilterWorldwide; HotTicketsIntroPanelBrandP.Visible = eventsForDisplay.FilterByBrand; HotTicketsIntroPanelNonBrandP.Visible = eventsForDisplay.FilterByVenue || eventsForDisplay.FilterByPlace || eventsForDisplay.FilterByCountry || eventsForDisplay.FilterByGroup; if (eventsForDisplay.FilterWorldwide) { HotTicketsIntroPanelWorldwideHomeCountryLink.InnerText = HotTicketsIntroPanelWorldwideHomeCountryLink.InnerText.Replace("???", Country.Current.FriendlyName); HotTicketsIntroPanelWorldwideHomeCountryLink.HRef = Country.Current.UrlApp("hottickets"); } } else { AllEventsIntroPanel.Visible = eventsForDisplay.FilterWorldwide; ObjectCalendarIntroPanel.Visible = eventsForDisplay.FilterByVenue || eventsForDisplay.FilterByPlace || eventsForDisplay.FilterByCountry || eventsForDisplay.FilterByBrand || eventsForDisplay.FilterByGroup; MyCalendarIntroPanel.Visible = Personalise && !Tickets && !BuddyDisplay; BuddyCalendarIntroPanel.Visible = BuddyDisplay; TicketsCalendarIntroPanel.Visible = Personalise && Tickets; if (Tickets) TopIcon.Src = "/gfx/icon-tickets.png"; else if (FreeGuestlist) TopIcon.Src = "/gfx/icon-freeguestlist.png"; if (Tickets) EventFinderTab.InnerText = "Tickets"; else if (FreeGuestlist) EventFinderTab.InnerText = "Free Guestlist"; if (Tickets) { AllEventsIntroPanelEventsLabel1.Text = "events with tickets available"; AllEventsIntroPanelEventsLabel2.Text = "events with tickets available"; AllEventsIntroPanelEventsLabel3.Text = "events with tickets available"; } else if (FreeGuestlist) { AllEventsIntroPanelEventsLabel1.Text = "Free Guestlist events"; AllEventsIntroPanelEventsLabel2.Text = "Free Guestlist events"; AllEventsIntroPanelEventsLabel3.Text = "Free Guestlist events"; } else { AllEventsIntroPanelEventsLabel1.Text = "events"; AllEventsIntroPanelEventsLabel2.Text = "events"; AllEventsIntroPanelEventsLabel3.Text = "events"; } AllEventsIntroPanelHomeCountryLink.InnerText = AllEventsIntroPanelHomeCountryLink.InnerText.Replace("???", Country.Current.FriendlyName); if (DateTime.Now.Month == Month && DateTime.Now.Year == Year && Day == 0) AllEventsIntroPanelHomeCountryLink.HRef = Country.Current.UrlCalendar(Tickets, FreeGuestlist); else AllEventsIntroPanelHomeCountryLink.HRef = Country.Current.UrlCalendarDay(Tickets, FreeGuestlist, Year, Month, Day); } #endregion string dateFilterString = ""; if (HotTickets) { MonthViewPanel.Visible = false; DayViewPanel.Visible = false; HotTicketsEventListPanel.Visible = true; EventSet es = eventsForDisplay.GetTopHotTicketEvents(); HotTicketsEventListNoEventsP.Visible = es.Count == 0; HotTicketsEventListEventsDiv.Visible = es.Count > 0; if (es.Count > 0) { HotTicketsEventList.DataSource = es; HotTicketsEventList.ItemTemplate = this.LoadTemplate("/Templates/Events/EventList0.ascx"); HotTicketsEventList.DataBind(); } } else if (Day == 0) { MonthViewPanel.Visible = true; DayViewPanel.Visible = false; HotTicketsEventListPanel.Visible = false; #region firstCellDate, lastCellDate DateTime firstOfMonth = new DateTime(Year, Month, 1); DateTime firstCellDate = firstOfMonth.Previous(DayOfWeek.Monday, true); DateTime lastOfMonth = firstOfMonth.AddDays(DateTime.DaysInMonth(Year, Month) - 1); DateTime lastCellDate = lastOfMonth.Next(DayOfWeek.Sunday, true); #endregion dateFilterString = firstOfMonth.ToString("MMMM yyyy"); #region get event set EventSet es = eventsForDisplay.GetEventsBetweenDates(firstCellDate, lastCellDate); #endregion #region bind to calendar CustomControls.DsiCalendar uiCal = this.BuddyDisplay ? new CustomControls.BuddyCalendar() : new CustomControls.DsiCalendar(); uiCalPlaceHolder.Controls.Add(uiCal); uiCal.ShowCountryFriendlyName = !