Example #1
 /// <summary>
 ///		Initializes a new instance of this class and associates it with the
 ///		given pak file.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="file">Pak file to associate this resource with.</param>
 /// <param name="url">Url of resource contained in this resource.</param>
 /// <param name="offset">Offset of this resource's data in the pak file.</param>
 /// <param name="size">Size of this resource in the pak file.</param>
 public PakResource(PakFile file, object url, int offset, int size)
     _pakFile        = file;
     _resourceOffset = offset;
     _resourceSize   = size;
     _resourceUrl    = url;
 /// <summary>
 ///		Initializes a new instance of this class and associates it with the 
 ///		given pak file.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="file">Pak file to associate this resource with.</param>
 /// <param name="url">Url of resource contained in this resource.</param>
 /// <param name="offset">Offset of this resource's data in the pak file.</param>
 /// <param name="size">Size of this resource in the pak file.</param>
 public PakResource(PakFile file, object url, int offset, int size)
     _pakFile = file;
     _resourceOffset = offset;
     _resourceSize = size;
     _resourceUrl = url;
 /// <summary>
 ///		Registers a pak file to this resource manager so resource can 
 ///		be extracted from it. 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="file">Pak file to register.</param>
 public static void RegisterPakFile(PakFile file)
 /// <summary>
 ///		Unregisters a pak file from this resource manager.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="file">Pak file to unregister.</param>
 public static void UnregisterPakFile(PakFile file)
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        ///		Called by the base engine class when its safe to begin initialization.
        /// </summary>
        protected override bool Begin()
            Runtime.Debug.DebugLogger.WriteLog("Entered begin function", LogAlertLevel.Warning);
            // Create the fusion fuction set.
            new FusionFunctionSet();
            new NetworkFunctionSet();

            // Bind all function sets to the global virtual machine.

            // Grab some config out of the games config file.
            ASCIIEncoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding();
            _currentPassword = _engineConfigFile["account:password", ""];
            _currentUsername = _engineConfigFile["account:username", ""];

            // Make sure we have a game we can run.
            if (_gameName != "")
                // Create the loading window thread.
                _loading = true;
                new Thread(LoadingWindowThread).Start();

                NetworkManager.IsServer = _isServer;

                if (_isServer == false)
                    // Setup graphics window.
                    // Setup graphics window. We are only actually doing this so the graphics and audio drivers have something to bind to.
                    // Notice that we are hiding it as soon as its made.

                    // Setup server window.
                    _serverWindow = new ServerWindow();
                    _serverWindow.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(OnClosing);

                    // Setup server.
                    if (NetworkManager.Start() == false)
                        throw new Exception("An error occured while attempting to setup network.");

                // Create some hooks into network events.
                NetworkManager.ClientConnected += new ClientConnectedEventHandler(ClientConnected);
                NetworkManager.ClientDisconnected += new ClientDisconnectedEventHandler(ClientDisconnected);
                NetworkManager.Disconnected += new DisconnectedEventHandler(Disconnected);
                NetworkManager.PacketRecieved += new PacketRecievedEventHandler(PacketRecieved);

                // If pak files are being used then load all of them in and register
                // them with the resource manager
                if (_usePakFiles == true)
                    ResourceManager.UsePakFiles = true;
                    DebugLogger.WriteLog("Looking for resources in pak files...");
                    foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(Environment.CurrentDirectory))
                        if (file.ToLower().EndsWith(".pk") == true)
                            DebugLogger.WriteLog("Looking for resources in \"" + Path.GetFileName(file) + "\"...");
                            PakFile pakFile = new PakFile(file);

                // Load in the default tileset if it exists and add it to the tileset list.
                if (ResourceManager.ResourceExists(_tilesetPath + "\\default.xml") == true)
                    DebugLogger.WriteLog("Found default tileset, loading...");
                    Tileset.AddToTilesetPool(new Tileset(_tilesetPath + "\\default.xml"));

                // Load in the default font if it exists.
                if (ResourceManager.ResourceExists(_fontPath + "\\default.xml") == true)
                    DebugLogger.WriteLog("Found default bitmap font, loading...");
                    GraphicsManager.DefaultBitmapFont = new BitmapFont(_fontPath + "\\default.xml");

                // Load in the required language pack.
                string languageFile = _languagePath + "\\" + _language + ".xml";
                if (ResourceManager.ResourceExists(languageFile) == true)
                    DebugLogger.WriteLog("Loading language pack for language " + _language + ".");
                    LanguageManager.LoadLanguagePack(_languagePath + "\\" + _language + ".xml", _language);
                   DebugLogger.WriteLog("Unable to find language pack for language " + _language + ".", LogAlertLevel.Error);

                // Register the console commands, incase we turn the console on later.
                new StatisticalConsoleCommands();
                new FusionConsoleCommands();
                new MapConsoleCommands();
                new SystemConsoleCommands();

                // Register all the command sets with the console.

