public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); this.Config = new ConfigFile(); this.Bitcoin = new BitnetClient(); this.SSHConnection = new SSHCore(); }
public override WorkBlock GetWorkBlock() { WorkBlock work = null; JObject obj = null; try { // Get block from bitcoin BitnetClient bc = new BitnetClient("http://" + mURL + ":" + mPort); bc.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(mUser, mPass); mBlockCount = bc.GetBlockCount(); obj = bc.GetWork(); mNewBlockReady = false; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to get work!"); Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } if (obj != null) { work = new WorkBlock(obj); } return work; }
public ConfigForm(ConfigFile CF, BitnetClient RPC, SSHCore SSH) { InitializeComponent(); this.Config = CF; this.Bitcoin = RPC; this.SSHConnection = SSH; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { BitnetClient nmc = new BitnetClient(""); nmc.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("enmaku", "nightowl"); //bc.SendFrom("enmaku", "ms43w2uQ4nUerVRmTGRBvwxG1XY3B4uDST", 1, 1, "sent from Bitnet code", ""); var p = nmc.GetBalance(); BitnetClient btc = new BitnetClient(""); btc.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("enmaku", "nightowl"); var q = btc.GetBalance("mtred (multi)", 0); }
public EditAddress(BitnetClient RPC, string Address, bool RecvMode, bool New) { InitializeComponent(); this.Bitcoin = RPC; this.ReceiveMode = RecvMode; AddressBox.Text = Address; if (!this.ReceiveMode) { this.GetDestAddresses(); } if (New) this.ItemIndex = -1; }
public override bool SubmitWork(WorkBlock work, uint solution) { // Submit this solution to bitcoin string data = work.GetSolutionString(solution); Console.WriteLine("Trying solution: " + data); BitnetClient bc = new BitnetClient("http://" + mURL + ":" + mPort); bc.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(mUser, mPass); bool success = bc.GetWork(data); if (!success) { data = work.GetSolutionString((uint)IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder((int)solution)); success = bc.GetWork(data); } return success; }
public SendMoneyForm(BitnetClient RPC) { InitializeComponent(); this.Bitcoin = RPC; }
BitnetClient getConnection() { BitnetClient bc = new BitnetClient(textBox10.Text); bc.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(getUserName(), getPassword()); return bc; }
void SubmitWork(WorkBlock work) { //string dataStr = HashToString( BitnetClient bc = new BitnetClient(""); bc.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("rpcuser", "rpcpass"); //bc. }
WorkBlock GetWork() { /* HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(""); req.TransferEncoding = ""; req.ServicePoint.UseNagleAlgorithm = false; req.Method = "POST"; req.ContentType = "application/json"; req.Expect = ""; req.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("rpcuser", "rpcpass"); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(req.GetRequestStream()); sw.Write("{\"method\": \"getwork\", \"params\": [], \"id\":0}\r\n"); sw.Close(); HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse(); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.Default); string str = sr.ReadToEnd(); Console.WriteLine(str); WorkBlock work = new WorkBlock(str); sr.Close(); */ BitnetClient bc = new BitnetClient(""); bc.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("rpcuser", "rpcpass"); JObject obj = bc.GetWork(); WorkBlock work = new WorkBlock(obj); return work; }
public AddressBookForm(BitnetClient RPC) { InitializeComponent(); this.Bitcoin = RPC; }
public static void Main(string[] args) { if(args.Length==0) { Console.WriteLine(@"Usage: earlzplorer coin.conf rpcport command Commands: summarizeblocks begin-end summarizeblocktransactions blocknum getblockbynumber blocknum dumpblockswithtx begin-end dumpblockwithtx blocknum richlist [untilblock] richminers [begin-end] (defaults to last 10,000 blocks) note: The best time can be had by redirecting output to a file, and then using a text editor to skim the file "); return; } var config=File.ReadAllLines(args[0]); string username=null; string password=null; int? port=null; foreach(var eachline in config) { var line=eachline; line=line.Trim(); if(line.StartsWith("rpcuser="******"rpcuser="******"rpcpassword="******"rpcpassword="******"rpcport=")) { port=int.Parse(line.Substring("rpcport=".Length)); } } if(!port.HasValue) { port=int.Parse(args[1]); } var bc=new BitnetClient(""+port.Value, username, password); var s=new Summarizer(bc); Range r; int num; switch(args[2]) { case "summarizeblocks": r=ParseRange(args); s.SummarizeBlocks(r.Begin,r.End); break; case "dumpblockswithtx": r=ParseRange(args); s.DumpBlocksWithTx(r.Begin, r.End); break; case "dumpblockwithtx": num=int.Parse(args[3]); s.DumpBlocksWithTx(num, num+1); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Unknown command"); return; } }
public Transaction(BitnetClient RPC, string txid) { this.Bitcoin = RPC; this.Fetch(txid); }
public ConsoleForm(BitnetClient RPC) { InitializeComponent(); this.Bitcoin = RPC; }
void ThreadFunc() { while (true) { try { if (mURL != null && mPort != 0 && mUser != null && mPass != null) { BitnetClient bc = new BitnetClient("http://" + mURL + ":" + mPort); bc.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(mUser, mPass); int blockCount = bc.GetBlockCount(); if (blockCount > mBlockCount) { mBlockCount = blockCount; mNewBlockReady = true; } } } catch (Exception) { } Thread.Sleep(1000 * 10); } }