(eventsForDisplay.FilterByCountry || eventsForDisplay.FilterByPlace || eventsForDisplay.FilterByVenue); uiCal.ShowPlace = !(eventsForDisplay.FilterByPlace || eventsForDisplay.FilterByVenue); uiCal.ShowVenue = !eventsForDisplay.FilterByVenue; uiCal.Tickets = Tickets; uiCal.Month = Month; uiCal.AllEvents = es; uiCal.StartDate = firstCellDate; uiCal.EndDate = lastCellDate; #endregion #region set up next / prev month links string nextMonthUrl = ChangeMonthUrl(lastOfMonth.AddDays(1).Month, lastOfMonth.AddDays(1).Year); string prevMonthUrl = ChangeMonthUrl(firstOfMonth.AddDays(-1).Month, firstOfMonth.AddDays(-1).Year); #region set up links uiCal.NextMonthUrl = nextMonthUrl; uiCal.PrevMonthUrl = prevMonthUrl; MonthNameLabel.Text = firstOfMonth.ToString("MMMM") + " " + Year.ToString(); MonthNameLabel1.Text = firstOfMonth.ToString("MMMM") + " " + Year.ToString(); BackLink.InnerHtml = "< " + firstOfMonth.AddDays(-1).ToString("MMMM"); BackLink1.InnerHtml = "< " + firstOfMonth.AddDays(-1).ToString("MMMM"); BackLink.HRef = prevMonthUrl; BackLink1.HRef = prevMonthUrl; NextLink.InnerHtml = lastOfMonth.AddDays(1).ToString("MMMM") + " >"; NextLink1.InnerHtml = lastOfMonth.AddDays(1).ToString("MMMM") + " >"; NextLink.HRef = nextMonthUrl; NextLink1.HRef = nextMonthUrl; #endregion if (uiCal.AllEvents.Count == 0) { Event latestPastEvent = eventsForDisplay.GetLatestPastEvent(firstOfMonth); if (latestPastEvent == null) { #region disable the back link if we have no past events BackLink.HRef = ""; BackLink1.HRef = ""; BackLink.Disabled = true; BackLink1.Disabled = true; #endregion } else { #region set up the back link with the month of the latest past event BackLink.HRef = ChangeMonthUrl(latestPastEvent.DateTime.Month, latestPastEvent.DateTime.Year); BackLink1.HRef = ChangeMonthUrl(latestPastEvent.DateTime.Month, latestPastEvent.DateTime.Year); BackLink.InnerHtml = "< " + latestPastEvent.DateTime.ToString("MMMM"); BackLink1.InnerHtml = "< " + latestPastEvent.DateTime.ToString("MMMM"); if (latestPastEvent.DateTime.Year != Year) { BackLink.InnerHtml = "< " + latestPastEvent.DateTime.ToString("MMMM") + " " + latestPastEvent.DateTime.Year.ToString(); BackLink1.InnerHtml = "< " + latestPastEvent.DateTime.ToString("MMMM") + " " + latestPastEvent.DateTime.Year.ToString(); } #endregion } Event nextFutureEvent = eventsForDisplay.GetNextFutureEvent(lastOfMonth); if (nextFutureEvent == null) { #region disable the forward link if we have no future events NextLink.HRef = ""; NextLink1.HRef = ""; NextLink.Disabled = true; NextLink1.Disabled = true; #endregion } else { #region set up the back link with the month of the first future event NextLink.HRef = ChangeMonthUrl(nextFutureEvent.DateTime.Month, nextFutureEvent.DateTime.Year); NextLink1.HRef = ChangeMonthUrl(nextFutureEvent.DateTime.Month, nextFutureEvent.DateTime.Year); NextLink.InnerHtml = nextFutureEvent.DateTime.ToString("MMMM") + " >"; NextLink1.InnerHtml = nextFutureEvent.DateTime.ToString("MMMM") + " >"; if (nextFutureEvent.DateTime.Year != Year) { NextLink.InnerHtml = nextFutureEvent.DateTime.ToString("MMMM") + " " + nextFutureEvent.DateTime.Year.ToString() + " >"; NextLink1.InnerHtml = nextFutureEvent.DateTime.ToString("MMMM") + " " + nextFutureEvent.DateTime.Year.ToString() + " >"; } #endregion } #region ensure links are fully disabled if (BackLink.Disabled) BackLink.Attributes["class"] = "DisabledAnchor"; if (BackLink1.Disabled) BackLink1.Attributes["class"] = "DisabledAnchor"; if (NextLink.Disabled) NextLink.Attributes["class"] = "DisabledAnchor"; if (NextLink1.Disabled) NextLink1.Attributes["class"] = "DisabledAnchor"; #endregion } #endregion } else { MonthViewPanel.Visible = false; DayViewPanel.Visible = true; HotTicketsEventListPanel.Visible = false; DateTime day = new DateTime(Year, Month, Day); dateFilterString = day.ToString("dddd dd MMMM yyyy"); #region get event set EventSet es = eventsForDisplay.GetEventsForDay(day); #endregion DayViewNoEventsP.Visible = es.Count == 0; DayViewEventsDiv.Visible = es.Count > 0; if (es.Count > 0) { DayViewDataList.DataSource = es; if (es.Count < 20) DayViewDataList.ItemTemplate = this.LoadTemplate("/Templates/Events/EventList0.ascx"); else if (es.Count < 50) DayViewDataList.ItemTemplate = this.LoadTemplate("/Templates/Events/EventList1.ascx"); else DayViewDataList.ItemTemplate = this.LoadTemplate("/Templates/Events/EventList2.ascx"); //DayViewDataList.ItemTemplate = this.LoadTemplate("/Templates/Events/EventList2.ascx"); DayViewDataList.DataBind(); } #region set up next / prev day links DayMonthLink.InnerText = "Show calendar for " + day.ToString("MMMM yyyy"); DayMonthLink1.InnerText = "Show calendar for " + day.ToString("MMMM yyyy"); DayMonthLink.HRef = ChangeMonthUrl(day.Month, day.Year); DayMonthLink1.HRef = ChangeMonthUrl(day.Month, day.Year); string nextDayUrl = ChangeDayUrl(day.AddDays(1).Month, day.AddDays(1).Year, day.AddDays(1).Day); string prevDayUrl = ChangeDayUrl(day.AddDays(-1).Month, day.AddDays(-1).Year, day.AddDays(-1).Day); #region set up links DayNameLabel.Text = dateFilterString; DayNameLabel1.Text = dateFilterString; DayBackLink.InnerHtml = "< " + day.AddDays(-1).ToString("dddd dd"); DayBackLink1.InnerHtml = "< " + day.AddDays(-1).ToString("dddd dd"); DayBackLink.HRef = prevDayUrl; DayBackLink1.HRef = prevDayUrl; DayNextLink.InnerHtml = day.AddDays(1).ToString("dddd dd") + " >"; DayNextLink1.InnerHtml = day.AddDays(1).ToString("dddd dd") + " >"; DayNextLink.HRef = nextDayUrl; DayNextLink1.HRef = nextDayUrl; #endregion if (es.Count == 0) { Event latestPastEvent = eventsForDisplay.GetLatestPastEvent(day); if (latestPastEvent == null) { #region disable the back link if we have no past events DayBackLink.HRef = ""; DayBackLink1.HRef = ""; DayBackLink.Disabled = true; DayBackLink1.Disabled = true; #endregion } else { #region set up the back link with the month of the latest past event DayBackLink.HRef = ChangeDayUrl(latestPastEvent.DateTime.Month, latestPastEvent.DateTime.Year, latestPastEvent.DateTime.Day); DayBackLink1.HRef = ChangeDayUrl(latestPastEvent.DateTime.Month, latestPastEvent.DateTime.Year, latestPastEvent.DateTime.Day); if (latestPastEvent.DateTime.Year != Year) { DayBackLink.InnerHtml = "< " + latestPastEvent.DateTime.ToString("dddd dd MMMM yyyy"); DayBackLink1.InnerHtml = "< " + latestPastEvent.DateTime.ToString("dddd dd MMMM yyyy"); } else if (latestPastEvent.DateTime.Month != Month) { DayBackLink.InnerHtml = "< " + latestPastEvent.DateTime.ToString("dddd dd MMMM"); DayBackLink1.InnerHtml = "< " + latestPastEvent.DateTime.ToString("dddd dd MMMM"); } else { DayBackLink.InnerHtml = "< " + latestPastEvent.DateTime.ToString("dddd dd"); DayBackLink1.InnerHtml = "< " + latestPastEvent.DateTime.ToString("dddd dd"); } #endregion } Event nextFutureEvent = eventsForDisplay.GetNextFutureEvent(day); if (nextFutureEvent == null) { #region disable