Example #1
		private void WriteObjectToTar (TarOutputStream  tar_out,
					       FileSystemObject fso,
					       EventTracker     tracker)
			MemoryStream memory = null;

			TarHeader header;
			header = new TarHeader ();

			StringBuilder name_builder;
			name_builder = new StringBuilder (fso.FullName);
			name_builder.Remove (0, this.FullName.Length+1);
			header.Name = name_builder.ToString ();

			header.ModTime = fso.Timestamp;
			if (fso is DirectoryObject) {
				header.Mode = 511; // 0777
				header.TypeFlag = TarHeader.LF_DIR;
				header.Size = 0;
			} else {
				header.Mode = 438; // 0666
				header.TypeFlag = TarHeader.LF_NORMAL;
				memory = new MemoryStream ();
				((FileObject) fso).AddToStream (memory, tracker);
				header.Size = memory.Length;

			TarEntry entry;
			entry = new TarEntry (header);

			tar_out.PutNextEntry (entry);
			if (memory != null) {
				tar_out.Write (memory.ToArray (), 0, (int) memory.Length);
				memory.Close ();
			tar_out.CloseEntry ();

			// If this is a directory, write out the children
			if (fso is DirectoryObject)
				foreach (FileSystemObject child in fso.Children)
					WriteObjectToTar (tar_out, child, tracker);
Example #2
		private void WriteObjectToZip (ZipOutputStream  zip_out,
					       FileSystemObject fso,
					       EventTracker     tracker)

			MemoryStream memory = null;

			string name;
			name = fso.FullName.Substring (this.FullName.Length + 1);
			if (fso is DirectoryObject)
				name += "/";

			ZipEntry entry;
			entry = new ZipEntry (name);
			entry.DateTime = fso.Timestamp;
			if (fso is DirectoryObject)
				entry.Size = 0;
			else {
				memory = new MemoryStream ();
				((FileObject) fso).AddToStream (memory, tracker);
				entry.Size = memory.Length;

			zip_out.PutNextEntry (entry);
			if (memory != null) {
				zip_out.Write (memory.ToArray (), 0, (int) memory.Length);
				memory.Close ();

			// If this is a directory, write out the children
			if (fso is DirectoryObject)
				foreach (FileSystemObject child in fso.Children)
					WriteObjectToZip (zip_out, child, tracker);
Example #3
		static public bool CheckQuery (Query query, FileSystemObject root)
			// Find the set of objects that we expect to match the query,
			// based on our knowledge of the current state of the tree.
			ICollection matching_fsos;
			matching_fsos = root.RecursiveQuery (query);

			// Query the daemon and get the actual list of hits.
			Hashtable matching_hits;
			matching_hits = QueryFu.GetHits (query);

			bool success;
			success = true;

			foreach (FileSystemObject fso in matching_fsos) {
				string uri = UriFu.UriToEscapedString (fso.Uri);
				if (matching_hits.Contains (uri))
					matching_hits.Remove (uri);
				else {
					Log.Failure ("Hit missing from beagled query results: {0}", uri);
					success = false;

			foreach (Hit hit in matching_hits.Values) {
				Log.Failure ("Unexpected extra hit in beagled query results: {0}", hit.Uri);
				Log.Failure ("  Properties:");
				foreach (Property prop in hit.Properties)
					Log.Failure ("    {0} = {1}", prop.Key, prop.Value);
				success = false;

			return success;
Example #4
		static public bool VerifyIndex (FileSystemObject root)
			bool success;
			success = true;

