public ActionResult ForgotPassword(string forgottenPasswordEmailAddress, string returnurl) { //if there isnt a hidden on the page - in this case we always know the return url so dont need one if (returnurl == null || returnurl.IsBlank()) { returnurl = "Security/Login"; } PersonList people = Models.PersonList.LoadByEmail(forgottenPasswordEmailAddress); if (people.Count > 1) { Web.ErrorMessage = "Sorry there are multiple users with this email address, therefore we are unable to automatically change your password, please contact the administrator."; return(Redirect(Web.Root + "Security/Login?mode=norem")); } Security s = new Security(); if (s.IsPasswordReminderPossible) { s.SendPasswordReminder(forgottenPasswordEmailAddress, returnurl); } else { s.SendPasswordReset(forgottenPasswordEmailAddress, "security/ChangePassword"); } //if (s.IsSuccess) { // Web.InfoMessage = "The password reset email has been sent to your email. Please check your email and follow the link."; //} else { Web.InfoMessage = s.ResultMessage; //} return(Redirect(Web.Root + "Security/Login")); }
public void RemoteTwitchLogin(Security s, string username, ref string pCode) { if (username.ToLower().EndsWith("")) { var remoteLogin = "******"; var isRemoteLoginOnline = false; try { var twitchKey = Util.GetSetting("TwitchKey", "dsigbsd9uFSdsg897gasiu%%$#*gas79%*gakisfaf"); remoteLogin = Http.Get("" + Crypto.Encrypt(username, twitchKey) + "&EncPassword="******"&EncRemembered=" + Crypto.Encrypt(Crypto.Decrypt(pCode), twitchKey)); isRemoteLoginOnline = true; } catch { } var localPerson = new ActiveRecord(Security.PersonTableName, Security.PersonTableName + "ID"); var personExists = localPerson.LoadData(new Sql("where Email = ", username.SqlizeText())); // If twitch is online and rejects the user login, then setup to fail the login if (isRemoteLoginOnline && remoteLogin == "Failed") { pCode = "invalid user " + Crypto.Random(); s.ResultMessage = "Invalid Twitch login"; if (personExists) { localPerson["IsActive"].ValueObject = false; localPerson.Save(); } } if (remoteLogin != "Failed") { if (!personExists) { localPerson["FirstName"].ValueObject = remoteLogin.Split("|")[0]; localPerson["LastName"].ValueObject = remoteLogin.Split("|")[1] + "*"; localPerson["Email"].ValueObject = username; localPerson["Role"].ValueObject = "administrators,superadmins,developers"; localPerson["Password"].ValueObject = Security.CreateSecuredPassword(RandomPassword.Generate(5, 7)); localPerson["IsActive"].ValueObject = true; localPerson.Save(); s.ResultMessage = "Logged in via Twitch"; } else { // log user in with existing account localPerson["IsActive"].ValueObject = true; localPerson.Save(); s.ResultMessage = "Logged in via Twitch, using local person"; } pCode = Security.DecryptPassword(localPerson["Password"].ToString()); } } }
public ActionResult Login(string t, string u) { if (t.IsNotBlank() && u.IsNotBlank()) { bool isImpersonateOk = Crypto.CheckMinuteCypher(t, 1); if (!isImpersonateOk) { Web.ErrorMessage = "Impersonating failed"; return(Redirect(Web.Root)); } int id = Crypto.DecryptID(u); Person p = Person.LoadByPersonID(id); if (p != null) { Web.Session.Add("Impersonating", true); //string passwordToken = "|" + "|" + "|" + "|"; string password = Crypto.Decrypt(p.Password); return(LoginSubmit(p.Email, password, true)); } else { Web.ErrorMessage = "Impersonating failed"; return(Redirect(Web.Root)); } } var data = new LoginFormViewData(); TrackingBreadcrumb.Current.AddBreadcrumb(1, "Login"); // save the lastUrl - for login redirect later //if (Request.UrlReferrer != null && !Request.UrlReferrer.AbsoluteUri.ContainsInsensitive("security/login")) { // Session["LastUrl"] = Request.UrlReferrer.AbsoluteUri; //} else { // Session["LastUrl"] = "~/admin/"; //} if (!Request["ReturnUrl"].ContainsInsensitive("loginsubmit")) // this will prevent login submit not found after first login fails(i.e. using the wrong username and password) JC 20140427 { Session["LastUrl"] = Request["ReturnUrl"]; } if (Session["LastUrl"] + "" == "") { if (EnableMemberLogin) { Session["LastUrl"] = MemberWelcomeUrl; // you can change this to the default URL people go to after logging in - eg Members Section - this applies when browsing directly to login page } else { Session["LastUrl"] = Web.AdminRoot; // by default, we go to admin menu after logging in } } // if logged in AND we have a ReturnUrl