the forward link if we have no future events DayNextLink.HRef = ""; DayNextLink1.HRef = ""; DayNextLink.Disabled = true; DayNextLink1.Disabled = true; #endregion } else { #region set up the back link with the month of the first future event DayNextLink.HRef = ChangeDayUrl(nextFutureEvent.DateTime.Month, nextFutureEvent.DateTime.Year, nextFutureEvent.DateTime.Day); DayNextLink1.HRef = ChangeDayUrl(nextFutureEvent.DateTime.Month, nextFutureEvent.DateTime.Year, nextFutureEvent.DateTime.Day); if (nextFutureEvent.DateTime.Year != Year) { DayNextLink.InnerHtml = nextFutureEvent.DateTime.ToString("dddd dd MMMM yyyy") + " >"; DayNextLink1.InnerHtml = nextFutureEvent.DateTime.ToString("dddd dd MMMM yyyy") + " >"; } if (nextFutureEvent.DateTime.Month != Month) { DayNextLink.InnerHtml = nextFutureEvent.DateTime.ToString("dddd dd MMMM") + " >"; DayNextLink1.InnerHtml = nextFutureEvent.DateTime.ToString("dddd dd MMMM") + " >"; } else { DayNextLink.InnerHtml = nextFutureEvent.DateTime.ToString("dddd dd") + " >"; DayNextLink1.InnerHtml = nextFutureEvent.DateTime.ToString("dddd dd") + " >"; } #endregion } #region ensure links are fully disabled if (DayBackLink.Disabled) DayBackLink.Attributes["class"] = "DisabledAnchor"; if (DayBackLink1.Disabled) DayBackLink1.Attributes["class"] = "DisabledAnchor"; if (DayNextLink.Disabled) DayNextLink.Attributes["class"] = "DisabledAnchor"; if (DayNextLink1.Disabled) DayNextLink1.Attributes["class"] = "DisabledAnchor"; #endregion } #endregion } #region Set up intro text and page title if (HotTickets) { if (eventsForDisplay.FilterByBrand) { Brand b = new Brand(BrandK); HotTicketsIntroPanelBrandLink.HRef = b.Url(); HotTicketsIntroPanelBrandLink.InnerText = b.Name; ((Spotted.Master.DsiPage)this.Page).SetPageTitle("Hot tickets for " + b.FriendlyName + " events", b.FriendlyName); HotTicketsIntroPanelTicketsCalendarLink.HRef = b.UrlCalendar(true, false); } else if (eventsForDisplay.FilterByGroup) { Group g = new Group(GroupK); HotTicketsIntroPanelNonBrandInAtLabel.Text = "recommended by"; HotTicketsIntroPanelNonBrandObjectLink.HRef = g.Url(); HotTicketsIntroPanelNonBrandObjectLink.InnerText = g.FriendlyName; ((Spotted.Master.DsiPage)this.Page).SetPageTitle("Hot tickets recommended by " + g.FriendlyName, g.FriendlyName); HotTicketsIntroPanelTicketsCalendarLink.HRef = g.UrlCalendar(true, false); } else if (eventsForDisplay.FilterByVenue) { HotTicketsIntroPanelNonBrandInAtLabel.Text = "at"; Venue v = new Venue(VenueK); HotTicketsIntroPanelNonBrandObjectLink.InnerText = v.FriendlyName; HotTicketsIntroPanelNonBrandObjectLink.HRef = v.Url(); ((Spotted.Master.DsiPage)this.Page).SetPageTitle("Hot tickets for events at " + v.FriendlyName, v.Name); HotTicketsIntroPanelTicketsCalendarLink.HRef = v.UrlCalendar(true, false); } else if (eventsForDisplay.FilterByPlace) { HotTicketsIntroPanelNonBrandInAtLabel.Text = "in"; Place p = new Place(PlaceK); HotTicketsIntroPanelNonBrandObjectLink.InnerText = p.FriendlyName; HotTicketsIntroPanelNonBrandObjectLink.HRef = p.Url(); ((Spotted.Master.DsiPage)this.Page).SetPageTitle("Hot tickets for events in " + p.FriendlyName, p.Name); HotTicketsIntroPanelTicketsCalendarLink.HRef = p.UrlCalendar(true, false); } else if (eventsForDisplay.FilterByCountry) { HotTicketsIntroPanelNonBrandInAtLabel.Text = "in"; HotTicketsIntroPanelNonBrandObjectLink.InnerText = FilterCountry.FriendlyName; HotTicketsIntroPanelNonBrandObjectLink.HRef = FilterCountry.Url(); ((Spotted.Master.DsiPage)this.Page).SetPageTitle("Hot