Example #1
    void init()
        Bll.ProductBll pb = new Bll.ProductBll();
        DataTable      dt = pb.SelectPro("select * from tab_products where type=N'商城' and productID=176");

        // DataTable dt = pb.SelectPro("select * from tab_products where type=N'商城' and productID=" + Request.QueryString["productID"]);
        this.Label1.Text            = DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["productDate"].ToString()).ToShortDateString();
        this.HyperLink1.NavigateUrl = this.HyperLink2.NavigateUrl = "#";
        this.HyperLink1.Text        = dt.Rows[0]["productName"].ToString();
        content                 = dt.Rows[0]["msg"].ToString();
        this.Label2.Text        = dt.Rows[0]["productUnitPrice"].ToString();
        ViewState["shopitemid"] = dt.Rows[0]["productID"];

        itemid = ViewState["shopitemid"].ToString();
        public ActionResult Index()
            IProductBll productBll = new Bll.ProductBll();

            var productList1 = productBll.LoadEntity(m => m.pcategoryId == 1).ToList();
            var productList2 = productBll.LoadEntity(m => m.pcategoryId == 2).ToList();
            var hotProduct   = productBll.LoadPageEntity(1, 6, out int total, m => true, m => m.Phot, false);
            var lastProduct  = productBll.LoadPageEntity(1, 6, out int totals, m => true, m => m.productId, true);
            var category1    = productBll.DoubleSelet().Where(s => s.CategotyId == 1).FirstOrDefault();

            //var category3 = productBll.DoubleSelet().Where(s => s.CategotyId ==2).FirstOrDefault();
            Model.ViewModel.IndexView index = new Model.ViewModel.IndexView()
                Product1    = productList1,
                Product2    = productList2,
                Product3    = hotProduct,
                Product4    = lastProduct,
                Categories1 = category1,
