Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Read data from HiTechnic compass sensor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sensor">Sensor to read from.</param>
        /// <param name="angle">The magnetic heading, [0, 359] degrees.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns <b>true</b> if the command was sent successfully and reply was
        /// received, otherwise <b>false</b>.</returns>
        /// <remarks><para>The method retrieves the angle of a <a href="http://www.hitechnic.com/products/">
        /// HiTechnic compass sensor</a> by
        /// communicating with I2C device (writing to and reading from low speed bus).
        /// The method first sends { 0x02, 0x42 } command to the specified device using
        /// <see cref="LsWrite( Sensor, byte[], int )"/> method. Then it waits until there is something available
        /// to read using <see cref="LsGetStatus"/> method. Finally it reads sensor's value
        /// using <see cref="LsRead"/> device. See
        /// <a href="http://hsrc.static.net/Research/NXT%20I2C%20Communication/">this page</a>
        /// for details.</para>
        /// <para><note>Before using this method it is required to use
        /// <see cref="SetSensorMode( Sensor, SensorType, SensorMode, bool )"/> method to set sensor's type to
        /// <see cref="SensorType.Lowspeed"/> mode. It should be done
        /// once after NXT brick is powered on. If sensor's type is not set properly,
        /// the method will generate an exception. Also after setting sensor's
        /// type application may need to wait a bit to give device some time
        /// to initialize.</note></para>
        /// <para><note>The HiTechnic compass sensor will only operate correctly in a horizontal plane so you must keep the compass
        /// level for it to read correctly. This is very important so remember this when you build it into your robot.
        /// It is highly desirable to mount the compass at least 6 inches (15cm) away from the motors and 4 inches (10cm) away from the NXT brick
        /// itself. Try to make sure it is firmly mounted, if it bounces around, the readings may bounce around too.
        /// </note></para>
        /// <para><note>NXT Firmware version 1.03 must be loaded in the NXT for the compass to operate correctly. You can check the firmware version
        /// using the <see cref="GetVersion"/> method.</note></para>
        /// </remarks>
        public bool ReadHiTechnicCompassSensor( NXTBrick.Sensor sensor, ref int angle )
            byte[] command = { 0x02, 0x42 };
            byte[] readBuffer = new byte[2];

            int bytesReady;
            int bytesRead;

            LsWrite( sensor, command, readBuffer.Length );
            LsGetStatus( sensor, out bytesReady );
            LsRead( sensor, readBuffer, out bytesRead );

            if ( bytesRead == readBuffer.Length )
                angle = ( readBuffer[0] * 2 ) + readBuffer[1];
                return true;

            return false;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Read data from HiTechnic acceleration/tilt sensor. The HiTechnic accelerometer/tilt sensor measures acceleration in 
        /// three axes. It measures also tilt along each axis. Using the sensor, you can measure the acceleration of your robot in the range
        /// of -2g to 2g.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sensor">Sensor to read from.</param>
        /// <param name="xAceeleration">Acceleration in X direction, with a scaling of approximately 200 counts per g.</param>
        /// <param name="yAceeleration">Acceleration in Y direction, with a scaling of approximately 200 counts per g.</param>
        /// <param name="zAceeleration">Acceleration in Z direction, with a scaling of approximately 200 counts per g.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns <b>true</b> if the command was sent successfully and reply was
        /// received, otherwise <b>false</b>.</returns>
        /// <remarks><para>The method retrieves the acceleration in three directions of a
        /// <a href="http://www.hitechnic.com/products/"> HiTechnic acceleration/tilt sensor</a> by
        /// communicating with I2C device (writing to and reading from low speed bus).
        /// The method first sends { 0x02, 0x42 } command to the specified device using
        /// <see cref="LsWrite( Sensor, byte[], int )"/> method. Then it waits until there is something available
        /// to read using <see cref="LsGetStatus"/> method. Finally it reads sensor's value
        /// using <see cref="LsRead"/> device. See
        /// <a href="http://hsrc.static.net/Research/NXT%20I2C%20Communication/">this page</a>
        /// for details.</para>
        /// <para><note>Before using this method it is required to use
        /// <see cref="SetSensorMode( Sensor, SensorType, SensorMode, bool )"/> method to set sensor's type to
        /// <see cref="SensorType.Lowspeed"/> mode. It should be done
        /// once after NXT brick is powered onq If sensor's type is not set properly,
        /// the method will generate an exception. Also after setting sensor's
        /// type application may need to wait a bit to give device some time
        /// to initialize.</note></para>
        /// <para>The acceleration sensor can also be used to measure tilt in three axes This is possible because gravity is perceived
        /// as acceleration. When the sensor is stationary and in the normal horizontal position, the x and y axis will be near 
        /// zero, because they are horizontal, while the z axis will be near 200, which represents g. If you tilt the sensor then 
        /// gravity will also be detected on the other axis and the value for the z axis will go down. Since gravity is distributed
        /// among the three component vectors, the tilt of the sensor can be determined.</para>
        /// <para><note>NXT Firmware version 1.05 or later must be loaded in the NXT for the acceleration/tilt sensor and other digital I2C
        /// sensors to operate correctly. You can check the firmware version using the <see cref="GetVersion"/> method.</note></para>
        /// </remarks>
        public bool ReadHiTechnicAccelerationTiltSensor( NXTBrick.Sensor sensor, ref int xAceeleration, ref int yAceeleration, ref int zAceeleration )
            byte[] command = { 0x02, 0x42 };
            byte[] readBuffer = new byte[6];

