public VideoSettings() { InitializeComponent(); Video = VideoTemplate.Instance; if (Video.XRes == 640) { V1.Checked = true; } else if (Video.XRes == 320) { V2.Checked = true; } else if (Video.XRes == 160) { V3.Checked = true; } if (Video.LengthWise == 4) { comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0; }else { comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 1; } IDT_KEYINT.Text = Video.KeyFrames.ToString(); IDT_QUANT.Text = Video.Quant.ToString(); }
public FeederTester() { InitializeComponent(); MP = MPTemplate.Instance; Video = VideoTemplate.Instance; Feeder = FeederTemplate.Instance; p = new Pen(Color.Red, 2); RoomImage = new Bitmap(Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) + "\\FeederTester.png"); g = this.CreateGraphics(); this.MouseDown += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.MouseDownHandler); }
public SensorControl() { InitializeComponent(); Video = VideoTemplate.Instance; g = this.CreateGraphics(); for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { ChanSelect.Items.Add("Camera " + i + 1.ToString()); } ChanSelect.SelectedIndex = 0; IDS_CONTRAST.Value = Video.Contrast[Chan]; IDS_BRIGHTNESS.Value = Video.Brightness[Chan]; IDS_HUE.Value = Video.Hue[Chan]; IDS_SATURATION.Value = Video.Saturation[Chan]; IDT_HUE.Text = IDS_HUE.Value.ToString(); IDT_CONTRAST.Text = IDS_CONTRAST.Value.ToString(); IDT_BRIGHTNESS.Text = IDS_BRIGHTNESS.Value.ToString(); IDT_SATURATION.Text = IDS_SATURATION.Value.ToString(); ThreadDisplay = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DisplayThread)); ThreadDisplay.Start(); }
//Form Constructior public MainForm() { //********** INIT VARIABLES **************** InitializeComponent(); //Default code MP = MPTemplate.Instance; //Pull Instance from MP Template - So we only have a single instance in all code Video = VideoTemplate.Instance; //Same for Video Feeder = FeederTemplate.Instance; //Same for Feeders BoxPen = new Pen(Brushes.Black, 4); BioIni = new IniFile(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\BioPacVideo.ini"); //Standard Ini Settings g = this.CreateGraphics(); //Plot window //***************** LOAD SETTINGS ***************** SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true); ReadINI(BioIni); //Read Presets from INI file //Start EEG and Video functions MP.InitializeDisplay(this.Width, this.Height); for (int i = 0; i < VoltageSettings.Length; i++) { if (VoltageSettings[i] < 1000) VoltScale.Items.Add(string.Format("-{0} / {0} mV", VoltageSettings[i])); else VoltScale.Items.Add(string.Format("-{0} / {0} V", VoltageSettings[i] / 1000)); } for (int i = 0; i < DisplayLengthSize.Length; i++) { TimeScale.Items.Add(string.Format("{0} seconds", DisplayLengthSize[i])); } if (!File.Exists(@".\mpdev.dll")) { MessageBox.Show("mpdev.dll not found in " + Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\nBioPac will not connect without this file!", "Missing DLL File", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } else if (MP.Enabled) { MP.isconnected = MP.Connect(); if (!MP.isconnected) { MessageBox.Show("BioPac failed to connect.\nError was " + MPTemplate.MPRET[(int)MP.MPReturn], "BioPac Comnmunication Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { MP.StartRecording(); IDT_BIOPACSTAT.Text = "BioPac Connected"; } IDT_MPLASTMESSAGE.Text = MPTemplate.MPRET[(int)MP.MPReturn]; } Update_FreeSpace(); bioPacEnabledToolStripMenuItem.Checked = MP.Enabled; //Still = new Bitmap("NoSignal.Bmp"); MP.FileCount = 0; RecordingButton.BackColor = Color.Green; Video.initVideo(); Video.FileStart = 0; IDT_DEVICECOUNT.Text = string.Format("Device Count ({0})", Video.Device_Count); IDT_VIDEOSTATUS.Text = Video.GetResText(); Console.WriteLine(Video.GetResText()); if (Video.Enabled & (Video.Res == (AdvantechCodes.tagRes.SUCCEEDED))) { Video.CapSDKStatus = true; } else { Video.Enabled = false; } videoCaptureEnabledToolStripMenuItem.Checked = Video.Enabled; ThreadDisplay = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DisplayThread)); TimerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(TimerCheckThread)); Video.UpdateCameraAssoc(); RunDisplayThread = true; VoltScale.SelectedIndex = Array.IndexOf(VoltageSettings, MP.Voltage); TimeScale.SelectedIndex = Array.IndexOf(DisplayLengthSize, MP.DisplayLength); ThreadDisplay.Start(); TimerThread.Start(); }