Example #1
        public void AcceptConnectionRequest(ulong bdAddr, byte role)
            var data = new byte[7];

              data[0] = (byte)(bdAddr & 0xFF);
              data[1] = (byte)((bdAddr & 0xFF00) >> 8);
              data[2] = (byte)((bdAddr & 0xFF0000) >> 16);
              data[3] = (byte)((bdAddr & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
              data[4] = (byte)((bdAddr & 0xFF00000000) >> 32);
              data[5] = (byte)((bdAddr & 0xFF0000000000) >> 40);
              data[6] = role;

              var opcode = new Opcode(OpcodeGroupField.LinkControl, OpcodeCommandField.AcceptConnectionRequest);
              _SendHCICommand(opcode, data, true);
Example #2
        private void _SendHCICommand(Opcode command, byte[] parameterData, bool returnImmediately)
            var cmdData = new byte[3 + (parameterData != null ? parameterData.Length : 0)];
              var packet = new UsbSetupPacket(0x20, 0x00, 0x0000, 0x0000, (short)cmdData.Length);

              cmdData[0] = (byte)(command.Data & 0xFF);
              cmdData[1] = (byte)((command.Data >> 8) & 0xFF);
              if (parameterData != null && parameterData.Length > 0)
            cmdData[2] = (byte)parameterData.Length;
            for (int i = 0; i < parameterData.Length; i++)
              cmdData[3 + i] = parameterData[i];

              int transferred;
              _device.ControlTransfer(ref packet, cmdData, cmdData.Length, out transferred);
              if (transferred != cmdData.Length)
            throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("Failed to send command; sent {0} bytes instead of {1}",
              transferred, cmdData.Length));

              if (!returnImmediately)
            //Wait for command to complete
Example #3
        private void _WaitForCompletion(Opcode command)
            while (true)
            lock (_completedCommands)
              if (_completedCommands.Contains(command))

Example #4
 private void _SendHCICommand(Opcode command, bool returnImmediately)
     _SendHCICommand(command, null, returnImmediately);
Example #5
 private void _SendHCICommand(Opcode command, byte[] parameterData)
     _SendHCICommand(command, parameterData, false);
Example #6
        private void hci_DataReceived(object sender, EndpointDataEventArgs e)
            switch ((HCIEvent)e.Buffer[0])
            case HCIEvent.InquiryComplete:
            lock (_completedCommands)
              _completedCommands.Add(new Opcode(OpcodeGroupField.LinkControl, OpcodeCommandField.Inquiry));

            case HCIEvent.InquiryResult:
            var opcode = new Opcode(OpcodeGroupField.LinkControl, OpcodeCommandField.Inquiry);
            if (!_commandData.ContainsKey(opcode)) _commandData.Add(opcode, new List<InquiryResult>());
            var list = _commandData[opcode] as List<InquiryResult>;

            int responses = Convert.ToInt32(e.Buffer[2]);
            int offset = 3;
            for (int i = 0; i < responses; i++)
              list.Add(new InquiryResult(Utilities.GetLEULong(e.Buffer, offset + 0, 6), e.Buffer[offset + 6],
                e.Buffer[offset + 7], e.Buffer[offset + 8], (uint)Utilities.GetLEULong(e.Buffer, offset + 9, 3),
                (ushort)Utilities.GetLEULong(e.Buffer, offset + 12, 2)));
              offset += 14;

            case HCIEvent.ConnectionComplete:
            Logger.WriteLine("Connection Complete, Status: " + e.Buffer[2].ToString("X2"));
            ushort connectionHandle = (ushort)(e.Buffer[3] | (e.Buffer[4] << 8));
            ulong bdAddr = Utilities.GetLEULong(e.Buffer, 5, 6);

            //Raise event out
            if (ConnectionComplete != null)
              ConnectionComplete(this, new HCIEventEventArgs(e.Buffer, e.Count));

            case HCIEvent.DisconnectionComplete:
            Logger.WriteLine("Disconnection Complete, Status: " + e.Buffer[2].ToString("X2"));

            case HCIEvent.ConnectionRequest:
            var bdAddr = Utilities.GetLEULong(e.Buffer, 2, 6);
            var deviceClass = Utilities.GetLEULong(e.Buffer, 8, 3);
            byte linkType = e.Buffer[11];
            Logger.WriteLine(String.Format("Connection Request Received, BD_ADDR {0}, class {1}, link type {2}",
              bdAddr.ToString("X12"), deviceClass.ToString("X6"), linkType.ToString("X2")));

            //Accept this request (or do whatever with it)
            if (ConnectionRequestReceived != null)
              ConnectionRequestReceived(this, new HCIEventEventArgs(e.Buffer, e.Count));

            case HCIEvent.RemoteNameRequestComplete:
            var opcode = new Opcode(OpcodeGroupField.LinkControl, OpcodeCommandField.RemoteNameRequest);
            if (!_commandData.ContainsKey(opcode))
              _commandData.Add(opcode, ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(e.Buffer, 9, 248).Trim(new char[] {'\0'} ));

            lock (_completedCommands)

            case HCIEvent.QoSSetupComplete:
            Logger.WriteLine("QoS Setup Complete");

            case HCIEvent.Complete:
            var command = new Opcode(e.Buffer, 3);

            lock (_completedCommands)

            case HCIEvent.Status:
            var command = new Opcode(e.Buffer, 4);

            case HCIEvent.PINCodeRequestEvent:
            var bdAddr = Utilities.GetLEULong(e.Buffer, 2, 6);

