public override void Update(GameTime gameTime, World world, Player player) { if (frame_cooldown > 0) { frame_cooldown -= 1; } if (player.Hurtbox.Intersects(Hurtbox)) { if (player.Velocity.Y > 1) // player rifght above ruche falling { if (frame_cooldown == 0) { frame_cooldown = 10; } if (frame_cooldown > 6) { player.Velocity.Y *= 0.7f; } if (frame_cooldown == 6) { player.Velocity.Y = -12; player.CurrentState = Player.PlayerState.jump; SoundEffectPlayer.Play(jump); } } } else if (player.Hurtbox.Intersects(Hurtbox)) { player.Bump(this); } if (frame_cooldown > 6) { CurrentSprite = ruche2; } else if (frame_cooldown > 0) { CurrentSprite = ruche3; if (bee_count > 0) { bee_count -= 1; Bee b = new Bee(FeetPosition + new Vector2(-direction * 50, 0), new Vector2(-direction * r.Next(14, 25), r.Next(-2, 3))); // use (r.Next(0,2) * 2 - 1) to random -1 or 1 // b.Velocity = new Vector2(-10, 0); world.NewStuff.Add(b); } } else { CurrentSprite = ruche1; } base.Update(gameTime, world, player); }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to run logic such as updating the world, /// checking for collisions, gathering input, and playing audio. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param> protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { #if DEBUG KeyboardState ks = Keyboard.GetState(); if (ks.IsKeyDown(Keys.D)) { CameraDestination.X += 8; } if (ks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Q)) { CameraDestination.X -= 8; } if (ks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Z)) { CameraDestination.Y -= 8; } if (ks.IsKeyDown(Keys.S)) { CameraDestination.Y += 8; } if (ks.IsKeyDown(Keys.NumPad9)) { Zoom *= 1.05f; } if (ks.IsKeyDown(Keys.NumPad8)) { Zoom *= 0.95f; } #endif if (!world.Bounds.Contains(ViewRectangle)) // camera oob { CameraPosition = world.Bounds.Location.ToVector2(); ViewRectangle.Location = world.Bounds.Location; CameraDestination = CameraPosition; } //else if (player.Hurtbox.Center.X > ViewRectangle.Center.X && player.PlayerDirection == 1) { MoveCamera(new Vector2(10, 0)); Console.WriteLine("move camera to the right"); } else if (player.Hurtbox.Center.X < ViewRectangle.Center.X && player.PlayerDirection == -1) { MoveCamera(new Vector2(-10, 0)); Console.WriteLine("move camera to the left"); } if (player.Hurtbox.Center.Y < ViewRectangle.Center.Y - 100) { MoveCamera(new Vector2(0, -10)); Console.WriteLine("move camera up"); } else if (player.Hurtbox.Center.Y > ViewRectangle.Center.Y + 100) { MoveCamera(new Vector2(0, 10)); Console.WriteLine("move camera down"); } CameraPosition = CameraPosition * 0.5f + CameraDestination * 0.5f; Camera = Matrix.CreateScale(Zoom) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(Zoom * (-CameraPosition.X), Zoom * (-CameraPosition.Y), 0);; ViewRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 1280, 720); ViewRectangle.Location = Vector2.Transform(ViewRectangle.Location.ToVector2(), Matrix.Invert(Camera)).ToPoint(); ViewRectangle.Size = (ViewRectangle.Size.ToVector2() * 1 / Zoom).ToPoint(); //ViewRectangle.Inflate(-128 * 1/Zoom, -72 * 1/Zoom); player.Update(gameTime, world, player); world.Update(gameTime, player); Input.Update(Keyboard.GetState()); SoundEffectPlayer.Update(); if (world.levelIndex == 8) { Exit(); } base.Update(gameTime); }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime, World world, Player player) { = world; KeyboardState KbState = Keyboard.GetState(); if (PreviousState == CurrentState) { state_frames += 1; } else { state_frames = 0; } PreviousState = CurrentState; switch (CurrentState) { case PlayerState.idle: /*if (KbState.IsKeyDown(Input.Left) && KbState.IsKeyUp(Input.Right)) * { * if (Velocity.X > -MaxSpeed) * ApplyForce(new Vector2(-2f, 0)); * CurrentState = PlayerState.walk; * } else if (KbState.IsKeyDown(Input.Right)) * { * if (Velocity.X < MaxSpeed) * ApplyForce(new Vector2(2f, 0)); * CurrentState = PlayerState.walk; * }*/ if (!IsOnGround(world)) { CurrentState = PlayerState.jump; } else if (Input.direction != 0) { CurrentState = PlayerState.walk; } else if (KbState.IsKeyDown(Input.Jump)) { ApplyForce(new Vector2(0, -15f)); SoundEffectPlayer.Play(jump, 1f, 0f); if (Input.direction != 0) { PlayerDirection = Input.direction; } CurrentState = PlayerState.jump; } break; case PlayerState.walk: if (KbState.IsKeyDown(Input.Jump)) { // Velocity = 0; if (Input.direction != 0) { PlayerDirection = Input.direction; } ApplyForce(new Vector2(0, -15f)); SoundEffectPlayer.Play(jump, 1f, 0f); CurrentState = PlayerState.jump; } else if (!IsOnGround(world)) { CurrentState = PlayerState.jump; } else if (Input.direction != 0) // player is inputing a direction (either left or right) { PlayerDirection = Input.direction; if (Math.Sign(Velocity.X) * Math.Sign(Input.direction) >= 0) // if inputed direction is the same as current movement direction { if (Velocity.X * Velocity.X < MaxSpeed * MaxSpeed) // if norm of velocity below max speed { ApplyForce(new Vector2(Input.direction * 5f, 0)); } } else // if player is inputing the direction against the current movement (brake) { ApplyForce(new Vector2(Input.direction * 5f, 0)); } } else { CurrentState = PlayerState.idle; } break; case PlayerState.jump: if (Velocity.Y < 0 && Velocity.X != 0) { PlayerDirection = Math.Sign(Velocity.X); // raising } if (KbState.IsKeyDown(Input.Jump) && !prevKbState.IsKeyDown(Input.Jump)) { Velocity.Y = 0; //if (Input.direction == 0) SoundEffectPlayer.Play(jump, 1f, 0.5f); ApplyForce(new Vector2(0, -15)); //else //{ // PlayerDirection = Input.direction; // ApplyForce(new Vector2(Input.direction * 50, -8)); // } CurrentState = PlayerState.doublejump; } else if (Input.direction != 0) // player is inputing a direction (either left or right) { if ((Velocity.X + Input.direction) * Math.Sign(Velocity.X) <= MaxSpeed) { ApplyForce(new Vector2(Input.direction * 5f, 0)); } } if (IsOnGround(world)) { CurrentState = PlayerState.idle; } break; case (PlayerState.doublejump): { if (Velocity.Y < 0 && Velocity.X != 0) { PlayerDirection = Math.Sign(Velocity.X); // raising } if (IsOnGround(world)) { CurrentState = PlayerState.idle; } else if (Input.direction != 0) // player is inputing a direction (either left or right) { if ((Velocity.X + Input.direction) * Math.Sign(Velocity.X) <= MaxSpeed) { ApplyForce(new Vector2(Input.direction * 5f, 0)); } } break; } case (PlayerState.flip): { if (CurrentSprite.isOver && state_frames > 200) { world.NextLevel(this); //do something like next level; CurrentState = PlayerState.idle; } break; } } // // SPRITE DETERMINATION // PreviousSprite = CurrentSprite; switch (CurrentState) { case (PlayerState.idle): { if (Velocity.X * Velocity.X < 1) { CurrentSprite = idle; } else { CurrentSprite = brake; } break; } case (PlayerState.walk): { CurrentSprite = run; break; } case (PlayerState.jump): { if (Velocity.Y < -1) { CurrentSprite = rise; } else if (Velocity.Y > 1) { CurrentSprite = fall; } else { CurrentSprite = top; } break; } case (PlayerState.doublejump): { if (Velocity.Y < 3) { CurrentSprite = roll; } else { CurrentSprite = fall; } break; } case (PlayerState.flip): { CurrentSprite = flip; break; } } /*if (Input.double_tap_waiting && IsOnGround(world) && CurrentSprite != slug_walk) * { * CurrentSprite = slug_charge_attack; * PlayerDirection = Input.direction; * }*/ if (CurrentSprite != PreviousSprite) { CurrentSprite.ResetAnimation(); //Console.WriteLine("Switched to sprite " + CurrentSprite.Texture.Name); } CurrentSprite.direction = PlayerDirection; CurrentSprite.UpdateFrame(gameTime); foreach (PhysicalObject o in world.Stuff) { if (o is Bee b) { b.AttractFromPlayer(this); if (Hurtbox.Intersects(b.Hurtbox)) { //Console.WriteLine("collision between bee and player"); world.RemovedStuff.Add(b); SoundEffectPlayer.Play(bee_collected, 0.08f, (float)(r.NextDouble() * 0.2)); } } // do something; } prevKbState = KbState; base.Update(gameTime, world, this); }