Helper class for performing minification of Javascript and CSS.
This class is basically a wrapper for the AjaxMin library(lib/AjaxMin.dll). There are no symbols that come with the AjaxMin dll, so this class gives a bit of intellisense help for basic control. AjaxMin is a pretty dense library with lots of different settings, so everyone's encouraged to use it directly if they want to.
        private static string RetrieveRemoteFile(string file)
            file = Utils.AbsoluteWebRoot.ToString() + file.Substring(1);
            Uri url;

            if (Uri.TryCreate(file, UriKind.Absolute, out url))
                    var script = new RemoteFile(url, false).GetFileAsString();

                    if (BlogSettings.Instance.CompressWebResource)
                        var min = new JavascriptMinifier();

                catch (SocketException)
                    // The remote site is currently down. Try again next time.
 private static string RetrieveRemoteFile(string file)
     file = Utils.AbsoluteWebRoot.ToString() + file.Substring(1); 
     Uri url;
     if (Uri.TryCreate(file, UriKind.Absolute, out url))
             var script = new RemoteFile(url, false).GetFileAsString();
             if (BlogSettings.Instance.CompressWebResource)
                 var min = new JavascriptMinifier();
                 return min.Minify(script);
             return script;
         catch (SocketException)
             // The remote site is currently down. Try again next time.
     return string.Empty;