            //Send the reply
            SendPINCodeReply(bdAddr, String.Empty);

            Logger.WriteLine("Unknown HCI event: " + e.Buffer[0].ToString("X2"));

Example #7
 private void _SendHCICommand(Opcode command)
     _SendHCICommand(command, false);
Example #8
 public void SetDiscoverableMode(bool discoverable)
     var opcode = new Opcode(OpcodeGroupField.HCBaseband, OpcodeCommandField.WriteScanEnable);
       _SendHCICommand(opcode, new byte[] {discoverable ? (byte)0x03 : (byte)0x01});
Example #9
        public void SetLocalName(string name)
            var data = new byte[name.Length + 1];
              Array.Copy(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(name), data, name.Length);

              var opcode = new Opcode(OpcodeGroupField.HCBaseband, OpcodeCommandField.WriteLocalName);
              _SendHCICommand(opcode, data);
Example #10
        public void SetDeviceClass(uint deviceClass)
            var data = new byte[3];

              data[0] = (byte)(deviceClass & 0xFF);
              data[1] = (byte)((deviceClass >> 8) & 0xFF);
              data[2] = (byte)((deviceClass >> 16) & 0xFF);

              var opcode = new Opcode(OpcodeGroupField.HCBaseband, OpcodeCommandField.WriteDeviceClass);
              _SendHCICommand(opcode, data);
Example #11
        //NOTE: This doesn't work if you send a PIN, not sure why.
        public void SendPINCodeReply(ulong bdAddr, string pin)
            Opcode opcode;
              var data = new byte[6 + (String.IsNullOrEmpty(pin) ? 0 : pin.Length + 1)];

              data[0] = (byte)(bdAddr & 0xFF);
              data[1] = (byte)((bdAddr & 0xFF00) >> 8);
              data[2] = (byte)((bdAddr & 0xFF0000) >> 16);
              data[3] = (byte)((bdAddr & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
              data[4] = (byte)((bdAddr & 0xFF00000000) >> 32);
              data[5] = (byte)((bdAddr & 0xFF0000000000) >> 40);
              if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(pin))
            data[6] = (byte)pin.Length;
            for (int i = 0; i < pin.Length; i++)
              data[7 + i] = (byte)pin[i];

            opcode = new Opcode(OpcodeGroupField.LinkControl, OpcodeCommandField.SendPINCodeRequestReply);
            opcode = new Opcode(OpcodeGroupField.LinkControl, OpcodeCommandField.SendPINCodeRequestNegativeReply);

              _SendHCICommand(opcode, data, true);
Example #12
        public string GetRemoteName(InquiryResult device)
            var data = new byte[10];
              var ret = String.Empty;

              data[0] = (byte)(device.BDAddr & 0xFF);
              data[1] = (byte)((device.BDAddr & 0xFF00) >> 8);
              data[2] = (byte)((device.BDAddr & 0xFF0000) >> 16);
              data[3] = (byte)((device.BDAddr & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
              data[4] = (byte)((device.BDAddr & 0xFF00000000) >> 32);
              data[5] = (byte)((device.BDAddr & 0xFF0000000000) >> 40);
              data[6] = device.PageScanRepetitionMode;
              data[8] = (byte)(device.ClockOffset & 0xFF);
              data[9] = (byte)((byte)((device.ClockOffset & 0xFF00) >> 8) | (byte)0x80);

              var opcode = new Opcode(OpcodeGroupField.LinkControl, OpcodeCommandField.RemoteNameRequest);
              _SendHCICommand(opcode, data);

              if (_commandData.ContainsKey(opcode))
            ret = _commandData[opcode] as string;

              return ret;
Example #13
        public List<InquiryResult> DoInquiryScan(int timeoutSeconds)
            const int iac = (int)AssignedNumbers.GeneralUnlimitedIAC;
              var data = new byte[5];
              int timeout = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(timeoutSeconds / 1.28));
              if (timeout <= 0 || timeout > 0x30) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid timeout");
              var ret = new List<InquiryResult>();

              data[0] = (byte)(iac & 0xFF);
              data[1] = (byte)((iac & 0xFF00) >> 8);
              data[2] = (byte)((iac & 0xFF0000) >> 16);
              data[3] = Convert.ToByte(timeout);

              var opcode = new Opcode(OpcodeGroupField.LinkControl, OpcodeCommandField.Inquiry);
              _SendHCICommand(opcode, data);

              if (_commandData.ContainsKey(opcode))
            ret = _commandData[opcode] as List<InquiryResult>;

              return ret;
Example #14
        public void Connect(ulong bdAddr, byte pageScanRepetitionMode, ushort clockOffset)
            var data = new byte[13];

              data[0] = (byte)(bdAddr & 0xFF);
              data[1] = (byte)((bdAddr & 0xFF00) >> 8);
              data[2] = (byte)((bdAddr & 0xFF0000) >> 16);
              data[3] = (byte)((bdAddr & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
              data[4] = (byte)((bdAddr & 0xFF00000000) >> 32);
              data[5] = (byte)((bdAddr & 0xFF0000000000) >> 40);
              data[6] = (byte)0x18;
              data[7] = (byte)0x00;
              data[8] = pageScanRepetitionMode;
              data[9] = 0x00;
              data[10] = (byte)(clockOffset & 0xFF);
              data[11] = (byte)(((clockOffset >> 8) & 0xFF) | 0x80);
              data[12] = 0x00;

              var opcode = new Opcode(OpcodeGroupField.LinkControl, OpcodeCommandField.CreateConnection);
              _SendHCICommand(opcode, data, true);