public static WhoInfo GetUser(Irc server, string nick) { bool gotWho = false; WhoInfo wi = null; server.Writer.SendMessage(RFC1459.IrcCommands.Who(nick, false)); while (!gotWho) { RFC1459.ReplyCode code; string message, prefix, command; string[] parameters; message = server.Reader.ReadLine( ); RFC1459.IrcCommands.ParseReply(message, out prefix, out command, out parameters); if (Enum.TryParse <RFC1459.ReplyCode> (command, out code)) { switch (code) { case RFC1459.ReplyCode.RPL_WHOREPLY: wi = WhoInfo.Parse(new IrcMessage(prefix, command, parameters)); break; case RFC1459.ReplyCode.RPL_ENDOFWHO: gotWho = true; break; } } } return(wi); }
public Channel(Irc Parent, string Name, string Key) { this.parent = Parent; = Name; this.key = Key; this.modes = string.Empty; }
public Channel( Irc Parent, string Name, string Key ) { this.parent = Parent; = Name; this.key = Key; this.modes = string.Empty; }
public static void Execute( string command, Irc irc, Channel chan, string callee, object[] args ) { Func<Irc, string, string, object[], int> func = commands[ command ]; if ( chan != null ) func.Invoke ( irc, chan.Name, callee, args ); else func.Invoke ( irc, string.Empty, callee, args ); }
public Channel( Irc Parent, string Name, string Key ) { this.parent = Parent; = Name; this.key = Key; this.modes = string.Empty; streamer = Streamer.GetProfile ( Name.Replace ( "#", "" ) ); Irc.Format ( "Caught Streamer: {0}", ConsoleColor.Green, ); }
public Channel(Irc Parent, string Name, string Key) { this.parent = Parent; = Name; this.key = Key; this.modes = string.Empty; streamer = Streamer.GetProfile(Name.Replace("#", "")); Irc.Format("Caught Streamer: {0}", ConsoleColor.Green,; }
private static void SendMessage(Irc irc, string channel, string nick, string message, params object[] args) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(channel)) { irc.SendMessage(nick, string.Format(message, args)); } else { irc.GetChannel(channel).SendMessage(string.Format(message, args)); } }
public static void Execute(string command, Irc irc, Channel chan, string callee, object[] args) { Func <Irc, string, string, object[], int> func = commands[command]; if (chan != null) { func.Invoke(irc, chan.Name, callee, args); } else { func.Invoke(irc, string.Empty, callee, args); } }
public void Save(Irc irc) { IConfig server = null;; string host = irc.Host; string nick = irc.Nick; string user = irc.Username; string real = irc.Realname; int port = irc.Port; string owner = irc.Owner; string nspass = irc.NickPass; string srvpass = irc.ServerPass; Stack <ChannelData> buffer = irc.ChannelBuffer; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nspass)) { nspass = new SymCryptography(SymCryptography.ServiceProviderEnum.Rijndael).Encrypt(nspass); } // Last known code RFC1459.ReplyCode lkc = irc.Code; ConsoleColor colour = irc.Colour; if (config.Configs[irc.Server] == null) { server = config.AddConfig(irc.Server); } else { server = config.Configs[irc.Server]; } server.Set("Host", host); server.Set("Port", port); server.Set("Nick", nick); server.Set("Server_Password", srvpass); server.Set("Username", user); server.Set("Realname", real); server.Set("NickPassword", nspass); server.Set("Owner", owner); server.Set("LastKnownCode", ( int )lkc); server.Set("Colour", ( int )colour); server.Set("MainChannel", "{nokey}"); server.Set("MainKey", "{nokey}"); if (buffer.Count > 0) { server.Set("Channels", string.Join(",", buffer.ToArray( ))); } config.Save( ); }