			Log.Info ("Verifying index for root {0}", root.FullName);

			for (int i = 0; i < Token.Count; ++i) {
				Query query;
				query = QueryFu.NewTokenQuery (i);

				if (! CheckQuery (query, root)) {
					Log.Spew ("Failed query is:");
					QueryFu.SpewQuery (query);
					success = false;

			if (success)
				Log.Info ("Index successfully verified");
				Log.Info ("Verification failed");

			return success;

		static private void GetCountDeltas (FileSystemObject fso, out int d_files, out int d_dirs)
			if (fso is DirectoryObject) {
				DirectoryObject dir = (DirectoryObject) fso;
				d_files = dir.n_files_below;
				d_dirs = dir.n_dirs_below + 1; // add one for ourself
			} else if (fso is FileObject) {
				d_files = 1; // just ourself
				d_dirs = 0;
			} else {
				throw new Exception ("Unknown type " + fso);
Example #6
        private void WriteObjectToZip(ZipOutputStream zip_out,
                                      FileSystemObject fso,
                                      EventTracker tracker)
            MemoryStream memory = null;

            string name;

            name = fso.FullName.Substring(this.FullName.Length + 1);
            if (fso is DirectoryObject)
                name += "/";

            ZipEntry entry;

            entry          = new ZipEntry(name);
            entry.DateTime = fso.Timestamp;

            if (fso is DirectoryObject)
                entry.Size = 0;
                memory = new MemoryStream();
                ((FileObject)fso).AddToStream(memory, tracker);
                entry.Size = memory.Length;

            if (memory != null)
                zip_out.Write(memory.ToArray(), 0, (int)memory.Length);

            // If this is a directory, write out the children
            if (fso is DirectoryObject)
                foreach (FileSystemObject child in fso.Children)
                    WriteObjectToZip(zip_out, child, tracker);

        static private void GetCountDeltas(FileSystemObject fso, out int d_files, out int d_dirs)
            if (fso is DirectoryObject)
                DirectoryObject dir = (DirectoryObject)fso;
                d_files = dir.n_files_below;
                d_dirs  = dir.n_dirs_below + 1;                // add one for ourself
            else if (fso is FileObject)
                d_files = 1;                 // just ourself
                d_dirs  = 0;
                throw new Exception("Unknown type " + fso);
Example #8
        static public bool CheckQuery(Query query, FileSystemObject root)
            // Find the set of objects that we expect to match the query,
            // based on our knowledge of the current state of the tree.
            ICollection matching_fsos;

            matching_fsos = root.RecursiveQuery(query);

            // Query the daemon and get the actual list of hits.
            Hashtable matching_hits;

            matching_hits = QueryFu.GetHits(query);

            bool success;

            success = true;

            foreach (FileSystemObject fso in matching_fsos)
                string uri = UriFu.UriToEscapedString(fso.Uri);
                if (matching_hits.Contains(uri))
                    Log.Failure("Hit missing from beagled query results: {0}", uri);
                    success = false;

            foreach (Hit hit in matching_hits.Values)
                Log.Failure("Unexpected extra hit in beagled query results: {0}", hit.Uri);
                Log.Failure("  Properties:");
                foreach (Property prop in hit.Properties)
                    Log.Failure("    {0} = {1}", prop.Key, prop.Value);
                success = false;

Example #9
		static public bool TestRandomQueries (double minutes_to_run, FileSystemObject root)
			if (minutes_to_run < 0)
				minutes_to_run = default_minutes_to_run;

			Log.Info ("Running random queries for {0:0.0} minutes", minutes_to_run);

			bool success;
			success = true;

			Stopwatch sw;
			sw = new Stopwatch ();
			sw.Start ();

			int count = 0;
			while (true) {
				if ((count % 100 == 0) && sw.ElapsedTime > minutes_to_run * 60)

				if (count % 1000 == 0)
					Log.Spew ("{0} queries run", count);
				Beagle.Query query;
				query = QueryFu.NewRandomQuery ();

				if (! CheckQuery (query, root)) {
					Log.Spew ("Failed query is:");
					QueryFu.SpewQuery (query);
					success = false;

			// In case we ended early
			minutes_to_run = sw.ElapsedTime / 60;

