News() public method

public News ( String Query, String Options, String Market, String Adult, Double Latitude, Double Longitude, String NewsLocationOverride, String NewsCategory, String NewsSortBy ) : DataServiceQuery
Query String Bing search query Sample Values : xbox
Options String Specifies options for this request for all Sources. Valid values are: DisableLocationDetection, EnableHighlighting. Sample Values : EnableHighlighting
Market String Market. Note: Not all Sources support all markets. Sample Values : en-US
Adult String Adult setting is used for filtering sexually explicit content Sample Values : Moderate
Latitude Double Latitude Sample Values : 47.603450
Longitude Double Longitude Sample Values : -122.329696
NewsLocationOverride String Overrides Bing location detection. This parameter is only applicable in en-US market. Sample Values : US.WA
NewsCategory String The category of news for which to provide results Sample Values : rt_Business
NewsSortBy String The sort order of results returned Sample Values : Date
return DataServiceQuery
        public List<BingResult> GetBingNewsResult(string parameter)
            //const string bingKey = "9F3eqLyfmNP0PInNOmS13FdSlPoajoJqLvrbvndqZFM";
            const string bingKey = "wHln8JsLTWNIEDHZTxU3mTjnIr9T7HCGZPZ86BPYZKg";
            var bing = new BingSearchContainer(
                new Uri(""))
            { Credentials = new NetworkCredential(bingKey, bingKey) };

            var	query = bing.News(parameter, null, "en-US", null, null, null, null, "rt_Business","Date");
            var results = query.Execute();

            List<BingResult> binglist = new List<BingResult> ();
            foreach (var result in results)
                //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (result.Url)) {
                    BingResult bingResult = new BingResult ();
                    bingResult.ID = result.ID;
                    bingResult.Url = result.Url;
                    bingResult.Description = result.Description;
                    bingResult.Date = result.Date;
                    bingResult.Title = result.Title;
                    binglist.Add (bingResult);
            return binglist;
        private static List<NewsResult> GetNewArticles()
            var client = new BingSearchContainer(
              new Uri("")

            client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("accountKey", "5/397uT61db2oYMqva78buLleEq9XbhFhz9iuOX+c5U");
            return client.News("Trump", null, "en-US", "Moderate", null, null, null, null, "Date").Execute().ToList();
    static void updateArticlesForPlayer(string name, string id)
        string topics        = name;
        string playerID      = id;
        int    numOfArticles = 15;

        string[]      topicsArray   = topics.Split('_');
        string        results       = "";
        List <string> resultTitles  = new List <string>();
        List <string> articleBodies = new List <string>();
        List <string> urls          = new List <string>();

            string AccountKey = "W9xfglp9hpPxpxgoSsWqXzu7k6f+bqUA9Z+S7QHwwsg";
            //For each user topic
            foreach (string query in topicsArray)
                // Root URL for bing search API
                string rootUrl = "";
                //Create a Bing Container per API specifications
                var bingContainer = new Bing.BingSearchContainer(new Uri(rootUrl));
                // The market location to use.
                string location = "en-us";
                // Add credentials
                bingContainer.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(AccountKey, AccountKey);
                // Create the search, getting top 5 results.
                var newsQuery =
                    bingContainer.News(query, null, location, null, null, null, null, null, null);
                newsQuery = newsQuery.AddQueryOption("$top", numOfArticles);
                // Execute search.
                var newsResults = newsQuery.Execute();
                //Console.WriteLine("Number of articles: " + newsResults.Count());
                //Add results to list.
                foreach (var result in newsResults)
                    string article = getArticleBody(result.Url);
                    if (!article.Equals("ERROR"))
        //Error running the query.
            results += "Error Processing Request. Please try again";

        Console.WriteLine("Num of articles: {0}", numOfArticles);
        Console.WriteLine("Num of article bodies: {0}", articleBodies.Count);

        //Gets the unique words from each of the titles and stores them in a list
        //Also get number of words in each title
        List <string> words = new List <string>();

        int[] numOfWords = new int[numOfArticles];
        for (int i = 0; i < numOfArticles; i++)
            string[] sArray = articleBodies[i].Split(' ');
            numOfWords[i] = sArray.Length;
            foreach (string s2 in sArray)
                if (!words.Contains(s2))

        //Stores the frequency of the occurences of each word
        int[,] frequencyArray = new int[numOfArticles, words.Count];
        Array.Clear(frequencyArray, 0, frequencyArray.Length);

        for (int i = 0; i < numOfArticles; i++)
            string[] sArray = articleBodies[i].Split(' ');
            foreach (string s2 in sArray)
                //Location of the word in the array of words
                int j = words.IndexOf(s2);
                frequencyArray[i, j]++;

        //Normalized Frequency Array
        double[,] nFrequencyArray = new double[numOfArticles, words.Count];
        for (int i = 0; i < numOfArticles; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < words.Count; j++)
                nFrequencyArray[i, j] = ((double)frequencyArray[i, j]) / ((double)numOfWords[i]);

