Example #1
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public FetchCoinsResponse FetchCoins(OutPoint[] utxos)
            Guard.NotNull(utxos, nameof(utxos));

            var result         = new FetchCoinsResponse();
            var missedOutpoint = new List <OutPoint>();

            lock (this.lockobj)
                foreach (OutPoint outPoint in utxos)
                    if (!this.cachedUtxoItems.TryGetValue(outPoint, out CacheItem cache))
                        this.logger.LogDebug("Utxo '{0}' not found in cache.", outPoint);
                        this.logger.LogDebug("Utxo '{0}' found in cache, UTXOs:'{1}'.", outPoint, cache.Coins);
                        result.UnspentOutputs.Add(outPoint, new UnspentOutput(outPoint, cache.Coins));

                this.performanceCounter.AddHitCount(utxos.Length - missedOutpoint.Count);

                if (missedOutpoint.Count > 0)
                    this.logger.LogDebug("{0} cache missed transaction needs to be loaded from underlying CoinView.", missedOutpoint.Count);
                    FetchCoinsResponse fetchedCoins = this.coindb.FetchCoins(missedOutpoint.ToArray());

                    foreach (var unspentOutput in fetchedCoins.UnspentOutputs)
                        result.UnspentOutputs.Add(unspentOutput.Key, unspentOutput.Value);

                        var cache = new CacheItem()
                            ExistInInner = unspentOutput.Value.Coins != null,
                            IsDirty      = false,
                            OutPoint     = unspentOutput.Key,
                            Coins        = unspentOutput.Value.Coins

                        this.logger.LogDebug("CacheItem added to the cache, UTXO '{0}', Coin:'{1}'.", cache.OutPoint, cache.Coins);
                        this.cachedUtxoItems.Add(cache.OutPoint, cache);
                        this.cacheSizeBytes += cache.GetSize;

                // Check if we need to evict items form the cache.
                // This happens every time data is fetched fomr coindb


        /// <inheritdoc />
        public FetchCoinsResponse FetchCoins(OutPoint[] txIds)
            Guard.NotNull(txIds, nameof(txIds));

            using (this.lockobj.LockRead())
                var result = new FetchCoinsResponse();
                for (int i = 0; i < txIds.Length; i++)
                    var output = this.unspents.TryGet(txIds[i]);

                    if (output != null)
                        result.UnspentOutputs.Add(output.OutPoint, output);

Example #3
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public void CacheCoins(OutPoint[] utxos)
            lock (this.lockobj)
                var missedOutpoint = new List <OutPoint>();
                foreach (OutPoint outPoint in utxos)
                    if (!this.cachedUtxoItems.TryGetValue(outPoint, out CacheItem cache))
                        this.logger.LogDebug("Prefetch Utxo '{0}' not found in cache.", outPoint);

                this.performanceCounter.AddCacheHitCount(utxos.Length - missedOutpoint.Count);

                if (missedOutpoint.Count > 0)
                    FetchCoinsResponse fetchedCoins = this.coindb.FetchCoins(missedOutpoint.ToArray());
                    foreach (var unspentOutput in fetchedCoins.UnspentOutputs)
                        var cache = new CacheItem()
                            ExistInInner = unspentOutput.Value.Coins != null,
                            IsDirty      = false,
                            OutPoint     = unspentOutput.Key,
                            Coins        = unspentOutput.Value.Coins
                        this.logger.LogDebug("Prefetch CacheItem added to the cache, UTXO: '{0}', Coin:'{1}'.", cache.OutPoint, cache.Coins);
                        this.cachedUtxoItems.Add(cache.OutPoint, cache);
                        this.cacheSizeBytes += cache.GetSize;
Example #4
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public void SaveChanges(IList <UnspentOutput> outputs, HashHeightPair oldBlockHash, HashHeightPair nextBlockHash, List <RewindData> rewindDataList = null)
            Guard.NotNull(oldBlockHash, nameof(oldBlockHash));
            Guard.NotNull(nextBlockHash, nameof(nextBlockHash));
            Guard.NotNull(outputs, nameof(outputs));

            lock (this.lockobj)
                if ((this.blockHash != null) && (oldBlockHash != this.blockHash))
                    this.logger.LogDebug("{0}:'{1}'", nameof(this.blockHash), this.blockHash);
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid oldBlockHash");

                this.blockHash = nextBlockHash;
                long utxoSkipDisk = 0;

                var rewindData = new RewindData(oldBlockHash);
                Dictionary <OutPoint, int> indexItems = null;
                if (this.rewindDataIndexCache != null)
                    indexItems = new Dictionary <OutPoint, int>();

                foreach (UnspentOutput output in outputs)
                    if (!this.cachedUtxoItems.TryGetValue(output.OutPoint, out CacheItem cacheItem))
                        // Add outputs to cache, this will happen for two cases
                        // 1. if a cached item was evicted
                        // 2. for new outputs that are added

                        if (output.CreatedFromBlock)
                            // if the output is indicate that it was added from a block
                            // There is no need to spend an extra call to disk.

                            this.logger.LogDebug("New Outpoint '{0}' created.", output.OutPoint);

                            cacheItem = new CacheItem()
                                ExistInInner = false,
                                IsDirty      = false,
                                OutPoint     = output.OutPoint,
                                Coins        = null
                            // This can happen if the cached item was evicted while
                            // the block was being processed, fetch the output again from disk.