                // Shall we setup the graphical console?
                if (_showConsole == true && _isServer == false)
                    // Enable the graphical console.
                    GraphicalConsole.Enabled = true;

                // Check if the start script exists.
                if (ResourceManager.ResourceExists(_startScript) == true)
                    // It does, w00t, lets create an execution process for it then.
                    _gameScriptProcess = new ScriptExecutionProcess(_startScript);
                    if (_gameScriptProcess.Process != null)
                        _gameScriptProcess.Priority = 1000000; // Always runs first, otherwise all hell breaks loose with the OnCreate events.
                        _gameScriptProcess.IsPersistent = true;
                        _gameScriptProcess.Process.OnStateChange += this.OnStateChange;

                        OnStateChange(_gameScriptProcess.Process, _gameScriptProcess.Process.State);

                // Pump out a GameBegin event.
                EventManager.FireEvent(new Event("game_begin", this, null));

                // Close the loading window.
                _loading = false;

                // Show the game window.
                if (_isServer == false)

            // Nope? Ok show the games explorer.
                _explorerWindow = new GamesExplorerWindow();
                _explorerWindow.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(OnClosing);

            return false;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Used as the entry point for the installation thread.
        /// </summary>
        private void InstallGameThread()
            // Dump it to a file.
            Stream stream = StreamFactory.RequestStream(Fusion.GlobalInstance.DownloadPath + "\\" + _gameDescription.Name + ".pk", StreamMode.Truncate);
            stream.Write(_downloader.FileData, 0, _downloader.FileData.Length);

            // Load the pak file.
            PakFile pakFile = new PakFile(Fusion.GlobalInstance.DownloadPath + "\\" + _gameDescription.Name + ".pk");

            // Create a folder to dump the files into.
            string gameFolder = Fusion.GlobalInstance.BasePath + "\\" + _gameDescription.Name;
            if (!Directory.Exists(gameFolder))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(Fusion.GlobalInstance.BasePath + "\\" + _gameDescription.Name);

            // Output to the correct folder.
            foreach (PakResource resource in pakFile.Resources)
                if (!Directory.Exists(gameFolder + "\\" + Path.GetDirectoryName(resource.URL as string)))
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(gameFolder + "\\" + Path.GetDirectoryName(resource.URL as string));

                Runtime.Debug.DebugLogger.WriteLog("Unpacking \""+(resource.URL as string)+"\"...");

                Stream resourceStream = resource.RequestResourceStream();
                Stream resourceFileStream = StreamFactory.RequestStream(gameFolder + "\\" + resource.URL, StreamMode.Truncate);

                byte[] data = new byte[resourceStream.Length];
                resourceStream.Read(data, 0, (int)resourceStream.Length);
                resourceFileStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);


            _installGameThread = null;
Example #7
 /// <summary>
 ///		Unregisters a pak file from this resource manager.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="file">Pak file to unregister.</param>
 public static void UnregisterPakFile(PakFile file)
Example #8
 /// <summary>
 ///		Registers a pak file to this resource manager so resource can
 ///		be extracted from it.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="file">Pak file to register.</param>
 public static void RegisterPakFile(PakFile file)
        /// <summary>
        ///		Adds the file at a given url to the currently compiling pak file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">Url of file to add to pak file.</param>
        /// <param name="locator">Path that should be used by the pak file to locate the paked file in future.</param>
        private void PakFile(string path, string locator)
            // Create a pak resource to represent this file and add it to the pak file.
            PakResource resource = new PakResource(_pakFile, locator, 0, 0);

            // Load the files data into a memory stream and attach it to the resource.
            Stream stream = StreamFactory.RequestStream(path, StreamMode.Open);

            // If the size of the data is over the maximum pak size then
            // create a new one.
            if (_pakFileMaximumSize != 0 && _pakFileSize + stream.Length > ((_pakFileMaximumSize * 1024) * 1024) && _pakFile.Resources.Count > 1)

                // Find a new pak file we can create without overwriting anything, and save to it.
                string filePath = _buildDirectory + "\\" + _pakFilePrefix.Replace("#", _pakFileIndex.ToString()) + ".pk";
                int fileIndex = 0;
                while (File.Exists(filePath) == true)
                    filePath = _buildDirectory + "\\" + _pakFilePrefix.Replace("#", _pakFileIndex.ToString()) + (fileIndex++) + ".pk";
                _pakFileSize = 0;