            int intReady;
            int bytesRead;

            LsWrite( sensor, command, readBuffer.Length );
            LsGetStatus( sensor, out intReady );
            LsRead( sensor, readBuffer, out bytesRead );

            if ( bytesRead == readBuffer.Length )
                xAceeleration = readBuffer[0] > 127 ? ( readBuffer[0] - 256 ) * 4 + readBuffer[3] : readBuffer[0] * 4 + readBuffer[3];
                yAceeleration = readBuffer[1] > 127 ? ( readBuffer[1] - 256 ) * 4 + readBuffer[4] : readBuffer[1] * 4 + readBuffer[4];
                zAceeleration = readBuffer[2] > 127 ? ( readBuffer[2] - 256 ) * 4 + readBuffer[5] : readBuffer[2] * 4 + readBuffer[5];

                return true;

            return false;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Read data from HiTechnic color sensor (also color sensor v2).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sensor">Sensor to read from.</param>
        /// <param name="colorNumber"><a href="http://www.hitechnic.com/contents/media/Color%20Number.jpg">Found color number.</a></param>
        /// <param name="redValue">Found red value.</param>
        /// <param name="greenValue">Found green value.</param>
        /// <param name="blueValue">Found blue value.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns <b>true</b> if the command was sent successfully and reply was
        /// received, otherwise <b>false</b>.</returns>
        /// <remarks><para>The method retrieves the color valuse of a <a href="http://www.hitechnic.com/products/">HiTechnic color sensor</a>
        /// by communicating with I2C device (writing to and reading from low speed bus).
        /// The method first sends { 0x02, 0x42 } command to the specified device using
        /// <see cref="LsWrite( Sensor, byte[], int )"/> method. Then it waits until there is something available
        /// to read using <see cref="LsGetStatus"/> method. Finally it reads sensor's value
        /// using <see cref="LsRead"/> device. See
        /// <a href="http://hsrc.static.net/Research/NXT%20I2C%20Communication/">this page</a>
        /// for details.</para>
        /// <para><note>Before using this method it is required to use
        /// <see cref="SetSensorMode( Sensor, SensorType, SensorMode, bool )"/> method to set sensor's type to
        /// <see cref="SensorType.Lowspeed"/> mode. It should be done
        /// once after NXT brick is powered on. If sensor's type is not set properly,
        /// the method will generate an exception. Also after setting sensor's
        /// type application may need to wait a bit to give device some time
        /// to initialize.</note></para>
        /// <para><note>NXT Firmware version 1.24 must be loaded in the NXT for the HiTechnic color sensor to operate correctly.
        /// You can check the firmware version using the <see cref="GetVersion"/> method.</note></para>
        /// <para><note>The color sensor V2 must be configured to match the mains electricity frequency for your
        /// country. Details on how to configure the Color Sensor V2 can be found at
        /// <a href="http://www.hitechnic.com/colorsensor"></a></note></para>
        /// </remarks>
        public bool ReadHiTechnicColorSensor( NXTBrick.Sensor sensor, ref int colorNumber, ref int redValue, ref int greenValue, ref int blueValue )
            byte[] command = { 0x02, 0x42 };
            byte[] readBuffer = new byte[4];

            int bytesReady;
            int bytesRead;

            LsWrite( sensor, command, readBuffer.Length );
            LsGetStatus( sensor, out bytesReady );
            LsRead( sensor, readBuffer, out bytesRead );

            if ( bytesRead == readBuffer.Length )
                colorNumber = readBuffer[0];
                redValue    = readBuffer[1];
                greenValue  = readBuffer[2];
                blueValue   = readBuffer[3];
                return true;

            return false;