        //Inverse Document Frequency
        double[] idf = new double[words.Count];
        for (int i = 0; i < words.Count; i++)
            //How many documents the current word appears in
            int appearances = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < numOfArticles; j++)
                if (frequencyArray[j, i] > 0)

            idf[i] = (double)(1 + Math.Log((double)numOfArticles / (double)appearances));

        double[,] tfIDF = new double[numOfArticles, words.Count];
        for (int i = 0; i < numOfArticles; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < words.Count; j++)
                tfIDF[i, j] = idf[j] * nFrequencyArray[i, j];
                //Console.WriteLine(tfIDF[i, j]);

        //The location in the title list of each chosen article. The first one is always 0.
        int[] selectedArticles = { -1, -1, -1, -1 };

        //Calculate cosine similarity between all articles, to see which ones are the least similar
        //int leastSimilarArticle = 0;
        //double smallestAngle = 1;
        double[,] cosineArray = new double[numOfArticles, numOfArticles];
        for (int k = 0; k < numOfArticles; k++)
            for (int i = 0; i < numOfArticles; i++)
                double dotProduct = 0;
                double length1    = 0;
                double length2    = 0;

                for (int j = 0; j < words.Count; j++)
                    dotProduct += (tfIDF[k, j] * tfIDF[i, j]);
                    length1    += Math.Pow(tfIDF[k, j], 2);
                    length2    += Math.Pow(tfIDF[i, j], 2);

                double cosine = dotProduct / (Math.Pow(length1, .5) * Math.Pow(length2, .5));
                cosineArray[k, i] = Math.Round(cosine, 6);

        //Print out cosine array
        System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter("C:\\Users\\Sumbhav\\Documents\\Thesis\\cosine.txt");
        for (int i = 0; i < numOfArticles; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < numOfArticles; j++)
                file.Write(cosineArray[j, i].ToString("0.000000") + "\t\t\t");



        //Get the average similarity of each article to the other articles
        double[] averageSimilarity = new double[numOfArticles];
        Array.Clear(averageSimilarity, 0, averageSimilarity.Length);

        for (int i = 0; i < numOfArticles; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < numOfArticles; j++)
                averageSimilarity[i] += cosineArray[j, i];

            averageSimilarity[i] /= numOfArticles;

        //Find the mean and standard deviation of the average similarities
        double mean  = averageSimilarity.Average();
        double stDev = StandardDeviation(averageSimilarity);

        //Current selected article
        int selectedArticle = -1;

        //Find and select the articles with a similarity score closest to -2, -1, 0, and 1 standard deviation(s) from the mean
        for (int i = -2; i <= 1; i++)
            double compareValue = mean + i * stDev;
            //Distance between the compare value and the similarity score of the article being examined
            double distance = 1.0;
            for (int j = 0; j < numOfArticles; j++)
                if (Math.Abs(averageSimilarity[j] - compareValue) < distance)
                    distance        = Math.Abs(averageSimilarity[j] - compareValue);
                    selectedArticle = j;

            //Add selected article to final selection of articles
            selectedArticles[i + 2] = selectedArticle;


        foreach (int i in selectedArticles)
            file.WriteLine(urls[i] + "\n");


        foreach (string s in resultTitles)

        //MySql connection set up
        MySqlConnectionStringBuilder conn_string = new MySqlConnectionStringBuilder();

        conn_string.Server   = "";
        conn_string.UserID   = "cheetobuv10";
        conn_string.Password = "******";
        conn_string.Database = "NBAbase";
        MySqlConnection l_DBConn = new MySqlConnection();

        l_DBConn.ConnectionString = conn_string.ToString();

        //Open connection to DB (already open based on where it's being called)

        //Add articles to database
        MySqlCommand command;

        for (int i = 0; i < selectedArticles.Length; i++)
            command             = l_DBConn.CreateCommand();
            command.Connection  = l_DBConn;
            command.CommandText = "replace into Articles SET playerID='" + playerID + "', articleNumber=" + (i + 1) + ", url='" + urls[selectedArticles[i]] + "', title='" + resultTitles[selectedArticles[i]] + "'";

        //Close connection to DB
        Console.WriteLine("Database updated with articles");

        public List<NewsResult> Query(string company)
            string market = "en-us";
            string options = null;
            string adult = null;
            double? lat = null;
            double? lon = null;
            string newLocation = null;
            string newsCategory = "rt_Business";
            string sortBy = "Date";

            Container = new BingSearchContainer(new Uri(rootUrl));
            Container.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(accountKey, accountKey);

            var query = Container.News(company, options, market, adult, lat, lon, newLocation, newsCategory, sortBy);

            List<NewsResult> totalSearchList = new List<NewsResult>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                int skip = totalSearchList.Count();
                var offsetQuery = query.AddQueryOption("$skip", skip.ToString());
                var result = offsetQuery.Execute().ToList();

            return totalSearchList;