                // Create a new pak file to put the rest of the resources into.
                _pakFile = new PakFile();

            resource.DataStream = stream;
            _pakFileSize += (int)stream.Length;
        /// <summary>
        ///		Used as an entry point for the project building thread.
        /// </summary>
        private void BuildProjectThread()
            // Work out script compiling options
            _compileFlags = _compileInDebugMode == true ? CompileFlags.Debug : 0;
            if (_treatMessagesAsErrors) _compileFlags |= CompileFlags.TreatMessagesAsErrors;
            if (_treatWarningsAsErrors) _compileFlags |= CompileFlags.TreatWarningsAsErrors;

            // Split up the script defines string.
            string[] defines = _scriptDefines.Split(new char[1] { ',' });
            _scriptDefineList = new Define[defines.Length + 1];
            for (int i = 0; i < defines.Length; i++)
                if (defines[i].IndexOf('=') >= 0)
                    string[] splitList = defines[i].Split(new char[1] { '=' });
                    _scriptDefineList[i] = new Define(splitList[0], splitList[1], TokenID.TypeIdentifier);
                    _scriptDefineList[i] = new Define(defines[i], "", TokenID.TypeIdentifier);
            _scriptDefineList[_scriptDefineList.Length - 1] = new Define(_compileInDebugMode ? "__DEBUG__" : "__RELEASE__", "", TokenID.TypeBoolean);

            // Set the include path list to include the script library path.
            _scriptIncludePathList = new string[] { Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\" + Editor.GlobalInstance.ScriptLibraryPath, Editor.GlobalInstance.GlobalScriptLibraryPath };

            // Work out a directory that we can build to.
            _buildBasePath = _buildDirectory;
            _buildDirectory = _buildBasePath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month + "-" + DateTime.Now.Year + " " + DateTime.Now.Hour + "-" + DateTime.Now.Minute+"-"+DateTime.Now.Second;
            int buildIndex = 2;

            if (Directory.Exists(_buildBasePath) == false)

            while (Directory.Exists(_buildDirectory) == true)
                _buildDirectory = _buildBasePath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month + "-" + DateTime.Now.Year + " " + DateTime.Now.Hour + "-" + DateTime.Now.Minute +"-"+ DateTime.Now.Second + (buildIndex++).ToString().PadLeft(4, '0');

            // Create the build directory.

            // Open the game configuration file, change the pak file settings and save it into
            // the new build folder.
            XmlConfigFile configFile = new XmlConfigFile(Editor.GlobalInstance.GameName + ".xml");
            configFile.SetSetting("path:resources:usepakfiles", _compilePakFiles == true || _buildStandAlone == true ? "1" : "0");
            if (_buildStandAlone == false)
                configFile.Save(_buildDirectory + "\\" + Editor.GlobalInstance.GameName + ".xml");

            // Copy the configuration directory into the build directory.
            //IOMethods.CopyDirectory(Editor.GlobalInstance.ConfigPath, _buildDirectory + "\\" + Editor.GlobalInstance.ConfigPath);

            // Copy the language directory into the build directory.
            //IOMethods.CopyDirectory(Editor.GlobalInstance.LanguagePath, _buildDirectory + "\\" + Editor.GlobalInstance.LanguagePath);

            // Copy the saves file if we have been told to.
            if (_copySaves == true && Directory.GetFiles(Editor.GlobalInstance.SavePath).Length != 0)
                IOMethods.CopyDirectory(Editor.GlobalInstance.SavePath, _buildDirectory + "\\" + Editor.GlobalInstance.SavePath);

            // Create a plugins folder.
            //IOMethods.CopyDirectory(Editor.GlobalInstance.GamePluginPath, _buildDirectory + "\\" + Editor.GlobalInstance.GamePluginPath);

            // Copy the icon.
            if (_buildStandAlone == false && File.Exists(Editor.GlobalInstance.GamePath + "\\icon.ico"))
                File.Copy(Editor.GlobalInstance.GamePath + "\\icon.ico", _buildDirectory + "\\icon.ico");

            // Compile the pak files or copy the media directory if we are not using pak files.
            if (_buildStandAlone == true)
                _taskProgress = 0;
                _task = "Packing files";

                // Work out the game ID code.
                long gameIDCode = DateTime.Now.Ticks ^ (long)configFile["title", "engine"].GetHashCode();

                // Create the pak file to save resources to.
                _pakFile = new PakFile();
                _pakFileIndex = 0;
                _pakFileSize = 0;
                _pakFileMaximumSize = 0;

                // Compile the media directory to the pak file.

