private static void PostInterface(PostPoco post) { if (Account.Id == post.UserId) { Console.WriteLine("DISCLAIMER: You can edit this post!"); Console.WriteLine("Type: edit help to see how to edit!"); } Console.WriteLine("Type 'all comments' to see all comments on this post! (If any)"); Console.WriteLine("Type 'my comments' to see your comments on this post! (If any)"); Console.WriteLine("Type 'comment post' to comment on this post!"); Console.WriteLine("Type 'return' to return to the blog!"); Console.WriteLine("Type 'refresh' to view again this post!\n"); while (true) { Console.Write("Blog -->#Post: "); string line = Console.ReadLine()?.Trim().ToLowerInvariant().Replace(" ", string.Empty); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) { if (line == "return") { break; } switch (line) { case "clear": Console.Clear(); break; case "refresh": Post.ViewPost(CurrentPost); break; case "commentpost": CreateCommentInterface(); break; case "mycomments": ShowUserComments(); break; case "allcomments": Blog.AllComments(CurrentPost); break; case "delete": Blog.DeleteProcess(post); break; case "edithelp": CommandPrinter.ShowPostEdits(); break; case "edittitle": Console.Write("New title: "); Post.EditPostTitle(CurrentPost, Console.ReadLine() ?? " "); break; case "editcontent": EditPostContentInterface(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Your command was invalid!"); break; } } } }
public static void ChoosePost(PostPoco post) { Post.ViewPost(post); PostInterface(post); }