public static Permissions GetPermission(string Nick, Irc s) { i = s; User[] users = ReadUsers( ); var availablenicks = new List <string> (users.Select((U) => U.Name)); if (availablenicks.Contains(Nick)) { foreach (User user in users.Where(user => user.Name == Nick)) { User u = getUser(Nick); try { if (user.Host == u.Host) { if (!bool.Parse(user.Banned)) { return(( Permissions )Enum.Parse(typeof(Permissions), user.Permission)); } else { s.SendMessage(Nick, "You're not allowed to use my Private Messaging system!"); } } else { s.Format( "Host Mismatch on user \"{0}\" with host \"{1}\". Real host is \"{2}\". Using Guest permissions.", ConsoleColor.DarkRed, user.Name, user.Host, u.Host ); /*s.SendMessage ( Nick, * string.Format ( * "You are {0}, however the host I have on record does not match! If you find this in error, please contact {1} for further assistance.", * Nick, s.Owner ) ); */ } } catch (Exception ex) { s.SendErrorToFile(ex, Nick); break; } } } return(Permissions.Guest); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { if (!SanityCheck( )) { Console.WriteLine("The bot has failed to complete its sanity check...\r\nPlease press any key to exit the Bot..."); Console.ReadKey(true); return; } // Start the timer on ground zero global::BlizzetaZero.Kernel.Global.BeginUptime( ); // Auth.Authenticate(); Thread t = new Thread ( new ThreadStart ( LaunchGamePanel ) ); // t.Start ( ); Console.Title = Global.Title; Console.WindowWidth += 60; _settings = new Settings( ); CoreCommands.IncludeBuiltInCommands( ); SetCharSet( ); CarpeDiem( ); Irc irc = new Irc(Global.Nick, Global.Realname, Global.Username, "", Global.IrcServer, Global.ServerPassword, Global.Port, RFC1459.ReplyCode.ERR_UNKNOWNMODE, ConsoleColor.Green, "#blizzardothegreat", "", "blizzardothegreat", "#blizzetabot", ""); try { irc.OnMotd += irc_OnMotd; irc.Connect(irc.Host); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }
public static Permissions GetPermission( string Nick, Irc s ) { i = s; User[] users = ReadUsers ( ); var availablenicks = new List<string> ( users.Select ( ( U ) => U.Name ) ); if ( availablenicks.Contains ( Nick ) ) foreach ( User user in users.Where ( user => user.Name == Nick ) ) { User u = getUser ( Nick ); try { if ( user.Host == u.Host ) { if ( !bool.Parse ( user.Banned ) ) { return ( Permissions ) Enum.Parse ( typeof ( Permissions ), user.Permission ); } else { s.SendMessage ( Nick, "You're not allowed to use my Private Messaging system!" ); } } else { s.Format ( "Host Mismatch on user \"{0}\" with host \"{1}\". Real host is \"{2}\". Using Guest permissions.", ConsoleColor.DarkRed, user.Name, user.Host, u.Host ); /*s.SendMessage ( Nick, string.Format ( "You are {0}, however the host I have on record does not match! If you find this in error, please contact {1} for further assistance.", Nick, s.Owner ) ); */ } } catch ( Exception ex ) { s.SendErrorToFile ( ex, Nick ); break; } } return Permissions.Guest; }
public Irc Read(string server) { Irc _irc; string host, nick, password, srvPass, owner, user, real, channel, key, additional; int port; ConsoleColor colour; RFC1459.ReplyCode lkc; IConfig irc = config.Configs[server]; nick = irc.GetString("Nick"); real = irc.GetString("Realname"); user = irc.GetString("Username"); host = irc.GetString("Host"); srvPass = irc.GetString("Server_Password"); port = irc.GetInt("Port"); owner = irc.GetString("Owner"); password = irc.GetString("NickPassword"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(password)) { password = new SymCryptography(SymCryptography.ServiceProviderEnum.Rijndael).Decrypt(password); } lkc = (RFC1459.ReplyCode)irc.GetInt("LastKnownCode"); colour = ( ConsoleColor )irc.GetInt("Colour"); channel = irc.GetString("MainChannel"); key = irc.GetString("MainKey"); additional = irc.GetString("Channels"); Stack <ChannelData> chanBuffer = new Stack <ChannelData> ( ); foreach (string ch in additional.Split(',')) { string[] chankey = ch.Split(':'); chanBuffer.Push(new ChannelData( ) { Channel = chankey[0], Key = chankey[1] }); } _irc = new Irc(nick, real, user, password, host, "", port, lkc, colour, channel, key); _irc.ChannelBuffer = chanBuffer; return(_irc); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WindowWidth += 60; CoreCommands.IncludeBuiltInCommands( ); SetCharSet( ); Irc irc = new Irc("BlizzetaZero", "Blizzeta Zero Bot 7.0", "Blizzeta", "#Blizzeta"); try { irc.Colour = ConsoleColor.Green; irc.OnMotd += irc_OnMotd; irc.Connect(""); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }
private static void Main( string[] args ) { Console.WindowWidth += 60; CoreCommands.IncludeBuiltInCommands ( ); SetCharSet ( ); Irc irc = new Irc ( "BlizzetaZero", "Blizzeta Zero Bot 7.0", "Blizzeta", "#Blizzeta" ); try { irc.Colour = ConsoleColor.Green; irc.OnMotd += irc_OnMotd; irc.Connect ( "" ); } catch ( Exception e ) { Console.WriteLine ( e.Message ); } }
private static void SendMessage( Irc irc, string channel, string nick, string message, params object[] args ) { if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty ( channel ) ) irc.SendMessage ( nick, string.Format ( message, args ) ); else irc.GetChannel ( channel ).SendMessage ( string.Format ( message, args ) ); }
public static XElement GetUserXmlProfile(string name, bool falseAdmin = false, Irc i = null) { XDocument xdc = xDoc; XElement xel = xdc.Descendants("Users").Descendants("User").Where((x) => x.Attribute("name").Value == name).FirstOrDefault( ); if (falseAdmin) { i.SendMessage(name, "You do not have permission to manipulate another user, only yourself."); } return(xel); }
public static void IncludeBuiltInCommands( ) { #region check AddCommand("check", (i, c, n, o) => { Channel chan = i.GetChannel(c); Permissions p = User.GetUser(chan.Streamer, n).GetPermission( ); Dictionary <string, Func <int> > subcmd = new Dictionary <string, Func <int> > ( ); subcmd.Add("permission", () => { // TODO: Add permissions check i.GetChannel(c).SendMessage(string.Format("{0}, Your Permissions are \"{1}\"", n, p)); return(0); }); subcmd.Add("time", () => { // TODO: Add configuration for callee DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; Irc.Format("Current Time: {0:dddd MMMM dd, yyyy} at {0:HH:mm:ss}", ConsoleColor.Yellow, dt); i.GetChannel(c).SendMessage(string.Format("{0} time is {1:dddd MMMM dd, yyyy} at {1:HH:mm:ss}", CheckS(i.Owner), dt)); return(0); }); subcmd.Add("uptime", () => { Irc.Format("Uptime: {0}", ConsoleColor.DarkGreen); i.GetChannel(c).SendMessage(string.Format("{0}, I've been up for {1} {2}, {3} {4}, {5} {6}, and {7} {8}")); return(0); }); try { subcmd[o[0] as string].Invoke( ); } catch (Exception ex) { i.SendMessage(c, "Invalid command"); } return(0); }); #endregion check #region clear AddCommand("clear", (i, c, n, o) => { Channel chan = i.GetChannel(c); Permissions p = User.GetUser(chan.Streamer, n).GetPermission( ); if (p <= Permissions.Root) { Console.Clear( ); } else { i.SendMessage(n, "Let me clean that nose of yours... in other words... \"MIND YOUR DAMN BUSINESS!\" o_o"); } return(0); }); #endregion clear #region get AddCommand("get", (i, c, n, o) => { Permissions p = User.GetUserProfile(n).GetPermission( ); Dictionary <string, Func <int> > subcmd = new Dictionary <string, Func <int> > ( ); subcmd.Add("say", () => { i.SendMessage(n, ignoreSay ? "I'm ignoring say." : "I'm not ignoring say."); return(0); }); if (p <= Permissions.Operator) { subcmd[o[0] as string].Invoke( ); } else { i.GetChannel(c).SendMessage(SpecialMessage(n)); } return(0); }); #endregion get #region set AddCommand("set", (i, c, n, o) => { Permissions p = User.GetUserProfile(n).GetPermission( ); Dictionary <string, Func <int> > subcmd = new Dictionary <string, Func <int> > ( ); subcmd.Add("say", () => { string val = (o[1] as string).ToLower( ); if (val == "on" || val == "true") { ignoreSay = false; } else if (val == "off" || val == "false") { ignoreSay = true; } return(0); }); return(0); }); #endregion set #region help AddCommand("help", (i, c, n, o) => { Permissions p = User.GetUserProfile(n).GetPermission( ); // + help [-mpuv] [command] [subcommand] /* * Options: * -m | --more : More Command * -p | --permissions : Permissions Command * -u | --usage : Usage Command * -v | --version : Version Command */ return(0); }); #endregion help #region join AddCommand("join", (i, c, n, o) => { Channel chan = i.GetChannel(c); Permissions p = User.GetUser(chan.Streamer, n).GetPermission( ); if (p <= Permissions.Administrator) { bool chanExists = i.Channels.Exists(new Predicate <Channel> ((ch) => { return(ch.Name == o[0] as string); })); if (!chanExists) { if (o.Length > 1) { i.Join(o[0] as string, o[1] as string); return(0); } else if (o.Length > 0) { i.Join(o[0] as string, string.Empty); return(0); } else { i.SendMessage(c, "I can't join without a channel name"); } } else { i.SendMessage(c, string.Format("I'm already in {0}!", o[0] as string)); } } else { i.SendMessage(n, SpecialMessage(n)); } return(-1); }); #endregion join #region list AddCommand("list", (i, c, n, o) => { Channel chan = i.GetChannel(c); Permissions p = User.GetUser(chan.Streamer, n).GetPermission( ); if (p <= Permissions.Administrator) { Channel[] chans = i.Channels.ToArray( ); i.SendMessage(n, "I am in these channels:"); foreach (Channel channel in chans) { i.SendMessage(n, string.Format(channel.Name)); } } else { i.GetChannel(c).SendMessage(SpecialMessage(n)); } return(0); }); #endregion list #region Topic AddCommand("topic", (i, c, n, o) => { Channel chan = i.GetChannel(c); Permissions p = User.GetUser(chan.Streamer, n).GetPermission( ); if (p <= Permissions.Operator) { string msg = string.Join(" ", o as string[], 1, o.Length - 1); } return(0); }); #endregion Topic #region Playlist AddCommand("playlist", (i, c, n, o) => { Channel chan = i.GetChannel(c); Permissions p = User.GetUser(chan.Streamer, n).GetPermission( ); if (p <= Permissions.Administrator) { i.GetChannel(c).SendMessage(string.Format("{0} playlist:", CheckS(i.Owner))); } return(0); }); #endregion Playlist #region Game AddCommand("game", (i, c, n, o) => { Channel chan = i.GetChannel(c); Permissions p = User.GetUser(chan.Streamer, n).GetPermission( ); if (p <= Permissions.User) { } return(0); }); #endregion Game #region account AddCommand("acc", (i, c, n, o) => { Channel chan = i.GetChannel(c); Permissions p = User.GetUser(chan.Streamer, n).GetPermission( ); Streamer streamer = Streamer.GetProfile(c.Replace("#", "")); string userdb = string.Format("{0}\\users.xml"); XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(userdb); i.SendNotice(n, string.Format("Please see {0} or a mod for assistance.",; #region depcode WORK ON THIS Dictionary <string, Func <int> > subcmd = new Dictionary <string, Func <int> > ( ); subcmd.Add("streamer", () => { Dictionary <string, Func <int> > subsubcmd = new Dictionary <string, Func <int> > ( ); subsubcmd.Add("register", new Func <int> (() => { string channel = c.Replace("#", ""); string botnick = Streamer.GetProfile(i.Nick).name; if (p <= Permissions.Administrator && channel.Equals(botnick)) { string nc = o[3] as string; Streamer.CreateProfile(nc); i.GetChannel(c).SendMessage(string.Format("Streamer \"{0}\" has registered!", nc)); i.Join(string.Format("#{0}", nc)); } else { i.GetChannel(c).SendMessage(string.Format("{0}, I can only register streamers on my profile and with the approval of an Administrator", n)); } return(0); })); subsubcmd[o[2] as string].Invoke( ); return(0); }); subcmd.Add("register", () => { string uname = ((o.Length > 1 ? (string.IsNullOrEmpty(o[1] as string) ? n : o[1] as string) : n)); Irc.Format("<Accounts> Formatting and adding {0}", ConsoleColor.Green, uname); User u = chan.Streamer.users.Single((U) => { bool b = ( == uname); if (b) { chan.SendMessage(string.Format("{0} is already registered! ")); } return(b); }); XAttribute xName = new XAttribute("name", o.Length > 1 ? o[1] as string : n); XAttribute xPerm = new XAttribute("permission", (p <= Permissions.Root ? (o.Length > 2 ? Enum.GetName(typeof(Permissions), o[2] as string) : Enum.GetName(typeof(Permissions), Permissions.User)) : Enum.GetName(typeof(Permissions), Permissions.User))); XAttribute xBanned = new XAttribute("banned", false); //XAttribute xToken = new XAttribute ( "token", // Token.Generate ( xName.Value, c, ( Permissions ) Enum.Parse ( typeof ( Permissions ), xPerm.Value ) ).TokenData ); XElement xUser = new XElement("User"); xUser.Add(xName, xPerm, xBanned); //, xToken ); XElement xUsers = xDoc.Element("Users"); xUsers.Add(xUser); xDoc.Save(userdb); i.GetChannel(c).SendMessage(string.Format("Welcome {0}!", uname)); return(0); }); subcmd.Add("ban", () => { if (p <= Permissions.Operator) { XElement xel = xDoc.Descendants("Users") .Descendants("User") .Where((x) => x.Attribute("name") .Value == o[1] as string).FirstOrDefault( ); xel.SetAttributeValue("banned", true); xDoc.Save(userdb); } return(0); }); subcmd.Add("unban", () => { if (p <= Permissions.Operator) { XElement xel = xDoc.Descendants("Users") .Descendants("User") .Where((x) => x.Attribute("name") .Value == o[1] as string).FirstOrDefault( ); xel.SetAttributeValue("banned", false); xDoc.Save(userdb); } return(0); }); // 0 1 2 promote user permission subcmd.Add("promote", () => { Dictionary <string, Func <int> > perms = new Dictionary <string, Func <int> > ( ); XElement xel = xDoc.Descendants("Users") .Descendants("User") .Where((x) => x.Attribute("name") .Value == o[1] as string).FirstOrDefault( ); perms.Add("administrator", new Func <int> (() => { if (p == Permissions.Root) { xel.SetAttributeValue("permission", Permissions.Administrator); xDoc.Save(userdb); } else { i.SendMessage(n, "I'm sorry, Only Root Users can set Admin on other users."); } return(0); })); perms.Add("operator", new Func <int> (() => { if (p <= Permissions.Administrator) { xDoc.Descendants("Users") .Descendants("User") .Where((x) => x.Attribute("name") .Value == o[1] as string).FirstOrDefault( ); xel.SetAttributeValue("permission", Permissions.Operator); xDoc.Save(userdb); } else { i.SendMessage(n, "I'm sorry, Only Administrative Users can set Operator on other users."); } return(0); })); try { if (p <= Permissions.Administrator) { perms[o[2] as string].Invoke( ); } } catch (Exception) { i.SendNotice(n, "+acc promote <user> <permission>"); } return(0); }); subcmd.Add("demote", () => { if (p <= Permissions.Administrator) { XElement xel = xDoc.Descendants("Users") .Descendants("User") .Where((x) => x.Attribute("name") .Value == o[1] as string).FirstOrDefault( ); Permissions perm = ( Permissions )Enum.Parse(typeof(Permissions), xel.Attribute("permission").Value); // We check to see if an Administrator is trying to revoke Administrator or // Root. If Administrator < Operator <-- TRUE If Administrator < // Administrator <-- FALSE If Administrator < Root <-- FALSE If Root < Root // <-- FALSE if (xel.Attribute("name").Value == i.Owner) { i.SendNotice(n, string.Format("God-Mode: De-Ranking {0}", xel.Attribute("name").Value)); xel.SetAttributeValue("permission", Permissions.User); } else if (p < perm) { xel.SetAttributeValue("permission", Permissions.User); } else { i.SendNotice(n, "You cannot De-Rank either yourself, a higher user, or someone on the same rank as yourself."); } xDoc.Save(streamer.config); } return(0); }); subcmd.Add("bye", () => { XElement xel = o.Length < 2 ? User.GetUserXmlProfile(n) : (p <= Scripts.Permissions.Administrator ? User.GetUserXmlProfile(o[1] as string) : User.GetUserXmlProfile(n, true, i)); string name = xel.Attribute("name").Value; Irc.Format("Selected {0}!", ConsoleColor.DarkGreen, name); if (p <= Permissions.Administrator) { i.GetChannel(c).SendMessage(string.Format("Account {0} has been deregistered by an Administrator!", name)); } else { i.GetChannel(c).SendMessage(string.Format("Sorry to see you go {0}! :(", name)); } xel.Remove( ); xDoc.Save(userdb); return(0); }); try { if (System.IO.File.Exists(userdb)) { try { subcmd[o[0] as string].Invoke( ); } catch (Exception ex) { i.SendMessage(c, "Invalid command"); } } else { i.GetChannel(c).SendMessage(string.Format("There is no Database. Use +createdb to send an Access code to {0} for a new File.", i.Owner)); } } catch (Exception ex) { i.GetChannel(c).SendMessage(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex); } #endregion depcode WORK ON THIS return(0); }); #endregion account #region part AddCommand("part", (i, c, n, o) => { Permissions p = User.GetUserProfile(n).GetPermission( ); if (p <= Permissions.Administrator) { string[] format = o as string[]; string channel = format[0]; i.Part(channel, string.Join(" ", format, 1, format.Length - 1)); } else { i.GetChannel(c).SendMessage(SpecialMessage(n)); } return(0); }); #endregion part #region quit AddCommand("quit", (i, c, n, o) => { Permissions p = User.GetUserProfile(n).GetPermission( ); if (p <= Permissions.Administrator) { i.Disconnect(string.Join(" ", o as string[])); } else { i.GetChannel(c).SendMessage(SpecialMessage(n)); } return(0); }); #endregion quit #region raw AddCommand("raw", (i, c, n, o) => { Permissions p = User.GetUserProfile(n).GetPermission( ); if (p <= Permissions.Root) { i.Raw(string.Join(" ", o)); } else { SendMessage(i, c, n, SpecialMessage(n)); } return(0); }); #endregion raw #region reboot AddCommand("reboot", (i, c, n, o) => { Permissions p = User.GetUserProfile(n).GetPermission( ); if (p <= Permissions.Administrator) { System.Diagnostics.Process pr = new System.Diagnostics.Process( ) { StartInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo( ) { FileName = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly( ).GetName( ).Name + ".exe" } }; i.Disconnect("Rebooting!"); pr.Start( ); Environment.Exit(0); } else { i.SendMessage(n, "You may not reboot me. Only an Administrator or the Owner may do so."); } return(0); }); #endregion reboot #region say AddCommand("say", (i, c, n, o) => { Permissions p = User.GetUserProfile(n).GetPermission( ); if (p <= Permissions.User) { if (!ignoreSay) { SendMessage(i, c, n, string.Join(" ", o as string[])); } } else { SendMessage(i, c, n, SpecialMessage(n)); } return(0); }); #endregion say #region Uptime AddCommand("uptime", (i, c, n, o) => { i.GetChannel(c).SendMessage(string.Format("I have been online for {0}", Global.FormatUptime( ))); return(0); }); #endregion Uptime #region version AddCommand("version", (i, c, n, o) => { // No Permissions needed Dictionary <string, Func <int> > arguments = new Dictionary <string, Func <int> > ( ); arguments.Add("core", new Func <int> (() => { i.GetChannel(c).SendMessage(string.Format("{0}; Core Version {1}", Global.Title, Global.Core)); return(0); })); arguments.Add("scripts", new Func <int> (() => { i.GetChannel(c).SendMessage(string.Format("{0}; Scripts Version {1}", Global.Title, Global.Scripts)); return(0); })); try { arguments[o[0] as string].Invoke( ); } catch { i.GetChannel(c).SendMessage(string.Format("{0}; For more information, see \"core\" and \"scripts\"", Global.Title)); } return(0); }); #endregion version }
public void Save( Irc irc ) { IConfig server = null; ; string host = irc.Host; string nick = irc.Nick; string user = irc.Username; string real = irc.Realname; int port = irc.Port; string owner = irc.Owner; string nspass = irc.NickPass; string srvpass = irc.ServerPass; Stack<ChannelData> buffer = irc.ChannelBuffer; if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty ( nspass ) ) nspass = new SymCryptography ( SymCryptography.ServiceProviderEnum.Rijndael ).Encrypt ( nspass ); // Last known code RFC1459.ReplyCode lkc = irc.Code; ConsoleColor colour = irc.Colour; if ( config.Configs[ irc.Server ] == null ) server = config.AddConfig ( irc.Server ); else server = config.Configs[ irc.Server ]; server.Set ( "Host", host ); server.Set ( "Port", port ); server.Set ( "Nick", nick ); server.Set ( "Server_Password", srvpass ); server.Set ( "Username", user ); server.Set ( "Realname", real ); server.Set ( "NickPassword", nspass ); server.Set ( "Owner", owner ); server.Set ( "LastKnownCode", ( int ) lkc ); server.Set ( "Colour", ( int ) colour ); server.Set ( "MainChannel", "{nokey}" ); server.Set ( "MainKey", "{nokey}" ); if ( buffer.Count > 0 ) server.Set ( "Channels", string.Join ( ",", buffer.ToArray ( ) ) ); config.Save ( ); }
