public static void ShowWinner(Player player, ref WinStatistic wins) { if (player.Name == "Player") { wins.PlayerWins++; } else { wins.ComputerWins++; } Console.WriteLine($"{player.Name} won!"); }
static void StartGame(Player playerHuman, Player playerComputer, ref WinStatistic wins) { Card[] cards = DeckActions.CreateDeck(); cards = DeckActions.ShuffleDeck(cards); var order = 0; int cardsLength = cards.Length - 1; while (order == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter 1 if you want to start the game ot enter 2 to let computer start: "); bool success = int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out order); if (order != 1 && order != 2) { success = false; } if (!success) { Console.WriteLine("You've entered invalid number"); } } if (order == 1) { var nextPlayerPlay = PlayUser(ref playerHuman, cards, ref cardsLength, order, ref wins); if (nextPlayerPlay) { var calculatePoints = PlayComputer(ref playerComputer, cards, ref cardsLength, ref wins); if (calculatePoints) { ShowResults.ShowWinner(PlayerActions.CalculatePoints(playerHuman, playerComputer), ref wins); } } } if (order == 2) { var nextPlayerPlay = PlayComputer(ref playerComputer, cards, ref cardsLength, ref wins); if (nextPlayerPlay) { var calculatePoints = PlayUser(ref playerHuman, cards, ref cardsLength, order, ref wins); if (calculatePoints) { ShowResults.ShowWinner(PlayerActions.CalculatePoints(playerHuman, playerComputer), ref wins); } } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Black Jack Name!!"); var playerComputer = new Player { Name = "Computer" }; var playerHuman = new Player { Name = "Player" }; var wins = new WinStatistic { PlayerWins = 0, ComputerWins = 0 }; StartGame(playerHuman, playerComputer, ref wins); bool playAgain = true; while (playAgain) { Console.WriteLine("Do you want to start a new game? Yes/No"); var choice = Console.ReadLine(); switch (choice) { case "Yes": StartGame(playerHuman, playerComputer, ref wins); break; case "No": Console.WriteLine("Thank's for the game!"); Console.WriteLine($"Your won {wins.PlayerWins} times!"); Console.WriteLine($"Computer won {wins.ComputerWins} times!"); playAgain = false; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid input"); continue; } } Console.ReadKey(); }
static bool PlayComputer(ref Player playerComputer, Card[] cards, ref int cardIndex, ref WinStatistic wins) { playerComputer.Hand = new Card[2]; int aceWinCount = 0; for (int i = 0, j = cardIndex; i < 2; i++, cardIndex--) { playerComputer.Hand[i] = cards[cardIndex]; if (cards[j].Face == Face.Ace) { aceWinCount++; } } if (aceWinCount == 2) { ShowResults.ShowAceWinner(playerComputer); wins.ComputerWins++; return(false); } bool needMoreCards = true; while (needMoreCards) { var value = DeckActions.CalculateHandValue(playerComputer.Hand); var choice = value < 17 ? "Yes" : "No"; switch (choice) { case "Yes": var newHand = new Card[playerComputer.Hand.Length + 1]; Array.Copy(playerComputer.Hand, newHand, playerComputer.Hand.Length); newHand[playerComputer.Hand.Length] = cards[cardIndex]; playerComputer.Hand = newHand; cardIndex--; break; case "No": needMoreCards = false; break; } value = DeckActions.CalculateHandValue(playerComputer.Hand); if (value == 21) { ShowResults.ShowBlackJackWinner(playerComputer); needMoreCards = false; wins.ComputerWins++; return(false); } if (value > 21) { needMoreCards = false; return(true); } } return(true); }
static bool PlayUser(ref Player playerHuman, Card[] cards, ref int cardIndex, int order, ref WinStatistic wins) { playerHuman.Hand = new Card[2]; int aceWinCount = 0; for (int i = 0, j = cardIndex; i < 2; i++, cardIndex--) { playerHuman.Hand[i] = cards[cardIndex]; if (cards[j].Face == Face.Ace) { aceWinCount++; } } if (aceWinCount == 2) { ShowResults.ShowAceWinner(playerHuman); wins.PlayerWins++; return(false); } DeckActions.ShowPlayersHand(playerHuman.Hand); bool needMoreCards = true; while (needMoreCards) { Console.WriteLine("Do you want to take a card? Yes/No"); var choice = Console.ReadLine(); switch (choice) { case "Yes": var newHand = new Card[playerHuman.Hand.Length + 1]; Array.Copy(playerHuman.Hand, newHand, playerHuman.Hand.Length); newHand[playerHuman.Hand.Length] = cards[cardIndex]; playerHuman.Hand = newHand; cardIndex--; DeckActions.ShowPlayersHand(playerHuman.Hand); break; case "No": needMoreCards = false; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid input"); continue; } var value = DeckActions.CalculateHandValue(playerHuman.Hand); if (value == 21) { DeckActions.ShowPlayersHand(playerHuman.Hand); ShowResults.ShowBlackJackWinner(playerHuman); wins.PlayerWins++; needMoreCards = false; return(false); } if (value > 21) { DeckActions.ShowPlayersHand(playerHuman.Hand); Console.WriteLine("You can't take anymore cards cause you have more than 21 points..."); if (order != 2) { Console.WriteLine("Waiting for computer's turn..."); } needMoreCards = false; return(true); } } DeckActions.ShowPlayersHand(playerHuman.Hand); return(true); }