private void SettingsMenuFunction() { Station.StartTimeThread(); Console.CursorVisible = false; ConsoleKeyInfo key; key = Console.ReadKey(true); if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.C) { Station.BeepClick(); Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.Highlight(39, topC, textC); SettingsLoginDetails sl = new SettingsLoginDetails(); sl.Start(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.V) { Station.BeepClick(); Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.Highlight(39, topM, textM); Station.StopTimeThread(); top += 4; Station.BeepError(); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, top); Console.WriteLine("Not yet Implemented"); Thread.Sleep(200); top = 14; Console.Clear(); Start(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.R) { Station.BeepClick(); Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.Highlight(39, topR, textR); MainMenu mm = new MainMenu(); mm.Start(); } else { Station.StopTimeThread(); top += 4; Station.BeepError(); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, top); Console.WriteLine("Invalid Key."); Thread.Sleep(200); top = 14; Console.Clear(); Start(); } }
private void PersonalAssistantFunction() { Station.StartTimeThread(); Console.CursorVisible = false; ConsoleKeyInfo key; key = Console.ReadKey(true); if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.C) { Station.BeepClick(); Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.Highlight(39, topC, textC); ContactDetails cd = new ContactDetails(); cd.Start(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.M) { Station.BeepClick(); Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.Highlight(39, topM, textM); MeetingAppointment ma = new MeetingAppointment(); ma.Start(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.R) { Station.BeepClick(); Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.Highlight(39, topR, textR); MainMenu mm = new MainMenu(); mm.Start(); } else { Station.StopTimeThread(); top += 4; Station.BeepError(); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, top); Console.WriteLine("Invalid Key."); Thread.Sleep(200); top = 14; Console.Clear(); Start(); } }
private void PasswordHideMenuFunction() { Station.StartTimeThread(); if (Station.passHide == "A") { Station.writerClearedRow(70, topA, "Active"); Station.clearRow(70, topI, 6); } else if (Station.passHide == "I") { Station.writerClearedRow(70, topI, "Active"); Station.clearRow(70, topA, 6); } Console.CursorVisible = false; ConsoleKeyInfo key; key = Console.ReadKey(true); if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.A) { Station.BeepClick(); Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.Highlight(39, topA, textA); int toperA = topR + 3; Station.writerClearedRow(39, toperA, "Asterix has been selected."); toperA++; Station.writerClearedRow(39, toperA, ""); Console.ReadKey(); SaveToSettingsFile("A"); Station.writerClearedRow(70, topA, "Active"); Station.clearRow(70, topI, 6); SettingsLoginDetails sl = new SettingsLoginDetails(); sl.Start(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.I) { Station.BeepClick(); Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.Highlight(39, topI, textI); int toperA = topR + 3; Station.writerClearedRow(39, toperA, "Invisible has been selected."); toperA++; Station.writerClearedRow(39, toperA, ""); Console.ReadKey(); SaveToSettingsFile("I"); Station.writerClearedRow(70, topI, "Active"); Station.clearRow(70, topA, 6); SettingsLoginDetails sl = new SettingsLoginDetails(); sl.Start(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.R) { Station.BeepClick(); Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.Highlight(39, topR, textR); SettingsLoginDetails sld = new SettingsLoginDetails(); sld.Start(); } else { Station.StopTimeThread(); top += 4; Station.BeepError(); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, top); Console.WriteLine("Invalid Key."); Thread.Sleep(200); top = 14; Console.Clear(); Start(); } }
public void Start() { Console.Title = "BlueMoon - Contacts Application"; Console.Clear(); AsciiClass ac = new AsciiClass(); ac.BlueMoon(3); int left = 37; int top = 14; Console.SetCursorPosition(left, top); Console.WriteLine("PERSONAL ASSISTANT APPLICATION"); top++; Console.SetCursorPosition(37, top); Console.WriteLine("Contact Details Page."); top += 3; int topA = top; Console.SetCursorPosition(39, top); String textA = "(A). Add contacts"; Console.WriteLine(textA); top += 2; int topE = top; Console.SetCursorPosition(39, top); string textE = "(E). Edit Contacts"; Console.WriteLine(textE); top += 2; int topV = top; Console.SetCursorPosition(39, top); string textV = "(V). View Contacts "; Console.WriteLine(textV); top += 2; int topS = top; Console.SetCursorPosition(39, top); string textS = "(S). Search Contacts "; Console.WriteLine(textS); top += 2; int topD = top; Console.SetCursorPosition(39, top); string textD = "(D). Delete Contacts "; Console.WriteLine(textD); top += 2; int topR = top; Console.SetCursorPosition(39, top); string textR = "(R). Return to Main Page "; Console.WriteLine(textR); Station.StartTimeThread(); Console.CursorVisible = false; ConsoleKeyInfo key; key = Console.ReadKey(true); if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.A) { Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.BeepClick(); Station.Highlight(39, topA, textA); AddContacts ad = new