			Log.Spew ("Ran {0} queries in {1:0.0} minutes ({2:0.0} queries/s)",
				  count, minutes_to_run, count / (minutes_to_run * 60));

			return success;
Example #10
        public override void RemoveChild(FileSystemObject child, EventTracker tracker)
            // Likewise, we have to walk up the tree and adjust
            // the n_*_below counts when we remove a child.

            int d_files, d_dirs;

            GetCountDeltas(child, out d_files, out d_dirs);

            DirectoryObject curr;

            curr = this;
            while (curr != null)
                curr.n_files_below -= d_files;
                curr.n_dirs_below  -= d_dirs;
                curr = (DirectoryObject)curr.Parent;

            base.RemoveChild(child, tracker);
        public virtual void AddChild(FileSystemObject child, EventTracker tracker)
            if (children == null)
                throw new Exception("Can't add a child to " + Uri.ToString());
            if (child.parent != null)
                throw new Exception("Can't add parented child " + child.Uri.ToString() + " to " + Uri.ToString());

            // FIXME: Need to handle the case of the added child
            // clobbering another w/ the same name.

            child.parent          = this;
            children [child.Name] = child;

            if (IsRooted)
Example #12
        public override void AddChild(FileSystemObject child, EventTracker tracker)
            // Every time we add a child, we walk up the tree
            // and adjust the n_*_below counts for every node
            // above us.

            int d_files, d_dirs;

            GetCountDeltas(child, out d_files, out d_dirs);

            DirectoryObject curr;

            curr = this;
            while (curr != null)
                curr.n_files_below += d_files;
                curr.n_dirs_below  += d_dirs;
                curr = (DirectoryObject)curr.Parent;

            base.AddChild(child, tracker);
        public virtual void MoveChild(FileSystemObject child, FileSystemObject new_parent, EventTracker tracker)
            if (child.parent != this)
                throw new Exception(child.Uri.ToString() + " is not a child of " + Uri.ToString());

            if (new_parent == null || new_parent == child.parent)

            // We can't move child into new_parent if child is
            // already above new_parent in the tree.
            if (child.IsAncestorOf(new_parent))
                throw new Exception("Can't move " + child.Uri.ToString() + " to " + new_parent.Uri.ToString());

            string old_full_name;

            old_full_name = child.FullName;

            // FIXME: We need to handle the case of the moved
            // child clobbering another w/ the same name.

            child.parent = new_parent;
            new_parent.children [child.Name] = child;

            // FIXME: What if this is not rooted, but new_parent is?
            if (new_parent.IsRooted)
                child.MoveOnDisk(old_full_name, tracker);
Example #14
 public DirectoryObject()
     timestamp = FileSystemObject.PickTimestamp();
Example #15
        static private Query NewRandomQuery(int length,
                                            bool allow_inexpensive,
                                            bool inside_an_or)
            Query query;

            query = new Query();

            // One in four queries will contain some OR terms.
            if (!inside_an_or && random.Next(4) == 0)
                int N = random.Next(3) + 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
                    QueryPart_Or part;
                    part = new QueryPart_Or();

                    int sub_length;
                    sub_length = random.Next(length) + 1;
                    if (sub_length < 2)
                        sub_length = 2;

                    // We generate a new query at random, and stuff its QueryParts
                    // into our Or QueryPart.
                    Query or_query;
                    or_query = NewRandomQuery(sub_length, allow_inexpensive, true);
                    foreach (QueryPart sub_part in or_query.Parts)


            if (allow_inexpensive && !inside_an_or)
                int mime_type;
                mime_type = random.Next(3);

                QueryPart_Or       mime_type_part = new QueryPart_Or();
                QueryPart_Property part;
                part      = new QueryPart_Property();
                part.Type = PropertyType.Keyword;
                part.Key  = "beagle:MimeType";

                if (mime_type == 0)
                    part.Value = "inode/directory";
                else if (mime_type == 1)
                    part.Value = "text/plain";