                            this.logger.LogDebug("Outpoint '{0}' is not found in cache, creating it.", output.OutPoint);

                            FetchCoinsResponse result = this.coindb.FetchCoins(new[] { output.OutPoint });

                            UnspentOutput unspentOutput = result.UnspentOutputs.Single().Value;

                            cacheItem = new CacheItem()
                                ExistInInner = unspentOutput.Coins != null,
                                IsDirty      = false,
                                OutPoint     = unspentOutput.OutPoint,
                                Coins        = unspentOutput.Coins

                        this.cachedUtxoItems.Add(cacheItem.OutPoint, cacheItem);
                        this.cacheSizeBytes += cacheItem.GetSize;
                        this.logger.LogDebug("CacheItem added to the cache during save '{0}'.", cacheItem.OutPoint);

                    // If output.Coins is null this means the utxo needs to be deleted
                    // otherwise this is a new utxo and we store it to cache.

                    if (output.Coins == null)
                        // DELETE COINS

                        // In cases of an output spent in the same block
                        // it wont exist in cash or in disk so its safe to remove it
                        if (cacheItem.Coins == null)
                            if (cacheItem.ExistInInner)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Missmtch between coins in cache and in disk for output {0}", cacheItem.OutPoint));
                            // Handle rewind data
                            this.logger.LogDebug("Create restore outpoint '{0}' in OutputsToRestore rewind data.", cacheItem.OutPoint);
                            rewindData.OutputsToRestore.Add(new RewindDataOutput(cacheItem.OutPoint, cacheItem.Coins));
                            rewindData.TotalSize += cacheItem.GetSize;

                            if (this.rewindDataIndexCache != null && indexItems != null)
                                indexItems[cacheItem.OutPoint] = this.blockHash.Height;

                        // If a spent utxo never made it to disk then no need to keep it in memory.
                        if (!cacheItem.ExistInInner)
                            this.logger.LogDebug("Utxo '{0}' is not in disk, removing from cache.", cacheItem.OutPoint);
                            this.cacheSizeBytes -= cacheItem.GetSize;
                            if (cacheItem.IsDirty)
                            // Now modify the cached items with the mutated data.
                            this.logger.LogDebug("Mark cache item '{0}' as spent .", cacheItem.OutPoint);

                            this.cacheSizeBytes -= cacheItem.GetScriptSize;
                            cacheItem.Coins      = null;

                            // Delete output from cache but keep a the cache
                            // item reference so it will get deleted form disk

                            cacheItem.IsDirty = true;
                        // ADD COINS

                        if (cacheItem.Coins != null)
                            // Allow overrides.
                            // See https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/coins.cpp#L94

                            bool allowOverride = cacheItem.Coins.IsCoinbase && output.Coins != null;

                            if (!allowOverride)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("New coins override coins in cache or store, for output '{0}'", cacheItem.OutPoint));

                            this.logger.LogDebug("Coin override alllowed for utxo '{0}'.", cacheItem.OutPoint);

                            // Deduct the current script size form the
                            // total cache size, it will be added again later.
                            this.cacheSizeBytes -= cacheItem.GetScriptSize;

                            // Clear this in order to calculate the cache size
                            // this will get set later when overridden
                            cacheItem.Coins = null;

                        // Handle rewind data
                        // New trx so it needs to be deleted if a rewind happens.
                        this.logger.LogDebug("Adding output '{0}' to TransactionsToRemove rewind data.", cacheItem.OutPoint);
                        rewindData.TotalSize += cacheItem.GetSize;

                        // Put in the cache the new UTXOs.
                        this.logger.LogDebug("Mark cache item '{0}' as new .", cacheItem.OutPoint);

                        cacheItem.Coins      = output.Coins;
                        this.cacheSizeBytes += cacheItem.GetScriptSize;

                        // Mark the cache item as dirty so it get persisted
                        // to disk and not evicted form cache

                        cacheItem.IsDirty = true;


                if (this.rewindDataIndexCache != null && indexItems.Any())
                    this.rewindDataIndexCache.SaveAndEvict(this.blockHash.Height, indexItems);

                // Add the most recent rewind data to the cache.
                this.cachedRewindData.Add(this.blockHash.Height, rewindData);
                this.rewindDataSizeBytes += rewindData.TotalSize;

                // Remove rewind data form the back of a moving window.
                // The closer we get to the tip we keep a longer rewind data window.
                // Anything bellow last checkpoint we keep the minimal of 10
                // (random low number) rewind data items.
                // Beyond last checkpoint:
                // - For POS we keep a window of MaxReorg.
                // - For POW we keep 100 items (possibly better is an algo that grows closer to tip)

                // A moving window of information needed to rewind the node to a previous block.
                // When cache is flushed the rewind data will allow to rewind the node up to the
                // number of rewind blocks.
                // TODO: move rewind data to use block store.
                // Rewind data can go away all together if the node uses the blocks in block store
                // to get the rewind information, blockstore persists much more frequent then coin cache
                // So using block store for rewinds is not entirely impossible.

                int rewindDataWindow = this.CalculateRewindWindow();

                int rewindToRemove = this.blockHash.Height - (int)rewindDataWindow;

                if (this.cachedRewindData.TryGetValue(rewindToRemove, out RewindData delete))
                    this.logger.LogDebug("Remove rewind data height '{0}' from cache.", rewindToRemove);
                    this.rewindDataSizeBytes -= delete.TotalSize;