AddContacts(); ad.Start(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.E) { Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.BeepClick(); Station.Highlight(39, topE, textE); EditContacts ec = new EditContacts(); ec.Start(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.V) { Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.BeepClick(); Station.Highlight(39, topV, textV); ViewContacts vc = new ViewContacts(); vc.Start(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.S) { Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.BeepClick(); Station.Highlight(39, topS, textS); SearchContacts sc = new SearchContacts(); sc.Start(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.D) { Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.BeepClick(); Station.Highlight(39, topD, textD); DeleteContacts dc = new DeleteContacts(); dc.Start(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.R) { Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.BeepClick(); Station.Highlight(39, topR, textR); PersonalAssistant pa = new PersonalAssistant(); pa.Start(); } else { Station.StopTimeThread(); top += 4; Station.BeepError(); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, top); Console.WriteLine("Invalid Key."); Thread.Sleep(200); Console.Clear(); Start(); } }
private void MeetingAppointmentFunction() { Station.StartTimeThread(); Console.CursorVisible = false; ConsoleKeyInfo key; key = Console.ReadKey(true); if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.A) { Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.BeepClick(); Station.Highlight(39, topA, textA); AddAppointments ap = new AddAppointments(); ap.Start(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.E) { Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.BeepClick(); Station.Highlight(39, topE, textE); EditAppointments ea = new EditAppointments(); ea.Start(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.V) { Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.BeepClick(); Station.Highlight(39, topV, textV); ViewAppointments va = new ViewAppointments(); va.Start(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.S) { Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.BeepClick(); Station.Highlight(39, topS, textS); SearchAppointments sa = new SearchAppointments(); sa.Start(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.D) { Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.BeepClick(); Station.Highlight(39, topD, textD); DeleteAppointments da = new DeleteAppointments(); da.Start(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.R) { Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.BeepClick(); Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.Highlight(39, topR, textR); PersonalAssistant pa = new PersonalAssistant(); pa.Start(); } else { top += 4; Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.BeepError(); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, top); Console.WriteLine("Invalid Key."); Thread.Sleep(200); Console.Clear(); top = 14; Start(); } }
private void DisplayMainMenu() { Console.Clear(); AsciiClass ac = new AsciiClass(); ac.BlueMoon(3); Console.SetCursorPosition(37, 14); Console.WriteLine("press the letter in the bracket to select option."); Console.SetCursorPosition(37, 15); Console.WriteLine("Example : press 'p' for personal assistant."); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, 18); string textP = "(P). Personal Assistant Application"; Console.WriteLine(textP); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, 20); string textS = "(S). Settings"; Console.WriteLine(textS); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, 22); string textL = "(L). Log out"; Console.WriteLine(textL); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, 24); Console.WriteLine("(X). Exit"); Station.StartTimeThread(); Console.CursorVisible = false; ConsoleKeyInfo key; key = Console.ReadKey(true); if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.P) { Station.BeepClick(); Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.Highlight(39, 18, textP); PersonalAssistant pa = new PersonalAssistant(); pa.Start(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.S) { Station.BeepClick(); Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.Highlight(39, 20, textS); SettingsMenu sm = new SettingsMenu(); sm.Start(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.L) { Station.BeepClick(); Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.Highlight(39, 22, textL); Login l = new Login(); l.DisplayPassword(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.X) { Station.StopTimeThread(); Environment.Exit(0); Application.Exit(); } else { Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.BeepError(); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, 26); Console.WriteLine("Invalid Key."); Thread.Sleep(200); Console.Clear(); DisplayMainMenu(); } }