public Irc Read( string server ) { Irc _irc; string host, nick, password, srvPass, owner, user, real, channel, key, additional; int port; ConsoleColor colour; RFC1459.ReplyCode lkc; IConfig irc = config.Configs[ server ]; nick = irc.GetString ( "Nick" ); real = irc.GetString ( "Realname" ); user = irc.GetString ( "Username" ); host = irc.GetString ( "Host" ); srvPass = irc.GetString ( "Server_Password" ); port = irc.GetInt ( "Port" ); owner = irc.GetString ( "Owner" ); password = irc.GetString ( "NickPassword" ); if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty ( password ) ) password = new SymCryptography ( SymCryptography.ServiceProviderEnum.Rijndael ).Decrypt ( password ); lkc = ( RFC1459.ReplyCode ) irc.GetInt ( "LastKnownCode" ); colour = ( ConsoleColor ) irc.GetInt ( "Colour" ); channel = irc.GetString ( "MainChannel" ); key = irc.GetString ( "MainKey" ); additional = irc.GetString ( "Channels" ); Stack<ChannelData> chanBuffer = new Stack<ChannelData> ( ); foreach ( string ch in additional.Split ( ',' ) ) { string[] chankey = ch.Split ( ':' ); chanBuffer.Push ( new ChannelData ( ) { Channel = chankey[ 0 ], Key = chankey[ 1 ] } ); } _irc = new Irc ( nick, real, user, password, host, "", port, lkc, colour, channel, key ); _irc.ChannelBuffer = chanBuffer; return _irc; }
private static void Main ( string[] args ) { if ( !SanityCheck ( ) ) { Console.WriteLine ( "The bot has failed to complete its sanity check...\r\nPlease press any key to exit the Bot..." ); Console.ReadKey ( true ); return; } // Start the timer on ground zero global::BlizzetaZero.Kernel.Global.BeginUptime ( ); // Auth.Authenticate(); Thread t = new Thread ( new ThreadStart ( LaunchGamePanel ) ); // t.Start ( ); Console.Title = Global.Title; Console.WindowWidth += 60; _settings = new Settings ( ); CoreCommands.IncludeBuiltInCommands ( ); SetCharSet ( ); CarpeDiem ( ); Irc irc = new Irc ( Global.Nick, Global.Realname, Global.Username, "", Global.IrcServer, Global.ServerPassword, Global.Port, RFC1459.ReplyCode.ERR_UNKNOWNMODE, ConsoleColor.Green, "#blizzardothegreat", "", "blizzardothegreat", "#blizzetabot", "" ); try { irc.OnMotd += irc_OnMotd; irc.Connect ( irc.Host ); } catch ( Exception e ) { Console.WriteLine ( e.Message ); } }
public static WhoInfo GetUser( Irc server, string nick ) { bool gotWho = false; WhoInfo wi = null; server.Writer.SendMessage ( RFC1459.IrcCommands.Who ( nick, false ) ); while ( !gotWho ) { RFC1459.ReplyCode code; string message, prefix, command; string[] parameters; message = server.Reader.ReadLine ( ); RFC1459.IrcCommands.ParseReply ( message, out prefix, out command, out parameters ); if ( Enum.TryParse<RFC1459.ReplyCode> ( command, out code ) ) switch ( code ) { case RFC1459.ReplyCode.RPL_WHOREPLY: wi = WhoInfo.Parse ( new IrcMessage ( prefix, command, parameters ) ); break; case RFC1459.ReplyCode.RPL_ENDOFWHO: gotWho = true; break; } } return wi; }
public static XElement GetUserXmlProfile( string name, bool falseAdmin = false, Irc i = null ) { XDocument xdc = xDoc; XElement xel = xdc.Descendants ( "Users" ).Descendants ( "User" ).Where ( ( x ) => x.Attribute ( "name" ).Value == name ).FirstOrDefault ( ); if ( falseAdmin ) i.SendMessage ( name, "You do not have permission to manipulate another user, only yourself." ); return xel; }