tickets for events in " + FilterCountry.FriendlyName, FilterCountry.Name); HotTicketsIntroPanelTicketsCalendarLink.HRef = FilterCountry.UrlCalendar(true, false); } else if (eventsForDisplay.FilterWorldwide) { ((Spotted.Master.DsiPage)this.Page).SetPageTitle("Hot tickets worldwide"); HotTicketsIntroPanelTicketsCalendarLink.HRef = Calendar.UrlCalendar(true, false); } } else { ObjectCalendarIntroBrand.Visible = eventsForDisplay.FilterByBrand; ObjectCalendarIntroNonBrand.Visible = !eventsForDisplay.FilterByBrand; if (eventsForDisplay.FilterByBrand) { Brand b = new Brand(BrandK); ObjectCalendarIntroBrandAnchor.HRef = b.Url(); ObjectCalendarIntroBrandAnchor.InnerText = b.Name; ((Spotted.Master.DsiPage)this.Page).SetPageTitle(b.FriendlyName + (FreeGuestlist ? " Free Guestlist" : "") + " calendar for " + dateFilterString, b.FriendlyName); } else if (eventsForDisplay.FilterByGroup) { Group g = new Group(GroupK); ObjectCalendarIntroInAtLabel.Text = "recommended by"; ObjectCalendarIntroObjectLink.HRef = g.Url(); ObjectCalendarIntroObjectLink.InnerText = g.FriendlyName; ((Spotted.Master.DsiPage)this.Page).SetPageTitle(g.FriendlyName + (FreeGuestlist ? " Free Guestlist" : "") + " calendar for " + dateFilterString, g.FriendlyName); } else if (eventsForDisplay.FilterByVenue) { ObjectCalendarIntroInAtLabel.Text = "at"; Venue v = new Venue(VenueK); ObjectCalendarIntroObjectLink.InnerText = v.FriendlyName; ObjectCalendarIntroObjectLink.HRef = v.Url(); ((Spotted.Master.DsiPage)this.Page).SetPageTitle(v.FriendlyName + (FreeGuestlist ? " Free Guestlist" : "") + " events calendar for " + dateFilterString, v.Name); } else if (eventsForDisplay.FilterByPlace) { ObjectCalendarIntroInAtLabel.Text = "in"; Place p = new Place(PlaceK); ObjectCalendarIntroObjectLink.InnerText = p.FriendlyName; ObjectCalendarIntroObjectLink.HRef = p.Url(); ((Spotted.Master.DsiPage)this.Page).SetPageTitle(p.FriendlyName + (FreeGuestlist ? " Free Guestlist" : "") + " events calendar for " + dateFilterString, p.Name); } else if (eventsForDisplay.FilterByCountry) { ObjectCalendarIntroInAtLabel.Text = "in"; ObjectCalendarIntroObjectLink.InnerText = FilterCountry.FriendlyName; ObjectCalendarIntroObjectLink.HRef = FilterCountry.Url(); ((Spotted.Master.DsiPage)this.Page).SetPageTitle((FreeGuestlist ? "Free Guestlist calendar" : " Calendar") + " for " + FilterCountry.FriendlyName + ", " + dateFilterString, FilterCountry.Name); } else if (eventsForDisplay.FilterWorldwide) { ((Spotted.Master.DsiPage)this.Page).SetPageTitle((FreeGuestlist ? "Free Guestlist calendar" : " Calendar") + " for " + dateFilterString); } if (Personalise && !BuddyDisplay) ((Spotted.Master.DsiPage)this.Page).SetPageTitle("My calendar"); else if (BuddyDisplay) ((Spotted.Master.DsiPage)this.Page).SetPageTitle("Buddy calendar"); } #endregion } }
void UpdateAncestors(Place p) { this.PlaceK = p.K; UpdateAncestors(p.Country); }
public void ForumInfo_Load(object o, System.EventArgs e) { if (!CurrentForumCheck) return; PanelThreadDescTypeNone.Visible = ThreadParentType.Equals(Model.Entities.ObjectType.None); PanelThreadDescTypeEvent.Visible = ThreadParentType.Equals(Model.Entities.ObjectType.Event); PanelThreadDescTypeVenue.Visible = ThreadParentType.Equals(Model.Entities.ObjectType.Venue); PanelThreadDescTypePlace.Visible = ThreadParentType.Equals(Model.Entities.ObjectType.Place); PanelThreadDescTypeCountry.Visible = ThreadParentType.Equals(Model.Entities.ObjectType.Country); PanelThreadDescTypeArticle.Visible = ThreadParentType.Equals(Model.Entities.ObjectType.Article); PanelThreadDescTypeBrand.Visible = ThreadParentType.Equals(Model.Entities.ObjectType.Brand); PanelThreadDescTypeGroup.Visible = ThreadParentType.Equals(Model.Entities.ObjectType.Group); PanelThreadDescRelatedPanel.Visible = false; PanelThreadDescGroupBrandPanel.Visible = false; PanelThreadDescBrandPanel.Visible = false; FavouriteGroupPanel.Visible = (ThreadParentType.Equals(Model.Entities.ObjectType.Group) && CurrentGroupUsr != null && CurrentGroupUsr.IsMember); SetPageTitle("General discussions"); if (ThreadParentType.Equals(Model.Entities.ObjectType.None)) { ThreadDescWorldwideHomeCountryLink.InnerText = ThreadDescWorldwideHomeCountryLink.InnerText.Replace("???", Country.Current.FriendlyName); ThreadDescWorldwideHomeCountryLink.HRef = Country.Current.UrlDiscussion(); } if (ThreadParentType.Equals(Model.Entities.ObjectType.Event)) { Event ev = new Event(ObjectK); ThreadDescEventEventLink.InnerText = ev.Name; ThreadDescEventEventLink.HRef = ev.Url(); ThreadDescEventVenueLink.InnerText = ev.Venue.Name; ThreadDescEventVenueLink.HRef = ev.Venue.Url(); ThreadDescEventPlaceLink.InnerText = ev.Venue.Place.Name; ThreadDescEventPlaceLink.HRef = ev.Venue.Place.Url(); ThreadDescEventDateLabel.Text = ev.FriendlyDate(false); PanelThreadDescRelatedPanel.Visible = ev.Brands.Count > 0; string brandsHtml = ""; for (int i = 0; i < ev.Brands.Count; i++) { brandsHtml += (i == 0 ? "" : (i == (ev.Brands.Count - 1) ? " or " : ", ")) + "the <b><a href=\"" + ev.Brands[i].UrlDiscussion() + "\">" + ev.Brands[i].Name + " forum</a></b>"; } PanelThreadDescRelatedPh.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(brandsHtml)); SetPageTitle(ev.Name + " discussions"); } if (ThreadParentType.Equals(Model.Entities.ObjectType.Venue)) { Venue v = new Venue(ObjectK); ThreadDescVenueVenueLink.InnerText = v.Name; ThreadDescVenueVenueLink.HRef = v.Url(); ThreadDescVenuePlaceLink.InnerText = v.Place.Name; ThreadDescVenuePlaceLink.HRef = v.Place.Url(); SetPageTitle(v.Name + " discussions"); } if (ThreadParentType.Equals(Model.Entities.ObjectType.Place)) { Place t = new Place(ObjectK); ThreadDescPlacePlaceLink.InnerText = t.Name; ThreadDescPlacePlaceLink.HRef = t.Url(); SetPageTitle(t.Name + " discussions"); } if (ThreadParentType.Equals(Model.Entities.ObjectType.Country)) { Country c = new Country(ObjectK); ThreadDescCountryLabel.Text = c.FriendlyName; ThreadDescCountryLink.HRef = c.Url(); SetPageTitle(c.FriendlyName + " discussions"); } if (ThreadParentType.Equals(Model.Entities.ObjectType.Article)) { Article a = new Article(ObjectK); ThreadDescArticleArticleLink.InnerText = a.Title; ThreadDescArticleArticleLink.HRef = a.Url(); SetPageTitle(a.Title + " discussions"); } if (ThreadParentType.Equals(Model.Entities.ObjectType.Brand)) { Brand b = new Brand(ObjectK); ThreadDescBrandBrandLink.InnerText = b.Name; ThreadDescBrandBrandLink.HRef = b.Url(); SetPageTitle(b.Name + " discussions"); if (b.Group.TotalComments > 0) { PanelThreadDescBrandPanel.Visible = true; PanelThreadDescBrandGroupChatAnchor.InnerText = b.Group.FriendlyName + " group chat"; PanelThreadDescBrandGroupChatAnchor.HRef = b.Group.UrlDiscussion(); PanelThreadDescBrandGroupChatCommentsLabel.Text = b.Group.TotalComments.ToString("#,##0") + " comment" + (b.Group.TotalComments == 1 ? "" : "s"); } } if (ThreadParentType.Equals(Model.Entities.ObjectType.Group)) { ThreadDescGroupGroupLink.InnerText = CurrentGroup.FriendlyName + " group"; ThreadDescGroupGroupLink.HRef = CurrentGroup.Url(); SetPageTitle(CurrentGroup.FriendlyName + " discussions"); if (CurrentGroup.BrandK > 0) { PanelThreadDescGroupBrandPanel.Visible = true; PanelThreadDescGroupBrandAnchor.HRef = CurrentGroup.Brand.UrlDiscussion(); PanelThreadDescGroupBrandAnchor.InnerText = CurrentGroup.Brand.Name + " public chat"; PanelThreadDescGroupBrandCommentsLabel.Text = CurrentGroup.Brand.TotalComments.ToString("#,##0") + " comment" + (CurrentGroup.Brand.TotalComments == 1 ? "" : "s"); } } }