            // Every query must contain at least
            // one required part.
            bool contains_required;

            contains_required = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
                QueryPart_Text part;
                part      = new QueryPart_Text();
                part.Text = Token.GetRandom();

                // Prohibited parts are not allowed inside an or
                if (contains_required && !inside_an_or)
                    if (random.Next(2) == 0)
                        part.Logic = QueryPartLogic.Prohibited;
                    // This part will be required.
                    contains_required = true;

                if (random.Next(2) == 0)
                    part.SearchTextProperties = false;
                else if (allow_inexpensive && random.Next(2) == 0)
                    part.SearchFullText = false;


            // Note the ! inside_an_or; date range queries don't
            // work right inside OR queries when being searched
            // within the resolution of one day.  See the FIXME
            // about hit filters in LuceneCommon.cs
            if (allow_inexpensive && !inside_an_or && random.Next(3) == 0)
                DateTime a, b;
                FileSystemObject.PickTimestampRange(out a, out b);

                QueryPart_DateRange part;
                part           = new QueryPart_DateRange();
                part.StartDate = a;
                part.EndDate   = b;

		public virtual void MoveChild (FileSystemObject child, FileSystemObject new_parent, EventTracker tracker)
			if (child.parent != this)
				throw new Exception (child.Uri.ToString () + " is not a child of " + Uri.ToString ());

			if (new_parent == null || new_parent == child.parent)

			// We can't move child into new_parent if child is
			// already above new_parent in the tree.
			if (child.IsAncestorOf (new_parent))
				throw new Exception ("Can't move " + child.Uri.ToString () + " to " + new_parent.Uri.ToString ());
			string old_full_name;
			old_full_name = child.FullName;

			// FIXME: We need to handle the case of the moved
			// child clobbering another w/ the same name.

			child.parent = new_parent;
			this.children.Remove (child.Name);
			new_parent.children [child.Name] = child;

			// FIXME: What if this is not rooted, but new_parent is?
			if (new_parent.IsRooted)
				child.MoveOnDisk (old_full_name, tracker);
Example #17
		override protected Uri GetChildUri (FileSystemObject child)
			string s = Path.Combine (UriFu.UriToEscapedString (this.Uri), child.Name);
			//Console.WriteLine ("Asked to combine {0} and {1} = {2}", UriFu.UriToEscapedString (this.Uri), child.Name, s);
			return UriFu.EscapedStringToUri (s);
Example #18
 override protected Uri GetChildUri(FileSystemObject children)
     // FIXME: What is the uri scheme for bzip2 files?
     return(new Uri(this.Uri.ToString() + "#" + children.Name));
 // This should return null for objects that are not directly
 // represented on the file system (i.e. files inside an archive)
 virtual protected string GetChildFullName(FileSystemObject child)
     return(Path.Combine(this.FullName, child.Name));
		// By definition, an object is an ancestor of itself.
		public bool IsAncestorOf (FileSystemObject fso)
			if (! this.HasChildren)
				return false;
			while (fso != null) {
				if (this == fso)
					return true;
				fso = fso.Parent;
			return false;
Example #21
			public WaitUntilVerifiedClosure (FileSystemObject root,
							 VerifiedHandler verified)
				this.root = root;
				this.verified = verified;
Example #22
		override protected Uri GetChildUri (FileSystemObject children)
			// FIXME: What is the uri scheme for bzip2 files?
			return new Uri (this.Uri.ToString () + "#" + children.Name);
Example #23
 public WaitUntilVerifiedClosure(FileSystemObject root,
                                 VerifiedHandler verified)
     this.root     = root;
     this.verified = verified;
Example #24
 public FileObject()
     timestamp = FileSystemObject.PickTimestamp();
Example #25
		public override void AddChild (FileSystemObject child, EventTracker tracker)
			// Every time we add a child, we walk up the tree
			// and adjust the n_*_below counts for every node
			// above us.

			int d_files, d_dirs;
			GetCountDeltas (child, out d_files, out d_dirs);