public void Start() { Console.Title = "BlueMoon - Settings - Change Theme Color"; Console.Clear(); AsciiClass ac = new AsciiClass(); ac.BlueMoon(3); int left = 37; int top = 14; Console.SetCursorPosition(left, top); Console.WriteLine("PERSONAL ASSISTANT APPLICATION"); top++; Console.SetCursorPosition(37, top); Console.WriteLine("Press the letter in brackets to select Theme Color"); top += 3; int topCyan = top; Console.SetCursorPosition(39, top); String textCyan = "(C). Theme Cyan (default)"; Console.WriteLine(textCyan); top += 2; int topGreen = top; Console.SetCursorPosition(39, top); string textGreen = "(G). Theme Green"; Console.WriteLine(textGreen); top += 2; int topBlue = top; Console.SetCursorPosition(39, top); string textBlue = "(B). Theme Blue "; Console.WriteLine(textBlue); top += 2; int topMagenta = top; Console.SetCursorPosition(39, top); string textMagenta = "(M). Theme Magenta "; Console.WriteLine(textMagenta); top += 2; int topGray = top; Console.SetCursorPosition(39, top); string textGray = "(A). Theme Gray "; Console.WriteLine(textGray); top += 2; int topYellow = top; Console.SetCursorPosition(39, top); string textYellow = "(Y). Theme Yellow"; Console.WriteLine(textYellow); top += 2; int topRed = top; Console.SetCursorPosition(39, top); string textRed = "(R). Theme Red"; Console.WriteLine(textRed); top += 2; int topX = top; Console.SetCursorPosition(39, top); string textX = "(X). Exit this page "; Console.WriteLine(textX); Station.StartTimeThread(); Console.CursorVisible = false; ConsoleKeyInfo key; key = Console.ReadKey(true); if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.C) { Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.BeepClick(); Station.Highlight(39, topCyan, textCyan); // Station.writerClearedRow(39, 34, "Theme Cyan Selected."); Station.writerClearedRow(39, 35, "Press any key to save and return to settings"); SaveToSettingsFile("Cyan"); SettingsLoginDetails sld = new SettingsLoginDetails(); sld.Start(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.G) { Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.BeepClick(); Station.Highlight(39, topGreen, textGreen); Station.writerClearedRow(39, 34, "Theme Green Selected."); Station.writerClearedRow(39, 35, "Press any key to save and return to settings"); SaveToSettingsFile("Green"); SettingsLoginDetails sld = new SettingsLoginDetails(); sld.Start(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.B) { Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.BeepClick(); Station.Highlight(39, topBlue, textBlue); Station.writerClearedRow(39, 34, "Theme Blue Selected."); Station.writerClearedRow(39, 35, "Press any key to save and return to settings"); SaveToSettingsFile("Blue"); SettingsLoginDetails sld = new SettingsLoginDetails(); sld.Start(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.M) { Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.BeepClick(); Station.Highlight(39, topMagenta, textMagenta); Station.writerClearedRow(39, 34, "Theme Magenta Selected."); Station.writerClearedRow(39, 35, "Press any key to save and return to settings"); SaveToSettingsFile("Magenta"); SettingsLoginDetails sld = new SettingsLoginDetails(); sld.Start(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.A) { Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.BeepClick(); Station.Highlight(39, topGray, textGray); Station.writerClearedRow(39, 34, "Theme Gray Selected."); Station.writerClearedRow(39, 35, "Press any key to save and return to settings"); SaveToSettingsFile("Gray"); SettingsLoginDetails sld = new SettingsLoginDetails(); sld.Start(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.Y) { Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.BeepClick(); Station.Highlight(39, topYellow, textYellow); Station.writerClearedRow(39, 34, "Theme Yellow Selected."); Station.writerClearedRow(39, 35, "Press any key to save and return to settings"); SaveToSettingsFile("Yellow"); SettingsLoginDetails sld = new SettingsLoginDetails(); sld.Start(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.R) { Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.BeepClick(); Station.Highlight(39, topRed, textRed); Station.writerClearedRow(39, 34, "Theme Red Selected."); Station.writerClearedRow(39, 35, "Press any key to save and return to settings"); SaveToSettingsFile("Red"); SettingsLoginDetails sld = new SettingsLoginDetails(); sld.Start(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.X) { Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.BeepClick(); Station.Highlight(39, topX, textX); SettingsLoginDetails sld = new SettingsLoginDetails(); sld.Start(); } else { Station.StopTimeThread(); top += 4; Station.BeepError(); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, top); Console.WriteLine("Invalid Key."); Thread.Sleep(200); Console.Clear(); Start(); } }
private void SettingsMenuFunction() { Station.StartTimeThread(); Console.CursorVisible = false; ConsoleKeyInfo key; key = Console.ReadKey(true); if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.C) { Station.BeepClick(); Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.Highlight(39, topC, textC); ChangeUserPass cup = new ChangeUserPass(); cup.Start(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.P) { Station.BeepClick(); Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.Highlight(39, topP, textP); PasswordHide ph = new PasswordHide(); ph.Start(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.T) { Station.BeepClick(); Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.Highlight(39, topT, textT); ThemeColor tc = new ThemeColor(); tc.Start(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.R) { Station.BeepClick(); Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.Highlight(39, topR, textR); MainMenu mm = new MainMenu(); mm.Start(); } else { Station.StopTimeThread(); top += 4; Station.BeepError(); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, top); Console.WriteLine("Invalid Key."); Thread.Sleep(200); top = 14; Console.Clear(); Start(); } }