public void PrefsUpdateClick(object o, System.EventArgs e) { Page.Validate(); bool sendVerifyEmail = false; if (Page.IsValid) { #region Handle change of email address if (Usr.Current.Email != Email.Text) { //Check for duplicate email addresses in the database Query q = new Query(); q.QueryCondition = new Q(Usr.Columns.Email, Email.Text); q.ReturnCountOnly = true; UsrSet ds = new UsrSet(q); if (ds.Count == 0) { //No duplicate - update email address Usr.Current.AdminNote += "\nThis user changed their email address from " + Usr.Current.Email + " to " + Email.Text + " on " + DateTime.Now.ToString(); Usr.Current.Email = Email.Text; Usr.Current.EmailDateTime = DateTime.Now; if (HttpContext.Current != null) Usr.Current.EmailIp = Utilities.TruncateIp(HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_HOST"]); Usr.Current.IsEmailVerified = false; Usr.Current.IsEmailBroken = false; sendVerifyEmail = true; } else { //Duplicate - display error EmailDuplicateValidator.IsValid = false; } } #endregion #region Handle phone number entry System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex rNumbers = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("[^0123456789]"); string mobileNumber = rNumbers.Replace(MobileNumber.Text.Trim(), ""); string dialingCode = rNumbers.Replace(DialingCodeDropDown.SelectedValue, ""); string dialingCodeOther = rNumbers.Replace(DialingCodeOther.Text.Trim(), ""); string fullMobile = ""; if (mobileNumber.StartsWith("0")) { mobileNumber = mobileNumber.Substring(1); } if (dialingCode.Equals("0")) { dialingCode = dialingCodeOther; } if (mobileNumber.Length > 0) { fullMobile = dialingCode + mobileNumber; } if (MobileNumber.Text != mobileNumber) MobileNumber.Text = mobileNumber; if (DialingCodeDropDown.SelectedValue.Equals("0") && DialingCodeOther.Text != dialingCode) DialingCodeOther.Text = dialingCode; #endregion //Database will only update if all validators are valid if (Page.IsValid) { Usr.Current.FirstName = Cambro.Web.Helpers.StripHtml(FirstName.Text).Trim(); Usr.Current.LastName = Cambro.Web.Helpers.StripHtml(LastName.Text).Trim(); string nick = Usr.GetCompliantNickName(NickName.Text); Usr.Current.NickName = nick; Usr.Current.IsSkeleton = false; if (!Usr.Current.Mobile.Equals(fullMobile)) Usr.Current.AdminNote += "\n\nUsr has changed mobile number from " + Usr.Current.Mobile + " to: " + fullMobile + " on " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + ".\n"; Usr.Current.Mobile = fullMobile; Usr.Current.MobileCountryCode = dialingCode; Usr.Current.MobileNumber = mobileNumber; Usr.Current.IsMale = SexMale.Checked; Usr.Current.IsFemale = SexFemale.Checked; Usr.Current.