                // Work out game files that we need.
                ArrayList gameFiles = new ArrayList();
                gameFiles.Add(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "fusion.exe");
                gameFiles.Add(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "graphics.dll");
                gameFiles.Add(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "runtime.dll");
                gameFiles.Add(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "input.dll");
                gameFiles.Add(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "audio.dll");
                gameFiles.Add(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "engine.dll");

                // Copy plugins.
                string[] requiredPlugins = Editor.GlobalInstance.GameConfigFile.GetSettings("requirements");
                if (requiredPlugins != null)
                    foreach (string requirement in requiredPlugins)
                        string[] pathSplit = requirement.Split(new char[] { ':' });
                        string name = pathSplit[pathSplit.Length - 1];
                        string value = Editor.GlobalInstance.GameConfigFile[requirement, ""];
                        switch (name.ToLower())
                            case "plugin":
                                if (File.Exists(Editor.GlobalInstance.PluginPath + "\\" + value))
                                    //if (Directory.Exists(_buildDirectory + "\\" + Editor.GlobalInstance.PluginPath) == false)
                                    //    Directory.CreateDirectory(_buildDirectory + "\\" + Editor.GlobalInstance.PluginPath);
                                    //File.Copy(Editor.GlobalInstance.PluginPath + "\\" + value, _buildDirectory + "\\" + Editor.GlobalInstance.PluginPath + value);
                                    gameFiles.Add(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + Editor.GlobalInstance.PluginPath + "\\" + value);

                // Copy all!
                    if (Directory.Exists(Editor.GlobalInstance.PluginPath))
                        foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(Editor.GlobalInstance.PluginPath))
                            if (Path.GetExtension(file).ToLower() != ".dll") continue;

                    // Game plugins as well.
                    // TODO

                _taskProgress = 50;
                _task = "Building executable";

                // Create the sub that we are going to add the files into.
                string stubFile = _buildDirectory + "\\" + string.Join("", configFile["title", "engine"].Split(new char[] { '\\', '/', ':', '*', '?', '"', '<', '>', '|' }, StringSplitOptions.None)) + ".exe";
                File.Copy(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "Stand Alone Stub.exe", stubFile);

                // Open up the stub.
                Stream stubStream = StreamFactory.RequestStream(stubFile, StreamMode.Append);
                BinaryWriter stubWriter = new BinaryWriter(stubStream);

                // Grab the offset.
                long offset = stubStream.Position;
                stubWriter.Write(gameFiles.Count + 3);
                foreach (string gameFilePath in gameFiles)
                    Stream fileStream = null;
                    fileStream = StreamFactory.RequestStream(gameFilePath, StreamMode.Open);
                    if (fileStream == null)
                        string tmpFile = Path.GetTempFileName();
                        File.Copy(gameFilePath, tmpFile);
                        fileStream = StreamFactory.RequestStream(tmpFile, StreamMode.Open);
                    byte[] buffer = new byte[fileStream.Length];
                    fileStream.Read(buffer, 0, (int)fileStream.Length);

                    string url = gameFilePath;
                    if (url.ToLower().StartsWith(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.ToLower()))
                        url = url.Substring(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.Length);

                    stubWriter.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);


                // Write the pak file into a memory stream.
                MemoryStream engineMemStream = new MemoryStream();
                BinaryWriter engineMemWriter = new BinaryWriter(engineMemStream);

                XmlConfigFile engineConfigFile = new XmlConfigFile(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "fusion.xml");
                engineConfigFile.SetSetting("standalone", _buildStandAlone == true ? "1" : "0");


                // Write the game config file.

                // Write the pak file into a memory stream.
                MemoryStream gameMemStream = new MemoryStream();
                BinaryWriter gameMemWriter = new BinaryWriter(gameMemStream);

                // Write the game config file.

                // Write the pak file into a memory stream.
                MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream();
                BinaryWriter memWriter = new BinaryWriter(memStream);

                // Write in the pak file.

                // Write in the offset footer

                // Write the data into the stub.
                if (_compilePakFiles == true)
                    _taskProgress = 0;
                    _task = "Compiling pak files";

                    // Create the pak file to save resources to.
                    _pakFile = new PakFile();
                    _pakFileIndex = 0;
                    _pakFileSize = 0;

                    // Compile the media directory to the pak file.