			DirectoryObject curr;
			curr = this;
			while (curr != null) {
				curr.n_files_below += d_files;
				curr.n_dirs_below += d_dirs;
				curr = (DirectoryObject) curr.Parent;
			base.AddChild (child, tracker);
Example #26
		public override void RemoveChild (FileSystemObject child, EventTracker tracker)
			// Likewise, we have to walk up the tree and adjust
			// the n_*_below counts when we remove a child.

			int d_files, d_dirs;
			GetCountDeltas (child, out d_files, out d_dirs);

			DirectoryObject curr;
			curr = this;
			while (curr != null) {
				curr.n_files_below -= d_files;
				curr.n_dirs_below -= d_dirs;
				curr = (DirectoryObject) curr.Parent;

			base.RemoveChild (child, tracker);
 virtual protected Uri GetChildUri(FileSystemObject child)
     throw new Exception("Invalid GetChildUri call");
		public virtual void AddChild (FileSystemObject child, EventTracker tracker)
			if (children == null)
				throw new Exception ("Can't add a child to " + Uri.ToString ());
			if (child.parent != null)
				throw new Exception ("Can't add parented child " + child.Uri.ToString () + " to " + Uri.ToString ());

			// FIXME: Need to handle the case of the added child
			// clobbering another w/ the same name.

			child.parent = this;
			children [child.Name] = child;
			if (IsRooted)
				child.AddOnDisk (tracker);
		public virtual void ClobberingAddChild (FileSystemObject child, FileSystemObject victim, EventTracker tracker)
			if (children == null)
				throw new Exception ("Can't add a child to " + Uri.ToString ());
			if (child.parent != null)
				throw new Exception ("Can't add parented child " + child.Uri.ToString () + " to " + Uri.ToString ());
			if (victim.parent != this)
				throw new Exception ("Victim " + victim.Uri.ToString () + " is not a child of " + Uri.ToString ());
			if (child.Extension != victim.Extension)
				throw new Exception ("Extension mismatch: " + child.Extension + " vs. " + victim.Extension);

			victim.parent = null;
			child.parent = this;
			child.id = victim.id;
			child.base_name = victim.base_name;
			child.name = null;
			children [child.Name] = child;

			if (IsRooted)
				child.AddOnDisk (tracker);
		public virtual void RemoveChild (FileSystemObject child, EventTracker tracker)
			if (child.parent != this)
				throw new Exception (child.Uri.ToString () + " is not a child of " + Uri.ToString ());

			if (IsRooted)
				child.DeleteOnDisk (tracker);

			child.parent = null;
			children.Remove (child.Name);
		virtual protected Uri GetChildUri (FileSystemObject child)
			throw new Exception ("Invalid GetChildUri call");
Example #32
		public override void MoveChild (FileSystemObject child, FileSystemObject new_parent, EventTracker tracker)
			int d_files, d_dirs;
			GetCountDeltas (child, out d_files, out d_dirs);

			DirectoryObject curr;
			curr = this;
			while (curr != null) {
				curr.n_files_below -= d_files;
				curr.n_dirs_below -= d_dirs;
				curr = (DirectoryObject) curr.Parent;
			curr = (DirectoryObject) new_parent;
			while (curr != null) {
				curr.n_files_below += d_files;
				curr.n_dirs_below += d_dirs;
				curr = (DirectoryObject) curr.Parent;
			base.MoveChild (child, new_parent, tracker);
Example #33
		static public void WaitUntilVerified (FileSystemObject root, VerifiedHandler verified)
			WaitUntilVerifiedClosure closure;
			closure = new WaitUntilVerifiedClosure (root, verified);
			closure.Start ();
		// This should return null for objects that are not directly
		// represented on the file system (i.e. files inside an archive)
		virtual protected string GetChildFullName (FileSystemObject child)
			return Path.Combine (this.FullName, child.Name);