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(int.Parse(DateOfBirthYear.Text), int.Parse(DateOfBirthMonth.Text), int.Parse(DateOfBirthDay.Text)); Usr.Current.SendSpottedEmails = SendSpottedEmails.Checked; Usr.Current.SendSpottedTexts = SendSpottedTexts.Checked; Usr.Current.SendFlyers = SendFlyers.Checked; Usr.Current.SendInvites = SendInvites.Checked; Usr.Current.LegalTermsUser2 = true; Usr.Current.IsDj = IsDjYes.Checked; #region Update hometown and add UsrPlaceVisit record for this place Place p = new Place(int.Parse(HomeTownDropDownList.SelectedValue)); if (Usr.Current.HomePlaceK != p.K) { Usr.Current.HomePlaceK = p.K; try { UsrPlaceVisit upv = new UsrPlaceVisit(Usr.Current.K, p.K); } catch { UsrPlaceVisit upv = new UsrPlaceVisit(); upv.UsrK = Usr.Current.K; upv.PlaceK = p.K; upv.Update(); } } Usr.Current.UpdatePlacesVisitCount(false); #endregion #region Update favourite music and add UsrMusicTypeFavourite record for this musictype MusicType mt = new MusicType(int.Parse(FavouriteMusicDropDownList.SelectedValue)); if (Usr.Current.FavouriteMusicTypeK != mt.K) { Usr.Current.FavouriteMusicTypeK = mt.K; Prefs.Current["MusicPref"] = mt.K; try { UsrMusicTypeFavourite newMtf = new UsrMusicTypeFavourite(Usr.Current.K, mt.K); } catch { UsrMusicTypeFavourite newMtf = new UsrMusicTypeFavourite(); newMtf.UsrK = Usr.Current.K; newMtf.MusicTypeK = mt.K; newMtf.Update(); } } Usr.Current.UpdateMusicTypesFavouriteCount(false); #endregion if (!Usr.Current.IsSkeletonFromSignup && Password2.Text.Length > 0) { //Remove all saved cards... Usr.Current.DeleteAllSavedCards(); Usr.Current.SetPassword(Password2.Text.Trim(), false); } Usr.Current.Update(); if (Usr.Current.GroupsWhoHavePendingInvitationsForMe.Count > 0) { foreach (GridViewRow gvr in uiAddedByGroupsGridView.Rows) { if (((CheckBox)gvr.FindControl("uiCheckBox")).Checked) { int groupK = (int)uiAddedByGroupsGridView.DataKeys[gvr.RowIndex].Value; try { Group g = new Group(groupK); GroupUsr gu = g.GetGroupUsr(Usr.Current); if (Bobs.Group.AllowJoinRequest(Usr.Current, g, gu)) g.Join(Usr.Current, gu); } catch { } } } } if (Usr.Current.UsrsWhoHavePendingBuddyRequestsForMe.Count > 0) { foreach (GridViewRow gvr in uiAddedByUsrsGridView.Rows) { if (((CheckBox)gvr.FindControl("uiCheckBox")).Checked) { int buddyUsrK = (int)uiAddedByUsrsGridView.DataKeys[gvr.RowIndex].Value; try { Usr.Current.AddBuddy(new Usr(buddyUsrK), Usr.AddBuddySource.WelcomePage, Buddy.BuddyFindingMethod.Nickname, null); } catch (Exception ex) { SpottedException.TryToSaveExceptionAndChildExceptions(ex, HttpContext.Current, Usr.Current, Visit.Current, "", "Welcome page", "", 0, null); } } } } #region Send email verify email, if needed if (sendVerifyEmail) { Mailer mail = new Mailer(); mail.SendEvenIfUnverifiedOrBroken = true; mail.Subject = "You changed your DontStayIn email address..."; mail.Body = @"<h1>You changed your email address...</h1><p>Please click the following link to verify your email address and allow posting to our discussion boards:</p> <p align=""center"" style=""padding:8px 0px 9px 0px;""><a href=""[LOGIN]"" style=""font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;"">Click here to verify your email</a></p>"; mail.To = Usr.Current.Email; mail.UsrRecipient = Usr.Current; mail.TemplateType = Mailer.TemplateTypes.AnotherSiteUser; mail.Send(); } #endregion Log.Increment(Log.Items.WelcomeSignUp); if (Usr.Current.AddedByGroupK > 0) { if (Request.QueryString["Url"] != null && Request.QueryString["Url"].Length > 0) Response.Redirect(Request.QueryString["Url"]); else Response.Redirect(Usr.Current.AddedByGroup.Url()); } else { if (Request.QueryString["Url"] != null && Request.QueryString["Url"].Length > 0) Response.Redirect("/popup/mixmag?url=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Request.QueryString["Url"])); else Response.Redirect("/popup/mixmag"); } } } }