                    // Save the pak file to the hard drive.
                    if (_pakFile.Resources.Count != 0)
                        string filePath = _buildDirectory + "\\" + _pakFilePrefix.Replace("#", _pakFileIndex.ToString()) + ".pk";
                        int index = 0;
                        while (File.Exists(filePath) == true)
                            filePath = _buildDirectory + "\\" + _pakFilePrefix.Replace("#", _pakFileIndex.ToString()) + (index++) + ".pk";
                    _taskProgress = 0;
                    _task = "Copying media";
                    CopyDirectoryWithProgress(Editor.GlobalInstance.MediaPath, _buildDirectory + "\\" + Editor.GlobalInstance.MediaPath);
                    CopyDirectoryWithProgress(Editor.GlobalInstance.ConfigPath, _buildDirectory + "\\" + Editor.GlobalInstance.ConfigPath);
                    CopyDirectoryWithProgress(Editor.GlobalInstance.LanguagePath, _buildDirectory + "\\" + Editor.GlobalInstance.LanguagePath);

                // If we are building an FGE distrubutable file then copy the icon file and copile all to pak file.
                if (_buildFGE)
                    _taskProgress = 0;
                    _task = "Compiling FGE files";

                    // Create the pak file to save resources to.
                    _pakFile = new PakFile();
                    _pakFileIndex = 0;
                    _pakFileSize = 0;
                    _pakFileMaximumSize = 0;

                    // Pak the build directory.
                    string oldDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();


                    // Save the pak file.
                    _pakFile.Save(Editor.GlobalInstance.GameName + ".pk");


                    // Delete folder.
                    if (_copySaves == true && Directory.GetFiles(Editor.GlobalInstance.SavePath).Length != 0)
                        Directory.Delete(_buildDirectory + "\\" + Editor.GlobalInstance.SavePath);

                    // Delete all files and folders.
                    File.Delete(_buildDirectory + "\\" + Editor.GlobalInstance.GameName + ".xml");
                    if (Directory.Exists(_buildDirectory + "\\" + Editor.GlobalInstance.MediaPath))
                        Directory.Delete(_buildDirectory + "\\" + Editor.GlobalInstance.MediaPath, true);
                    if (Directory.Exists(_buildDirectory + "\\" + Editor.GlobalInstance.ConfigPath))
                        Directory.Delete(_buildDirectory + "\\" + Editor.GlobalInstance.ConfigPath, true);
                    if (Directory.Exists(_buildDirectory + "\\" + Editor.GlobalInstance.LanguagePath))
                        Directory.Delete(_buildDirectory + "\\" + Editor.GlobalInstance.LanguagePath, true);
        /// <summary>
        ///		Updates all the software owned by this user and out of date.
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdateSoftware()
            if (Updater.GlobalInstance.CreateUpdate == false) // Install an update.
                // Load the pak file.
                PakFile pakFile = new PakFile(Updater.GlobalInstance.UpdateFile);

                // Output to the correct folder.
                int resourceIndex = 0;
                foreach (PakResource resource in pakFile.Resources)
                    if (Path.GetDirectoryName(resource.URL as string) != "" && !Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(resource.URL as string)))
                        Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(resource.URL as string));

                    installLabel.Text = "Unpacking \"" + (resource.URL as string) + "\"...";
                    installProgressBar.Value = (int)((100.0f / pakFile.Resources.Count) * resourceIndex);

                    Stream resourceStream = resource.RequestResourceStream();
                    if (File.Exists(resource.URL as string) == false) File.Create(resource.URL as string);
                    Stream resourceFileStream = new FileStream(resource.URL as string, FileMode.Truncate, FileAccess.Write);

                    byte[] data = new byte[resourceStream.Length];
                    resourceStream.Read(data, 0, (int)resourceStream.Length);
                    resourceFileStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);


                // We're done, so allow the user to quit.
                installLabel.Text = "Installation complete";
                stepNameLabel.Text = "Updated";
                stepDescriptionLabel.Text = "The Fusion Game Engine has been updated.";
                finishButton.Enabled = true;
            else // Create an update.
                // Tell the we are creating one!.
                installLabel.Text = "Creating update";
                stepNameLabel.Text = "Creating Update";
                stepDescriptionLabel.Text = "A new update file for the Fusion engine is being built.";

                // Create a pak file to put everything into.
                _pakFile = new PakFile();

                // Add the system files.
                if (Updater.GlobalInstance.BuildSDK == true) PakFile("Editor.exe");
                if (Updater.GlobalInstance.BuildSDK == true) PakFile("Stand Alone Stub.exe");

                // Pak the plugin folder.
                string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(Updater.GlobalInstance.EngineConfigFile["paths:pluginpath", ""], "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++)

                // Update status.
                installLabel.Text = "Saving update";
                installProgressBar.Value = 50;

                // Save update.

            // We be done!
            installProgressBar.Value = 100;
            installLabel.Text = "Completed";
            finishButton.Enabled = true;