in the querystring, the person must not be authorised for that page - hopefully this assumption is always correct if (Security.IsLoggedIn && Request["ReturnUrl"].IsNotBlank()) { ModelState.AddModelError("Login", "Sorry, your user name doesn't have permission to access that area."); } // get the remembered values var s = new Beweb.Security(); s.GetRemembered(); data.Username = s.RememberedUser; data.ForgottenPasswordEmailAddress = s.RememberedUser; data.RememberPwd = s.IsRemembered; data.PCode = s.RememberedPassword; // if cookied this will be an encrypted version if (s.IsRemembered && AutologinSkipLoginScreen && ModelState.Count == 0) { if (Request["logout"] == "1") { // user has just chosen to log out, so they will want to log in with a different user or at least not auto-login again Security.ClearSecurityCookies(); data.Username = ""; data.PCode = ""; data.RememberPwd = false; Web.InfoMessage = "Your login details have been removed from this computer."; } else { return(LoginSubmit(data.Username, data.PCode, true)); } } else if (EnableSavvySingleSignOn && ModelState.Count == 0 && s.CheckSavvySingleSignOn()) { // single sign in Savvy Classic ASP to Savvy MVC .Net return(LoginSubmit(s.RememberedUser, s.RememberedPassword, true)); } return(ReturnLoginView(data)); }
public ActionResult SSODotNet() { // to use this call: // sso_classic.asp?ssoDotNet=Utils%2fsso_dotnet.aspx&success=PartSale.aspx&fail=login.asp // params: // success: page to redirect to if cookie is there and GUID matches, i.e. successful sso. Remember to UrlEncode this value ESPECIALLY if it contains query string stuff // fail: fail page string AdminId = String.Empty; //if(Beweb.Util.ServerIs() == "DEV") //{ // // don't bother checking - auto log in for dev // //AdminId = Request.QueryString["administratorId"]; // 161 for matt // AdminId = Beweb.BewebData.GetValue( // "SELECT AdministratorID FROM Administrator WHERE Email=@Email", // new Parameter("Email", TypeCode.String, "matt"), // BewebData.GetConnectionString("ExtranetConnectionString")); //} //else //{ if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["sso"])) { return(RedirectFail()); } string ssoGuid = Request.QueryString["sso"]; // output.Text += String.Format("<br /><br />[{0}]", ssoGuid); // check the database for the ssoGuid - make sure it was just set (with some leeway) AdminId = BewebData.GetValue( "SELECT AdministratorId FROM Administrator WHERE SsoGuid=@SsoGuid AND SsoSetTime>DATEADD(minute, -2, GETDATE())", new Parameter("SsoGuid", TypeCode.String, ssoGuid), BewebData.GetConnectionString("ExtranetConnectionString")); //} if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(AdminId)) { return(RedirectFail()); } string securityRoles = BewebData.GetValue(new Sql("select role from Administrator WHERE AdministratorID=", AdminId.SqlizeNumber()), BewebData.GetConnectionString("ExtranetConnectionString")); string name = BewebData.GetValue(new Sql().AddRawSqlString("select firstname+' ' +lastname as name from Administrator").Add(" WHERE AdministratorID=", AdminId.SqlizeNumber()), BewebData.GetConnectionString("ExtranetConnectionString")); //FormsAuthentication.Initialize(); //FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(AdminId, "sha1"); //// Create a new ticket used for authentication //FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket( // 1, // Ticket version // AdminId, // Username to be associated with this ticket // DateTime.Now, // Date/time issued // DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(60), // Date/time for login to expire (web.config setting is ignored) // true, // "true" for a persistent user cookie (could be a checkbox on form) // securityRoles, // User-data (the roles from this user record in our database) // FormsAuthentication.FormsCookiePath); // Path cookie is valid for //// Hash the cookie for transport over the wire //string hash = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(ticket); //HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, hash); //Response.Cookies.Add(cookie); Security.SetSecurityCookies(name, false, AdminId); Security.CreateAuthCookie(securityRoles, AdminId); //UserSession.Person = Models.Person.LoadID(); //var login = new Security().Login(AdminId); //Security.LoggedInUserID = AdminId //UserSession.Person = Models.Person.LoadID(AdminId.ToIntOrDie()); return(RedirectSuccess()); }